the nerfs I predicted were almost on point.. forgot to mention back to back which I though was needing a nerf as well.. I really like the buffs they did. only hit Scuttlegeist as a buff target (but not the buff itself) and Lux which I was right about her not showing up enough to get buffed..
Deny was a no brainer prediction.. but I thought they would do something else rather than a mana cost change.
Inspiring Mentor - @cursed parrot predicted the nerf well also it makes the most sense.. I stated an overnerf to the card.
Kinkou Lifeblade - ye I was right about it being a nerf target and one of the nerfs.
Commander Ledros - almost, didn't predict the rounding nerf (there's a thread asking for it..), and didn't expect the small buff.
Looking forward to try the newly buffed cards now :D
Also thanks for the mod who changed the title, I made a mistake in calling it just changes.. those were predictions mostly to see which will happen and which won't..
He should really return to the top of the deck instead, that way you can’t play him the turn he dies (and he doesn’t give you “card draw” when he dies
That was actually a thought bouncing around my head after revisiting the Ledros thread this morning. Wouldn't be a bad idea as a change, though I wonder if it would make him unplayable.
Re: rest of OP's list:
- My main point - we're not going to see any sweeping changes at this point. For all that I rip on Rito's revolving door balance strategy, they have at least shown via TFT that they're capable of patience when a meta is still in heavy flux. At release (not all that long ago, really) we had a lot of Elusive complaints and they were flooding the meta - nerf calls abound. Fast forward to now, the meta has responded; Elusive isn't top of the pile because other things have risen up to counter them.
- Major disagreement with any Lux changes. She's fine at doing what she does, as what she is - which is a lower-risk lower-reward Heimer.
- Major disagreement with basically the entire bottom half of your post. Elusives don't need nerfing at this stage as meta shifts show they're clearly counterable. Elise nerf would render her wholly unplayable as she'd lose far too much in the mirror - if time suggests spiders need a nerf they can be hit in other ways. I could maybe get behind nerfs to Rhasa and Cursed Keeper, but that's about it.
Overall, my view is that your list is basically saying 'nerf every popular deck in half a dozen ways so that they're wholly unplayable' - which really doesn't chime with your claim to be salt-free. That is not balancing - that's see-sawing.
I am not salty I just see that those decks are way too dominant, and Elise is too good of a 2 drop, I play fearsome/spiders/hecarim for a while so I am asking to nerf the deck I am playing cause I feel it's too strong, losing stuff in the mirror.. well Elise is part of the mirror lol.
I prefer to predict more nerfs that not also I don't claim ALL card should be nerfed just predicting what Riot might do.
In league balance when Riot nerfs something they nerf a lot of aspects of that something, also sometimes buff other aspects in the same time (see: aatrox and akali nerfs).
I don't believe it would make the decks unplayable, currently fearsome decks are over represented in the meta (Around 40% pick in masters according to swim), if you nerf 3 cards in the deck the deck is still really powerful.
The nerf is to warsong commander, if they were to unnerf it it would be "give your 3 or less attack minions rush" but then rush would be a classic keyword and Blizzard is annoying and won't do that cause charge is ok but rush is too complicated for new players.
The real reason? Blizzard has no idea how to balance charge they don't want that design space at all also they don't care.
Guys, I was thinking today that actually you can definitely play the Elysiana + a guaranteed second copy if you play the Warrior quest and the adventurer that gives you coin if you have an active quest? You can also mulligan off the quest since you don't need it right away. Or you could use it as a win-condition in the late game?
P.S. I hate that archetype and I have never played it...
The Quest thing is actually an interesting idea, brb trying to make a deck =D
EDIT: I updated the deck theory-wise. I don't have Hack the System so can someone test it out and see if it's decent?
Spoiler: Hack the System sucks, you got dr, boom you don't need the quest.. if anything I would play galakround..
