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Esparanta's Comments

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Bystekhilcar

    Without meaning to be overly critical,

    First of all, let's make one thing clear: You are not overly critical in any matter. Besides, I love every critic/feedback given so that "The Forgotten Wilds" series can be improved for better, as long as there are no personal attacks in any way possible.

    Quote From Bystekhilcar

    I'm a little confused as to the selection of cards here - and the point of the article series. Are you looking to highlight interesting cards? Underrated cards?

    I mentioned the aim of "The Forgotten Wilds" series below but I will mention here anyways: The aim of these series is to give you insight regarding forgotten cards -and their respective archetypes if possible- to encourage you by trying these decks and even helping you come up with your own deck if possible.

    As for the cards I'm narrating, I look for both interesting and underrated cards that wasn't played much. Thus, I won't spotlight highly popular cards such as Kazakus and Reno Jackson due to the reasons I explained just above.


    Regarding four cards you criticized, that's your opinion, I respect that. However, why feel so harsh on Shadowfiend for being not interesting and not underrated? I mean, read the article thoroughly one more time, it's frostheart's idea to give it a spotlight and I thanked/gave credit to frostheart. Just, be gentle to community's card-choices and decks while commenting and don't try to sound like this (I know you didn't by any means but just wanted to give my warning) because I care opinions of OoC community, whether it's a bad card or not. That's one thing I won't tolerate, if one oversteps the mark.

    Quote From Bystekhilcar

    My confusion, therefore, is that all four cards seem to have different reasons for being brought up.

    Your confusion is resolved within 2nd paragraph of mine, please have a look and feel free to object if I wasn't clear enough.

    Quote From Bystekhilcar

    Maybe the article's just about discussing randomly-chosen Wild cards (which is fine, don't get me wrong)

    Not at all. Chosen cards are picked carefully with the help from the community, if they are interesting and reasonable enough to spotlight but also not being a super-popular card. It's like I repeated myself again (3rd paragraph of mine) but that's how four cards will be picked for spotlight.

    Quote From Bystekhilcar

    but I can't help but feel the article could be improved with more focus. Apologies for being critical!

    Then, I will do my best. If you have anything in-mind, be it critic or feedback, I will gladly take all to improve these series for better. For starters, why don't you offer a characteristic cards but not a dull one such as Puddlestomper?

    Also, don't apologize for something good: Any feedback or critic is valuable for improving "The Forgotten Wilds" series for better. Thanks for taking your time with your awesome feedback. I hope next article will give you more satisfaction than current one 😃

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon

    I am playing since 2014, I never saw a dragon paladin above tier 4 it was always inferior to any other dragon deck,

    I agree with you because Hunter/Warrior/Priest decks are better than Paladin ones for Dragon decks.

    Quote From DoubleSummon

    the fact that people can make decks via searching "dragon" and adding all cards (as in the featured deck btw)

    Do you really think I choose this deck just because "dragons" were added "randomly"? The reason why I shared this deck was the fact that Dragon Consort started all by emerging a new archetype itself: Dragon Paladin. It's like I shared an Elemental Priest deck and you tell me its a "trash deck" because Shaman/Mage classes are known as their Elemental archetypes but not for "unique Elementals" of Priest class.

    Quote From DoubleSummon

    doesn't mean the deck is anywhere near good, the maker of the featured deck claimed it's a "just for fun" rank 20~15 deck.

    I am talking about a viable deck that has a niche btw not the option to actually play a deck cause I can play murloc priest for some reason but is it good? nah, why not play dragon rogue while you are at the argument people can make decks of anything and it's an argument.

    Brian Kibler almost never play good decks he plays thief rogue, quest warlock, dragon paladin all sub 50% win rate deck but he is an exceptional player so he does well with any deck.

    So be it. While sharing decks, I don't care whether a deck hit Legend or not. The aim of these series is to give you insight regarding forgotten cards -and their respective archetypes if possible- to encourage you by trying these decks and even helping you come up with your own deck if possible.

