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Joined 05/28/2019 Achieve Points 850 Posts 804

BloodMefist's Comments

  • BloodMefist's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    I always liked the idea of running Deathwing, but he feels kinda meh when all it takes to get rid of him is a single hard removal.  Wrath aims to create a card that fits into a similar spot while creating a much more threatening board, at the cost of less reliable board removal.  It also has some potential as a Hand-lock finisher, which I think is fine since the damage is capped at 9 and also requires that you are not within the kill range either.

    Visions is meant as a support for both Big Warrior and Big Priest, as well as any archetypes that use the Old Gods.  That said, I am shaky on keeping it Dual-class and might shift it over to Priest only.  The Warrior half is mostly to help justify Battlecry synergy, but that's still shaky.  

  • BloodMefist's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago


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    linkblade91: Just now realizing that my Imp card is very similar to your Treant ones ;-; I think I prefer the teacher over the spade, simply because Druid weapons will always feel a bit weird.  I think the cheaper version is also better since it is far easier to play while still not being too dangerous, considering it is gated by the spell's cost.  If you opt for a more expensive version, I think the health could be brought up to 6.

    TheHoax91: Not a huge fan of effects like this.  It encourages stall-y gameplay and can feel like there is no counterplay.  There are also just too many steps to pull it off.  Out of the two cards, I think I prefer the Hero card but agree that it could use some work.  Instead of going for infinite scaling, I think the ability to give minions Spellburst as a hero power could be interesting.

    shaveyou: I really dig the idea of the card, but the flavor seems off.  A Raptor Student doesn't make a ton of sense and having what looks like a regular raptor as their teacher also feels strange.  I would say change the name of the token and make the card itself either a trainer or something a tad more grounded.  This could be an interesting opportunity to use Subject 9 as a character.  The tokens could be called something like Educated Raptor or Clever Girl to keep the flavor, just the word "student" feels out of place.

    grumpymonk: Having a Frostmourne-esque effect feels a bit strange in Rogue, so not a fan of Bane.  I like both versions of Attentive Student for different reasons, so I have a hard time picking a favorite.  The 2 mana version is much easier to use and gives far more control over how the spells are used, but the 4 mana version gives up the control for the ability to cast them 'for free' and is generally more interesting in choosing what spell to copy.  For the extra consideration of what to cast, I think the 4 mana version is better to submit.

    Nirast: I like the idea of the Undergrad quite a lot.  It initially appears complicated and is a bit wordy, so I might suggest taking out the Secret part since it's more niche and changing the heal part to just if it didn't deal damage.  Something like "If the spell deals damage, gain Rush. If not, gain Divine Shield."

    Ekkeh: I was initially hesitant on this card, but the more I think about it, the more I like it.  It present a bit of skill testing to see how much value you can get out of the card before cashing it in for a big steal.  I think it might be a tad strong as is, but I think even lowering the attack to 3 would be fine.  

    FieselFitz: My main issues with this card are that it feels a bit boring for a legendary and that it would be slotted in basically every Rogue deck.  A spellburst to draw 2 is exceptionally powerful and is very easy to trigger given that the card is cheap and has Stealth.  I think it could be made more expensive and reworked to draw you a menagerie of things to keep the rarity at legendary.  Something like 6 mana (w/ stat adjustments) and Spellburst: Draw a minion, spell, and weapon.  

    DavnanKillder: I like Researcher much more than Alanna.  Alanna brings crazy powerful swing turns that are very easy to activate, especially in Rogue.  Rogue could also reset her with bounce effects.  Researcher should be a bit more expensive since cheap draw power, even with a discard downside, is very powerful in something like Zoo.

    KANSAS: Really like the effect on Bookkeeper, but agree on the massive overlap with Polkelt.  Try to steer away from 'Keeper' and do something like 'Librarian' or try to find an NPC from Scholomance that roughly fits.  I also think that statline could be less like Polkelt's, a 4 mana 3/6 instead of a 4/5.

    bigcums: Not a fan of the card, the flavor seems a tad off and the effect basically just makes the spell cost 2 less, with some extra implications.  It's not very burgle-y and could actually be abused hard by the likes of Mage and Rogue.  

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    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Both versions of Cult Aspirant were met with mixed reviews, so I went back to the drawing board for a bit.  In order to prevent too much overlap with KT, I'm preferring the healing version over the Skeleton version.  I changed the class to Neutral and reduced the amount of healing since I think it introduces interesting applications and deck-building opportunities for many classes.  I reworked the summoning version into Eager Assist-Imps, which focuses much more on being an option for Zoo decks.  Also, imp puns.

