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Draconically Dedicated
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ArngrimUndying's Comments

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I had guessed Gnomish Experimenter yesterday (last post on page 18) and never got a response (unless you included me in the "no" to JFK?) - is it him? Seems to fit your new clue of card draw/spark/RNG-reliance

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    The devs have said quite literally the opposite.

    I recall Whalen specifically re: the Omega cards in Boomsday they stated those cards to be "okay" i.e. 4 mana 4/5s in the event you just needed to play them without 10 mana.

    I mean look at regular Scion: 3 mana 3/2 with Rush? That's not bad ala Restless Mummy - 1 mana cheaper since no Reborn. Or take Pack - 5 mana summon 2 2/3s with taunt? Also not terrible vs something like Rain of Toads - 1 mana cheaper and no overload for 1 fewer minion. These cards were designed to be "okay" if played without the conditions met, it's just something nobody ever does which was my point.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Two thoughts:

    1. I'm glad Blizz is addressing the meta more frequently - looking back at that "class usage" graph that was posted last week and you just see how quickly a meta can become stale if not outright oppressive (looking at you, Shamanstone). HOWEVER, I agree with the other posters here that the new adventure is out in 2 weeks with 35 new cards - it would have made more sense to see how/if those impacted the meta before another round of nerfs imo.

    2. Scion of Ruin should have gone to 5 mana OR had stats reduced, maybe Dragon's Pack go up 1 mana as well. I get why it didn't and obviously Blizz has data I don't but honestly of all these recent cards with conditional requirements, how many are EVER played WITHOUT hitting those requirements? I play pure Dragon Galakrond Warrior (gotta get SOME use out of my War Master Voone...) and Galakrond Shaman a lot so definitely benefits me that those cars are OP, but I can say I have never played either of them without the double invoke condition met. Ditto with the Boomsday Omega cards, etc. So I get wanting the card to be - at least theoretically - playable without those conditions met, but lets all be real here that simply does not happen virtually at all, so why act like it does?

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    So then maybe Gnomish Experimenter since nobody ever played him ever to hear his lines and he has a tangential chicken-thing going on? 

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Silent Knight?

    Not sure about the chicken thing, but has Stealth and "slient" in the name...

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I feel like I'm going in the wrong direction here since she wouldn't eat the bones (so "juicy" would be off), but Reliquary Seeker?

    Battlecry that's helped by having a lot of small/"weaker" minions in a Zoolock deck, a reliquary holds bones, & it has "seek" if that's the missed keyword you mentioned. 

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Hungry Dragon?

    Battlecry minion who summons a small/weak minion to then eat (hence, "hungry")

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Almaniarra
    Quote From PopeNeia

    My cry should sound familiar

    But unlike my swamp-dwelling partner,

    I do not rely on my kin to trigger

    it sounds like an elemental or dragon since most of them need each other to trigger their effect but Swamp-dwelling makes me think it might be Bandersmosh so my first guess is it ?

    First sentence hints battlecry probably;

    Second should hint what the tribe might be,

    The last one is - if it is a battlecry, it doesn't have "if you played an elemental last turn" or "if you are holding a dragon" synergy.

    Those are my guesses but still want to say Bandersmosh :D

    Since I just went and don't want to do twice in a row, I'll give my go to Almaniarra since their reasoning gave me a good head start on puzzling it out. 


  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago


    The swamp-partner being Blazecaller. They have the same battlecry effect (deal 5 dmg), just that Maximus doesn't need "play an elemental last turn" to trigger. Blazecaller was from Un'goro so maybe that's the swamp?

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Here's a question for you that i'm 100% asking in earnest:

    Say I'm me (which last I checked, I was) and I visit OOC call it 2 times a day, 5 days a week. While here I click a story, maybe comment on a forum post or two, etc. Basic user stuff that discounts the literal hundreds of visits/views during Card Reveal Season. Am I more valuable as an ad revenue stream than as a $2 patreon supporter? Because like Peepopo up there I certainly get more than $2 worth of content per month from this site, so if you'd earn say $4 from me as an ad-seer, I'd be more inclined to do what gets you all the most money

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Tetsuo

    I just had two matches against Highlander Rogue today where I had them close to lethal, only for them to get a damn Nozari from Dragonqueen Alexstrasza. The first opponent I had down to 3 health, the second one was at 4. I swear, this game loves to fuck with you sometimes...

