I know that different people might have different experience with this new system but for me this new breakdown was more favorable.
As I have already said, this is coming from a personal experience & clearly an opinion that shouldn't be considered as fact. Some of us play it for fun cause very few of the hearthstone playerbase would ever make it as a professional let alone be at the top. I think it's better to be realistic.
I am not saying that I am writing the golden rulebook of playing hearthstone or my experience is the be all end all. People have approached this game in different manners, even the streamers streaming the game bring lots of variety on the board. I am just sharing my experience & how it have affected my experience with the game.
No wonder different people with different approach will feel different.
You missed the point I was making, which was that most players' collections should be fairly similar. ie - an evenly distributed amount of opened cards, then an amount of crafted cards favoring the more powerful or novel ones. Some might favor specific classes but the distribution of cards that they specifically craft and the mediocre cards that they open should still be about the same
It's not even about playing "for fun" vs playing competitive decks trying to be a professional player. Most "fun" cards and decks still require powerful cards to be successful. For example, pogo and thief rogue uses mostly powerful cards from tempo rogue as a shell to keep themselves afloat in winrate
Also, there's a difference between cards that are bad and cards that are fun. For example, Madame Lazul is a card that is bad but not fun; discovering an opponent's card is not a novel nor synergistic effect that you can build a deck around and no deck, even creative ones, cease to function if you don't have her. Gonk, the Raptor is a card that is both bad and fun; the effect irreplaceable and can't be replicated with other cards. You can build a deck around Gonk to OTK, make him a secondary win condition in other combo druids or tempo him out with witching hour in a beast druid. Gonk druid won't work if you don't have Gonk
When I crafted Gonk, I was thinking, "Gonk is pretty garbage but I came up with a neat deck idea that requires him," not, "I'm a druid main so I should craft all druid cards in case I want to experiment with them later." That's the difference between crafting to play and crafting to craft. I'm not crafting Duskfallen Aviana without a better reason than the fact that I main druid. What deck can't you experiment with if you don't have two Mindgames or a Chameleos? There are none. Maybe some fun synergies will be printed later but there's no reason why you can't craft these when that time comes rather than now and do something else with the dust in the meantime. Conversely, if synergy is never printed (which is extremely likely given history), you've just wasted dust
I have all of the priest cards & almost half of the Neutral collection (with entire adv: CoN,BRM, LoE, ONK)
All you've proven here is that it's less pricey to meet an arbitrary goal you've set for yourself.
Are you an HS player or an HS collector? Because even almost all of the most pay to winnest players don't have a full priest collection. Most players, nevermind f2p players who need dust, would have dusted those mindgames and lazuls long ago to craft relevant cards for one or maybe two other classes (preferably some more known for cheap, competitive decks such as rogue or hunter) for the same amount of dust you have in your collection. Mind you, I'm not saying playing one class is not a valid f2p option (in fact, it's one I used back when I was f2p), only your specific method of crafting everything in a class.
If you want to roleplay or challenge yourself with alternate goals, that's your own business but it means your collection and experiences shouldn't be used as a baseline when it comes to collection management because it's highly usual, not representative of f2p collections on a whole and sets a very poor example for aspiring f2p players who actually want to play the game rather than collect cards, as you do
When Twitch was not so popular probably a burnout streamer will be a bad call, but today many streamers do that as a job and HS give a very big visibility considering its numbers so they keep playing it even if they're not enjoying the game anymore. The only thing that matter at that point is if they keep a professional attitude instead of just ranting here and there.
I feel like that should be a nobrainer, if you start acting out, who is gonna watch you? Meaning you lose some revenue stream, so it is in your best interest to keep it together and act professional. And if you are being a dick and ppl just take it, then that is not a streamer problem, that is a community problem that they dont speak up, either literally or with their "money" aka viewership, subs etc.
It should be a no brainer yet there'e plenty of popular streamers doing this. Maybe they want to appeal to disgruntled players as part of an edgy persona or they genuinely feel this way and being professional is hard
Looks like our chaos god is showing signs of life over at HP. Did he not get the memo?
