It costs 5 though that's quite expensive, also you can't just activate it without an attacker, you need to attack with something else for this to work.
Poor guy :( nooo this is dark and the worst of this is that this card is amazing so we will see this guy getting killed constantly in dragon decks (which aren't that good but things can change).
H can block early aggression (up to 2) with no additional cost to it, and then trigger Shyvana level up and fury , if you played 3 of those and then play Shyvana you get a turn 4 level up!
But unlike Freljord, his support cards are much better than They Who Endure's. I think fundamentally both decks are going to be different as well so it's hard to compare. We might even see Harrowing being used in it.
So one sided slow speed Concerted Strike that has a bonus if it kills the target, also just one to one rather than 2 to 1 which is different..
that being said Concerted Strike is very good, hard to evaluate, depends on what the shurima region can or can't do.. and if nasus will bein Demacia or not (So far it seems like he will be mostly paired with SI)
This kind of wipe is a lot better than it looks in first place. It kinda works like an Grasp of the Undying on aoe. The only thing about it that sucks is the mana cost... i mean 7? That is a lot to ask for...
yeah, but in LoR you can afford those costs on spells since spell mana exists, we saw similar cards see play before so the mana cost is justified, specially since it's a burst speed spell! we saw slow speed similar spells see play in freljord!
it's like that in league too, he just gets stats for farming top lane (the lane with the least impact on the game) most of the game while not really doing much else, to get a lot of stats on his Q then one shots towers and champions late game, also he is a melee champion so he is vulnerable to people getting away from him or CCing(Stunning,slowing,knocking up/back) him which is also showing in LoR.
Tried to make the explanation as neutral as possible in case you never played league.
They Who Endure have Overwhelm, which is probably the best keyword for a unit like this. Nasus may end up being stronger, but without Overwhelm it’s not a sure thing.
true, but Shurima got attack lowering cards and level 2 Nasus lowers the attack while nasus having fearsome not to mention Nasus 2 having spell shield so when the Nasus player casts Atrocity you need 2 spells to stop it!
not really, just watched the reveal video killing your own units counts so he is They Who Endure but BETTER damn.. didn't they nerfed that card? and now they just release a champion that does the same thing but BETTER?
is "slay ANY unit that died or that a card that YOU control deal damage to it first?
cause if not shadow isles is a bit weak to nasus since they kill their own units.. (I am guessing it's the later)
I thought nasus would scale early but I guess he just scales in hand that's better for him tbh I really like how they implemented him it reflects his league game play a lot.
I like the LoR look more though.. Taliyah in league looks a lot more awkward, I prefer her with normal eyebrows.. the skin tone is too bright for desert borne person though that much is true but I wouldn't change the eyebrows in LoR... rather change those in league..
Still not playing the game, deleted the client from everywhere and I am not even following what's going on, and glad I did it, playing LoR instead 100% better game.
this is better on an attack turn for a defensive deck you make it so the next turn is weakened for the opponent who wants to play cards on 4, it's an open attack punisher if anything. also heals 2 if not at full.
Oh I see, I just happened to get here too early, just wondered why I didn't see them with the cards that's all of course I appreciate your great work getting everything covered as always.
Anyway Lissandra does not only introduce 3 mana AOE fast speed for freljord (something that was missing!) she also gives the region more early game which was needed she is the cheapest freljord champion as of now (which is weird since she is a really strong witch), I think this transistion from legue is quite perfect they didn't leave much that lissandra doesn't do in game!
think entomb is kind of too slow, but who knows
she seems to work well with taliyah with all those land marks she creates..
hard to evaluate besides her base value which seems great 3 hp tough on turn 3 is basically immortal in terms of most removals early game.
It costs 5 though that's quite expensive, also you can't just activate it without an attacker, you need to attack with something else for this to work.
So it took them 7 years to finally make this change huh?
They had to complain this was restricting them for so long and yet they didn't change it.
Those buffs are grant, and are more flexible so this is better than weapon hilt, besides this is 2 spell triggers for what it's worth.
