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Joined 06/25/2019 Achieve Points 880 Posts 597

Neoguli's Comments

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    Damn. I'm on a hot streak right now. Best season of mine already in custom HS competitions. 😃

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    Best thing I did was to include C'Thun, the Shattered, since he's four 5-Cost spells in one, giving you tons of deckbuilding space for other cards. Also run Arcane Flakmage with a few Secrets to stabilize against aggro, and play Brann Bronzebeard with 2x Conjure Mana Biscuit to have a real win condition.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From linkblade91
    Quote From Neoguli

    My ideas, this time a bit simpler than my last submission in terms of flavor and potential execution. The Elemental from Vortex is Water Elemental for reference.

    Shouldn't it just say "a 3/6 Water Elemental", then? I know it messes with the neat text box, but it can definitely fit.

    I crave for clean spacing on my cards. I am sure it would've fit, but man do clean text alignments please everyone's eye.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    My ideas, this time a bit simpler than my last submission in terms of flavor and potential execution. The Elemental from Vortex is Water Elemental for reference.

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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    How will Goliath work with infinite Shudderwock? Normally?

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    Something to complete both DH and Mage Questlines. The effect also has relations to both classes - Mage has Polymorph-eqsue effects, while this one transforming into a Demon gives DH something to play with. Both classes also care about card draw - one to complete the quest, the other to dig for Ignite and such.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    After my huge blunder with regular contest by actually not noticing the typo on one of my Warlock Secrets, I am trying to rehabilitate with this card. It combines theme #1 and #2 whilst adding a unique twist of being a Priest-Rogue dual-class card, as both classes have Deathrattle and return/shuffle synergies.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    @Sinti - I've made changes already, so you can edit the comment to include them instead of the prime version of my submission. That means no more grammar mistakes, no Afterlife Soul and better Maledict Shadow.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks for feedback! So I replaced Afterlife Soul with Demonic Presence and buffed Maledict ShadowSoul Harvest is still there. Also no Epic Secret, since it's not required, and also when Rogue first got them in Kobolds, they got 2 Commons and 1 Epic.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    Surprised nobody has shared Warlock Secrets yet. Anyway, here are my ideas.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    @Fedrion - This is not that bad, as the game does have a few higher-Cost Pirates, so maybe you could use this one in Rogue or more control variants of Quest Warrior. Now that I think about it, Bok and Cannon Barrage sounds nuts if either costs (1) less.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    Quote From Wailor
    The artwork is gorgeous and the idea is nice. I like Aerojulwin's suggestion about the wording. Demon is probably also right about the card feeling more Priest than Paladin.

    Of course, the artwork is gorgeous, because Jeeru is the Dungeon Run boss, so she was painted by artists hired by Blizzard.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    My version of Chromie. Now, I have absolutely no clue how to balance out a Merc since it's still a new ground to settle on, but I hope I made her interesting.

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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    My initial idea. While Paladin isn't necessarily the Elemental class, they could have them as a new archetype, and they are also quite spell-heavy. Also having this in Mage would make Ignite Mage even more busted as an additional and cheaper tutor for Chandelier. EDIT - this could be in Priest maybe?

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    I'm sort of speechless to be frank. I did not expect to win or even tie for 1st. 😂

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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    Exodia (?) Warrior
    A Control Warrior Deck created by Neoguli. Last updated 2 years, 8 months ago

    Currently having quite a blast with this deck. It can stave off pressure very well with Plating and Brawls. It also has value generation/win condition.

    In reply to Battle of the Bans
  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    You create the spell from the same ingredients as if you played Kazakus.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    It's to increase stability of the scene, since it becomes much easier to apply franchising and generate more revenue via team sponsorships, slot buyouts and such.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    HS Esports should have franchised TEAMS, period. Either two or three-player.

    For two-player, both bring two decks, and they ban one deck among the enemy's entire lineup. For three-player, all three players bring two decks, and then each teams bans one deck from each enemy player.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Bloodbloom Card Image