Seems like a solid list.. sadly a lot of cards in this list will rotate out in 2.5 months so don't go and craft more cards from the year of the raven if they are expensive.. it's really impressive you got to rank 10 with such low play time..
The only card I find odd here is the scavengers definetly use EVIL Quartermaster instead, you get 3 armor on battlecry instead of a condition (you are not gonna proc that ability more than once anyway.. and they are both turn 4 plays but quartermaster is more flexible.
looks okish.. outdated list in terms of meta but what can you do..
Druids and rogues are really just too powerful you could get lucky enough to face less of them and get your rank 5..
I would like if Fiora had to get more kills before she wins you the game, but given it is tied to her League ultimate, it has to be 4.
I think the best way to go about it is simply change how she levels up.
There are not many ways to nerf Fiora without ruining her, they kind of nailed her design in mana cost and stats.. and they can't really change her win condition since it's really nice way.. The way I suggested (3/1 kills upgrade/win instead of 2/2) is probably the most elegant (heh..) way to nerf her.
People have been suggesting for since the game start to change the economy of the game there have been really minor changes since beta.
They won't do that cause they manage to sell enough to satisfy their costs and such but there are not many new players to the game cause the P2P aspect of the game (if you want to be anywhere near competitive you need to preorder at least 1 year worth of packs ATM AND be active).
I feel like I already paid the game enough as a player I bought preorders in KOFT,kobolds and witchwood and also bought the 20 packs bundle of RR..
I am not going to buy any more content I have enough dust to craft almost anything but I save it cause the crafting costs are painful, and I would rather have extra resources.
I think the best change to the system is not to change the number of packs but the quality of packs:
If they makes the 40 dust pack be an edge case rather than the most common case, it would not only make the packs be more interesting but would make the game cost SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper. epics should be sort of rare but not as rare as they are now.. there are too many epics in the game to make them as rare and they are so core to many strategies.. legendaries are sort of OK cause they are much less in quantity and you need less of them.. but epics.. should appear on average every third pack and not every 10th..
I play LoR I am really pleased (a word you use a lot in your videos XD) with their system there's enough progress there to keep me engaged and I can experiment a lot with new decks which is the msot fun thing in card games.. something in HS I can't do without regrets..
Guess why anivia was nerfed to 7 mana from 6? yep this combo.
it's too memey because dusk and dawnBADCARDNAME only works with high mana cost comboes otherwise it's not that great, and it's a slow spell so Deny exists.. when Deny gets nerfed maybe it will be used more.
There will be a balance change patch this Tuesday in runeterra which cards do you think will be changed (buffed/nerfed/reworked)?
Disclaimer: Those changes are suggestions/my opinion, also it doesn't mean I am salty for losing to the "op cards" nor I meme with the cards I suggest to buff.
Expecting changes to some frostbite cards they are too efficient.
OK I probably missed some stuff that is clear that it needs changes and Riot will surprise us with cards we did not think were problematic or cards that we didn't think were too good but they got the big data, the win rates the play rates..
Is it possible that he had something like Rimetusk Shaman up?
The OP said that he had a "full board" and that all of his units were frostbit only after he declared his attack, so that couldn't be it. At least assuming all of his statements are true.
Oh, this is weird then.
If the OP has Autopass enabled, then I think DoubleSummon's theory of having Harsh Winds casted on him is plausible and he just passed over it when looking at the history.
If that isn't it, then I don't know what it is.
It makes even more sense, when you realize he said he was on the 5th expedition(so everyone has at least 3 champions) and had Anivia on board, anivia's champion spell is Anivia's Harsh Winds.
There is also a decent pool of standard dragons you are not running might want to take another look (while dropping weapon synergy cards, and Zul'jin (which is weak when you are not running secrets or a lot of spells).)
I don't know why would you like wild over standard if you are not running the wild cards you can't use in standard..