    Quote From DoubleSummon

    the misinformation here is that in may 2015 dragon paladin was a thing, it was tried but quickly thrown away and paladin returned to playing their GVG deck until secret paladin came out in august 2015, and then dragon consort wasn't even a consideration.

    I wish dragon paladin was ever good but it wasn't I am 100% certain of this cause I really wanted the deck to be good but it never was and won't be until blizzard actually releases actually good dragon paladin cards, that are not decent arena cards

    Glad you clarified the "misinformation" because this must be done. Now, all became as clear as a crystal.

    Quote From DoubleSummon

    looking back at the dragon paladin card (just search dragon in the deck builder) I am so underwhelmed by them why do they make them so underpowered? why do they release them so far apart?

    That I really wish to know myself. Thanks for your feedback btw, it was a pleasure discussing with you 😃

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    I share the same feeling as you do and I still use him. New Mage Quest made me use him again, so I advise you to try 😄

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    They will never stop and move forward for better.

    If you have any forgotten cards you wish to see, feel free to write here.

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Don't you worry, we all have fun preparing our articles to share the beauty of Hearthstone in every possible aspect 😃

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon

    Dragon paladin was NEVER played...

    Are you certain of your statement bolded above? Because I'm pretty sure I saw this golden Dragon since May 2015, that's when I started this game. Maybe, the reason why you stated as such must be the fact that you started Hearthstone late. Also...

    Quote From DoubleSummon

    ...don't spread misinformation,...

    Better you don't spread your misinformation, otherwise these decks from Hearthstone community would have never made. Come to think of it...

    Quote From DoubleSummon

    ...dragon consort didn't spawn any deck,...

    How come did I find these decks, one from a community member and one from Kibler, if Dragon Consort didn't spawn any deck? Up until now, I thought that you accused me of spreading misinformation without researching but...

    Quote From DoubleSummon

    the reason why dragon paladin is never good is because blizzard prints 2 dragon paladin cards per year that are rarely ever good. 

    This proves otherwise, so I'm not sure how to judge you. I look forward to hear a response from you, explaining your accusation of "spreading misinformation" in full detail, as if you are writing "The Forgotten Wilds" series for this card-only.

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Oh, you are right. It's just that I get used to name it Nexus. Thus, I didn't notice Saraad. Good catch, Nirast 👌

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Psymon

    Why two copies of Spectral Cutlass??

    Ooze effects are still viable. Thus, two copies of Spectral Cutlass are here as a better precaution compared to one copy of it.

    Quote From Psymon

    Maybe with another draw card mechanic as Raiding Party...

    Let's see. This card was nerfed from 3-Mana to 4-Mana and you will draw your "only pirate" if Combo effect is active. Why bother with such hassle?

    Quote From Psymon

    ...besides Cavern Shinyfinder could be viable but I don't want to imagine an hypothetical scenario when you need to use Reno and you're unable to do that because both weapons (and Shinyfinder, of course) remains at the bottom of your deck :(

    That happened to me like 1 game out of 30. If I recall, there were one Mecha'thun deck that has duplicates in it and Reno as a healer, which hit Legend around 3 months ago. Also, some decks utilizing Elise aren't purely Highlander decks but that's another story. So, you have two options:

    Choice is yours. If there are any questions, feel free to ask 😃

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago


  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago


  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Added weasel will be immediately shuffled.

    In reply to Hunt all Weasels!
  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From MalcolmReynolds

    with the coming nerfs I will have enough dust to craft this deck, do you think it is worth crafting Rhok'delar and Lock and Load for this? other options would be crafting dinotamer brann and/or the shaman quest.

    If you care for fun, crafting Rhok'delar and Lock and Load are worth it. This deck is viable as well but don't think you can reach all the way up to Legend, if you play only competitively. At least, I couldn't do that because I personally never reached to Legend and I play mostly casually.

