started off surprisingly well with rat into carpet + rush lackey to clear some stuff (I almost went with rush an acolyte instead but it was too slow)
mass dispel did work against magnetized stuff
not enough mana to actually combo cool stuff with carpet, especially when we don't have many 1 drops before shuffles as well
still died because we priest lol
Initial thoughts:
Priest sucks, but thankfully priest removal doesn't suck as much as the rest of priest : - nova, + hysteria, + forbidden words, - mass dispel, 2x pyromancer
We're also missing a lot of other priest cards that don't suck : +2 northshire cleric, +2 PWS, +2 EVIL conscriptor (why are we running rat but not this??)
Cult master, shellfighter, ghoul are nice when we combo off, but comboing off requires 1 drops already shuffled then draw and also a carpet, which is 3 mana. That's too ambitious
Divine spirit combo is a good finisher, but we don't actually have many high HP/low attack things to use it on
deck looks a lot like post-vanish nerf pogo rogue shuffling 1 drops with carpets. We can learn a lot from this other deck. Like pogo rogue, this deck has few natural 1 drops but puts them into the deck to be drawn. Drawing is important, so let us draw cards : + Jepetto ... maybe more later
+2 divine hymn -2 rabble bouncer because hymn is really good with pyro cleric and we need to make space somehow
We seem to be a bit light on spells to support grave horrors but let's deal with that later
Need a finisher to kill the opponent at some point, but let's worry about that when we can get the cycle combo working
First results:
Beat some burn shaman with hymns and horrors. Seems like horrors are fine enough with this few spells, however there doesn't seem to be enough spells to support pyromancers
"1 mana" horrors shuffled with the spirit don't work with carpet :( :( :(
Apparently a combo is kill your dead ringer with spirit on board, draw it and with carpet play 7 of these. IMO this is rarely going to happen and conspirators aren't worth cutting for this. I had spirit, carpet, ringer on the board, killed one ringer and the deathrattle doesn't even pull the copy that was shuffled in LMAO. There were no other deathrattles. Looks cool on paper but when it literally doesn't work in practice, we better just remove the entire thing
Deck still seems kinda bad. We can win vs faster decks by outvaluing and doing priest things but our finisher still sucks and the combo never works (and it doesn't kill). Carpet does nothing until spirit is drawn and used. Only one thing to do when your combo is inconsistent: add more draw!
No priest draws faster than nomi priest and as for killing people, let's try Alex and 2x lifedrinker. Need to test this out later when I have more time though
In regards to the paladin, good job thinking of putting Joybuzz in the deck. I didn't put much effort into the non-duel version because I couldn't build/test it in my collection Joybuzz is definitely a card, in both the original and your OTK version. Personally I think the OTK strays a little too far from the original concept but hey, you still made a cool deck that works which is more relevant because the OG concept might not be even possible. I have to disagree with the humilities though; when mages play an early giant, they threaten conjurer's calling on the following turn and humility doesn't help with that problem unless you already have a board. Otherwise, it seems like a good deck
Regarding 9 lives in the hunter deck, I was surprised how not terrible it was in the video as well after I posted my thoughts on it. Before this, I've only seen the card played in the aggro mech hunter (where it's low tempo/low value in a face deck) and in the oblivitron mech hunter (where it's low tempo/high value in a deck that's already very high value and struggles not to fall behind on board). It hasn't occurred to me to use it on sn1p-sn4p as a low tempo/high value play in a deck that's decent at keeping up on board but often lacks value (sn1p-sn4p also hasn't been printed when I last evaluated the card lol). I still think it's not that good though; even on ursatron it's 6 mana 3/3 draw 2, whereas a beast hunter can 3 mana draw 3 and have 3 mana left over to develop more than just 3/3 of stats. It also doesn't require drawing, playing and having a choice deathrattle minion die
Checking out the new decks now. I already watched the warlock episode, so I'm not going to do it (it feels like cheating!). I think the final deck could use some omega agents though, especially with Barista
Has anyone else been blown away by Purple's Paladin deck at Grandmasters?
OTK Wrath + infinite Da Undatakar
so much love to any pro who brings such an out there deck to a competition
Dog went down 2-0 uhhh
really recommend checking out Purple's matches.