I don't think it is worth to play wild instead of standard for 1 MEH card ([Hearthstone Card (neferian) Not Found]) and Stitched Trackers either go with many good wild dragons or cut them for standard cards.
Dread Corsair is out of place.. you have only 1 weapon.
As a Hearthstone player, this card makes me think if Anub'arak was a good card, what would it's effect be? Granted the effect can be very effective in the right situation, in HS the 9 mana minion slow is often one where you either 1) have a powerful effect with an immediate impact or 2) use it as some sort of combo piece. Otherwise, it's usually too slow.
In essence, Ledros is kind of like this. The low health means it can die easily, but it has been given a very powerful effect! I have played him some for this effect alone, but have yet to play him with my opponent at 1 HP. Didn't know that was the result. However, now that I know that I'm not really sure how I feel about it. Going from 1 to zero isn't really cutting in half, it's dealing 1 damage. Perhaps the solution is just to specify "cut the enemy Nexus health in half, but not less than 1." So ultimately you get the same effect, rounding down UNTIL the opponent is at 1 HP.
But also, unless this becomes a very common strategy with people abusing the power of Ledros to win games at an impressively high win rate, or unless the entire meta of the game is forming around stopping Ledros, I'd say leave it. The Runterra team seems set on frequent balance patches and will likely make a change when, or if it's ever needed.
If Anub'arak would cut the enemy hp in half, and had taunt(every unit that can block in runetterra has essentially taunt) be sure he would see play in Rogue.
Paladins (both sides) used odd paladin cause of the theme, wanted to see interactions.. barely saw any.. anyway took me just a few tried to beat them.
Reno (E.V.I.L): beat him with King Togwaggle combo druid.
Togwaggle: Think I gone with stealing/silencing his candles with priest (?) don't remember he wasn't that hard. using Potion of Madness and Mass Dispel.
Rafaam (LOE) beat him with mechathun warlock (hint: use Sacrificial Pact on the imps to gain hp).
Galakround (E.V.I.L) tried many times with big priest(for 3 hours!) I almost beat him with big priest but I hero powered his face (cause I was tired ok..) and lost to 1 hp XD
Tried as well mill rogue and reno mage, but in the end I settled on freeze mage, took me 1 try with freeze mage (add all the freeze card to the deck, alex and also the new reno hero card).
Depends on the storyline, it depends too.. deafeated doesn't mean they died.. for example khadgar explodes when conquering dalaran, right? ye he is still alive this expansion (and for some reason free?) so their portrait exploding doesn't mean they are killed, just defeated.
I think on the E.V.I.L side though I think every character that is defeated is indeed killed.
So depends on the storyline the hearthstone cannon chooses to continue on if they use the same characters ever again.
E.V.I.L: league of explorers are dead, so are the alliance and the horde, galakround too.
the nerfs I predicted were almost on point.. forgot to mention back to back which I though was needing a nerf as well.. I really like the buffs they did. only hit Scuttlegeist as a buff target (but not the buff itself) and Lux which I was right about her not showing up enough to get buffed..
Deny was a no brainer prediction.. but I thought they would do something else rather than a mana cost change.
Inspiring Mentor - @cursed parrot predicted the nerf well also it makes the most sense.. I stated an overnerf to the card.
Kinkou Lifeblade - ye I was right about it being a nerf target and one of the nerfs.
Rhasa the Sunderer - yep, as expected.
Commander Ledros - almost, didn't predict the rounding nerf (there's a thread asking for it..), and didn't expect the small buff.
Looking forward to try the newly buffed cards now :D
Also thanks for the mod who changed the title, I made a mistake in calling it just changes.. those were predictions mostly to see which will happen and which won't..
Get an attack token, you may declare attack when it's your turn.
I am not salty I just see that those decks are way too dominant, and Elise is too good of a 2 drop, I play fearsome/spiders/hecarim for a while so I am asking to nerf the deck I am playing cause I feel it's too strong, losing stuff in the mirror.. well Elise is part of the mirror lol.
