This is a very solid control card, 6 mana 3/3, destroy a minion and either heal for 2 or deal 2 to face and draw. Keli'dan the Breaker showed us how solid 6 mana 3/3 destroy a minion is.
Is it a random minion or one of your choosing is my only question, this card is going to be in every warlock deck.
One of your choosing, there is no "random" in the card text, so it shouldnt be even a question :) The battlecry is basically either going to be active or not depending if your hero's Health changed this turn or not.
I really like life manipulation mechanic on this set, this is a very good removal tool
Ugh... with Darkglare or Renew this makes a really good play in standard right now..
Really clever design imo, overall solid card
Fairly easy to activate, powerful effect. Vilespine Slayer anyone?
Yet another shadow word 4 for priest...
This is a very solid control card, 6 mana 3/3, destroy a minion and either heal for 2 or deal 2 to face and draw. Keli'dan the Breaker showed us how solid 6 mana 3/3 destroy a minion is.
Is it a random minion or one of your choosing is my only question, this card is going to be in every warlock deck.
One of your choosing, there is no "random" in the card text, so it shouldnt be even a question :) The battlecry is basically either going to be active or not depending if your hero's Health changed this turn or not.