So apparently Blizzard messed up again. Yesterday's patch 15.0, that is a preparation for launch of the Saviors of Uldum, already activated the arena reset and new rotation is in (except SoU set). At least in the drafting pool.
League of Explorers
Journey to Un'Goro
Kobolds and Catacombs
Rastakhan's Rumble
Saviors of Uldum
Random generation is said to still draw from the "old" sets tho (Basic, Classic, Naxxramas, Whispers of the Old Gods, Goblins VS Gnomes, The Witchwood, and Rise of Shadows) and reward pack for finishing the run is still Rise of Shadows pack.
Tho someone also reported, that the new Titanic Lackey is already showing up. Another person said, that their Gorillabot A-3 activated its battlecry, even tho he had no mechs on the board. Arena looks like a bloody mess right now!
Another thing that happened is that some* arena runs were retired. Meaning ppl who had unfinished runs got the free Arena Ticket and whoever was planning on doing so later, in time for the proper arena rotation on August 6th, can no longer do that. Unless they reset the arena again on the 6th, which one would assume will happen, since SoU still needs to be added into the mix.
If you have gold to spare, id advise you to start a new run right now, if you want to take a chance of the potential second reset that seems like it should happen. But keep in mind, you will draft a deck without SoU cards, so your deck will definitely be weaker when SoU hits if no reset happens, cause many new cards are looking like insane arena powerhouses, you can check our thoughts on the matter here.
* So far there are mixed reports of who did get and who didnt get his run retired. i did.
Yeah, Whizbang updates every set. Didnt they screw up once and you were able to play new recipes before the new xpac release, since Whizbang got updated during pre-release patch few days early?:D Or am i remembering it wrong?
I will counter your argument with a 180 - having a downvote system gets rid of a certain level of toxicity. Ppl can voice their disagreement with the comment without having to post "clever" responces to diss the person. I know that you live for those, well, you will just have to deal with that :) Im sure you will get some anyways.
Funnily enough, the fact that it continues to draw from a larger and larger pool of beast minions, the card becomes harder to really be predictable and consistent.
Only two DK cards become harder to be consistent over time. Rexxar for the reasons mentioned and Thrall, Deathseer for the obvious reasons.
Was it ever really consistent? :) I get your point, but not like you could guarantee to get a poisonous Exploding Bloatbat within 3 tires or something :)
It is probably golden cards. We dont have golden cards for SoU in our db yet, so when you get a golden card, there is no image for it. We are aware of the issue and hopefully we can provide a fix soon until we have all the golden animations.
Yeah, not possible to have both equipped at the same time. And while some of these new quests seem like they will be pretty easy to complete in a timely fashion, it will probably be a question of "can i really start the game with two less cards?". Questing Adventurer helps with this a little bit, but even just one quest and being down a card is usually a pretty big deal.
Damn, i must admit that in all that hype, i completely forgot about this factor. You are right. It will be interesting to see how much of a factor will Bomb Warrior be.
Hi, i believe someone from recently "hired" content creators wanted to do just that. So give us a while to get it together, but i think you can expect something on this topic rather soon ;-)
The consistent calculation for giving you lethal, especially with cards you have no business having, looks a bit scary. They definitely succeeded tho with creating a card that will make highlander decks in Standard worth it by itself and will make creating decks with Explorers more fun and common. But damn, if this card doesnt pack some insane value and potential.
Hi, thanks for the suggestion. We do plan on doing this and much more with huge focus on content creators in all shapes and forms. We will eventually have a dedicated tool for it, way to display it on your profile, on the site, ways to favorite and filter custom stuff and more. We have so much stuff we want to do, but it all takes time and we have to prioritize.
For now i think we will just see how our recent recruitment goes and take things from there. That is not to say that you cant make a forum post on an interesting topic and create these monthly or one-off articles on the forums anyway. If ppl like it and we like it, we might consider working with you in the future, so dont be afraid to show us what u got :)
10 wins is also my best, but that was only one time. I also don't play arena much. Kudos to you on your success. Even with the average winrates you mention, you must at least break even on rewards, right?
Average winrates?:D Those winrates are almost leaderboard worthy. Those are very much above average :) Thats why i said, he probably knows what hes doing, so he should just keep at it and he will be fine ;-
Sadly it's still running so there's a competition between the 2 sites.. this site is clearly higher quality but the traffic is split between the sites so we get less discussion here.
Okay, so we've identified the problem. How do we fix this?
