Recent Forum Threads

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Topic Replies Views Last Post
Saviors of Uldum Brann Bronzebeard + Wretched Reclaimer interaction
Posted by on 09/01/2019
0 1471
Saviors of Uldum What is a Highlander deck?
Posted by on 09/01/2019
0 2360
Cards that could be added to the classic set
Posted by on 09/01/2019
0 2175
The Call of Cho'gall!
Posted by on 08/30/2019
0 3478
Feature Request Need an anchor to the last page of a thread
Posted by on 08/31/2019
0 1279
Saviors of Uldum Any recommendations as to how I could improve my deck?
Posted by on 08/31/2019
0 951
are these legendaries good?
Posted by on 08/30/2019
0 6285
Favorite Old God?
Posted by on 08/29/2019 in Card Discussion
0 2894
Saviors of Uldum Anka'thun (Rogue) - feedback welcomed
Posted by on 08/31/2019
0 1205
Handbuff Paladin - Feedback appreciated
Posted by on 08/29/2019
0 2012
Best Standard Highlander Build
Posted by on 08/28/2019 in Deck Building
0 3091
"Random" Matchmaking between ranks
Posted by on 08/26/2019
0 2812
Do you like the way "story" is created for hearthstone?
Posted by on 08/30/2019
0 2692
Classic WoW is out! Get HYPED!
Posted by on 08/26/2019
0 4405
Your dumbest arena decks!
Posted by on 08/29/2019
0 1762
Saviors of Uldum New Mage Minion - Tortollan Pilgrim
Posted by on 07/23/2019
0 2640
Crafting Advice
Posted by on 08/30/2019
0 1369
Saviors of Uldum Summoning Highkeeper Ra with EVERY Class!
Posted by on 08/28/2019 in Hearthstone General
0 2937
Saviors of Uldum 80 g quests Trading Thread - Scammer detected?
Posted by on 08/29/2019
0 1147
Saviors of Uldum New Mage Spell - Ancient Mysteries
Posted by on 07/31/2019
0 2813
Saviors of Uldum Finally did it boys! 10 King Krush
Posted by on 08/29/2019
0 1000
MTGA - Find a Duel Partner Thread
Posted by on 08/29/2019
0 1357
Why was Aggro Priest nerfed so fast compared to pretty much all other aggro decks?
Posted by on 08/26/2019
0 7009
Conjurer's Calling in Even Mage is pretty fun!
Posted by on 08/27/2019
0 3055
Should The Darkness have a Tribe tag?
Posted by on 08/29/2019
0 2014