This isn’t the card that would make The Hand playable, and on its own I don’t think it’ll really be that good. Not worth discarding a big card for slightly better stats
Doesn’t look that great really, it’s not that hard to get the effect off, but the effect doesn’t really help much (since you spent so much on the card draw in the first place)
I guess it could seem play, but with demons a good chunk of them have some detrimental effect on their battlecry, so there’s no avoiding that with this card, unlike with Galakrond
This is gonna make some kind of OTK, I just know it. Kind of hard to think of many cards that you can do it with though. Beyond that, doesn’t seem that great? I’m not much of a fan of it
Looks pretty nice, from what I remember the 3 drop pool isn’t too bad, since Wandering Monster saw a good bit of play. This is relatively similar to that, more proactive at the cost of more mana
This is a good card, probably gonna be seeing a lot of it. It’s really easy in most situations to pull off the effect (especially if you have a second one in hand)
Hard to get a board that would matter with this card, especially since Zephrys exists too (both for board clears, and weapon removals). Not that great I’d say
Looks amazing to me, especially in wild with the rush tutoring.
Not that great I’d say, would probably want to run other cards over this one
This isn’t the card that would make The Hand playable, and on its own I don’t think it’ll really be that good. Not worth discarding a big card for slightly better stats
Discard still won’t be good enough, and other deck types have better ways of drawing cards
Too slow, and the buffed minions probably wouldn’t be enough to make up for that
Doesn’t look that great really, it’s not that hard to get the effect off, but the effect doesn’t really help much (since you spent so much on the card draw in the first place)
Looks pretty good altogether for surviving, so I could see a lot of decks playing this
I guess it could seem play, but with demons a good chunk of them have some detrimental effect on their battlecry, so there’s no avoiding that with this card, unlike with Galakrond
This is gonna make some kind of OTK, I just know it. Kind of hard to think of many cards that you can do it with though. Beyond that, doesn’t seem that great? I’m not much of a fan of it
Looks pretty strong I’d say (especially since you could play a Voidcaller on 3 with this)
Looks too reliant on top decks to be that good, since Plot Twist wasn’t that great of a card
Not too horrible (but still kinda bad). At the very least, in the early game you can get 2 2/4 healing totems, which can be awkward to remove
Looks pretty nice, from what I remember the 3 drop pool isn’t too bad, since Wandering Monster saw a good bit of play. This is relatively similar to that, more proactive at the cost of more mana
This is a good card, probably gonna be seeing a lot of it. It’s really easy in most situations to pull off the effect (especially if you have a second one in hand)
Doesn’t really seem too great given how unreliable evolve effects are
Expensive for what it does, and there aren’t currently any amazing combos you can pull off with it that I can think of. Might see fringe play at best
This is gonna see some play, since it’s so easy to pull off the condition. Helps a lot to kill whatever big minions your opponent cheats out
Not too great, but decent enough I think. It’ll probably see some play at some point, since the condition isn’t that hard to pull off
Hard to get a board that would matter with this card, especially since Zephrys exists too (both for board clears, and weapon removals). Not that great I’d say
Looks pretty decent, though I don’t think it’ll see much play until some really amazing spells get printed (probably in the next expansion)