Reckless Apprentice

Card Stats
- Class Mage
- Expansion Forged in the Barrens
- Rarity Rare
- Cost 4
- Attack 3
- Health 5
Card Text
Battlecry: Fire your Hero Power at all enemies.
Flavor Text
It’s all a great learning experience until someone accidentally aggros the boss.
Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.
Reckless Apprentice Sounds
Play VO_BAR_544_Male_Goblin_Play_01
Play FX_Warlock_H_Hellfire
Attack VO_BAR_544_Male_Goblin_Attack_01
Attack Shared_Fire_Cast_1
Death VO_BAR_544_Male_Goblin_Death_01
Death Shared_Fire_Fizzle_1
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This cards animation is incredibly SLOW :(
With the reveal of Wildfire (and the chance of discovering it from random sources) this card is a lot better than it looks
i wonder how fun this would be with discover on other classes other than mage
So op!! Can't wait to try this off
Some people see this as working with tour guide, how does it do so?
Man this kinda crazy
As good as this card is in mage, I really just want to see what happens when it ends up in another class, such as rogue, through random effects. I expect it won't do anything, but I want to try to make it happen anyway.
I think this will be a decent card on its own, but I imagine this will be best when used in combination with cards that increase hero power damage and to summon the new legendary: Mordresh Fire Eye.
Worth including in any deck
Nice stats and effect. Will see play in any mage deck
Seems really good against aggro and stealth strategies, leaving aside the obvious hero power synergies. Seems solid in all formats.
Thank the gods they made this even. Great Mordresh synergy too
This is going to be in every mage deck. Excellent 1 dmg clear across the board. Stats are right up there for 4 mana too. Great Mage buff.
3/5 + 1 damage to all (at least) for 4 mana is a bargain!