I think iv identified the problem, or at least one part of it: you have to be logged in on the site, then no error. Obviously it shouldnt matter if you are logged in or not, we will have to fix that, but you can work around it this way for now, sorry for any inconvenience!
I get a Server Error 500 when clicking any of the news from the front page or any deck (from front page as well as "Decks" section). Is it just me? Tried from home and work and different browsers, devices and cleared caches in between.
Edit: Nevermind, right after posting this everything started working fine again...
Hi, could you tell us what device and browser were you using? We are experiencing this bug again mostly on Chrome rn, will get it fixed hopefully soon, but more info is always good, thanks!
The Malfurion DK really is not going to work with the Quest though, I mean he brings his own Hero Power replacing the passive and since the quest is slow in itself - imo not a situation like with Rexxar and Zul'jin where you would want to run both for a long game
It will work in a sense that it will summon 4 minions, but it is kinda counter-productive in a way that it changes your hero power again, yes.
That being said, maybe Jade Idol will be the card that makes this quest worthwhile.
I am referring to a PC ... the three bar on the top right are there but there is no forum link
How are you seeing a mobile view on PC? Do you have small screen resolution or are you maybe in fact on tablet?
The "PC view" should have a regular nav menu, where if you click on "Forums", it will send you to Forums page.
"Mobile view" has 3 tabs (News/Decks/Forums) where you can go Forums tab > scroll a bit > click More Recent Threads, if you wish to see ... more recent threads. If you wish to get to the actual Forums page, you have to go via the "hamburger" menu and select Forums from there (can be tricky to scroll all the way down on some devices).
If you are on tablet or are using small screen resolution or dont have your browser maximized for some reason, then the adaptive design of the site changes the "PC view" to a "semi-mobile view" (this is the worst option as of now, not very optimized) and you have to go via the hamburger menu again, but it can be tough to actually scroll all the way down to the Forums with submenus automatically opening.
So ... which one of these situations looks like yours? Maybe also add some screenshots of what you (dont) see on your screen and specify your device and browser ur using so we can identify the problem, thanks.
If you carf decks, not cards, you can be competitive relatively fast. Especially since any card you do craft will be relevant "forever" and will not rotate in a year. So yeah, you dont have to worry to jump in, if you feel like it! ;-
Hm, so Reborn will most likely have a "bubble" or some kind of visual effect like divine shield minions? That is good! I was affraid how would we tell, if Reborn triggered or not and if they made tokens of the cards without it for example. Seems like they did think it through for once :)
I dont know how i feel about it yet. It obviously has potential to be very powerful. Also, since they made this ability into a keyword (already exists as deathrattle), this makes me think they want to put some more wordy texts on Reborn minions, which can be dangerous. Will have to wait and see.
i crafted brightwing and i have played some games with it. it's a very fun legendary
Better choice imho. Brightwing can go into pretty much any deck anytime. Not that it is a particularly great card, but since you are low on cards, you will never be sad to put it in your deck for a while, so yeah :)
I honestly dont know how it worked till now, havent played any combos with that card for a very long time, but sounds to me like they fixed it rather than nerfed it, tho i suppose it can be viewed as a nerf after all.
Duo-(or more)-class cards are an ok idea, if you create new cards for it. If you just make a rule to allow any "old" class cards to be picked, you cannot balance that. You just cant. Thus making anything like that very unrealistic.
Having the card is nice but do you Use it? I'll still wait till I feel inspired and need a specific card to dust him but the future looks dim for ol' Illidan.
If you need that 400 dust to craft a specific legendary for a specific deck, then by all means, DE away, but if you dont have to do it, it is better not to, especially since having it helps you to never get it again (until you have all legendaries from the set ofc).
I have a regular one and a golden one :D but yes, if you can avoid it, dusting legendaries is not the best way to go, especially classic ones, as said before.
I think cleave is the only card worth playing of that list, and it's a considerable buff to the card but it won't make the card suddenly good.. it's just too random.
Are you sure quests won't be draftable? I mean the 2 quests that we saw can be completed in arena.. if all the quests are of similar fashion (completed by doing something any deck can do) they might be included in arena.
Actually all those cards were very very playable, not just Cleave, even before the buff. Im not saying that the buff made them jump a tier, but they are still good arena cards that got a little bit better :)
About Quests, there was not official info on it yet. But i really cannot imagine they would be draftable.
Look at WL quest, you need to waste a deck slot, then a mulligan slot and then wait 20 (or less with hero power, but you dont want to hero power) turns to get the reward. That is insanity for arena standards, no one would draft that card. And by the time the reward kicks in, you most likely already lost or won, so it wouldnt matter. Id rather have Wisp instead.
And Druid quest isnt much better. It is easier to finish, but you would be losing tempo in the early game, definitely not something you want to do, even less so as a druid, where your win condition is to get on the board and stay on the board. You cant afford to waste a card and then play suboptimally. And again, the reward is not that great. How many choose one cards do you actually draft on average? And even then, i think most of the time you would rather have the "ping".