Meh I wouldn't leave out Shurima just cause Taragon is good, Shurima got also a lot of tools in it's own right.
Poor guy :( nooo this is dark and the worst of this is that this card is amazing so we will see this guy getting killed constantly in dragon decks (which aren't that good but things can change).
H can block early aggression (up to 2) with no additional cost to it, and then trigger Shyvana level up and fury , if you played 3 of those and then play Shyvana you get a turn 4 level up!
Dragon chow is quite amazing, if you control 3 of it by turn 4 and then play shyvanna it's an instant level up!!
He blocks 2/1 attack units for "free and triggers fury.
I think tomorrow we will see the SI slay cards just like Taliyah got Lissandra and Renekton got Jarvan IV after him..
My first thought was Twisted Fate though costs 4 and has 2 hp.
most of the cards are followers so dealling 7 to most units for 4..
I think it should've been written the other way since the champion targeting is the lesser part...
7 damage kills most followers!
So swim just mentioned he wanted to play freljord renekton meme deck that buffs him +3/+3 freljord is no longed needed.
this is another synergy point with SI.
Nasus seems to be geared toward SI, so my guess is that we will see the SI champion tomorrow I think it was Kindred.
So one sided slow speed Concerted Strike that has a bonus if it kills the target, also just one to one rather than 2 to 1 which is different..
that being said Concerted Strike is very good, hard to evaluate, depends on what the shurima region can or can't do.. and if nasus will bein Demacia or not (So far it seems like he will be mostly paired with SI)
yeah, but in LoR you can afford those costs on spells since spell mana exists, we saw similar cards see play before so the mana cost is justified, specially since it's a burst speed spell! we saw slow speed similar spells see play in freljord!
it's like that in league too, he just gets stats for farming top lane (the lane with the least impact on the game) most of the game while not really doing much else, to get a lot of stats on his Q then one shots towers and champions late game, also he is a melee champion so he is vulnerable to people getting away from him or CCing(Stunning,slowing,knocking up/back) him which is also showing in LoR.
Tried to make the explanation as neutral as possible in case you never played league.
true, but Shurima got attack lowering cards and level 2 Nasus lowers the attack while nasus having fearsome not to mention Nasus 2 having spell shield so when the Nasus player casts Atrocity you need 2 spells to stop it!
I see, this is much stronger than I initially though.. basically what OldManSans said
not really, just watched the reveal video killing your own units counts so he is They Who Endure but BETTER damn.. didn't they nerfed that card? and now they just release a champion that does the same thing but BETTER?
is "slay ANY unit that died or that a card that YOU control deal damage to it first?
cause if not shadow isles is a bit weak to nasus since they kill their own units.. (I am guessing it's the later)
I thought nasus would scale early but I guess he just scales in hand that's better for him tbh I really like how they implemented him it reflects his league game play a lot.
I like the LoR look more though.. Taliyah in league looks a lot more awkward, I prefer her with normal eyebrows.. the skin tone is too bright for desert borne person though that much is true but I wouldn't change the eyebrows in LoR... rather change those in league..
Still not playing the game, deleted the client from everywhere and I am not even following what's going on, and glad I did it, playing LoR instead 100% better game.
this is better on an attack turn for a defensive deck you make it so the next turn is weakened for the opponent who wants to play cards on 4, it's an open attack punisher if anything. also heals 2 if not at full.
Oh I see, I just happened to get here too early, just wondered why I didn't see them with the cards that's all of course I appreciate your great work getting everything covered as always.
why don't you put the reveal that comes with the cards?
Anyway Lissandra does not only introduce 3 mana AOE fast speed for freljord (something that was missing!) she also gives the region more early game which was needed she is the cheapest freljord champion as of now (which is weird since she is a really strong witch), I think this transistion from legue is quite perfect they didn't leave much that lissandra doesn't do in game!
think entomb is kind of too slow, but who knows
she seems to work well with taliyah with all those land marks she creates..
hard to evaluate besides her base value which seems great 3 hp tough on turn 3 is basically immortal in terms of most removals early game.