    As for your other optional cards, I think you need to make a decision before moving on because both cards are viable in Wild format.

    Quote From Meenz
    Having played the weapon /spell hunter a lot while it was in standard, as well as zuljin, I can say that you get such a huge hand refill with zuljin that you could get away without the weapon. At the very least you could try the deck without the missing cards and see if you like it?
    Also - I was lucky to open the Shaman quest and it is super fun! 

    I agree with Meenz. With lots of value generation cards available, you can play Spell Hunter in Wild without either Zul'jin or Rhok'delar.

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Pullanisu
    Shadowfiend is still consistently played in some priest decks,

    I can't understand how you can say the fact that it's still consistently played, if at all. The last time I saw this card was around the beginning of TGT, where Priest players were testing/theorycrafting Control Priest decks. Also, the reason why it didn't see much play at all, at least for me that is, was that Emperor Thaurissan being a viable choice when it comes to mana-reduction. I will be honest with you, your statement is contradictory...

    Quote From Pullanisu
    it's a solid 3 drop, just not very competitive since there are better 3 drops.

    That I agree with you. You know what...

    Quote From frosthearth

    What about Shadowfiend? I always thought it was an interesting card but never saw a place for it. 

    Shadowfiend will take the spotlight for next "The Forgotten Wilds" series thanks to request from frosthearth and I agree with his whole statement. Its mana-reduction is only useful when you can't use Emperor Thaurissan at all and there is only one deck I can think of using this card well: Odd Priest. Assuming Shadowfiend isn't dead or transformed by any means next turn, it can act as a bridge, closing the mana-gap between odd-costed cards: You play it on turn 3, you draw 5-Mana card on turn 4, then you can play that card right away if possible.

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    On top of that, I use him in my N'Zoth builds, where he kinda acts as semi-N'Zoth. Let's say you destroyed your Sneed and Piloted Shredder. If followed up with KT, extra bodies coming from these Mechs and themselves will point out as to why I utilize him a lot.

    So, he is still played in a variety of decks I faced but spotlighting him might be an option though.

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    I'm delighted that you enjoyed "The Forgotten Wilds" series and no worries, they will be continuous.

    If there is any card you wish to see, feel free to write down here.

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Agreed with that, too. Lazy developers at Blizzard should have changed Graveyard/Resurrection mechanics. Let's say your Obsidian Statue is killed and it's the only minion in Graveyard Pool. What they should have done in addition is:


    • If you played your 1st Resurrect and 2nd Resurrect at same turn, summoned minion should be always in initial form regardless but you couldn't summon 2nd Obsidian Statue. It's like you pick a minion from graveyard pool and kick it out if resurrected, unlike the current situation where it stays forever. Same idea can be applied to Lesser Diamond Spellstone and Mass Resurrection.
    • Similarly, you can play 1st Eternal Servitude but not 2nd because there will be no minion left to resurrect from graveyard pool.


  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From EndlessTides
    Quote From craigrs84

    I do not know what this means

    Ditto. Am I old? 

    A dinosaur wants to join the team. Yeah, that's me. Like, wth, is this a new trend I have never heard of?

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Well, since you pointed out that way, I guess Even Shaman is way better. You can spam Totems far better here.

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Glad you like it.

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Hey there, fellow members of OoC. I am Esparanta, an avid Wild deckbuilder who loves to try different shenanigans and tinker exotic decks. Recently, I created some decks under the name of "Out of Budget" and the rules are:


    • Create a deck consisting of only Free/Common/Rare cards. No Epic/Legendary cards are allowed.
    • Don't try to add freebie Epic/Legendary cards (Looking at you, Archmage Vargoth/SN1P-SN4P). If you do, just mention your freebie Epic/Legendary cards within guide.


    This thread is to encourage you for creating budget decks that are as valid/solid as expensive competitive/casual decks. So, I will start with mine:

    What's yours?