Create an environment, where new members would like to come and join and everyone can enjoy it. That is our job too, of course, but every user can help with that :)
While it would have been great to just transfer the entire community, having a competition is always good, so one upholds himself to higher standards and wont get lazy to not fall behind, which is ultimately good for the "customer" :)
Yup, i am looking forward to this set very much. I will probably craft the rogue quest golden on launch day, so i feel you :D
So apparently Blizzard messed up again. Yesterday's patch 15.0, that is a preparation for launch of the Saviors of Uldum, already activated the arena reset and new rotation is in (except SoU set). At least in the drafting pool.
Random generation is said to still draw from the "old" sets tho (Basic, Classic, Naxxramas, Whispers of the Old Gods, Goblins VS Gnomes, The Witchwood, and Rise of Shadows) and reward pack for finishing the run is still Rise of Shadows pack.
Tho someone also reported, that the new Titanic Lackey is already showing up. Another person said, that their Gorillabot A-3 activated its battlecry, even tho he had no mechs on the board. Arena looks like a bloody mess right now!
Another thing that happened is that some* arena runs were retired. Meaning ppl who had unfinished runs got the free Arena Ticket and whoever was planning on doing so later, in time for the proper arena rotation on August 6th, can no longer do that. Unless they reset the arena again on the 6th, which one would assume will happen, since SoU still needs to be added into the mix.
If you have gold to spare, id advise you to start a new run right now, if you want to take a chance of the potential second reset that seems like it should happen. But keep in mind, you will draft a deck without SoU cards, so your deck will definitely be weaker when SoU hits if no reset happens, cause many new cards are looking like insane arena powerhouses, you can check our thoughts on the matter here.
* So far there are mixed reports of who did get and who didnt get his run retired. i did.
I agree that it is most likely not worth building the deck around it, but it does sound like an amazing add in the new Quest priest.
Yeah, Whizbang updates every set. Didnt they screw up once and you were able to play new recipes before the new xpac release, since Whizbang got updated during pre-release patch few days early?:D Or am i remembering it wrong?
I will counter your argument with a 180 - having a downvote system gets rid of a certain level of toxicity. Ppl can voice their disagreement with the comment without having to post "clever" responces to diss the person. I know that you live for those, well, you will just have to deal with that :) Im sure you will get some anyways.
Good stuff!
This is a pretty clever idea! :) Wish there was more of the story tho! :)
Was it ever really consistent? :) I get your point, but not like you could guarantee to get a poisonous Exploding Bloatbat within 3 tires or something :)
It is probably golden cards. We dont have golden cards for SoU in our db yet, so when you get a golden card, there is no image for it. We are aware of the issue and hopefully we can provide a fix soon until we have all the golden animations.
Wild Highlander decks might become even more interesting with addition of Zephrys.
Yeah, not possible to have both equipped at the same time. And while some of these new quests seem like they will be pretty easy to complete in a timely fashion, it will probably be a question of "can i really start the game with two less cards?". Questing Adventurer helps with this a little bit, but even just one quest and being down a card is usually a pretty big deal.
Damn, i must admit that in all that hype, i completely forgot about this factor. You are right. It will be interesting to see how much of a factor will Bomb Warrior be.
All good ;-)
Hi, i believe someone from recently "hired" content creators wanted to do just that. So give us a while to get it together, but i think you can expect something on this topic rather soon ;-)
The consistent calculation for giving you lethal, especially with cards you have no business having, looks a bit scary. They definitely succeeded tho with creating a card that will make highlander decks in Standard worth it by itself and will make creating decks with Explorers more fun and common. But damn, if this card doesnt pack some insane value and potential.
Hi, thanks for the suggestion. We do plan on doing this and much more with huge focus on content creators in all shapes and forms. We will eventually have a dedicated tool for it, way to display it on your profile, on the site, ways to favorite and filter custom stuff and more. We have so much stuff we want to do, but it all takes time and we have to prioritize.
For now i think we will just see how our recent recruitment goes and take things from there. That is not to say that you cant make a forum post on an interesting topic and create these monthly or one-off articles on the forums anyway. If ppl like it and we like it, we might consider working with you in the future, so dont be afraid to show us what u got :)
Khadgar + Power of Creation, no wonder this pack is #1 :)
Average winrates?:D Those winrates are almost leaderboard worthy. Those are very much above average :) Thats why i said, he probably knows what hes doing, so he should just keep at it and he will be fine ;-
Congratulations guys!
Create an environment, where new members would like to come and join and everyone can enjoy it. That is our job too, of course, but every user can help with that :)
While it would have been great to just transfer the entire community, having a competition is always good, so one upholds himself to higher standards and wont get lazy to not fall behind, which is ultimately good for the "customer" :)