OTK/ Undatakah paladin is not actually that rare in specialist format. The main weakness of OTK paladin is warrior, but if you hit one, you can just use your Undatakah secondary deck. You don't mind losing your 1st game because your 2nd and 3rd games will be extremely favored
Paladin is actually so not rare, that people were bringing tertiary decks teched with 3 mana 3/4 battlecry make your face immune to spells one turn at one point. Warriors with anti mech/silence heavy packages are common too
I love how OP started off with "I don't want this to just be another Big Priest bitching thread..." but the comments devolved this thread into one anyway. Reading the the "calling all big priest players" part must have been hard too because it sure sounds like at least half of you despise it enough to never touch it with a 10 foot stick
As for me, I only play big priest when I have a priest quest because the only alternative is spending 4 hours trying to get a win with nomi priest or something. Maybe people just want to play the class and not lose horribly? I'm sure people who don't have the collection to support Big Priest are already having lots of fun doing these quests /s
I've been playing with mage and had zero problems so far. If there is a mech in play late enough in the game for them to have mana to combo off, just freeze it. Coppertails can get frost nova'd and I run 2 copies. If they go in and make a big dude without a mech that can attack on board, just freeze it. If the big mech has taunt, well ... discover burn/polymorph or let the flamewakers do work. There's also random vapes and ice blocks
1) I just want my damn druid ramp back. Hearthstone has to be the only card game that can't balance a simple "2 mana, ramp 1". Everyone else from MTG to Shadowverse to Eternal etc has the exact same card (if not a more powerful version!) and all of them have exactly zero balance issues with it despite some of these other card games being older or more nerf-happy. Maybe it's because they weren't stupid enough to print a UI for the same class
Now that that's rotated, any druid outside of token and the entire ramp mechanic is completely dead. A staple and basic mechanic in any card game - dead! Maybe instead of renaming the deathrattle mechanic and calling it a new keyword this expansion, they should work on making the existing ones actually competitive and playable
2) A new constructed mode using that rotating card pool system that arena has
3) Solo mode has a lot of cool card interactions (Easter egg lines spoken when specific cards are played against or with specific heroes). Maybe put more of these into constructed?
The TL;DR is that Divine Spirit doesn't match priest's class identity, limits card design, feels bad to play against and is something that will be probably changed or rotated to the HoF as soon as they want to print a card that this restricts
At this point, you may as well say winning is against priest's class identity lol
Thanks for guides guys! I have one question though. Are there any chances of getting banned for doing this? It would be my first time and I just want my account to be safe :)
If you change your address to Mexico, it's not likely that you'll be banned. However, it's EXTREMELY likely that you'll be deported to Mexico by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, so be aware.
I mean, it's a children's card game. They'd probably just put you in a cage with the other children instead. As a gamer, you're probably living without soap/toothpaste anyway lol
On a more serious note, I've been helping people using this method since boomsday and no one has gotten banned yet. It's perfectly safe :)
Don't pick priest. Shaman and rogue are on the easy side and warrior is a cakewalk
The priest starter list looks okay but those buckets are absolute trash. The deck seems to get progressively worse and worse no matter what you do. Making a fast deck with those buckets is next to impossible and without a fast deck you're going to struggle against Ragnaros, Gar and Valestraz
And on that note, I'll add a follow up to OP's question : "What's a consistent way to beat the brawl with priest?"
Once more, I regret having kept Yogg after the nerf. Such a waste of dust...
If you have Grumble, Worldshaker and Shudderwock, you can build a meme ShudderYogg deck. Whenever I'm in the mood for some fireworks, I go to wild casual and play it there. The trick is to copy Shudderwock a bunch of times before playing Yogg-Saron, Hope's End.
I've slot him into some of my druids. I'm running Jepetto joybuz as a hopeful combo enabler and having Yogg for 1 mana sometimes makes him a lot less terrible
IIRC Mukla has seen competitive play as a 3 mana 5/5 once or twice(literally), but as others have pointed out, his main use (if any) is to fill the enemy's hand with junk.
Competitively, he's only show up in tempo decks (most recently odd rogue), not mill decks. The idea is that a 3 mana 5/5 is great tempo. You give the opponent 2/2 worth of bananas but they still need to spend 2 mana to get his 2/2 on the board, which is mediocre tempo. He is better in decks that excels at keeping early boards clear (like tempo rogues), so that the opponent has no active minions to put bananas on
The Malfurion DK really is not going to work with the Quest though, I mean he brings his own Hero Power replacing the passive and since the quest is slow in itself - imo not a situation like with Rexxar and Zul'jin where you would want to run both for a long game
It will work in a sense that it will summon 4 minions, but it is kinda counter-productive in a way that it changes your hero power again, yes.
