New Neutral Minion - Cult Neophyte
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Rare Neutral Minion, Cult Neophyte, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Neutral Minion, Cult Neophyte, has been revealed!
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Baby loatheb is probably a lot worse, just because it doesn't deny spells in the early game in the same way. Because turn 5 is the turn on which aggro decks often win or lose based on board wipes, loatheb is usually not at a bad place in terms of cost, even though it is a 5 mana 5/5.
This is a bloodfen raptor in most cases, but interesting enough that I could very well be very wrong.
This post is discussing the wild format.
You won't see this card played in decks, loatheb is great because it locks out a turn.. this mighj give you a game from time to time but you don't know generally and it's too prediction based such cards rarely see play.
5/5 in arena, decent stats and maybe disruption.
Considering this card has good aggresive stats, AND this is going to be a spell based expansion, i'm sure this will see play in every aggro deck. Every aggro deck LOVES the ability to stall out a board clear by one turn. After all that one turn can be enough to get lethal. This will see so much play, and this card is actually really good in Corrupt the Waters Shaman, because it's a battlecry.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
A cure little spell-tech card, but idk if it will see play. The number of decks it counters is questionable and the effect isn't nearly as debilitating as Loatheb.
Basically a neutral Doomed Apprentice that only lasts one turn, but it looks like it cold be useful as another counter against those spell-heave decks like res priests and mages.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
It looks good, but will probably be left out due to lack of impact. I could be wrong though.
I guess you could delay a pyroblast or something, but it seems kinda weak compared to other spell increasing cards however since spell burst is a thing this might be pretty good.
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
A weak and very niche tech card. I can't see this make the cut in standard.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
I mean, we did this before, but this time it has vanilla stats and it doesn't need to stick around. Could see this being played in very tempo-heavy decks that just want to create any sort of advantage (and delaying any removal or card draw or whatever can be huge).
Imagine playing against Druid and coining this to prevent them from Dragon's Breath on turn 2. Suddenly their curve got messed up and they operate from behind (if ever so slightly) while you ploppe down a decent minion.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Not great.
It's better than Doomed Apprentice, but that's not saying much.
Doomed Apprentice is the obvious card to compare this to, and I don't think the difference in mana cost will make it any better.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I missed you Loatheb. With this you can delay Secret Mage for 1 more turn or that Wild Vortex Mage or cheap AOE Warlock for a turn.
I think this is meant to mostly be a tech card to prevent the spellburst on the following turn for your opponent. But it is really meh.
This card seems low key powerful. For just 2 mana and a not understatted minion you scramble your opponents ability to respond to your board, etc. Just one mana can make a huge difference. Doomed Apprentice never saw play because it cost 3 mana. This is very playable.
This card has premium stats for a 2-drop, is neutral and can potentially disrupt your opponent's next turn. Yeah, this card is an instant two-of in any aggro deck and probably an auto-include in Highlander decks as well. It's easy tempo that costs you nothing to run.
I think we will see this card a lot more than some people think. Aggro has very little reason to not run this.
Or we won't see it at all.
-Grade A quality review that said literally nothing.
There you said something important, aggro decks could run this to mess up their opponents removal. If that doesn't work, this is just a filler
Sadly, tech card never see play. But could see play in some crazy-quest-combo-shaman-decks.
Its actually deceptively powerful in my opinion. Basically blocks some common tempo spells like Backstab or Seal Fate. Against druids, its just game ending. The 1 additional mana makes lots of difference in a tempo style game like hearthstone.
A reasonably good tech card that can be a staple in aggro decks. Not too bad really.
Seems like a good card for an aggro deck in a metagame with at least one prominent control deck, as it can defend against early game AOE like Breath of the Infinite and help you snowball your board. But in a metagame with mostly midrange and aggro decks, I don't think you pick this.
I can see this being played in the current DH aggro decks, or any decks that can create a quick board at the beginning of the game.
Needs a very specific metagame to matter where spells at particular breakpoints matter. But is obviously good if that metagame exists.
I feel like this card could have a home in zoo if the discard minions weren't so powerful.
one of zoo's biggest enemies was board removal, and locking blizzard or flamestrike on curve would have been sick in the WoTOG days
Nice tool, well balanced. Good pick in arena in my opinion, but I can't see where you fit this in constructed.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Good arena card, not very impressive otherwise. Not even close to Loatheb's impact.
While not amazing, it does help delay spell based answers to your board, which can be game winning, as we've seen with Loatheb.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
it also saw no play because it needed to stick on the board to matter. If your opponent just trades into it then it did nothing.
This will always apply and guarantee to mess up your opponent's next turn unless they didn't plan to play any spells (which can be played around)
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Always loved Loatheb! I welcome and approved of its mini-re-introduction in standard
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Mini-Loatheb, not nearly as powerful, but a decent turn 2 play.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
The fact that this is a Battlecry may make this viable, if anything strong, especially against decks that run cheap spells (looking at you Rogue and Mage). I'm sorry did you want to cast Ray of Frost? It's gonna cost you...
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.
I like this card a lot, not sure if it will be used as broadly, but it just might. An aggressive stat-line is what aggro deck wants from a 2-drop and ability that might disrupt your opponent's plans on top is a pretty good deal. This can actually accelerate your early tempo going 1st even more, since you will basically deny the use of The Coin to your opponent in the next turn.
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I like this card. It's not too op, but I can see it in an aggressive / heavy-tempo deck. This creature can be really strong until round 4-5 and indicate some ie (for example)
Effect is nice, but surely not worthy enough. See you in arena..??
Really not that good, since the 1 mana will barely make a difference
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
"Someday you'll be just like her"?
Amazing in Shudder decks
Mmmmm want to see this triumph but not sure it will
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Aggro decks will probably use this to delay Holy Nova and others.
Doesn't seem too strong of a tech card for now atleast.
Meeeeh, seems realy bad
really nice stats for the cost and the effect only has benefits, i can see it being nerfed
All hail the banshee queen.
Stats are good, but the effect probably isn't enough for this to see play. Unless there is some combo deck that relies on spells.
Arena stuff, too dull for standard.
Because this was one of the first cards released, I was shocked and thought this would be a star card. After seeing the rest of the cards, I now know that this is likely going to be pretty average for the set, but it is probably going to find its way into some kind of list in standard.
Maybe battlecry Shaman uses this?
Nice combo breaker.
Baby Loatheb has a lot to learn from the real one. The main problem with Cult Neophyte is that the 1 cost increase on the spells rarely matters, as Loatheb often outright prevented a lot of spells from being played and that's the main reason why he was, and still is, an impactful legendary. Cult Neophyte doesn't come close to that level of lockout/prevention, and there are better minions to play on turn 2.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Potential to delay some combos, surprisingly decent in quest shaman but not sure if that incites play for it.
This will see little to no play. It's a weak disruption tool at the very best, and while the stats are theoretically nice for the cost, the effect is so niche and targeted that the actual body doesn't really factor into the equation much, if at all. With Loatheb, you can be sure you're fucking over someone's turn - this you need to be far more calculated with.
Welcome to the site!
You will not cast a spell!
Unfortunately, this will not see play except possibly in Arena.
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
Just a fair minion that cannot see play in constructed.
By The Holy Light!
Good stats and effect for a 2 cost minion
Mini Loatheb! Not bad, but increasing by 1 mana next turn isn't that great. Especially compared to Loatheb.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
least this card is a buff to Ceremonial Maul!
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Doubt it'll see much use, as an extra mana on spells is disruptive but not game breaking. Better options to fill the slot, in my opinion.