Though, if you can forgive my blasphemy, I can somewhat understand it if it was intentional. OOC has all you awesome people but HP is a much better environment for shitposting and baiting because the people there are generally less ... forums-savvy. There's a lot more newbies asking for help there too; most of the users on OOC are at least intermediate players who don't require deckbuilding or gameplay tips
Depends on the streamer's attitude. If they begin roasting the game while playing, it's obviously bad. If they can keep professional, it's fine. If HS was a smaller game, then even the negative ones are good because it boosts numbers but HS is big enough to be picky
In any case, money is money. People are trying to make a living and a job can't always be something you love doing. You can't really tell burnt out streamers to gtfo because of an arbitrary matter like community health
This is bonkers. 2/2 weapon is much better than a 1/4 body for the same cost and doesn't require a combo. Sure, it can't be abused with spirit of the shark but EVIL miscreant didn't need it to be the best card of its set. There are also weapon upgrade options like greenskin and upgrade that might see play in combination with wrenchcalliber
Warrior can't use lackeys as well as rogue (don't need combo enablers, no shark and their own Heistbaron/EVIL recruiter hasn't been printed/revealed yet) but they're so good that it's hard not to find some general use for them. The only other concern is that 2 attack isn't so good in the current meta outside of vs mage (1 and 3 are currently the most relevant breakpoints)
I expect to see this in at least bomb warrior or for an aggressive variant to branch off. Bomb warrior is always looking out for good earlygame cards to make their curve more consistent. The 3s are getting a bit crowded now, but too many good cards to choose from has never been a bad thing
Not only might it revive my favorite class, but it has a lot of potential and cool synergies with overkill and various active abilities. Really awesome design and makes you think about all the possibilities
On an unrelated note, "Blizzard has given us 5 codes to giveaway"? Congrats to the OOC team on getting recognition and support from Blizzard! Here's to hoping they give you a card to reveal next expansion :)
There are tons of brawls I disliked prior to this but this shit really takes the cake. There's nothing I hate more than being forced to play Blizzard's shitty autofills and this is exactly that. There's nothing here but terrible cards and flappy birds. How the fuck is anyone supposed to enjoy this?
Oh, and also, some idiots on Hearthpwn are actually defending this very "balanced" brawl. Because if everyone plays long enough, they'll all have the same broken deck. The fuck is this logic??? Can't even downvote them on HP because the technology isn't there
Of course, the deck is just a worse version of Toni and girls (which itself is arguably a worse version of quest giants mage) so there's not really a reason to play this... but then again, there's no reason to play mogu cultist over pogo rogue or countless combo druids either
The default play is companion first, but there are some exceptions
You play call over animal companion if there's a beast (or combination of beasts) that will be powerful in the following turn. For example, if the opponent has a fairy dragon on board, your huffer will trade down and the other two die to 1 damage but if you play call, you can get lynx + hyena for turn 4, which is a blowout
You should also avoid playing companion on curve if your opponent is likely to have a punish. For example, if your warrior opponent played a town crier in the early game (this makes militia commander likely) or if he can coin dynomatic. Another example is if your hunter opponent has some small beasts on board or played call himself the previous turn, he can easily lynx + hyena or lynx + wolf you on the following turn if you companion. If you have an empty board vs a rogue's turn 3, playing animal companion enables backstab as an easy combo activator for their 3 drop (rolling huffer makes it extra bad, but the other two aren't great either in that situation)
Of course, sometimes it's right to play into things and hope the opponent doesn't have it, but if you have other things to do like call, it's generally better to do that first. Due to the power of lynx combos, taking a turn off doesn't necessarily mean you'll fall behind on board. Hunter these days play surprisingly well from behind, especially after casting call
Also, if you have dire frenzy in hand, you want to companion into frenzy into call if possible. If your companion gets killed before you can frenzy, it's still recommended to get a frenzy off before call, unless there's a beast you really want to frenzy in the matchup and you need call to draw it (scalehide vs bomb warrior, timber wolf vs control for example)
I still go there sometimes to shitpost and check messages because I made some friends there who don't play HS anymore. Yesterday someone here mentioned that the HP comments to a new card were all salty compared to the positive ones we have on OOC. I wanted to check out the salt myself but apparently it was down for me. I checked again this morning with a new network and it's the same thing
Either my government thinks HP is communist capitalist propaganda or it has been down for awhile now. Think they gave up paying those server fees?
Sorry, but 18 deck slots is all the average HS player can take, any more and they'll be really confused. Even 18 is a bit of a stretch, many players are not aware of numbers beyond what they can count on their fingers.