That being said, maybe Jade Idol will be the card that makes this quest worthwhile.
As a jade druid player, most of the time you don't actually want +3 jade idols in your deck and losing control over whether you can shuffle or not might actually be a bad thing. Definitely not worth the quest requirements
"imho just because we can't see the problematic deck right now, it doesn't mean that it wouldn't exist"
I don't think it really matters what powerful card combinations we can come up with in the current card pool; the fact of the matter is, the "combo shell" or "midrange-tempo shell" that warrior has isn't really good enough to facilitate a tier 1 or 2 deck featuring this card
AK75 druid needed a lot more than just the printing of star aligners and their interaction with the combo pieces to work. You needed a 4 mana, draw exactly your combo pieces (and when this stopped working via the Aviana nerf, the deck immediately fell off the meta); extremely powerful stall, health gain and ramp. Even before star aligner, all sorts of combo druids were high tier because of the power of their combo shell. Meanwhile, a combo warrior of any kind can't ramp and will have inferior stall, health gain and draw. Unlike theorycrafting the warsong combo itself, the wild community had plenty of time to come up with and refine better combo shells featuring other, though perhaps weaker, combo finishers. The best we've got is the pyromancer-based shell that worgen warrior had and while it's functional, it's not wild-tier
Tempo, midrange and bomb warrior are not decks mentioned on VS nor HSReplay. Again, the shell is not quite there. Wild decks that focus on tempo can generate a lot more tempo than standard decks that focus on tempo. Standard bomb warriors are good because clockwork goblins are considered good tempo in standard. For tempo vs tempo matchups, the player with less tempo is at a huge disadvantage. A tempo warrior can get in a lot of early chip damage in standard, but will be pushed off the board in wild. Wild combo and control decks have much better control tools and recovery... I suppose your bomb warrior would be good against the newly popular OTK mages due to them having to draw your bombs before they can OTK, but the point is moot because they would have ice blocks against a warsong combo
All that remains is pirate warrior, which I mentioned before
"And I can't deny that hand/deck-disruption cards exist in wild, but I would like to state, that those aren't always reliable."
Well, that's just how disruption vs combo works. Rats would be broken if they worked every time and combo decks would become worthless, wouldn't they? :P
"So it's not hard to imagine how an unnerfed WC would cause problems in wild."
My response to this is #2 in the previous post. It's not currently causing problems but should start to, it still won't interfere with Blizzard designing new cards
"designing 100+ new cards, if the devs were to HoF the two sets, would be very hard to do. They have to spend a lot of time designing cards, that fit their philosophy regarding the 9 classes, their strenghts and weaknesses."
Did you confuse me with someone else? :) I never said we should HoF two sets, just cards that have been nerfed and has since seen no or little play. In any case, I think you're underestimating how many resources the HS team has. Every expansion these days is accompanied by some solo content. Each has new heroes, new bosses, new mechanics, new treasure cards, new boss-only cards, new hero powers, new voicelines, new card interactions, new art and more. While I am extremely grateful for the bonus content, the quality and quantity of these show us how much more they're capable of doing. Most of the solo content is one-and-done and most of us won't get to experience their hard work again unless we get those daily quests to monster hunt or something. In other words, solo content is small potatoes compared to designing core cards that will be used every day and in every game mode. Putting the effort into something of this importance would not be that unreasonable. Blizzard is also not a small indie company; they could always increase their resource investment at any time if they were inclined
Also ... Barcelona at this time of year lol. Aren't you afraid of burning to a crisp?
They're just making up new keywords for the sake of making up new keywords (and making card text even more inconsistent). If anything this makes the game more confusing for new players
1) Yes, that's true. However we can't predict what kind of cards the devs would implement, if they were to HOF the aforementioned sets. If those happen to be on the same power-level as the recently released ones, new or budget players would have a hard time dealing with an opponent, whose deck is tuned by the more powerful standard sets. You can disregard this counter-argument if you want, since this is just a speculation, but I doubt that the replacements would be as good as the pre-nerfed Basic and Classic sets. Also, the following is just my personal opinion, but I think it would be kinda selfish to let only wild players enjoy playing with iconic class spells or characters (especially if those are big fans of the warcraft RTS games and the MMORPG). People would feel forced to play a specific set, which wouldn't feel hospitable for them. Cuz' let's be honest, wild is not an attractive format for people with a limited collection. It becomes cheaper in the long term and I also love playing there, but I can't ignore the fact, that some have difficulties entering it.
