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Search returned 10353 results.

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Resolved Deck Building WTB Mechanic Filter
Posted by on 07/21/2019
0 1260
Resolved Card Pack Opener
Posted by on 07/27/2019
0 1238
Resolved A Report Button
Posted by on 08/08/2019
0 4490
Balanced Alternate Hero Power Card Idea
Posted by on 09/07/2019 in Hearthstone General
0 2903
Collectible hero powers, a simple idea to add more depth to the game?
Posted by on 09/07/2019
0 2063
Secret Burn Mage
Posted by on 09/07/2019 in Wild
0 3309
Saviors of Uldum New Priest Minion - Psychopomp
Posted by on 07/13/2019 in Card Discussion
0 6319
Resolved Changing Thread Title?
Posted by on 08/16/2019
0 1046
Resolved Getting Started Achievement
Posted by on 08/28/2019
0 1272
Jade Shudderwock Shaman, but it's a deck on an account I haven't played on since Karazham
Posted by on 07/15/2019 in Deck Building
0 2340
Too many friends notice?
Posted by on 09/06/2019
0 1028
Phantom Militia Nerf Suggestion
Posted by on 05/28/2019 in Nerf a Hearthstone Card
16 5022
PopeNeia's Avatar
5 years ago
Saviors of Uldum Highlander mage with TTK finish -what do you think?
Posted by on 08/31/2019
0 1586
One Night in Karazhan Barnes is a Poopy Head
Posted by on 06/01/2019 in Nerf a Hearthstone Card
28 6156
juda's Avatar
5 years ago
Arcane fletcher BUFF suggestion
Posted by on 06/07/2019 in Nerf a Hearthstone Card
10 2841
Draakmier's Avatar
5 years ago
The Boomsday Project Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
Posted by on 06/05/2019 in Nerf a Hearthstone Card
15 3619
Draakmier's Avatar
5 years ago
Resurrect & Eternal Servitude
Posted by on 06/16/2019 in Nerf a Hearthstone Card
7 2615
Draakmier's Avatar
5 years ago
Reworking the resurrection mechanic might be the only way to actually solve the Big Priest issue
Posted by on 07/10/2019 in Nerf a Hearthstone Card
30 8242
Draakmier's Avatar
5 years ago
Rise of Shadows Conjurer's Braindead Calling
Posted by on 06/25/2019 in Nerf a Hearthstone Card
23 7127
Draakmier's Avatar
5 years ago
How many actual Game Designers visit this forum?
Posted by on 08/13/2019 in General Chat
0 3202
Just Ignore Me, Just Achievement Hunting.
Posted by on 09/06/2019 in General Chat
0 688
Feature Request Hide signatures
Posted by on 07/02/2019 in Site Feedback & Ideas
0 1770
Six Formats Hearthstone Could Easily Have
Posted by on 08/28/2019
0 5769
Tavern Brawl
Posted by on 09/05/2019 in Hearthstone General
0 2821
Resolved No such thing as C'thun Shaman?
Posted by on 09/04/2019
0 1650