Not sure why people are downvoting you. The excuse Blizzard gave for why there are not more deckslots is literally that it is too confusing for new players
If your UI is so garbage that players are confused, maybe you should work on that instead of insulting your playerbase as an excuse
I agree with Lyra on this one. The odd/even decks in wild just aren't that bad, especially after they all got nerfs at some point. They also likely have overvalued winrates on stats sites due to how easy they are to play and the fact that wild is more causal than standard. They are very consistent with few highroll opportunities and low RNG, which makes them (relatively) pleasant to play against
Furthermore, odd paladin, even shaman and odd rogue aren't that much better than their underplayed, non-odd/even counterparts. Murloc paladin will always be strong; the new overload synergies make playing tunnel trogg extremely tempting in aggro shaman; rogue has a pirate variant with cannon and a slower battlecry variant, both of which greatly benefit from running sap because it counters "cheating" mechanics
Hand dragon druid initial test (btw is there a way to copy deck codes from twitter??) :
Had to replace a nourish with Thalnos. One of my accounts is missing Ysera, roasters and brightwing for the deck while the other one misses only nourish
Lost to a vendetta-build tempo rogue despite him having a slow start and me having a good one
I have mixed feelings about roaster. On one hand it kind of deals with Druid's lack of hard removal issue but 7 damage isn't even that good and a 4HP 7 drop is pretty pitiful. Omega Destroyer is the guy she tells Crowd roaster not to worry about
This doesn't really generate enough cards for the hand druid flavor. Hand size was medium overall... actually my opponent had more cards the entire game lol
Dragons in the year of the dragon are astoundingly low tempo
We only have 7s and 9s for psychmelon lol. I guess drawing 4 is really good in a hand deck but boy do the 8s and 10s suck hard right now
Howl is a great card for stalling towards something but we don't have something to work towards right now, so it's basically 3 mana lose tempo
Dumping roasters and scorchers as a test. Psychmelon is kind of a dragon so the dragon count can be less than the conventional dragon deck ... hopefully
Stalladris is good at filling up a hand. If only we had some more choose one cards
NVM, let's do the hand token druid instead. I'm having too many collection issues with the above list. It's a bit reminiscent of the god tier druid era slower token druids, which is different enough from modern lists to be interesting
First game drew some giants and board buffs but no board. Sat around doing pretty much nothing. We should probably up the early minion count
Gave it a few tries and basically the same thing happens. We just never have board
Mulch muchers are cool but we don't actually have enough trees to run them. Added 2nd drake and guardian in their place
Removed howl for the same reasons as the previous deck
Removed apples because they suck
Added dreamway guardians because they don't suck. Added lifeweaver because we heal now and they add stuff to the hand
Made room for a psychmelon/heal package because I removed a lot of hand fill mechanics (Lore, lore, lucentbark, cenarius, sea giant, sea giant)
Nah, let's not. Haven't won a game yet even after going off and the number of random Gift of the Wilds the game was giving me was just a reminder of how bad the class is now. My casual MMR is so far into the dumpster right now that the results won't be useful anymore due to the opponents not playing real decks. Some of the combos were kind of fun and I'm not really tilted but this doesn't seem to be going anywhere fast. Believe me, I've tried to make slower druids work even marginally since the rotation but they haven't so far
Don't mind me. Druid may as well be a different class these days with the ramp aspect nerfed into oblivion. Though if it were up to me, I'd choose the dragon hand druid just because token druid and heal druid have been explored. Dragon druid has a bit of a special place in my heart too
As for the mage, well ... it's just horrible isn't it? :D I guess the author was traumatized by giant mage to main deck vape and snap freeze
I already watched the video but I think I can take the deck in another direction. I remember when the buffs hit I tried something similar, though it had Tony and freeze mage things in addition to the loa instead of the 2x khadgar dream. A lot less ambitious but I still ended up scraping it because bomb warrior was super hot back then. It seems to work a lot better now, though maybe it's because I'm maindecking giants instead of pyroblasts and fireballs. Actually, all the undoctored list needed was to replace some crappy spells with the giants package and luna's but I guess if Firebat did that, it's kind of cheating
IMO, the grave horrors are really good and you shouldn't cut them. Mostly because you can slam them down while half-discounted and get them shuffled with the spirit
Anyway, I tested out the combo heavy version a bit and the finisher still doesn't really come together. Maybe I didn't think it through because cycling enough life drinkers doesn't seem possible. The deck is still fine vs fast decks via normal priest things but the whole wombo combo is so convoluted that it never happens. Either I have a low draw deck that never has the combo or I have a high draw deck where I end up with just combo pieces and wonder how I'm supposed to kill the opponent with them (because unlike the less draw version, I have less tempo chipped and less good midrange stuff to shuffle). Just priest things, I guess - all control tools and no finisher
The whole spirit into carpet thing will probably never work because you can only shuffle so many things with 2 spirits. You're priest, after all, so you don't get a board that you can set up for spirit with preemptively. Without enough things shuffled, those carpets aren't doing much. Pogo rogue doesn't have this problem because the bunnies are always 1 mana with no prerequisites. So... that's it for me; I give up on this one :P
If you really want to screw around putting things on carpets that have no right to be on carpets, play pogo rogue or some kind of wild rogue with Sonya - she makes things 1 mana too, but puts them directly in your hand
Also you can play this on an acolyte of pain to draw 3 cards and then you ask yourself "why I am playing this dumb combo instead of playing Nourish".