2) and 3) I see where you are going with the "design space limitation" argument. It's true, that the power-level in wild is tremendously higher than in standard and people can do insane things early on. Though I would like to state, that design limiting cards don't come from the Basic or the Classic sets - most of them originate from the expansions. Furthermore, it's not like the devs haven't nerfed wild cards before, in order to balance the meta a bit - like the case with Aviana, Naga Sea Witch, Shadowboxer and I would argue, that Patches the Pirate and Raza the Chained are also part of this category (because back in K&C Reno Priest was a very dominant deck in wild). So the cards or combos you've mentioned above might be changed in the near future. And due to the big variety of cards there, most of the quoted combos can be countered - mech hunter is extremely vulnerable to Devolve, Defile or Brawl, Mass Hysteria, if you manage to survive until turn 5; Voidcaller is silenceable; Quest Mage needs a godlike hand to pull off such turns, which could be compared to the high-roll potential of Aggro Paladin (High Priest Thekal + Molten Giants); SN1P-SN4P requires you to have 3 other combo pieces before going off.
My issue with charge is, that there isn't much counterplay from the opponent aside from playing taunts (which didn't stop Worgen Warrior from seeing a lot of competitive play back in the days). Dakarian made a very good post, where they explained the issues of returning GP Warrior back to competitive hearthstone. And I talked about Warsong Commander's problems outside that deck - even in plain non-combo lists. Correct me if I'm wrong, but warrior didn't have a good aggro package prior to WotOG. The class slowly received a very solid pirate one, which became dominant during MSoG, and now warriors can run a burst-y mid-range mech deck in standard. Point is, Warsong Commander would be auto-included in such lists for the sake of the free face damage (and the potential burst you would get from Frothing Berserker). Speaking of which, isn't this why we see hunters playing Tundra Rhino, into Scavenging Hyena and Unleash the Hounds? Dakarian also stated, that warriors now have more ways to enrage the berserker, so charging a 15- or 20-Attack minion into the opponent's face may not be a rare scenario. And after stating this, I would like to bring another topic- in your opinion would people warmly welcome the unnerfed version of Charge?
1) You're right. I suppose we can make a distinction between "all nerfed cards in history" and "cards nerfed so badly that they see no play". If the power level isn't too terrible (Leeroy, Edwin, unleash the hounds), you could still enjoy the card in standard. Cards like Warsong Commander and Starving Buzzard are worse than river crocolisk and chillwind yeti. These are cards that aren't playable in wild OR standard and there's a whole load of other basic cards you'd put in a 30 card deck over these. Even if we get new Radiance as the replacement, nothing of value was lost but on the other hand, there's the chance they give us something better than yeti
2) Seems to me like Blizzard has set a precedent for letting design limiting cards be until they need attention. They are not hesitating to make new cards that could conflict with existing ones in wild - when this happens they either ignore the problem or change the wild card in question. Which option they choose appears consistently inconsistent, but what matters is that they're not letting it get in the way of new cards. Unnerfed warsong, charge and other nerfed cards would not cause problems in the current card pool, so why not let us have our fun while nothing is conflicting? In addition, there a lot of nerfed cards that were nerfed simply because of power level, not design space issues. Druid ramp cards, for example (I admit, these were what I was thinking of when I wished they'd unnerf everything lol)
3) You can rat, hecklebot or deathlord out their commander (or berserker, or worgen), especially if it's in a more combo oriented list. You can unseen saboteur their charge. Warlocks can play their gnome or demonic project. Mages are running ice block and paladins could theoretically run time out. Big Priest can spam an army of obsidian statues or convincing infiltrators to kill your charger or warsong. They're also one of wild control warrior's worst matchups. Of course, the most effective way to beat combo in wild is to just hit them very hard until they die and the top tier decks are very good at that
How broken is this combo even? You compare it with hunter's rhino combo but that combo is completely fair. It's comprised fully of classic/basic cards but has seen little play until recently, making the class 4th or 5th best in the standard meta. Making a charging 15+ attack minion with warrior is possible, but requires a lot (relative to wild) of mana and combo pieces
Pirate warriors are often in topdeck mode by turn 6 if I'm being generous, so they're not a good shell for charging a big berserker at face and unlike a worgen combo like warrior, taunts would actually be decent counterplay. They can still run the card, but they can only use it to hit you with maybe one or two regular stated minions in a "combo" turn, not buffed up berserkers. They can even play it on curve and make the opponent have an answer. That's powerful, but IMO it's still on par with the power level of wild (in fact, I liken it to ship's cannon). As for standard midrange mech/bomb warrior, they only exist in standard. Their board fighting abilities isn't good enough to keep up with the wild midrange or faster decks.