    Feedback sometime tonight or tomorrow!

  • BloodMefist's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Two initial ideas:

    The general idea is that a student wants to take after Headmaster Kel'Thuzad and thus has a similar effect.  The card could be Neutral, but Warlock felt right since they are more explicitly in the Cult of the Damn at Scholomance.  The former is much more like KT, summoning things based on minions killed, while the ladder has the same restriction with a different, but flavorful, upside.  Looking forward to seeing what people come up with!

  • BloodMefist's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Finally got around to feedback! Sorry its late, had some power outage issues.

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    linkblade91: I really dig the idea behind Plunder Drake, very flavorful and a nice alternative use for Coins.

    Demonxz95: I like the idea of Submerged Bomb more than Diving Agent or Drown.  Diving Agent feels like it would be extremely annoying to play around in the early game since it offers very little counterplay in early stages.  The only thing I would change about Submerged Bomb is to explicitly name it like a mine or depth charge.

    Valor1204: Seems super slow, but I like the different direction it brings Pirates in, especially with how it differentiates them from Warrior Pirates.  Make sure you put the water mark on the token card too.  

    grumpymonk: Definitely prefer Oacha'noa over the Naga. Cheating out an Enhanced Dreadlord or Ancient Void Hound would be devastating.  Oacha'noa has some scary combos like Wolpertinger, but its gated enough by late game that I think its alright.  Definitely an interesting build-around.

    MenacingBagel: The idea behind Abyssal Anchor is alright, but I still feel like the class flavor is off.  I don't think DH should have access to hard removal.  I think if you move it over to Shaman the flavor and balance feels better.

    KANSAS: I like the Shaman version more since it's a more interesting design, while the Neutral one is just an auto-include in Murloc decks.  I still feel like the theme could be a bit more underwater-y, but I like the fishing take on it.

    Cg8889: I like this take on a siren card. I'm a bit iffy on the balance since it seems like a much better version of Turalyon the Tenured.  It might also be scary giving hard removal to every class.  Restricting it to a class and making it conditional removal, like a stat threshold, could help alleviate its universal strength.

    Hordaki: It seems a bit strong as a fast removal wit a bulky body, I think lowering the stats would be a good call.  I also think giving the affected minion charge, assuming it works like Shadow Madness, is really scary since it could just turn around and kill the opponent in some cases, which feels exceptionally bad to play against.

    Pokeniner: I like the idea of a Murloc synergy weapon.  I think I prefer the 3-cost one to fit with the low curve of Murlocs.

    FieselFitz: It seems a bit boring.  The effect isn't especially flavorful and it just isn't very interesting.  I think starting with lower base stats but gaining stats per minion killed could add a bit more flavor and zazz to the card.

    bigcums: Seems alright, I like AoE that excludes certain minions a lot.  Stat lowering isn't exactly Shaman's typical MO, but I think that's fine since it works with their AoE and Murloc identities.

    grayghost39: I dig the idea of combining AoE healing and damage into one card.  It opens the possibility for opponents to play around it but still mostly benefits you since you can make use of the healing first.  I think it's good to go.

    ChickyChick: Neutral hard removal is always scary, but being gated behind an expensive cost and weak body makes it alright.  I am unsure if the stealth is needed, I get the flavor aspect, but I think it adds a bit too much to the card.  You could remove the stealth portion and add 2 health to make up for it.

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    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    The original picture was a Naga Lord, but it definitely wasn't super clear and didn't feel very 'sea-esque'.  Illithid's/K'thir are much more easily identifiable as relating to the sea so that's the route I decided to go.  No stat or effect changes since feedback was pretty positive on those fronts.

    If I don't get to feedback tonight, it will be first thing I do tomorrow!

  • BloodMefist's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Big fan of water themes, so I'm excited to 'sea' what people come up with!

    This was an idea that I've been thinking on for a while.  I really liked the idea of a secret deathrattle back when Fatespinner, so I thought I'd give it a whirl.  Feedback sometime tonight or tomorrow!

  • BloodMefist's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Demonxz95
    Quote From BloodMefist

    Is the finalist voting broken for anyone else? I can see the finalists but there isn't anyway for me to vote on them.

    Because your card made it to the finals.