Because both acolyte and BEEES!!!! are fine cards on their own. Cult master is a more powerful combo but you don't really want to run cult master in your deck when BEEES!!!! is used or not drawn
Also, this card apparently triggers overkill on your own minions so drawing with ticket scalper is going to be fun. For 2 less mana, you "only" lose out on 5 damage and 4/4 of stats. Too bad two card combos are that much more inconsistent
WTF this is literally just a reprint in a new class. r/hearthstonecirclejerk is going to have a field day
Also, why is this in priest??? Fuck flavor, stop giving dead classes shitty cards already
You missed the point I was making, which was that most players' collections should be fairly similar. ie - an evenly distributed amount of opened cards, then an amount of crafted cards favoring the more powerful or novel ones. Some might favor specific classes but the distribution of cards that they specifically craft and the mediocre cards that they open should still be about the same
It's not even about playing "for fun" vs playing competitive decks trying to be a professional player. Most "fun" cards and decks still require powerful cards to be successful. For example, pogo and thief rogue uses mostly powerful cards from tempo rogue as a shell to keep themselves afloat in winrate
Also, there's a difference between cards that are bad and cards that are fun. For example, Madame Lazul is a card that is bad but not fun; discovering an opponent's card is not a novel nor synergistic effect that you can build a deck around and no deck, even creative ones, cease to function if you don't have her. Gonk, the Raptor is a card that is both bad and fun; the effect irreplaceable and can't be replicated with other cards. You can build a deck around Gonk to OTK, make him a secondary win condition in other combo druids or tempo him out with witching hour in a beast druid. Gonk druid won't work if you don't have Gonk
When I crafted Gonk, I was thinking, "Gonk is pretty garbage but I came up with a neat deck idea that requires him," not, "I'm a druid main so I should craft all druid cards in case I want to experiment with them later." That's the difference between crafting to play and crafting to craft. I'm not crafting Duskfallen Aviana without a better reason than the fact that I main druid. What deck can't you experiment with if you don't have two Mindgames or a Chameleos? There are none. Maybe some fun synergies will be printed later but there's no reason why you can't craft these when that time comes rather than now and do something else with the dust in the meantime. Conversely, if synergy is never printed (which is extremely likely given history), you've just wasted dust
All you've proven here is that it's less pricey to meet an arbitrary goal you've set for yourself.
Are you an HS player or an HS collector? Because even almost all of the most pay to winnest players don't have a full priest collection. Most players, nevermind f2p players who need dust, would have dusted those mindgames and lazuls long ago to craft relevant cards for one or maybe two other classes (preferably some more known for cheap, competitive decks such as rogue or hunter) for the same amount of dust you have in your collection. Mind you, I'm not saying playing one class is not a valid f2p option (in fact, it's one I used back when I was f2p), only your specific method of crafting everything in a class.
If you want to roleplay or challenge yourself with alternate goals, that's your own business but it means your collection and experiences shouldn't be used as a baseline when it comes to collection management because it's highly usual, not representative of f2p collections on a whole and sets a very poor example for aspiring f2p players who actually want to play the game rather than collect cards, as you do
It should be a no brainer yet there'e plenty of popular streamers doing this. Maybe they want to appeal to disgruntled players as part of an edgy persona or they genuinely feel this way and being professional is hard
Looks like our chaos god is showing signs of life over at HP. Did he not get the memo?
