Attempt-At-Hero-Power-Reno-Mage-Possibly-A-Pile Reno Mage

Last updated 3 years ago by
  • Casual

Notes for further testing/thought process while making.

Not sure if Bran is too greedy or if Ice walker, or Varden Dawngrasp, actually, but new card. Lots of bounce effects. Important to note is Tortollan (which is why the small number of spells). Jaina probably frankly doesn't make the cut but I love her ;;

Coldarra Drake and Fallen Hero were originally in but didn't make the cut eventually - not sure how good Reckless apprentice is - or if it's too optimistic with the last two cuts. idk difaohsdlk hrm. Maybe Fallen Hero over Icewalker? No clue. Or cut something else. Loatheb should be in there but not sure what to cut:

possible cuts:
- Varden (v much a playtest thing first - might be good against aggro - frost nova +1 with a body but not a spell. also NB representation!)
- Barista (v much a testing thing first)
- DQ Alex(? back to 0 cost dragons, despite what Out of Cards preview says, but doesn't generate self anymore, so not a "slam, roll high and possible hit the nuts and just win" card anymore.)
- FLJ - I don't know if games go that long in this deck, frankly, given the idea is blow them up with Modresh, Jan'alai

Playtesting questions:
- Does the deck need Fallen Hero or Spirt of the Dragonhawk to get to Modresh/Janalai more consistently?

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