    To remove the possibility of finalists sabotaging the votes by voting 5 stars for their card and 1 for all others, people who make it to the finals can no longer vote in the finals.

    Ah, that makes sense.  Good luck to my fellow finalists then!

  • BloodMefist's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Is the finalist voting broken for anyone else? I can see the finalists but there isn't anyway for me to vote on them.

  • BloodMefist's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago


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    Demonxz95: I'm always a fan of Tempo Priest support, especially when done in interesting ways like this.  I'm a bit concerned with how it could create a lot of value generation, especially considering it is from DoD where Galakrond gave Priest an overabundance of value anyways.  I say consider raising the stats and cost by 1 if you want to avoid turns with too much value and make it a custom watermark to indicate it will be around after Galakrond rotates.

    linkblade91: If it is a Demon Hunter Tortollan, I do not think it should be a demon as most cards that are Demon Hunters are not demons themselves.  I like it as an interesting disruption mechanic, but am concerned with its potential ability to shut down some decks for a whole turn, namely ones that rely on Rush minions to clear.  I think a 5/3/5 without Taunt lets this stay powerful without feeling too overbearing.  Good luck with your new job!

    Valor1204: I think you're right that an overload effect would be more flavorful for the card.  As it stands it is a bit boring and I think has been done in a Rogue card before.  Maybe something like "Battlecry: Give your Hero +1 attack this turn for each of your Overloaded Mana crystals.", something that interacts with Overload and hero attacks.

    Cg8889: I dig it!  I was going to say something about it being a bit scary to give Rogue a 0-mana 4 damage to a minion, but then I remembered that Vendetta exists and is arguably way easier to fulfill.  Both existing in the same rotation could be spooky, but the custom watermark leaves that open.  Nice work with this one!

    Pokeniner: I like the callback to Vulpera Scoundrel and think Discover alternate choices is a cool enough thing that should be used more often.  However, I think having the two in the same expansion is a bit much and think that you may get some people who vote lower just because it's another Priest generation tool.  I think changing expansion and making a more specific effect, like Discover a Healing spell or restore 4 health to a damaged friendly character, could be better if nothing else than because it doesn't give Priest a way to generate removal, which people despise from Priest.

    grumpymonk: Hatchling is cute, which may score you some points, but I think Rend and Tear's design is more interesting.  I like seeing attack as a method of removal for Druid and this fits well as a slow but potentially powerful removal.  I especially love the ability for the opponent to play around it.  I think both could be submitted as they are, but I would personally rate Rend and Tear higher for its uniqueness.

    KANSAS: I like the general idea, but think it's a tad clunky as is (at least in wording).  I'm not sure how to adjust the wording to sound better, but I think something like "Battlecry: Choose a minion and draw a minion of the same type." lets it sound a bit better and keeps the idea of the card.  As for name/flavor, I think some sort of tracker or maybe a sage would make sense.

    Davnan Killder: The second version is a bit spooky since it isn't too hard to actually go infinite or semi-infinite.  Shaman's can have minion-centric decks that run very few spells and can generate a full hand with just this card.  Your intention may not be that it can go infinite, but cards like Defile and Spreading Plague cast until the requirement is not met, which is very easy to achieve in this case.  I think the card should be reworked to instead of casting itself again, adding extra copies of the card to your hand.  This keeps the spirit of the card as a powerful value-generator and removes any potential for massive abuse cases.

    Inconspicuosaurus: I have an issue with something like Choose One occuring on Spellburst since it uses a UI that could conflict with the spell's UI should it also Choose One or Discover.  I think changing it to be a Choose One to pick which Spellburst keeps the card in essence, but may be tricky to work around with wording.  From a balance standpoint, I think the card may be a tad weak.   The effect is certainly strong, but you've also got Speaker Gidra who has Rush and Windfury while being able to combo with many more expensive.  I think you could get away with lowering it to 4-mana and potentially hitting the stats if you think it's too strong there.

    Arkasaur: I was skeptical about keeping Enchantments on a Rogue minion, but you've convinced me that it could work out with Rogue's Classic/Basic buffs.  To compensate though, I think its attack or health should be lowered by 1.  A 2/2/3 Stealth baseline is going to be decent in Rogue and the ability to constantly bounce back to your hand has some serious annoyance potential.  If that's what you're going for though, then go for it.

