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Topic Replies Views Last Post
Knights of the Frozen Throne Frostmourne's deathrattle effect doesn't work.
Posted by on 09/12/2019
0 1425
0w0 *notices your thread*
Posted by on 08/20/2019
0 4175
Command & Conquer Zero Hour
Posted by on 09/12/2019
0 1047
Question About 'Pro Decks'
Posted by on 09/12/2019
0 1118
Saviors of Uldum Secret Warrior Nerf?
Posted by on 09/10/2019 in Hearthstone General
0 6538
Resolved Accidentally deleted a post
Posted by on 09/06/2019
0 1575
Saviors of Uldum Sinister History
Posted by on 09/11/2019
0 2057
Saviors of Uldum Burning Sails
Posted by on 09/11/2019
0 1979
do you guys sometimes play a worse version of a deck, just to fit the theme?
Posted by on 09/07/2019
0 3756
Six of each
Posted by on 09/10/2019
0 1452
Dalaran Heist - "Yoink!" Hero Power doesn't work anymore
Posted by on 09/10/2019
0 1484
Out of Cards Changelog - 2019-09-08
Posted by on 09/08/2019
0 3166
March of the Legion [Booster Expansion]
Posted by on 09/10/2019
0 1956
Out of Cards Changelog - 2019-09-09
Posted by on 09/10/2019
0 2338
What are the strongest decks in wild?
Posted by on 09/08/2019 in Hearthstone General
0 3407
Rastakhan's Rumble Missing Related Cards
Posted by on 09/09/2019
0 2623
Favorite deck list
Posted by on 09/09/2019
0 865
Class specialization idea
Posted by on 09/08/2019
0 1460
Resolved Card subtypes in the search Engine
Posted by on 08/20/2019
0 1271
Feature Request Make it possible to instantly open the last page in a thread
Posted by on 08/08/2019 in Site Feedback & Ideas
0 2145
Bug Upvote/Downvote Problem
Posted by on 09/09/2019
0 2057
Rastakhan's Rumble Don't think I'll be making the leader board with this pack - Pack Opening Bug
Posted by on 09/09/2019
0 1110
Resolved Can you add in the search engine of decks the text box "Contains"?
Posted by on 06/20/2019
0 1335
Resolved Report feature?
Posted by on 06/29/2019 in Site Feedback & Ideas
0 1194
Resolved [OOC-89] Golden Card Thumbnail
Posted by on 06/29/2019
0 1138