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Draconically Dedicated
Joined 06/11/2019 Achieve Points 520 Posts 626

ArngrimUndying's Comments

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I legitimately laughed out loud - nicely done.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I'm trying to make Overload Shaman work since I already had Vessina and have gotten 2 Cumulo-Maximus from packs. It really lacks strong synergistic early minions (Surging Tempest isn't BAD, it's just basically the only option and not all that difficult to clear without a stronger curve). However, I'm also playing basically the same deck in Wild but swapped in Tunnel Trogg and Totem Golem and having *considerably* better results.

    I'm also trying to make Cyclone Mage 2.0 work since I got Chenvaala and, while not at all bad, it's super inconsistent. There have been games where I've totally steamrolled getting multiple 5/5s off Chenvaala + the 6/6 dragons from Learn Draconic to win handily. And then others where i get absolutely bodied when my draws haven't come in correctly. Feels a lot like Standard Pirate Warrior - if your mulligan and first say 3-4 turns highroll correctly, you ware unstoppable, BUT  if that doesn't happen you have virtually no mid/late game staying power.



  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From AliRadicali
    Quote From ArngrimUndying

    So that's exactly the average of 1:20 (7 legendaries in 140 packs). But have to tell you those two times I got over 30 packs between legendaries had me bummed, especially since they were back-to-back. I guess that's kind of the crux - lowering the timer would make people "feel better" since it really sucks when you hit the pity timer (or come very close) more than once in a short period.


    To the anecdote from phiL up there - if I ever bought an expansion bundle and only opened for this example say 3 legendaries that would absolutely be enough to make me never spend another dollar on this game, if not quit it outright. That's the fine line any product - let alone a "loot boxy" game - has to walk: balancing getting the most money from your customers without alienating them when the odds bank against them and losing them as customer entirely. I obviously don't have any of Blizzard's data, but I can't imagine they'd lose that much money by lowering the pity time to 30 or 35 packs, which would lower the average to around 15-18 packs. Not a big swing, and would quell at least some of the bad feelings about the general lopsided value of the dusting system/duplicate epics/etc.

    Now if we want to get really crazy, my thought was: Conditionally lowering the pity timer. For example, if you open 30/35/40 packs without a legendary, your next pity time is lowered to just 20/25/30 packs (pick whichever numbers you like). That way you wouldn't run into my situation where I had multiple 30+ pack opens in a row and would again lower the overall average by a little without "giving away something for free" since the majority of players rarely experience that kind of thing.

    " lowering the timer would make people "feel better" since it really sucks when you hit the pity timer (or come very close) more than once in a short period."

    I'm not sure it would, though. Suppose the pity timer were at 35 in the example above: Would it have been a better experience to actually hit the pity timer for legendary #5? Or would that have made opening that legend even more bittersweet? That's the problem with a pity timer: if you know about it and especially if you keep track of it, it lessens the joy of getting a legend to know it was guaranteed by the pity system. To give a more extreme example to illustrate the point: suppose instead of randomness you were guaranteed a legend every 20ieth pack, but only every 20ieth pack. It'd completely ruin the experience of opening packs because you know with certainty that the 19 packs in between are guaranteed filler, and you also know no luck was involved in opening any legendaries.


    I absolutely understand that a long streak of not opening legends is a real bummer, but I don't think drastically reducing the pity timer would be a satisfying fix. I think increasing the drop rate for legendaries would similarly reduce the occurrence of long dry spells while at the same time increasing the number of very positive player experiences, like getting back-to-back legendaries.

    Yes I agree increasing the drop rate would be great, but I also think that's probably the least likely thing to happen.

    And to your question (and broader point) - yes that definitely a fair point: knowing about the pity timer does impact how people feel about pack openings. On my pack openings, once I get to 20 packs without a legendary I start thinking "okay I'm on the downslope of the bell curve; any pack now." And then it doesn't come and doesn't come and doesn't come and by the time I'm at pack 35 it "feels" just as bad as if it were pack 40 itself. 

    But I would then argue that's even MORE of a reason to lower it at least a little - saying "hey we increased the drop rate, so boy if you hit the pity time now you must be REALLY unlucky" would feel even worse. Fundamentally there's no "right" answer here because everyone gets more upset by different things (i.e. I find the duplicate Epics somewhat annoying given the dust value, but for others that seems to be their #1 issue) and ActBlizz is still a public company trying to keep shareholders happy so profit profit profit. This is why I'm really waiting for more news on their new orb/rune currencies - it seems like maybe they're planning some sort of true overhaul of the game's economy, so this discussion may well be moot in a month idk.