    FieselFitz: Not a huge fan of this one.  It's a deluxe Gnomish Inventor and just isn't that interesting.  That said, not all winners are necessarily super interesting cards.  This card could 100% feasibly be printed and I wouldn't bat an eye.  It's got a synergistic and simple design which is great, just not to my personal taste.  I could also be potentially biased against Combo Mage, which this is a natural fit in.

    Este: I agree that seeing underused spells is cool and attaching them to minion bodies is a great way to do that.  I think the card is a tad strong as it is now and could be a 3/3 in stats.  To add some more spice, you could make it a Battlecry and Deathrattle to add 1 copy to synergize with Shaman's mini Deathrattle identity.

    RealJC1234TheToonist: Really like this one.  I've always loved handbuff ever since the Grimy Goons brought it to the game in MSoG.  That said, I think this is a tad underpowered.  Paladins got the same effect but immediately and for 1 less mana.  I think you could raise the effect to +2/+1 or have it also effect minions on the board.  Both keep the flavor and give the card a bit more oomph that I think it needs.

    Nirast: Nice name with 'Totom'.  I think he could get a bit out of hand with how difficult it could become to remove the totems, especially the Taunt one and considering Shaman's could access relatively easy totem spam with Genn or that one spell from KnC that gave minions a totem summon daethrattle.  I think he could be reworked to just having the "Totems can only take 1 damage at a time" as an aura so that the opponent has an avenue of counterplay.  To compensate, you could raise his health to 6.  I like the idea of Rejoin the Group, but agree that the class flavor seems off.  Both classes don't really have options to draw power, so reording top decks feels a bit off.  Maybe in something like Mage?

    anchorm4n: Champion works well in Warrior's identity and makes relative sense flavorwise.  I think it shouldn't have the KoFT watermark though since it isn't really connect to death knights at all.  Grad Tournament or Descent of Dragons both are set up north and make sense to feature a 'Polar Champion'.  Not a big fan of Polar Furbolg though.  The effect doesn't really fit the flavor and it feels a bit forced.

    bananenparty: I like Trainee the most.  Educate is cool, but spooks me too much when it comes to burst in either class.  Follow the Frost is also neat, but I don't think this is enough for Freeze Shaman either.  Trainee has great flavor and just radiates nice vibes, although it may draw the ire of people who dislike the current state of "Created by…" meta.

    BasilAnguis: Seems a bit clunky, given that it requires you to have a weapon, a minion you want to hit with a Poisonous weapon, and that it survives with only 2 health on turn 3+.  I like the general idea of something happening when it loses stealth, but think that it doesn't work well as is.

    Neoguli:  I don't think this needs to be a dual-class card, let alone a class card.  The effect and stats are simple enough that I could honestly see this as a Neutral card.  It's like a powercrept Frost Elemental, but that card never sees play so the powercreep is probably justified.

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    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I like this effect, but am unsure of the flavor I want to take it in.  If people have art and/or flavor they think would better fit the effect, I will gladly take suggestions since I'm not 100% sold on the flavor.  Finding art for this that doesn't overlap with other people's is going to be tricky.  Wish I had thought of this effect for the double-quest contest a few months ago :/

    Will try to get feedback in tonight or tomorrow!

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    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    If I recall correctly, Street Magician was a Rogue+Warlock card rather than just a Warlock card.  I think people may have been turned off by Rogue's ability to abuse battlecry triggers while simultaneously bypassing the deathrattle via cards like Shadowstep.  Warlock by itself has no way to bounce cards, reducing abuse cases by a great degree.  This might not be the full reason, but it may explain a bit of it.

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    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Looking for a bit of fine tuning.  People seemed to like the effect so I will go forward with Gordon, but I was wondering if people think he should stay Neutral or be Warlock.  I also wanted to gauge how people felt on zoomed in art vs. full figure.

  • BloodMefist's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Feedback time! 

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    Cg8889: I thought the plant could work if made into a Rogue card, but it would clash a bit with Vilespine Slayer.  What's Your Drink? is an interesting effect that I think ultimately works better though.  That said, it does heavily promote using a deck-tracker, which is something you might want to consider.  It's not a big deal, but some may be turned off by it.

    Inconspicuosaurus: I like the general idea of School Dinner, but think the effect needs some tweaking.  Hunter already has Swarm of Locusts, which for 1 more mana, automatically gets 7 1/1s and they can target their damage.  I suggest increasing the number of Pirhanas to a static 4-5 and have the cost lowered whenever a minion dies, making it sort of like the Hunter version of Fel Guardians.