Though, if you can forgive my blasphemy, I can somewhat understand it if it was intentional. OOC has all you awesome people but HP is a much better environment for shitposting and baiting because the people there are generally less ... forums-savvy. There's a lot more newbies asking for help there too; most of the users on OOC are at least intermediate players who don't require deckbuilding or gameplay tips
Depends on the streamer's attitude. If they begin roasting the game while playing, it's obviously bad. If they can keep professional, it's fine. If HS was a smaller game, then even the negative ones are good because it boosts numbers but HS is big enough to be picky
In any case, money is money. People are trying to make a living and a job can't always be something you love doing. You can't really tell burnt out streamers to gtfo because of an arbitrary matter like community health
This is bonkers. 2/2 weapon is much better than a 1/4 body for the same cost and doesn't require a combo. Sure, it can't be abused with spirit of the shark but EVIL miscreant didn't need it to be the best card of its set. There are also weapon upgrade options like greenskin and upgrade that might see play in combination with wrenchcalliber
Warrior can't use lackeys as well as rogue (don't need combo enablers, no shark and their own Heistbaron/EVIL recruiter hasn't been printed/revealed yet) but they're so good that it's hard not to find some general use for them. The only other concern is that 2 attack isn't so good in the current meta outside of vs mage (1 and 3 are currently the most relevant breakpoints)
I expect to see this in at least bomb warrior or for an aggressive variant to branch off. Bomb warrior is always looking out for good earlygame cards to make their curve more consistent. The 3s are getting a bit crowded now, but too many good cards to choose from has never been a bad thing
Not only might it revive my favorite class, but it has a lot of potential and cool synergies with overkill and various active abilities. Really awesome design and makes you think about all the possibilities
On an unrelated note, "Blizzard has given us 5 codes to giveaway"? Congrats to the OOC team on getting recognition and support from Blizzard! Here's to hoping they give you a card to reveal next expansion :)
There are tons of brawls I disliked prior to this but this shit really takes the cake. There's nothing I hate more than being forced to play Blizzard's shitty autofills and this is exactly that. There's nothing here but terrible cards and flappy birds. How the fuck is anyone supposed to enjoy this?
Oh, and also, some idiots on Hearthpwn are actually defending this very "balanced" brawl. Because if everyone plays long enough, they'll all have the same broken deck. The fuck is this logic??? Can't even downvote them on HP because the technology isn't there
You're overthinking way too hard. Just play old exodia mage and replace Toni and the girls with Mogu Cultist
Of course, the deck is just a worse version of Toni and girls (which itself is arguably a worse version of quest giants mage) so there's not really a reason to play this... but then again, there's no reason to play mogu cultist over pogo rogue or countless combo druids either
The default play is companion first, but there are some exceptions
You play call over animal companion if there's a beast (or combination of beasts) that will be powerful in the following turn. For example, if the opponent has a fairy dragon on board, your huffer will trade down and the other two die to 1 damage but if you play call, you can get lynx + hyena for turn 4, which is a blowout
You should also avoid playing companion on curve if your opponent is likely to have a punish. For example, if your warrior opponent played a town crier in the early game (this makes militia commander likely) or if he can coin dynomatic. Another example is if your hunter opponent has some small beasts on board or played call himself the previous turn, he can easily lynx + hyena or lynx + wolf you on the following turn if you companion. If you have an empty board vs a rogue's turn 3, playing animal companion enables backstab as an easy combo activator for their 3 drop (rolling huffer makes it extra bad, but the other two aren't great either in that situation)
Of course, sometimes it's right to play into things and hope the opponent doesn't have it, but if you have other things to do like call, it's generally better to do that first. Due to the power of lynx combos, taking a turn off doesn't necessarily mean you'll fall behind on board. Hunter these days play surprisingly well from behind, especially after casting call
Also, if you have dire frenzy in hand, you want to companion into frenzy into call if possible. If your companion gets killed before you can frenzy, it's still recommended to get a frenzy off before call, unless there's a beast you really want to frenzy in the matchup and you need call to draw it (scalehide vs bomb warrior, timber wolf vs control for example)
Holy shit, I was only joking about the government block but apparently HP works for me if I use TOR
I don't know wtf they're doing over there but it was enough for someone to deem it a threat to Putin's rule
I still go there sometimes to shitpost and check messages because I made some friends there who don't play HS anymore. Yesterday someone here mentioned that the HP comments to a new card were all salty compared to the positive ones we have on OOC. I wanted to check out the salt myself but apparently it was down for me. I checked again this morning with a new network and it's the same thing
Either my government thinks HP is communist capitalist propaganda or it has been down for awhile now. Think they gave up paying those server fees?