They should just unnerf and HoF everything. I'm not salty about Big Priest, but you can't deny that it's powerful. Unnerfed anything would be no more powerful than how Big Priest already is and enable people to play some of their favorite decks from the past. A lot of these cards are literally seeing no play since their nerfs, so they serve no purpose sitting around in standard
Uhm... what about new/returning players or people with a limited amount of dust?
I personally think, that it would be a good idea to have two different versions of the Basic/Classic set for both formats - one would include the initial state of the cards, so that people would enjoy playing their old decks again, and the other would be designed accordingly to the standard environment. However I have said it before - some cards (like Warsong Commander, Charge or Starving Buzzard) should be redesigned with caution. I agree with most what OP said and I admire the time and effort they put in writing that post, but Charge is Charge and imho it would limit design space for future cards, which may support Grim Patron Warrior and return it back to its glory days or just create an entirely new (and oppressive) archtype.
I can't deny, that at the moment this may not be the case. I don't see any problematic minions with 3 or less Attack, that would create annoying combos with Warsong Commander (except Vicious Fledgling maybe). There are some mechs though and warrior is one of the 3 classes, that utilizes magnetize, so this could be considered a counter-argument (even though not a strong one). But outside of combo decks, aggressive lists like Pirate Warrior would consider playing it just because the Commander gives their early-game minions charge.
/I prefer to use a hearthpwn link, because the list is visually better. Sorry, mods./
I'm not sure what you mean regarding new players with little dust. Blizzard always prints new classic cards to replace anything they HoF and if anything, warsong commander being replaced by a halfway playable card would make warrior's basic set a lot less abysmal for f2p players
As for limiting design space, I say look towards Big Priest again. It's an amalgamation of cards that, in a balanced meta, should have limited design space all by themselves. Yet last expansion we still got Vargoth and Katerina, which pushed its power level to new heights. It would seem that they do not care about the power level of things in wild nor let wild cards that limit design space get in the way of making new cards
It's not just Big Priest either. There's mech decks making infinitly large things with with sn1p-sn4p, turn 4 voidlords, quest mages that can finish their quest as early as turn 4 and refill their hand in the same turn, standard-like rogues with patches and shark+fungalmancer. Everyone is already doing insane stuff. So what if you die on turn 7 or 8 to some kind of warsong combo? This is exactly the kind of thing that happens in wild. Mech hunters would call this lethal slow
Today's goal was to make a warrior that can bomb and tempo out all the typical bad matchups of the class (mage, rogue, etc)
While testing, I queued into a token druid, then proceeded to curve out and push him off the board. Now, I know warrior is supposed to have a good matchup vs token druid, but I won this game with minion combat, not brawls and warpaths. The opponent's hand wasn't so bad either; he only missed his turn 1 and used full mana for the next few turns. If I can push board-centric spam decks off the board with this list, I can probably beat up some mages easily with the same tempo. There's no better feeling than getting the validation that your little deck tweaks did work
The icing on the cake was when I topdecked my Azalina near the end. His hand was only a couple buff cards with no minions to use them on because I killed all of them. Typical token druid problems. The following turn, I killed him with his own savage roar
TL;DR: was testing tempo warrior to beat mages and rogues; tempoed out so hard that I out token druided a token druid
Initial game:
Initial thoughts:
First results:
In regards to the paladin, good job thinking of putting Joybuzz in the deck. I didn't put much effort into the non-duel version because I couldn't build/test it in my collection Joybuzz is definitely a card, in both the original and your OTK version. Personally I think the OTK strays a little too far from the original concept but hey, you still made a cool deck that works which is more relevant because the OG concept might not be even possible. I have to disagree with the humilities though; when mages play an early giant, they threaten conjurer's calling on the following turn and humility doesn't help with that problem unless you already have a board. Otherwise, it seems like a good deck