    Valor1204:  It's one of those names that feels so close to a pun, but is just barely out of reach.  It feels a bit too similar to Khartut Defender for my liking.  I think you could switch it to be a stat buff, like +3 health or +2/+1 to better differentiate it while keeping the flavor.

    KANSAS: I'm not a fan of the 50% mechanic in HS, so I personally don't like the effect.  A neutral minion that grants Windfury is also a bit spooky given how much damage that can represent, even if it does hit the wrong target.  

    grumpymonk: I think the weapon-attack archetype is good in Rogue without having to dip into Warrior as well.  I think the base damage should be nerfed to 2 so that it more heavily relies on the weapon-attack synergy to become a good card, like how Cutting Class is really bad until your weapon as at least 2 attack.

    Neoguli: The flavor switch was a good call and still fits.  I don't think the card is very good though.  While an interesting idea, Warlock hero power is one of (if not the) best in the game, so giving a free one to your opponent doesn't seem very good.  I don't think the effect as is should stay, or the stats should be driven up to make up for the effect's trade off.

    anchorm4n: I think Share the Spoils is a good idea, but think it is a bit overtuned at +2/+2.  I think taking the Scrap Imp treatment and going for a +2/+1 buff would work well.

    JackJimson: I like the first card, but bump up the cost to 3 and lose the second sentence.  The card is trying to do too much and feels bloated.  The first effect lines up with past Hunter cards and is in flavor by itself.  The second effect should go since Hunter shouldn't have access to self-healing and the effect adds too much complication.  Manadrinker feels like it would be somewhat useless in some matchups while being alright-good in others.  In aggressive matchups, you will almost never get the discount on a turn that is relevant since your opponent will be playing on curve.  In slower matchups, you might get a cheap 4/3, but even that might not be very impactful.  It suffers from similar issues to cards that relied on opponent hand size.

    BasilAnguis: I like both Conjure Food and Morbid Recipe, but I favor Recipe a bit more.  5 mana to destroy a minion + small upside is something we've seen before and doesn't feel overpowered, but you could bump the cost to 6 if you want. Conjure Food doesn't really feel like a secret card, even if it does fall in line with Competitive Spirit.  You could just make it a spell with a delayed effect, but that does lose some interesting applications of being a Secret that doesn't interact with your opponent.  I also have some reservations against putting healing in Mage, since it feels out of flavor.

    GameTheory345: Not a big fan of putting healing or mana regen into the Mage class.  It can already be hard enough to bring down a mage through their freezing and removal, healing to this degree will feel like too much, especially when the card double or even triple dips into generation for Mana Cyclone.

    Davnan Killder: Apple Seller is an overstatted 2 cost that also comes with a Corruption.  The downside is minimal and the card is too strong imo.  I am a big fan of Deadly Banquet, but think hard removal is too powerful on it.  I think changing the destroy into dealing 3-4 damage would be better.

    DestroyerR: I like the idea, the flavor is really good.  Lifesteal in Warrior feels a tad out of place since they're so focused on armor instead, but chefs are typically some kind of healer in games so it could work.  

    bigcums: Healing in Hunter is a big no-no for me, it doesn't feel right given the class's identity and history.  The card itself is also super conditional for an upside that isn't really relevant where it works.  Assuming you are able to play it where you can get good value means that you either have a wide or tall board, meaning that you are likely in a winning or advantageous position.  Playing this card then does nothing to improve your board advantage and instead offers an effect that only occurs when you are losing health and you are winning with mainly/exclusively Beasts.  The effect is too niche and does not offer what Hunter's want in a card.

    bananenparty: I like the idea of a mass Treachery, but don't think Warlock should have the ability to take enemy minions.  This card could also be used as a mass Mind Control, which would be way OP and feel awful to play against.  I think lowering the cost and just moving your minions to the enemy side is a good change.  The favor might need a touch up and you could also put the effect on a battlecry so you aren't left with a board of nothing.

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    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I had a much harder time finding art for this that I thought I would, not many pictures of fantasy human chefs.

    This is a real NPC in WoW.  6/6/6 as an homage to the 'Hell' in Hell's Kitchen.  The flavor behind the effect being that he eliminates the weakest 'contestant' in hand and eliminates similarly weak minions on the board.  I played around with discarding spells, lowest vs highest, destroying less than the cost instead of damage, but this is the first version I settled on.  

    Feedback sometime tomorrow, good luck everyone!