Not sure why people are downvoting you. The excuse Blizzard gave for why there are not more deckslots is literally that it is too confusing for new players
If your UI is so garbage that players are confused, maybe you should work on that instead of insulting your playerbase as an excuse
I tried to load HP just to see if this is true but it seems to be down right now RIP
I agree with Lyra on this one. The odd/even decks in wild just aren't that bad, especially after they all got nerfs at some point. They also likely have overvalued winrates on stats sites due to how easy they are to play and the fact that wild is more causal than standard. They are very consistent with few highroll opportunities and low RNG, which makes them (relatively) pleasant to play against
Furthermore, odd paladin, even shaman and odd rogue aren't that much better than their underplayed, non-odd/even counterparts. Murloc paladin will always be strong; the new overload synergies make playing tunnel trogg extremely tempting in aggro shaman; rogue has a pirate variant with cannon and a slower battlecry variant, both of which greatly benefit from running sap because it counters "cheating" mechanics
Hand dragon druid initial test (btw is there a way to copy deck codes from twitter??) :
NVM, let's do the hand token druid instead. I'm having too many collection issues with the above list. It's a bit reminiscent of the god tier druid era slower token druids, which is different enough from modern lists to be interesting
Nah, let's not. Haven't won a game yet even after going off and the number of random Gift of the Wilds the game was giving me was just a reminder of how bad the class is now. My casual MMR is so far into the dumpster right now that the results won't be useful anymore due to the opponents not playing real decks. Some of the combos were kind of fun and I'm not really tilted but this doesn't seem to be going anywhere fast. Believe me, I've tried to make slower druids work even marginally since the rotation but they haven't so far
Don't mind me. Druid may as well be a different class these days with the ramp aspect nerfed into oblivion. Though if it were up to me, I'd choose the dragon hand druid just because token druid and heal druid have been explored. Dragon druid has a bit of a special place in my heart too
As for the mage, well ... it's just horrible isn't it? :D I guess the author was traumatized by giant mage to main deck vape and snap freeze
I already watched the video but I think I can take the deck in another direction. I remember when the buffs hit I tried something similar, though it had Tony and freeze mage things in addition to the loa instead of the 2x khadgar dream. A lot less ambitious but I still ended up scraping it because bomb warrior was super hot back then. It seems to work a lot better now, though maybe it's because I'm maindecking giants instead of pyroblasts and fireballs. Actually, all the undoctored list needed was to replace some crappy spells with the giants package and luna's but I guess if Firebat did that, it's kind of cheating
### Freeze mage lul
# Class: Mage
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Dragon
# 2x (1) Daring Fire-Eater
# 2x (1) Ray of Frost
# 2x (2) Doomsayer
# 1x (2) Khadgar
# 2x (3) Arcane Intellect
# 2x (3) Conjurer's Calling
# 2x (3) Frost Nova
# 2x (3) Pyromaniac
# 1x (3) Stargazer Luna
# 2x (4) Arcane Keysmith
# 1x (5) Barista Lynchen
# 1x (5) Luna's Pocket Galaxy
# 1x (5) Zilliax
# 2x (6) Blizzard
# 1x (7) Archmage Antonidas
# 1x (7) Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk
# 1x (8) Jepetto Joybuzz
# 1x (9) Alexstrasza
# 1x (10) Kalecgos
# 2x (12) Mountain Giant
IMO, the grave horrors are really good and you shouldn't cut them. Mostly because you can slam them down while half-discounted and get them shuffled with the spirit
Anyway, I tested out the combo heavy version a bit and the finisher still doesn't really come together. Maybe I didn't think it through because cycling enough life drinkers doesn't seem possible. The deck is still fine vs fast decks via normal priest things but the whole wombo combo is so convoluted that it never happens. Either I have a low draw deck that never has the combo or I have a high draw deck where I end up with just combo pieces and wonder how I'm supposed to kill the opponent with them (because unlike the less draw version, I have less tempo chipped and less good midrange stuff to shuffle). Just priest things, I guess - all control tools and no finisher
The whole spirit into carpet thing will probably never work because you can only shuffle so many things with 2 spirits. You're priest, after all, so you don't get a board that you can set up for spirit with preemptively. Without enough things shuffled, those carpets aren't doing much. Pogo rogue doesn't have this problem because the bunnies are always 1 mana with no prerequisites. So... that's it for me; I give up on this one :P
If you really want to screw around putting things on carpets that have no right to be on carpets, play pogo rogue or some kind of wild rogue with Sonya - she makes things 1 mana too, but puts them directly in your hand
Because both acolyte and BEEES!!!! are fine cards on their own. Cult master is a more powerful combo but you don't really want to run cult master in your deck when BEEES!!!! is used or not drawn
Also, this card apparently triggers overkill on your own minions so drawing with ticket scalper is going to be fun. For 2 less mana, you "only" lose out on 5 damage and 4/4 of stats. Too bad two card combos are that much more inconsistent