Regarding 9 lives in the hunter deck, I was surprised how not terrible it was in the video as well after I posted my thoughts on it. Before this, I've only seen the card played in the aggro mech hunter (where it's low tempo/low value in a face deck) and in the oblivitron mech hunter (where it's low tempo/high value in a deck that's already very high value and struggles not to fall behind on board). It hasn't occurred to me to use it on sn1p-sn4p as a low tempo/high value play in a deck that's decent at keeping up on board but often lacks value (sn1p-sn4p also hasn't been printed when I last evaluated the card lol). I still think it's not that good though; even on ursatron it's 6 mana 3/3 draw 2, whereas a beast hunter can 3 mana draw 3 and have 3 mana left over to develop more than just 3/3 of stats. It also doesn't require drawing, playing and having a choice deathrattle minion die
Checking out the new decks now. I already watched the warlock episode, so I'm not going to do it (it feels like cheating!). I think the final deck could use some omega agents though, especially with Barista
OTK/ Undatakah paladin is not actually that rare in specialist format. The main weakness of OTK paladin is warrior, but if you hit one, you can just use your Undatakah secondary deck. You don't mind losing your 1st game because your 2nd and 3rd games will be extremely favored
Paladin is actually so not rare, that people were bringing tertiary decks teched with 3 mana 3/4 battlecry make your face immune to spells one turn at one point. Warriors with anti mech/silence heavy packages are common too
I love how OP started off with "I don't want this to just be another Big Priest bitching thread..." but the comments devolved this thread into one anyway. Reading the the "calling all big priest players" part must have been hard too because it sure sounds like at least half of you despise it enough to never touch it with a 10 foot stick
As for me, I only play big priest when I have a priest quest because the only alternative is spending 4 hours trying to get a win with nomi priest or something. Maybe people just want to play the class and not lose horribly? I'm sure people who don't have the collection to support Big Priest are already having lots of fun doing these quests /s
I've been playing with mage and had zero problems so far. If there is a mech in play late enough in the game for them to have mana to combo off, just freeze it. Coppertails can get frost nova'd and I run 2 copies. If they go in and make a big dude without a mech that can attack on board, just freeze it. If the big mech has taunt, well ... discover burn/polymorph or let the flamewakers do work. There's also random vapes and ice blocks
It's back on now and I just got a classic pack \o/
I'm pretty sure no one actually cares about the card reveals
The only reason they'd play is because they find it entertaining in itself
1) I just want my damn druid ramp back. Hearthstone has to be the only card game that can't balance a simple "2 mana, ramp 1". Everyone else from MTG to Shadowverse to Eternal etc has the exact same card (if not a more powerful version!) and all of them have exactly zero balance issues with it despite some of these other card games being older or more nerf-happy. Maybe it's because they weren't stupid enough to print a UI for the same class
Now that that's rotated, any druid outside of token and the entire ramp mechanic is completely dead. A staple and basic mechanic in any card game - dead! Maybe instead of renaming the deathrattle mechanic and calling it a new keyword this expansion, they should work on making the existing ones actually competitive and playable
2) A new constructed mode using that rotating card pool system that arena has
3) Solo mode has a lot of cool card interactions (Easter egg lines spoken when specific cards are played against or with specific heroes). Maybe put more of these into constructed?
The TL;DR is that Divine Spirit doesn't match priest's class identity, limits card design, feels bad to play against and is something that will be probably changed or rotated to the HoF as soon as they want to print a card that this restricts
At this point, you may as well say winning is against priest's class identity lol
I mean, it's a children's card game. They'd probably just put you in a cage with the other children instead. As a gamer, you're probably living without soap/toothpaste anyway lol
On a more serious note, I've been helping people using this method since boomsday and no one has gotten banned yet. It's perfectly safe :)
Don't pick priest. Shaman and rogue are on the easy side and warrior is a cakewalk
The priest starter list looks okay but those buckets are absolute trash. The deck seems to get progressively worse and worse no matter what you do. Making a fast deck with those buckets is next to impossible and without a fast deck you're going to struggle against Ragnaros, Gar and Valestraz
And on that note, I'll add a follow up to OP's question : "What's a consistent way to beat the brawl with priest?"