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    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Page 3-4 feedback for those who have not submitted:

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    Demonxz95: It's a bit tricky because of all the reasons you listed for finding this a home in any one class.  My best bet would be Warlock.  Although Tekahn is a bit spooky, it would also be a deck that relies on drawing him while being only Warlock cards, limiting the applications to a late-game Lackey strategy that I don't think would be exceptionally overbearing.  That said, you could also lower the number of Lackeys generated to something like 3-5 to make it more manageable.  

    KANSAS: I prefer the first art and like the 4 mana statline more.  I feel like the 8 mana version comes online a bit too late for something like an improved hero power.  I stand by that it could do one of either HP upgrade or shuffle without the requirement and do the other with it, but I also think that it is good as is.

    linkblade91: I really like Sargeras over the original Kil'jaeden, but think its a bit weak right now.  Restricting yourself to Warlock-only is already pretty rough and then there's the added difficulty of shoving in lots of demons, drawing/playing those demons after turn 10 at the earliest, and finding a time to safely play the card.  My initial suggestion would be to just make it all other minions instead of strictly demons since that would still be fairly in flavor and would feel more flexible to play, but you could also overhaul the effect if you're not feeling it.  Not as big of a fan with Shaohao.  I think it gets really weird to have Neutrals with the no-Neutral synergy since it makes deckbuilding really awkward.  

    Thonson: An alright idea to start, but I think its a bit too niche.  It starts with requiring you to have no Neutrals and then also requires your opponent to have minions on the board, preferably with low stats to proc the deathrattle.  This means that you are likely either behind or even on the board and play a card with no immediate impact and a slow effect that is difficult for you to make use of.  I think the effect should be simpler and faster.  I think the idea of giving Cursed! cards is fine and utilizes an effect that I think should be explored more.

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    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    The first is an updated version of my original entry with better wording and proper format.  I thought it was a tad boring, so I tried making something a bit more exciting.  I think Medivh fits the spirit of this competition well, showing his fall under the influence of the Burning Legion, using his power to summon their forces.  The card might be a bit strong, but I think it's alright considering a full Warlock deck would be difficult to achieve due to the relatively low quality of their cards. Archwitch Willow exists and has similar threat-creating abilities, but has a more immediate impact vs Medivh's longer and slower value generation.  

    I'll get feedback in before I go to sleep tonight! Surprised we're on day 2 and already on page 3!

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    Demonxz95: I'm always hesitant on game-long effects since it creates such a large winrate disparity between when you draw it early vs when you draw it late.  I think I would like to see a more immediate effect instead of a long-term effect, something like your next hero power hits all targets or maybe something like [Hearthstone Card (Metamorphasis) Not Found]with limited uses.

    Shaveyou: A bit spooky considering Hunters typically don't have reliable single-target removal, but most of these cards are supposed to be spooky.  I think making it a random minion and increasing the health or attack by 1 could be a good change, but I don't think this needs major revisions.

    TheHoax91: It feels weird since it will have anti-synergy with other no-Neutral cards and can be abused fairly easily in something like Mage with Neutrals that generate spells.  I don't think requiring Neutrals is a good idea for an effect since it is so easy to bypass and doesn't lead to as much interesting deck-building.

    Linkblade91: I like the idea of seeing Kil'jaeden in the game as a massive lategame drop, but this feels a bit anti-climactic compared to similar cards.  I've never been a fan of big-burst win conditions like Shirvallah, I just feel like it doesn't do justice to the character.  Other big 10-drops like the Old Gods have massive effects that drastically change the board-state, which is something I would also expect out of Kil'jaeden.  I think he should have something to do with either building a large board or destroying the board, something that feels grand.

    Arkasaur: Not a huge fan of the Valkyr, rez has never been a Warrior mechanic and feels really out of place.  I do like the Riverwallow though, its a simple effect that fits Hunter's identity.  

    grumpymonk: I like the idea since these days self-damage Warlock is actually decent, meaning that the card could have two different applications in deckbuilding.  I prefer the Taunt one to differentiate it a bit more from Pit Lord.  I also think that the drawback could be a tad more severe to encourage building around its effect a bit more, something like 6 or 7 damage.

    BasilAnguis: I definitely prefer the flavor of Scarlet Inquisitor since you're right, it nails the Scarlet Crusade well.  I think having some attack restriction would be good to prevent cases where you steal a massive minion and swing for lethal, something like 3 or less attack to be in line with Shadow Madness.