    I second this salt - Dragonqueen Alexstrasza's text should say "add two LEGENDARY dragons" to be more honest. Most games I see her the opponent gets Kalecgos, Ysera, Unleashed, or some other OP 8/9/10-mana legendary for nothing.

    I just finished a match against a Highlander Shaman (yeah idk either) and although I won (due to fatigue mostly) I basically had to kill them 5 times over since their DQ Alex gave them Nozari as well, which because they were also running both Shudderwock and Barista Lynchen (who copied both of those minions), they got 4 full heals over the course of the match. 

    ETA: hey look the very next match against Highlander Rogue and their Alex gives them Nithogg and freaking Malygos. Did I then immediately die to 18 combined dmg from 2 [Hearthstone Card (Eviserate) Not Found]s? You betcha.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    PopeNeia has it! 

    The meatbag line was just part of the “mech” theme - insulting the (fleshy) goblin who took over the Omega Defender in its place.

    And to clarify that “online/shutdown/back up” clue for anyone who missed/forgot that story:

    The art for Omega Devastator was originally on Omega Defender. When the HS community asked why that card wasn’t a mech (given the art), Blizz changed it to the current Goblin-focused art. They kept the art though and attached it to Omega Devastator when that was printed. 

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Nope but it is a mech so you’ve got that.

    Last hints for the night:

    It’s in standard. The 4th line is a specific clue about the card’s keyword(s)


  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Not Leeroy, but you’re kind of on the right track with the “online” aspect with the card being let’s say “technological” in nature. I thought the “meatbag” insult would be a giveaway as to the type, but I guess maybe people have forgotten the best part of KotOR (or never played it).

    And I’ll go ahead and say the “shut down/back online ” is NOT a reference to nerfing. It’s about the history of a specific part of the card.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    A good guess, but no. Look at some of the words - there’s a deliberate theme there to give a clue about the nature of the card.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I came online but was then shut down,

    And a second-string meatbag was given my place.

    Don’t worry about me though; now I’m online again

    To blast everything! (well, maybe not Face...)

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Arrogant Crusader?

    The first line sounds like something an arrogant elf would say. Lines 2 and 3 reference his death rattle that will summon a ghoul “fan” if your opponent kills him.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From AliRadicali

    It's been years since my old pal Dirty Rat was in standard...

    This is - by itself - an excellent point/question. So obviously for the first time in HS history Blizz did buffs a while back, and they've clearly been HoFing basic/classic cards without much pause. Why don't they "buff" some good Wild counters by making them Classic and bringing them back into Standard permanently? It would give them more room to print "weird" cards/cards for strategies like Mill since the counter would already be there.

    And to be crystal clear since I HATED that Halloween nonsense of bringing back all those OP cards and ruining the meta for a month: I mean very specifically cards like Dirty Rat, maybe Loatheb, etc. that are just good, all-purpose tech cards that have never really been adequately (and I use that word since I know there obviously have been some stabs at Dirty Rat 2: Dirtiest Boogaloo like Demonic Project & Hecklebot) reprinted.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From PopeNeia
    Quote From anchorm4n
    Quote From ArngrimUndying

    Bloodmage Thalnos?

    Knife "drinks" blood, magic is an art, and he gives you a card. Though I'm surprised it wasn't Cult Master since that also seems to fit the riddle very nicely, so if I'm right since that would be 2-wins-in-a-row for me PopeNeia you can have my turn.


    You got it! PopeNeia is next.

    Was that a mistake? I was not the one who got it correct

    See my comment on the correct guess - I had the riddle before so rather than go twice in a row i'm giving you my go since I thought your answer fit the riddle too.

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