Rather slow disruption, basically hoping that your opponent kills it and is willing to play it out. And then there's hoping that multiple Plaguespreaders don't transform other Plaguespreaders.
Ironically will not win the Rager award, because he's too powerful! Man, just imagine if Drek'thar was never nerfed, people would be unironically be running this in nearly every class.
Someone is going to figure out how to get around the Battlecry and use it for OTKs, guaranteed.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaybe sees play in Enrage Warrior as a way to damage yourself.
Rather slow disruption, basically hoping that your opponent kills it and is willing to play it out. And then there's hoping that multiple Plaguespreaders don't transform other Plaguespreaders.
At 5 health, that's actually rather hard to kill on curve.
Listen. It's all fun and games until you swap something out for their Giant.
Freeze AND Silence? Interesting tech option.
So it's not a 4 mana 7/7?! YOU WERE THIS CLOSE BLIZZARD!
Ironically will not win the Rager award, because he's too powerful! Man, just imagine if Drek'thar was never nerfed, people would be unironically be running this in nearly every class.
Alright for Casino Mage, get a cheap 3 cost Spell, and then convert the overcosted spell into something else with the Hand of Lunacy Minion.
OTK spell combos and Mage, name a more iconic duo.
Decent card for Big Minion Shaman... Which is already a hard sell to me...
Man, you know what people love seeing more than Druid getting lots of Armor? Them throwing down taunt bodies afterwards! :)
Early board tempo, gives a decent card. Yeah, seems pretty good to me!
Alright card, the application in Arcane OTK Mage is obvious, but I'm curious if it sees play anywhere else.
Just alright enough because it makes Arcane Bolts for OTKs.
Even if it just had the Rush and the battlecry it'd seem really good to me.
Even more possessed villager
5 stars just because it's 3rd and 4th copy of Scales of Onyxia, which is a totally healthy thing for Druid to have :)
Big Spell Shaman: Come on boys, won't you shake a poor sinner's hands?
Rank 1 Bronze
Man this is going to be good when Insatiable Devourer rotates out- OH WAIT