I prefer to predict more nerfs that not also I don't claim ALL card should be nerfed just predicting what Riot might do.
In league balance when Riot nerfs something they nerf a lot of aspects of that something, also sometimes buff other aspects in the same time (see: aatrox and akali nerfs).
I don't believe it would make the decks unplayable, currently fearsome decks are over represented in the meta (Around 40% pick in masters according to swim), if you nerf 3 cards in the deck the deck is still really powerful.
Probably a bug(or spider in this case)
The game is in beta, big bugs are expected.
The nerf is to warsong commander, if they were to unnerf it it would be "give your 3 or less attack minions rush" but then rush would be a classic keyword and Blizzard is annoying and won't do that cause charge is ok but rush is too complicated for new players.
The real reason? Blizzard has no idea how to balance charge they don't want that design space at all also they don't care.
Spoiler: Hack the System sucks, you got dr, boom you don't need the quest.. if anything I would play galakround..
Seems like a solid list.. sadly a lot of cards in this list will rotate out in 2.5 months so don't go and craft more cards from the year of the raven if they are expensive.. it's really impressive you got to rank 10 with such low play time..
The only card I find odd here is the scavengers definetly use EVIL Quartermaster instead, you get 3 armor on battlecry instead of a condition (you are not gonna proc that ability more than once anyway.. and they are both turn 4 plays but quartermaster is more flexible.
looks okish.. outdated list in terms of meta but what can you do..
Druids and rogues are really just too powerful you could get lucky enough to face less of them and get your rank 5..
There are not many ways to nerf Fiora without ruining her, they kind of nailed her design in mana cost and stats.. and they can't really change her win condition since it's really nice way.. The way I suggested (3/1 kills upgrade/win instead of 2/2) is probably the most elegant (heh..) way to nerf her.
Flaming obviously, like most league players flame none stop..
Just watched your video actually.
People have been suggesting for since the game start to change the economy of the game there have been really minor changes since beta.
They won't do that cause they manage to sell enough to satisfy their costs and such but there are not many new players to the game cause the P2P aspect of the game (if you want to be anywhere near competitive you need to preorder at least 1 year worth of packs ATM AND be active).
I feel like I already paid the game enough as a player I bought preorders in KOFT,kobolds and witchwood and also bought the 20 packs bundle of RR..
I am not going to buy any more content I have enough dust to craft almost anything but I save it cause the crafting costs are painful, and I would rather have extra resources.
I think the best change to the system is not to change the number of packs but the quality of packs:
If they makes the 40 dust pack be an edge case rather than the most common case, it would not only make the packs be more interesting but would make the game cost SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper. epics should be sort of rare but not as rare as they are now.. there are too many epics in the game to make them as rare and they are so core to many strategies.. legendaries are sort of OK cause they are much less in quantity and you need less of them.. but epics.. should appear on average every third pack and not every 10th..
I play LoR I am really pleased (a word you use a lot in your videos XD) with their system there's enough progress there to keep me engaged and I can experiment a lot with new decks which is the msot fun thing in card games.. something in HS I can't do without regrets..
Guess why anivia was nerfed to 7 mana from 6? yep this combo.
it's too memey because dusk and dawnBADCARDNAME only works with high mana cost comboes otherwise it's not that great, and it's a slow spell so Deny exists.. when Deny gets nerfed maybe it will be used more.
We need a peper thread for LoR.
It doesn't remotely looks like a spider
There will be a balance change patch this Tuesday in runeterra which cards do you think will be changed (buffed/nerfed/reworked)?
Disclaimer: Those changes are suggestions/my opinion, also it doesn't mean I am salty for losing to the "op cards" nor I meme with the cards I suggest to buff.