I've slot him into some of my druids. I'm running Jepetto joybuz as a hopeful combo enabler and having Yogg for 1 mana sometimes makes him a lot less terrible
Competitively, he's only show up in tempo decks (most recently odd rogue), not mill decks. The idea is that a 3 mana 5/5 is great tempo. You give the opponent 2/2 worth of bananas but they still need to spend 2 mana to get his 2/2 on the board, which is mediocre tempo. He is better in decks that excels at keeping early boards clear (like tempo rogues), so that the opponent has no active minions to put bananas on
As a jade druid player, most of the time you don't actually want +3 jade idols in your deck and losing control over whether you can shuffle or not might actually be a bad thing. Definitely not worth the quest requirements
"imho just because we can't see the problematic deck right now, it doesn't mean that it wouldn't exist"
I don't think it really matters what powerful card combinations we can come up with in the current card pool; the fact of the matter is, the "combo shell" or "midrange-tempo shell" that warrior has isn't really good enough to facilitate a tier 1 or 2 deck featuring this card
AK75 druid needed a lot more than just the printing of star aligners and their interaction with the combo pieces to work. You needed a 4 mana, draw exactly your combo pieces (and when this stopped working via the Aviana nerf, the deck immediately fell off the meta); extremely powerful stall, health gain and ramp. Even before star aligner, all sorts of combo druids were high tier because of the power of their combo shell. Meanwhile, a combo warrior of any kind can't ramp and will have inferior stall, health gain and draw. Unlike theorycrafting the warsong combo itself, the wild community had plenty of time to come up with and refine better combo shells featuring other, though perhaps weaker, combo finishers. The best we've got is the pyromancer-based shell that worgen warrior had and while it's functional, it's not wild-tier
Tempo, midrange and bomb warrior are not decks mentioned on VS nor HSReplay. Again, the shell is not quite there. Wild decks that focus on tempo can generate a lot more tempo than standard decks that focus on tempo. Standard bomb warriors are good because clockwork goblins are considered good tempo in standard. For tempo vs tempo matchups, the player with less tempo is at a huge disadvantage. A tempo warrior can get in a lot of early chip damage in standard, but will be pushed off the board in wild. Wild combo and control decks have much better control tools and recovery... I suppose your bomb warrior would be good against the newly popular OTK mages due to them having to draw your bombs before they can OTK, but the point is moot because they would have ice blocks against a warsong combo
All that remains is pirate warrior, which I mentioned before
"And I can't deny that hand/deck-disruption cards exist in wild, but I would like to state, that those aren't always reliable."
Well, that's just how disruption vs combo works. Rats would be broken if they worked every time and combo decks would become worthless, wouldn't they? :P
"So it's not hard to imagine how an unnerfed WC would cause problems in wild."
My response to this is #2 in the previous post. It's not currently causing problems but should start to, it still won't interfere with Blizzard designing new cards
"designing 100+ new cards, if the devs were to HoF the two sets, would be very hard to do. They have to spend a lot of time designing cards, that fit their philosophy regarding the 9 classes, their strenghts and weaknesses."
Did you confuse me with someone else? :) I never said we should HoF two sets, just cards that have been nerfed and has since seen no or little play. In any case, I think you're underestimating how many resources the HS team has. Every expansion these days is accompanied by some solo content. Each has new heroes, new bosses, new mechanics, new treasure cards, new boss-only cards, new hero powers, new voicelines, new card interactions, new art and more. While I am extremely grateful for the bonus content, the quality and quantity of these show us how much more they're capable of doing. Most of the solo content is one-and-done and most of us won't get to experience their hard work again unless we get those daily quests to monster hunt or something. In other words, solo content is small potatoes compared to designing core cards that will be used every day and in every game mode. Putting the effort into something of this importance would not be that unreasonable. Blizzard is also not a small indie company; they could always increase their resource investment at any time if they were inclined
Also ... Barcelona at this time of year lol. Aren't you afraid of burning to a crisp?
