I’d imagine that it’d either be stuck dormant (so Magtheridon himself has a counter for how many warders have been killed), or the warders themselves have a deathrattle along the lines of “if you control no more warders, awaken Magtheridon”
On a completely full board it should probably be stuck dormant though, like how The Darkness is stuck dormant if your opponent has 60 cards in their deck already
As far as I understand the rule, regardless of whether you dust that second copy now or after the rule gets added in, that lets you open another copy in packs. Unless for some reason it’s different than the current rule for legendaries, then the game only counts cards as “already obtained” if you currently have them, not if you opened them at some point then dusted them (opening a legendary and dusting it won’t protect you from opening it again)
As far as I know they haven’t said anything about it, so I’d imagine it might be a little while until they add replacements (like how it took awhile for Rag and Sylvanas’s replacements to be added)
Only reason I said 30 was cause this is one that could reasonably trigger more than 14 times (cause it’s honestly not that difficult to get a 0/15 or higher)
I’d imagine it’d either cap out at a specific number (like around 30 or so) or would stop if the game sees both are at 1 but not dying (and it might even be both)
As nice as it is to see all these changes people have been wanting for awhile, it is kind of obvious they’re using this as a chance to sneak a few things by for their benefit without us complaining as much (Whizbang not becoming standard and the battlegrounds monetizations mainly).
At least the good looks like it’ll outweigh the bad
Don’t forget about the priest cards that are being moved to the hall of fame as well.
At the moment I’m looking at 6060 dust in total (was lucky enough to open a golden Velen ages ago). Just taking this chance to craft a few more of the cards I’m missing since I might as well get as much dust as I can. Just missing two epics and 5 rares now
I’d argue Hunter would have more trouble using the card well, given that their board clears generally aren’t good enough to be run on their own. It’s not too often that a nice combo is enough to make a card playable.
Could see most Classes absolutely loving this card though, could get some really big board clears from some spells
Out of the 6 so far, it’s really only Yogg and Call of the Wild I’m interested in. Not entirely sure if Call of the Wild’s gonna be good enough to see play, given how long it’s been.
Don’t see any reason Yogg wouldn’t see some play though, plenty of decks run enough spells to probably be worth it as a last ditch, like he used to be
I’d imagine that it’d either be stuck dormant (so Magtheridon himself has a counter for how many warders have been killed), or the warders themselves have a deathrattle along the lines of “if you control no more warders, awaken Magtheridon”
On a completely full board it should probably be stuck dormant though, like how The Darkness is stuck dormant if your opponent has 60 cards in their deck already
As far as I understand the rule, regardless of whether you dust that second copy now or after the rule gets added in, that lets you open another copy in packs. Unless for some reason it’s different than the current rule for legendaries, then the game only counts cards as “already obtained” if you currently have them, not if you opened them at some point then dusted them (opening a legendary and dusting it won’t protect you from opening it again)
As far as I know they haven’t said anything about it, so I’d imagine it might be a little while until they add replacements (like how it took awhile for Rag and Sylvanas’s replacements to be added)
Only reason I said 30 was cause this is one that could reasonably trigger more than 14 times (cause it’s honestly not that difficult to get a 0/15 or higher)
They finally did it, the madmen.
And it’s not even a hunter card. That’s the most surprising part
I’d imagine it’d either cap out at a specific number (like around 30 or so) or would stop if the game sees both are at 1 but not dying (and it might even be both)
Warlock isn’t going to have trouble drawing cards for this to buff
8 drops have pretty much always been the best on average.
There’s at least some hope for Zayle, since he’s getting updated for the next rotation
As nice as it is to see all these changes people have been wanting for awhile, it is kind of obvious they’re using this as a chance to sneak a few things by for their benefit without us complaining as much (Whizbang not becoming standard and the battlegrounds monetizations mainly).
At least the good looks like it’ll outweigh the bad
I know I’m definitely gonna have fun with this one in Wild with Hagatha.
A bit awkward to use, but definitely promising. Though Flame Lance always did sort of suck
Don’t forget about the priest cards that are being moved to the hall of fame as well.
At the moment I’m looking at 6060 dust in total (was lucky enough to open a golden Velen ages ago). Just taking this chance to craft a few more of the cards I’m missing since I might as well get as much dust as I can. Just missing two epics and 5 rares now
I’d argue Hunter would have more trouble using the card well, given that their board clears generally aren’t good enough to be run on their own. It’s not too often that a nice combo is enough to make a card playable.
Could see most Classes absolutely loving this card though, could get some really big board clears from some spells
So this minion’s effect goes off after the draw step right? Might make it a bit less reliable if you’re trying to have it hit a specific minion
He still recognizes weapons as something to offer ooze against
So basically at 10 for the west coast, since they pretty much never release stuff at other times.
The mobile patch is another story though.
Out of the 6 so far, it’s really only Yogg and Call of the Wild I’m interested in. Not entirely sure if Call of the Wild’s gonna be good enough to see play, given how long it’s been.
Don’t see any reason Yogg wouldn’t see some play though, plenty of decks run enough spells to probably be worth it as a last ditch, like he used to be
For number 3, I believe if you leveled after they rotated out, you’d only get the card that replaced it, not the one that rotated out.
For all intents and purposes, once they rotate out they are no longer basic cards.
I mean in the end it just means you get two legendaries for the price of one.
Or just an extra 400 dust. Either way still nice
I’m guessing they’re trying to move towards Priest using more card generation (thoughtsteal type cards) rather than card draw