Honestly the best of the Riffs, though that bar is pretty low. Sadly, it's likely only played (along with the other two riffs) in Tony Warrior to tutor their combo pieces.
It's important to note that it's draw 1 + however many different tribes you have. So even just a single tribal minion makes it a 2 mana outcasted Spectral Sight. Though unlike Impending Catastrophe, there's no Fiendish Circle or Mischievous Imps to fill your board up and reload immediately.
Making the rest of your deck into big threats that your opponent has to deal with every single turn for the rest of the game is pretty ambitious, especially since I don't recall Warrior having spell tutors.
Siamat for menagerie, but Siamat only really saw play in slower/highlander decks. Not sure if aggressive lower curve menagerie decks will actually want to play this.
Decent pick off of Sister Svalna, but probably not good enough to main deck it.
Perhaps Nagas is the overall direction for Overheal Priest to build around...
Honestly the best of the Riffs, though that bar is pretty low. Sadly, it's likely only played (along with the other two riffs) in Tony Warrior to tutor their combo pieces.
Honestly only good in Taunt Taunt TAUNT Warrior, but seriously why does Blizzard keep giving Warrior so many bad conditional taunt minions?
A bad Claw, and only really good after you've played another Riff.
You KNOW they took out Armorsmith from core because they found some Armor Warrior deck in testing that gained a billion armor.
It's important to note that it's draw 1 + however many different tribes you have. So even just a single tribal minion makes it a 2 mana outcasted Spectral Sight. Though unlike Impending Catastrophe, there's no Fiendish Circle or Mischievous Imps to fill your board up and reload immediately.
The riffs in general makes me feel sad. No Relic Vault or Xy'mox to make them feel good to build around.
Getting two copies of One Amalgam Band is the dream, but could actually just be good as a "draw" card in general for menagerie warrior.
Making the rest of your deck into big threats that your opponent has to deal with every single turn for the rest of the game is pretty ambitious, especially since I don't recall Warrior having spell tutors.
Oh no, lost a draw and got a random card instead!
Siamat for menagerie, but Siamat only really saw play in slower/highlander decks. Not sure if aggressive lower curve menagerie decks will actually want to play this.
Going onto either side of the board is too risky to run in aggro decks. One bad surf chain and suddenly you're behind thanks to your own surfer.
Without class bias in discovers, you're just as likely to hit the weaker neutrals rather than your class's powerhouses.
Oh you mean in a deck, absolutely not.
4 attack is very significant, pushes a lot of damage and at 5 health, people are more likely to kill the buff target instead.
Pretty much the entire reason why people are even considering building around menagerie.
Really good on curve, absolute must include in menagerie builds, just solid overall.
Good with handbuffs, though I'm not entirely sure there's a good deck in there...
Lucio is in the HOUSE!!! Just a decent rush minion even without the finale, slower decks will appreciate the healing and early trading this offers.