  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From Rofellos

    Just to complain about something else for a change: why can't I jump to the last page in a thread in one click? I can only click the ... to load the next 5 pages, but there's not 'jump to end' button.
    There should be.

    FYI You can now jump to the last page from "outside" a thread - there's a little grey arrow to the far right in the forum list next to the last poster's handle - click that and it takes you to the last post. I don't know if/how you can once you're already in a thread.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I don't play Arena all that much, but for fucks sake with this run today. First ever time going 0-3. Let's run those games down shall we?

    Game 1 - I (Priest) play Mindgames on turn 4 and pull Chromatic Egg. Brilliant, thanks!!! Quite simply was not able to overcome the tempo loss. Not an unfathomable beat, but really didn't get me off to a good start with what came next:

    Game 2 - Again, don't play a lot of Arena but never in the 100+ games I've played over the past 2-3 years have I ever been offered two legendaries in one run. Not only did my opponent get (at least) two for their deck, they were BOTH Emperor Thaurissan. Did not know it was possible to get duplicate legendaries in Arena, so that's a fun way to learn new things! Oh and the icing on this particular shit cake was their turn 1 (plus coin) Transmogrifier I was unable to clear immediately the next turn, so on top of double Emperor they also got a free Illidan Stormrage. Honestly this is the single shittiest arena game I've ever had the misfortune of playing.

    Game 3 - Despite my deck only have 10 cards costing 6 or more, guess how many of those 10 I got from the mulligan/drew in the first 6 turns? If you guessed 7(!!!), congratulations to you as well to the Hunter who had an actual hand with playable cards and had me SMOrced to nothing before I could play a single thing.

    And to cap off an already garbage run, did my "reward" give me an amount of gold ending in 5 so now I have play another run or stare at unspendable gold until my eyes fall out of my head? You know it did!

    ETA: Was the pack I got from my "reward" just a useless 40 dust-er? In fact was it the *9th* 40 dust-er pack *IN A ROW* I've gotten this week? I think you know where I'm going with this. 

    Fuck fuckity fuck fucking fucker fucks!

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From RavenSunHS

    Actually, if we had an efficient (2 or 3 mana) version of Eater of Secrets that provides HEALING, and a Golakka Crawler for Mechs, Wild would be almost ok.

    No love for E.M.P. Operative? Kidding - if they dropped the cost to 2 (or 3 but then give her +1/+1 for the destroyed mech like the crab) maybe it would see some play but way overcosted as printed.

    On the secrets, lowering the cost of Eater AND buffing with healing would be way too much - I would say make it a 3 mana 2/2 OR to your suggestion maybe a 3 mana 1/2 that heals you for 1 or 2 for each secret eaten instead of gaining +1/+1.

    But yeah I would love to see a cheaper neutral secret removal tool.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From AliRadicali
    Quote From pietske

    I have been counting my pack openings for almost 2 years now, and I can say that in my case, opening over 25 packs without legendary is more common than obtaining one within the first 20 packs (guaranteed legendary within 10 packs at the start of any expansion excluded).

    That seems unlucky but certainly not impossible if the 1-in-20 stat is true, unless you've bought inordinate numbers of packs. I don't know in what form you've collected the data but I'd be very interested to see a distribution of the intervals between legendaries and how closely it reflects the bell curve you'd expect.


    I looked into it and according to the wiki Blizzard has confirmed a 1-in-5 average drop rate for epics and 1-in-20 for legendaries in order to comply with a chinese law regarding lootboxes, although that announcement may only apply to the Chinese region.

    Obviously not that person but I for the first time have started documenting my packs with DoD and my intervals (post the one in the first 10 packs - which I got on pack 9 so that's sort of pity-timer-ish in itself) are:

    Legendary 2 - 18 packs

    Legendary 3 - 4 packs

    Legendary 4 - 32 packs

    Legendary 5 - 38 packs

    Legendary 6 - 16 packs

    Legendary 7 - 22 packs

    Legendary 8 - 10 packs

    So that's exactly the average of 1:20 (7 legendaries in 140 packs). But have to tell you those two times I got over 30 packs between legendaries had me bummed, especially since they were back-to-back. I guess that's kind of the crux - lowering the timer would make people "feel better" since it really sucks when you hit the pity timer (or come very close) more than once in a short period.

