Anyone else ticked about losing golden epic rewards?
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
I find myself unmotivated to climb the ladder now that they have done away with earning a golden epic card for making rank 5 or higher. It really was one of the highlights of playing this game...
No more waiting until the end of the month to see which one I get, scrolling through the options and crossing my fingers. It really made my day to obtain a card that was special because very few people would have one.
just wanted to throw this out there and see if anyone else is forlorn over the loss of these. Surprisingly I’ve never seen any reaction on any forum. Is there any chance they could come back?
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I find myself unmotivated to climb the ladder now that they have done away with earning a golden epic card for making rank 5 or higher. It really was one of the highlights of playing this game...
No more waiting until the end of the month to see which one I get, scrolling through the options and crossing my fingers. It really made my day to obtain a card that was special because very few people would have one.
just wanted to throw this out there and see if anyone else is forlorn over the loss of these. Surprisingly I’ve never seen any reaction on any forum. Is there any chance they could come back?
The Only Constructed Deck Worth Playing:
If you want golden cards you can craft them.
Or if you want them randomly, you can buy packs.
Current non-golden rewards are much better in practice, since they give you more cards, enlarging your collection faster and improving the overall quality of your playtime - which is way better for beginners, F2P or small P2W.
I actually never understood why they should give golden cards for monthly rewards.
4 packs + 6 rares + 1 epic is better than previous rewards
I like the rewards now. More value. The 4 packs also gives you a chance to roll for epics.
In the last system for me, the gold epic just means 400 dust.
I hated the previous rewards. I always dust my golden cards, so every month was the same 500 dust reward. Which is fine, but incredibly boring. Packs are a lot better because you get more playable cards.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
No one huh. Where my whales at?
The Only Constructed Deck Worth Playing:
I do love golden cards, but i also think that the current reward system is better overall, sorry :)
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Golden cards are great and all, but most players dont need golden cards they just need cards to play with.
So substituting 1 golden epic, 2 commons and a rare with 5 packs and a bunch of rare cards. Yeah that works out fine for most of us. Especially since the packs can sometimes net you a legendary, or more than 1 epic.
Also, let's not forget that the vast majority of players dont get that far to receive that gilded golden epic card.
I'm torn on this because while on one hand, the new system is strictly better in terms of value, but on the other hand I don't like crafting golden cards but love the animations. I'm in an awkward boat where I'm not a whale, but have been playing for so long that I can afford pretty much any cards I would want to craft. Its the type of thing where I miss it, but the current system is going to be better pretty much every time.
Cardboard wizard and dog haver.
If you're a whale, then you shouldn't have any issues crafting goldens. New reward system is way better than the old.
Golden cards are great for flexing and sometimes when the Golden cards are getting nerfed it's really nice, but yeah, I'd rather the Rares and that one Epic and the packs. It just feels a lot more satisfying, even if you're mostly complete in terms of your collection like me.
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More to come soon, maybe?
I noticed that all the rares I got this month were cards that I had golden copies of, but not yet two regular copies. Which allowed me to disenchant the golden ones for extra dust.
Note that I have two copies of every Standard rare currently. Did the same thing happen to other players in the same situation?
Yeah, I´ve noticed it too. When I happen to have one normal rare and one golden of the same card, I get the second normal from rewards now. Seems intended.
♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022
None of you understand the love between a man and his golden epic. What a sad world we are living in!!
The Only Constructed Deck Worth Playing:
I could care less for golden cards, prefer the new rewards much more.
The new reward system is better though they could still throw in a golden card here and there. Even if it's just a golden rare or common
I like the new one better. There are too many unplayable bad epic cards, so the chances of getting a shiny golden meta card to put into a deck was low.
I'm in the process of trying to get all my Warlock cards in gold. While getting a free golden epic each month was awesome, not knowing which class for which it would means that I would rather have quantity that could still populate a golden card or two.