    R: Arazi loses points for being a rehash of Azari, but is also far too niche in its effect.  Especially for legendaries, effects should not be super niche or situational without proper support.  I like Beast Tamer, a simple effect that fits Hunter really well.  I think the name could use a bit more flair since 'Beast Tamer' is a bit generic.

    anchorm4n: I don't like this card since it too heavily promotes stalling games out.  Priest can already annoying enough to deal with considering how much they stall games, but this could make it unbearable, especially with Galakrond existing right now.  That said, I think this could be reflavored into a Warlock card since Warlocks have a harder time generating cards and rely more on draw.  Normally I take issue with game-long effects, but this effect is niche enough and doesn't warp the game too heavily that I don't mind.

    Neoguli: I prefer the second version to the first, but still am not a huge fan of the card.  I love burgle Priest, but I draw the line at fully stealing cards from the enemy deck.  Using something like Shadowstep or Rogues many methods of duplication could lead to infuriating mill gameplay.  Maybe something like Discover a copy of a card with the no-neutral effect being keep all 3.

    JackJimson: There is an unspoken 4-line limit in custom cards that will doc many points (I speak from personal experience).  Too much is happening on the card, I think you should decide a direction from either the first or second half and go from there.  I personally prefer the idea of hand-buffing and then going harder on the buffs if there are no Neutrals.

    bigcums: Voodoo is something that is typically related to Shaman in flavor.  It's a decent start for effect, but there is potentially problematic OTK stuff in Wild. Unlicensed Apothecary plus this and something like Rafaam's Scheme or some other swarm effect could feel really bad to play against.

    FieselFitz: People are going to take issue with the art since its already used by Kazakus.  I like the effect, but the flavor is also way off.  Change it from a potion into something like a ritual, something more Shaman-y.  The second version works, but I like keeping it as a spell.  If you do go with the second version, I don't think that card itself should be a Totem if you stick with the name "Totemic Gatherer".

    allthehype: As it stands I think this suffers from over-generation, something that many players are tired of in the modern meta.  I think instead making it keep all 3 would solve this somewhat while keeping the card strong.

    Shivershine: I like the general idea of the effect and think it fits Rogue's flavor well, but it seems weak atm.  It seems too slow to me, so I would suggest lowering the cost and attack by 1.  It gets on the board faster but can do as much damage, but that is fine since it has Poisonous anyways.

    KANSAS: I really like this card.  It feels very in-flavor for Warlock to extend their power and be rewarded for staying the path of evil.  I think the HP upgrade could exist without the no-neutral requirement to potentially give the card some application in other decks.  I feel like it would be weird to play the 'Embodiment of Evil' and, even if you're not fully dedicated to Warlock, only get a 4/3.

    Ilphelkiir: I am not a fan of game-long effects, and this showcases why.  Permanently having Arcane Artificer, even if it is turn 8 and on, would give Mage so much survivability with no way for the enemy to counter it.  Mages already have an easy enough time clearing/freezing the board and stalling games, gaining all that armor would make them nigh-unkillable.  

    Cg8889: I like the idea of this card.  It fits well in Priest's flavor and even supports tempo Priest.  I think the health buff should be lowered to 2 or 3 though.  The design for most of these cards is that they kind of suck when not put into the pure archetype, but a 3 mana +2/+4 is a pretty alright card.  

    grayghost39: I think this is on the weak side.  For the same restriction, mana, and statline, Paladins equip a weapon that is worth 4 mana already while this gets a 3 drops stats.  I think this could summon two Felstalkers and be balanced.  If that seems like too many stats, I would suggest either lowering the cost to 3 or at least giving the Felstalker Rush.

    Pokeniner: This unfortunately overlaps heavily with a card that has already been submitted :/

    GoliaththeDwarf: If this isn't a battlecry it makes two of your minions have permanent stealth, which is way too strong.  The fact that this is also stealthed and has a whopping 6 health means that it is very difficult to interact with in any meaningful way, to the point where some decks may just auto-lose once this hits the board.

    Jhamel: I don't think this really fits the competition, even if the effect is similar.

  • BloodMefist's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Always sad to see your own card score low on the transparency report :/ Oh well, new week new contest!

    Baseline its a worse Chaos Nova, but in the condition its a much better Flamestrike.  A potentially powerful tool for pure control Warlocks, but running Warlock cards can be challenging considering their typical low quality and situational nature.