    To the anecdote from phiL up there - if I ever bought an expansion bundle and only opened for this example say 3 legendaries that would absolutely be enough to make me never spend another dollar on this game, if not quit it outright. That's the fine line any product - let alone a "loot boxy" game - has to walk: balancing getting the most money from your customers without alienating them when the odds bank against them and losing them as customer entirely. I obviously don't have any of Blizzard's data, but I can't imagine they'd lose that much money by lowering the pity time to 30 or 35 packs, which would lower the average to around 15-18 packs. Not a big swing, and would quell at least some of the bad feelings about the general lopsided value of the dusting system/duplicate epics/etc.

    Now if we want to get really crazy, my thought was: Conditionally lowering the pity timer. For example, if you open 30/35/40 packs without a legendary, your next pity time is lowered to just 20/25/30 packs (pick whichever numbers you like). That way you wouldn't run into my situation where I had multiple 30+ pack opens in a row and would again lower the overall average by a little without "giving away something for free" since the majority of players rarely experience that kind of thing.



  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Two ways:

    1. I completely agree with AngryShuckie up there - I never bother to ladder past rank 15 and ranks 20-15 *TEND* to be pretty diverse and more fun. You still of course see the occasional Secret Mage/Big Priest/etc. but they're definitely the minority compared to other decks. Also I play Wild Casual a lot because it really seems (I don't use a tracker so not positive) like the Tier 1 netdecking is much less common than in Standard, so you can run into the really funny/goofy memes and OTKs and the like.

    2. I mainly use Wild to play decks I had a lot of fun with when they were in Standard and I don't want to let them go entirely. So mainly Dragon Priest (nice power ups this expansion!), Spell Hunter, Demonlock, and Odd DK Jaina Elemental Mage. I can see Mech Warrior & Burgle Rogue getting added to the pile here once rotation hits in April. So I guess this point is mostly: play the decks you have the most fun with?

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I did 534 damage and got the pack. So maybe 500 is the threshold?

    Just used a regular Quest Jade Druid to go infinite. One of the few times I've been reminded that Jades cap at 30/30 lol.

    In reply to Decorating Dalaran!
  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare
    Quote From ArngrimUndying

    I tried my goofy meme Transmogrifier + Plot Twist Warlock deck and - hold onto your hats - a handful of random, unrelated Legendaries is not in fact actually good. The "combo" isn't all that hard to pull off though and definitely faster than just using Arch-Villain Rafaam

    Galakrond Rogue has been okay - I've had some tough matches with really bad draws so a little early to really say. the ability to get multiple uses from Kronx Dragonhoof with all the bounce/double battlecry stuff in Rogue is definitely a strong play.

    Dragon Paladin (Highlander or otherwise) is, as many expected, incredibly strong. 

    I honestly thought Dragon Pally was going to be weak tbh. Does it have a win condition or does it just beat you to death with big bodies?

    Beat you to death with big bodies combined with even more self-heals. There's just too many stats, especially if you get off even a single Dragon Speaker

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I tried my goofy meme Transmogrifier + Plot Twist Warlock deck and - hold onto your hats - a handful of random, unrelated Legendaries is not in fact actually good. The "combo" isn't all that hard to pull off though and definitely faster than just using Arch-Villain Rafaam

    Galakrond Rogue has been okay - I've had some tough matches with really bad draws so a little early to really say. the ability to get multiple uses from Kronx Dragonhoof with all the bounce/double battlecry stuff in Rogue is definitely a strong play.

    Dragon Paladin (Highlander or otherwise) is, as many expected, incredibly strong. 

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Goru the Mightree.

    Pretty happy with that. I played the Treant variant of Token Druid during RoS so will be happy to dust that off and give it another whirl as I'm getting rather tired of Quest Druid (at least in standard)

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Didn't see one so thought I'd kick it off - how'd everyone do with their pack openings?

    Opened: 153

    Legendaries: 8 (1 golden)

    Nithogg - Meh not super impressed with this, but we'll see how it goes?

    Mindflayer Kaahrj - Ditto. 

    Deathwing, Mad Aspect - Happy with this one. Definitely going to run Dragon Warrior

    Flik Skyshiv - Very solid card. Will find lots of use.

    Chenvaala - Nice, I'll throw it in my Wild Odd DK Jaina Elemantal deck

    Frizz Kindleroost - Woot!!!

    Waxadred - Oh the incoming memes... 

