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Salty Dog
Joined 06/12/2019 Achieve Points 1550 Posts 2105

Avalon's Comments

  • Avalon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    That is rather strange: I double checked the code I got from the player, and it does feature Hand of A'dal, which shouldn't happen.

    Edit: replace Hand of A'dal with Blessing of Kings, which seemed a decent inclusion to me.

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    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Thanks for the suggestions! The fact that you motivated them is great too

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    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    There is no way I cannot agree with you. I like this iteration of Control Warrior because it actually wants to take the board at some degree (N'Zoth, God of the Deep, Overlord Saurfang, Rattlegore).

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    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    I think that the best Control Warrior list is yet to be figured out. I personally like CW to be back in the meta without being utterly oppressive as it was in Rise of Shadows, but I am looking forward to tomorrow's VS meta report to see what mistakes I made in the last week lol

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    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Thanks! Glad you appreciated it!

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    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Ah yes... it's big brain time.

    In reply to wiRer's Evolve Shaman
  • Avalon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    This Avalon guy sure found some spicy lists, and that Aesan guy is no less. Imma hit 5 stars on this article. Keep up the good work guys!

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    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    To be fair, the analysis was aimed more to Standard than to Wild - and given the Standard's card pool our assessment is correct, at least for now.


    Wild is... yeah, Wild. Stealer of Souls is pretty absurd over there, I definitely agree.

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    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
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    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I respectfully disagree. Paladin may still be the best class after the mini set, but not by a wide margin.

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    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Yep, that "of" was a small typo that made the phrase incomprehensible - it is now fixed.


    But yeah, my thoughts were: "what if they either make it a 2 mana draw a card or a 2 mana give +2/+2?" -> five seconds have passed --> "nhaaa that would be such a stupid change"

  • Avalon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Oof, that is some bad luck! However, 7 wins is more than enough to break even!

    In reply to Miracle Priest
  • Avalon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From Pezman

    Why is there no matching card for EVEN minions? This bothers me so much.

    Just wait for the next expansion, when we'll receive Even the Scales.

    Yes, I called it.

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    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Glad you enjoyed our content! Have some good runs ;)

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    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    You'll never ever draw it because of Sphere of Sapience.

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    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I think there are very different layers of random.

    One think is Palm Reading into Renew into Raise Dead into Venomous Scorpid.

    Another is Apothecary Helbrim and these Adventurers.

    With no RNG effects at all, we'd be playing with pretty much vanilla minions, which would bore you out fairly quickly.

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    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
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    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Really? Because I don't think so.

    While Refreshing Spring Water and Runed Orb (as we specified in the article) are the only exceptions, the rest of the set has been quite disappointing for Mage.

    The only Mage deck that currently sees play is No Minion Mage, which is decreasing in popularity day by day.

    Thus the shortest end of the stick.

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    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    There's no better feeling than clapping an uninteractive deck like Weapon Rogue.

    Fuck Swinetusk Shank and fuck Self-Sharpening Sword

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    Salty Dog 1550 2105 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I am pretty sure that they won't fool around with Shaman for the next few releases: they are perfectly aware that the class is not in the best position ever.