They're just making up new keywords for the sake of making up new keywords (and making card text even more inconsistent). If anything this makes the game more confusing for new players
1) You're right. I suppose we can make a distinction between "all nerfed cards in history" and "cards nerfed so badly that they see no play". If the power level isn't too terrible (Leeroy, Edwin, unleash the hounds), you could still enjoy the card in standard. Cards like Warsong Commander and Starving Buzzard are worse than river crocolisk and chillwind yeti. These are cards that aren't playable in wild OR standard and there's a whole load of other basic cards you'd put in a 30 card deck over these. Even if we get new Radiance as the replacement, nothing of value was lost but on the other hand, there's the chance they give us something better than yeti
2) Seems to me like Blizzard has set a precedent for letting design limiting cards be until they need attention. They are not hesitating to make new cards that could conflict with existing ones in wild - when this happens they either ignore the problem or change the wild card in question. Which option they choose appears consistently inconsistent, but what matters is that they're not letting it get in the way of new cards. Unnerfed warsong, charge and other nerfed cards would not cause problems in the current card pool, so why not let us have our fun while nothing is conflicting? In addition, there a lot of nerfed cards that were nerfed simply because of power level, not design space issues. Druid ramp cards, for example (I admit, these were what I was thinking of when I wished they'd unnerf everything lol)
3) You can rat, hecklebot or deathlord out their commander (or berserker, or worgen), especially if it's in a more combo oriented list. You can unseen saboteur their charge. Warlocks can play their gnome or demonic project. Mages are running ice block and paladins could theoretically run time out. Big Priest can spam an army of obsidian statues or convincing infiltrators to kill your charger or warsong. They're also one of wild control warrior's worst matchups. Of course, the most effective way to beat combo in wild is to just hit them very hard until they die and the top tier decks are very good at that
How broken is this combo even? You compare it with hunter's rhino combo but that combo is completely fair. It's comprised fully of classic/basic cards but has seen little play until recently, making the class 4th or 5th best in the standard meta. Making a charging 15+ attack minion with warrior is possible, but requires a lot (relative to wild) of mana and combo pieces
Pirate warriors are often in topdeck mode by turn 6 if I'm being generous, so they're not a good shell for charging a big berserker at face and unlike a worgen combo like warrior, taunts would actually be decent counterplay. They can still run the card, but they can only use it to hit you with maybe one or two regular stated minions in a "combo" turn, not buffed up berserkers. They can even play it on curve and make the opponent have an answer. That's powerful, but IMO it's still on par with the power level of wild (in fact, I liken it to ship's cannon). As for standard midrange mech/bomb warrior, they only exist in standard. Their board fighting abilities isn't good enough to keep up with the wild midrange or faster decks.
I'm not sure what you mean regarding new players with little dust. Blizzard always prints new classic cards to replace anything they HoF and if anything, warsong commander being replaced by a halfway playable card would make warrior's basic set a lot less abysmal for f2p players
As for limiting design space, I say look towards Big Priest again. It's an amalgamation of cards that, in a balanced meta, should have limited design space all by themselves. Yet last expansion we still got Vargoth and Katerina, which pushed its power level to new heights. It would seem that they do not care about the power level of things in wild nor let wild cards that limit design space get in the way of making new cards
It's not just Big Priest either. There's mech decks making infinitly large things with with sn1p-sn4p, turn 4 voidlords, quest mages that can finish their quest as early as turn 4 and refill their hand in the same turn, standard-like rogues with patches and shark+fungalmancer. Everyone is already doing insane stuff. So what if you die on turn 7 or 8 to some kind of warsong combo? This is exactly the kind of thing that happens in wild. Mech hunters would call this lethal slow
Today's goal was to make a warrior that can bomb and tempo out all the typical bad matchups of the class (mage, rogue, etc)
While testing, I queued into a token druid, then proceeded to curve out and push him off the board. Now, I know warrior is supposed to have a good matchup vs token druid, but I won this game with minion combat, not brawls and warpaths. The opponent's hand wasn't so bad either; he only missed his turn 1 and used full mana for the next few turns. If I can push board-centric spam decks off the board with this list, I can probably beat up some mages easily with the same tempo. There's no better feeling than getting the validation that your little deck tweaks did work
The icing on the cake was when I topdecked my Azalina near the end. His hand was only a couple buff cards with no minions to use them on because I killed all of them. Typical token druid problems. The following turn, I killed him with his own savage roar
TL;DR: was testing tempo warrior to beat mages and rogues; tempoed out so hard that I out token druided a token druid