    Veranus (Golden) - Not bad, Let's give it a whirl

    Epics: 34 (WOWZA!!) 2 Golden

    I think RNGesus heard me talking about how much I was going to meme it up with Shuffle Transmogrifier Warlock because of those Epics, he(?) was FIVE of them, including 1 of the 2 goldens

    Overall I'm very pleased - got a few of the legendaries I would have crafted, plus my hit rate was slightly better than" average" I think (isn't it on avg 20 packs - legendary, 5 packs - Epic?)

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I feel very attacked right now....

    Kidding, but yeah I (and I expect a lot of people) have been guilty of most of these at some point so thanks for the reminder.

    I will add my own: Be careful with your crafting. I feel like I've posted this 300 times in the last two months, but I crafted a lot to try and make Dragon Warrior work during RR and it never materialized. Just because Blizz is throwing out some vague idea of a deck (say Inspire Hunter or Treant Druid) doesn't mean there's a real place for it in the meta. If you're crafting for the memes then go nuts, but if you're a very focused ladder-climber who needs to spend dust carefully, I'd say wait at least a week or two to see how the early meta is shaking out before burning a bunch of dust.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From anhhuy2502

    Sooooo in preparation for Descent of Dragons on Tuesday, I suggest y’all should watch rick and morty ss4 ep 4. It’s about Morty getting a dragon. You don’t even need to watch the other episodes, just this one to get the dragon vibes

    The Woolly Mammoth bit had me in TEARS I was laughing so hard.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    So obviously Blizz needs to hire you all to write their flavor text for them...I've been laughing at the "yo dawg" paladin meme for a solid 2 minutes.

    I kind of wonder about those Paladin-only cards though - it's not unheard of for non-Highlander decks to run Zephrys simply because by the time you're halfway through your deck you'll have a good chance of being able to play him for the effect. Could those not be run anyways and just run similarly and/or sort of like Archivist Elysiana for a "very late game Hail Mary"?

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    When Mech Hunter was all the rage, I saw a lot of 8-mana (i.e. drop them both together so neither piece can get cleared) Venomizer + Missile Launcher. Obviously not a spell, nor foolproof (if anything has Divine Shield) but still a fairly strong board wipe while still leaving you a strong body afterwards.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Almaniarra: Honestly I'm really asking this not being snide - Is this whole thread a piece of performance art on how many downvotes you can collect with a single unpopular opinion?

    I legitimately cannot fathom being this adamantly upset about someone else getting a free, fundamentally useless cosmetic. It's not like you paid forit and now others are getting it for free, or other people are getting packs/legendaries that actually have an impact on the game, or whatever. It's a hero skin and a card back - something nobody will see 95% of the time when you're playing any hero besides Priest or anyone who doesn't use this particular card back on the deck you're playing.



  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From DrGoodie

    But there are surely people that enjoyed it, and played it on the regular. Clearly not that many, but surely more than Artifact.

    So at least 1 person, then? Kidding - though you're very correct: big F for all the people for whom this was one of their regular/favorite games.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    My rough theorycrafts are:

    Actual, Good (I think) Decks

    1. Overload Galakrond Shaman. I already have a fairly decent (not Evolve OP but strong enough for a decent win rate) Overload Shaman that's pretty aggro, so I guess will be interesting to see: does Galakrond and the new cards make it MORE aggro? Or shift it a little more towards control?

    2. Handbuff Dragon Paladin. I actually ran a similar version of what I'm envisioning for this deck during RoS with Bronze Herald, Dragon Speaker, and the motley assortment of other dragons and buffs. The new version should be so much stronger with all the new cards that will fit oh so nicely.

    3. Dragon Warrior (with or with Galakrond I'm not sure). I tried so hard to make Dragon Warrior work during RR thanks to all the cards Warrior got with that expansion, but it just wasn't any good. Round 2, baby!

    4. Treant Token Druid. I know the dude get wrecked in the reveal stream, but this is deck that I really think has a lot of potential. It wasn't a BAD variant of Token Druid during RoS, and with more support maybe it will be better? 

    Total Memes with which I'm going to enjoy losing!

    1. Waxadred Rogue. I'm going to see just how many of those I can summon. All the cards with deathrattle copies, shuffle ins, and the various Necrium Vial/ Necrium Blade triggers I can get.

    2. Transmogrifier Shuffle Warlock. Oh this is going to be so stupidly fun. I really wanted Arch-Villain Rafaam to be better, but he's just so slow to get out. Not anymore, friends!


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