My list:
Poro Snax, Kalista, Trueshot Barrage (from slow to fast),Funsmith(from 5 to 4, not enough fun as it is),Midenstokke Henchmen(cost reduced, stats too),Shady Character, from 1/1 to 1/2 (harder to just kill), Lux (didn't see her at all..), Emerald Awakener (+0/+1 , base, +0/-1 on the buff still the same on turn 10 but sucks much less when played on curve), Scuttlegeist (5/5->6/6)
ramp tools(overnerfed, nobody consider playing them).
Battering Ram - not broken in constructed but is in expeditions.
Commander Ledros (+1 cost, remove fearsome),Fiora (3 targets required for level up, doesn't keep count with new copies), Elise (2/3-> 2/2),Shadow Assassin (2/2->2/1 OR 3->4 mana cost), Kinkou Lifeblade(4->5 mana or 2/3->2/2 maybe both),Navori Conspirator (3/2->2/2),Inspiring Mentor (on buff +1/+1->+1/+0), Rhasa the Sunderer (cost +1), Hecarim (Cost +1), Wraithcaller(4/3->3/3 no longer has fearsome),Frenzied Skitterer (cost 3->4), Cursed Keeper (token is 3/3 instead of 4/4).
Expecting changes to some frostbite cards they are too efficient.
OK I probably missed some stuff that is clear that it needs changes and Riot will surprise us with cards we did not think were problematic or cards that we didn't think were too good but they got the big data, the win rates the play rates..
It makes even more sense, when you realize he said he was on the 5th expedition(so everyone has at least 3 champions) and had Anivia on board, anivia's champion spell is Anivia's Harsh Winds.
Definitely not Nefarian
You should run/consider:Primordial Drake,Drakonid Crusher, Cobalt Scalebane, Twilight Guardian.
Situational: Book Wyrm, Bone Drake.
Also you really want to consider running Blackwing Corruptor.
There is also a decent pool of standard dragons you are not running might want to take another look (while dropping weapon synergy cards, and Zul'jin (which is weak when you are not running secrets or a lot of spells).)
I don't know why would you like wild over standard if you are not running the wild cards you can't use in standard..
Frostbited* you mean, dunno you need to screenshot when something goes wrong.. he probably used Harsh Winds and you didn't notice.
I don't think it is worth to play wild instead of standard for 1 MEH card ([Hearthstone Card (neferian) Not Found]) and Stitched Trackers either go with many good wild dragons or cut them for standard cards.
Dread Corsair is out of place.. you have only 1 weapon.
If you are going to standard, cut Flare.
If Anub'arak would cut the enemy hp in half, and had taunt(every unit that can block in runetterra has essentially taunt) be sure he would see play in Rogue.
Paladins (both sides) used odd paladin cause of the theme, wanted to see interactions.. barely saw any.. anyway took me just a few tried to beat them.
Reno (E.V.I.L): beat him with King Togwaggle combo druid.
Togwaggle: Think I gone with stealing/silencing his candles with priest (?) don't remember he wasn't that hard. using Potion of Madness and Mass Dispel.
Rafaam (LOE) beat him with mechathun warlock (hint: use Sacrificial Pact on the imps to gain hp).
Galakround (E.V.I.L) tried many times with big priest(for 3 hours!) I almost beat him with big priest but I hero powered his face (cause I was tired ok..) and lost to 1 hp XD
Tried as well mill rogue and reno mage, but in the end I settled on freeze mage, took me 1 try with freeze mage (add all the freeze card to the deck, alex and also the new reno hero card).
Depends on the storyline, it depends too.. deafeated doesn't mean they died.. for example khadgar explodes when conquering dalaran, right? ye he is still alive this expansion (and for some reason free?) so their portrait exploding doesn't mean they are killed, just defeated.
I think on the E.V.I.L side though I think every character that is defeated is indeed killed.
So depends on the storyline the hearthstone cannon chooses to continue on if they use the same characters ever again.
E.V.I.L: league of explorers are dead, so are the alliance and the horde, galakround too.
LOE: Lazul and galakround are dead.