    Feedback sometime tomorrow

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    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Feedback time!

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    linkblade91: Wandering monk is a bit awkward in hunter since self/symmetrical damage isn't something hunter is really known for.  First iteration of Edwin was absolutely bonkers and while the second one is much more in line, it no longer feels like a fit for rogue.  I think maybe giving him a Combo that applies to weapons as well could help with this.

    shaveyou: I like the general design of the card, but it unfortunately feels a bit one-sided.  The extra effect on beasts makes it much better in Hunter than in Priest since Priest has so little access to beasts.  If you're okay with it being one-sided that's fine, but it feels a bit too off to me.  I unfortunately don't have any suggestions to fix this.

    KANSAS: I like the second design more than the first and think it's pretty done.  Nice job!

    bananenparty: The amalgam doesn't especially fit either classes identity and may as well be a neutral card.  I have issue the name "Bipolar Elemental" since I don't think mental health is something to be taken so lightly. The card's effect is not much of a choice.  9/10 times you're going to pick the AoE and only on a very few occasions are you going to spend 7 mana to heal 3.  A flat +3 health buff to friendly minions would be much more appealing and could see use in more scenarios.

    Elfensilver: I like bringing both Hunter and Paladin's affinity for 1-drops together and think the effect fits both classes very well.  I think the third art is best, but there is still room for improvement. 

    Demonxz95: I really like the design of this card, it reminds me of how the Priest/Warlock cards were able to find common ground.  I think this card is pretty much set except for the name.  "Magician" feels a bit off in Paladin, I think even something like "Summoner" or "Conjurer" works a bit better.

    MrRhapsody: I like the idea of choosing which downside to go with and think that both classes will lean towards the one that fits them most. Really cool design.  I think maybe lower the attack to 4, but it seems pretty set to me.

    grumpymonk: I always liked Keeper of Uldaman, so I enjoy this card right off the bat.  I really enjoy the consistent '3' motif throughout, I don't have too much to offer in terms of improvement.  Great job!

    Nirast: I really like the idea of choosing between immediate effect and long term power.  I think I would prefer to see the first effect but on 3 mana rather than pumping the numbers up, but the general design for the card is good.

    DestroyerR: Giving Wild Disco-lock cheap discard and ramp is a bit dangerous and might rub some crowds the wrong way.  I really do like the idea of the card though and think it fits the combination of classes really well.  

    anchorm4n: I almost designed a card very similar to this one.  I really like the initial design and think its balanced pretty well.

    Ardin: A bit skeptical since there is not really a way for one class to use half of the card's effect (Hunter has a hard time using Elementals and Shaman has a hard time using Beasts).  That said, you also point out that is support Highlander Hunter really well, which it certainly does without giving much power to Shaman.  Hunters might start running lists with King Krush as their only beast just to get a 9 mana 16 damage bomb in the late game.  Even without King Krush, Zixxor Prime (assuming I understand the interaction correctly) would summon copies with Windfury, becoming a massive threat.  I think it should be toned in a way that helps Shaman out a bit more.

    Basil Anguis: A bit wordy, but not too complicated of a card when you get down to it.  I like the basic idea, but think it should be reflavored a bit since it doesn't make a ton of sense for a "Defender" to lose taunt and gain stealth.  I think making it something related to the Scarlet Crusade would fit well, like "Scarlet Agent" or something.

    Sinth: While this looks like it might be a fun card, I don't think it does a good job of combining both classes identities and just feels like another RNG clown fiesta.

    ShiverShine: I like it.  Work well on both Battlecry and Deathrattle cards, fitting with the classes identities.  I feel like it might draw the ire of people who despise things like Rez Priest, so I think sticking the effect on a minion with Battlecry might be a good move.

    thepowrofcheese: Even if you do stipulate how the secret shows up, the confusion may be enough to cause people to rate the card poorly.  I like drawing synergy between Hunters and Rogues for their 2 mana secrets, but this might not be the card to do it on.

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    Old God Fanatic 850 804 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Feedback generally agreed that the card was too weak at 5 mana 2/4, so I'm trying two different routes.  The first bumps up the stats so that it is even harder to trigger, but represents a decent threat on its own and has a massive payoff.  The second brings all the numbers down to fit a more aggressive playstyle.  I have considered giving it Taunt, but it seems a bit weird in flavor.  Rush also hurts the flavor a bit and I fear that it would make the card essentially a Savage Roar+.

    Feedback will come later today, lots to get through