So with that said, i really cant see Blizzard make these draftable cause no one would pick em (or no one who would want to get a decent number of wins). What im more interested about is minions/cards that interact with Quests, like Questing Explorer, these might get the Cthun followers treatment.
I'm not a big Arena player, but if I may, it feels a bit strange for 1 to the highest rating, and 5 to be the lowest. In most cases, you expect the other way around.
It is how we've always rated the cards in Arena Impact threads for years now. I suppose it might be confusing in regard to voting on cards, where 5 starts is the max, but we do write the scoring (1=excellent etc.) in few places to make ppl aware and if you followed us in at least one thread in the past, you should be familiar with how we score cards. So i hope it wont be a big problem overall for most :
Hello and welcome to our Saviors of Uldum Arena Impact thread guys :) Feel free to share your thoughts!
Also, how do you feel about change in targeting with Multi-Shot, Dark Bargain, Cleave and Forked Lightning? I feel like this is important for arena more than any other play mode. You could play around these cards to an extent before or know that these were not a danger, if you had a single minion. Not anymore. Which also mean that they gained in value, since they can now be a poor Holy Smite or Darkbomb or a really really bad Assassinate, but bad is better then nothing and can save your life.
This card is gonna win games in arena, it will probably not happen often, but you just know you are gonna get that one game where you wont be able to remove it and your opponent will just get 10 card advantage from lackeys and roflstomp you with evolves and generated spells. You know im right :D
It is a cool idea, but i very much doubt we will see anything like that. It just isnt what this game is about, but one can dream :)
I think iv identified the problem, or at least one part of it: you have to be logged in on the site, then no error. Obviously it shouldnt matter if you are logged in or not, we will have to fix that, but you can work around it this way for now, sorry for any inconvenience!
Hi, could you tell us what device and browser were you using? We are experiencing this bug again mostly on Chrome rn, will get it fixed hopefully soon, but more info is always good, thanks!
It will work in a sense that it will summon 4 minions, but it is kinda counter-productive in a way that it changes your hero power again, yes.
That being said, maybe Jade Idol will be the card that makes this quest worthwhile.
How are you seeing a mobile view on PC? Do you have small screen resolution or are you maybe in fact on tablet?
So ... which one of these situations looks like yours? Maybe also add some screenshots of what you (dont) see on your screen and specify your device and browser ur using so we can identify the problem, thanks.
If you carf decks, not cards, you can be competitive relatively fast. Especially since any card you do craft will be relevant "forever" and will not rotate in a year. So yeah, you dont have to worry to jump in, if you feel like it! ;-
Reborn most likely for everyone, Plague cards only for EVIL classes, similar to Schemes in RoS.
Hm, so Reborn will most likely have a "bubble" or some kind of visual effect like divine shield minions? That is good! I was affraid how would we tell, if Reborn triggered or not and if they made tokens of the cards without it for example. Seems like they did think it through for once :)
I dont know how i feel about it yet. It obviously has potential to be very powerful. Also, since they made this ability into a keyword (already exists as deathrattle), this makes me think they want to put some more wordy texts on Reborn minions, which can be dangerous. Will have to wait and see.
Better choice imho. Brightwing can go into pretty much any deck anytime. Not that it is a particularly great card, but since you are low on cards, you will never be sad to put it in your deck for a while, so yeah :)
I dont know why, but just now i read it as Supreme Apology and that made me chuckle :D
I honestly dont know how it worked till now, havent played any combos with that card for a very long time, but sounds to me like they fixed it rather than nerfed it, tho i suppose it can be viewed as a nerf after all.
Duo-(or more)-class cards are an ok idea, if you create new cards for it. If you just make a rule to allow any "old" class cards to be picked, you cannot balance that. You just cant. Thus making anything like that very unrealistic.
No date given so far.
If you need that 400 dust to craft a specific legendary for a specific deck, then by all means, DE away, but if you dont have to do it, it is better not to, especially since having it helps you to never get it again (until you have all legendaries from the set ofc).
I have a regular one and a golden one :D but yes, if you can avoid it, dusting legendaries is not the best way to go, especially classic ones, as said before.
Actually all those cards were very very playable, not just Cleave, even before the buff. Im not saying that the buff made them jump a tier, but they are still good arena cards that got a little bit better :)
About Quests, there was not official info on it yet. But i really cannot imagine they would be draftable.
Look at WL quest, you need to waste a deck slot, then a mulligan slot and then wait 20 (or less with hero power, but you dont want to hero power) turns to get the reward. That is insanity for arena standards, no one would draft that card. And by the time the reward kicks in, you most likely already lost or won, so it wouldnt matter. Id rather have Wisp instead.
And Druid quest isnt much better. It is easier to finish, but you would be losing tempo in the early game, definitely not something you want to do, even less so as a druid, where your win condition is to get on the board and stay on the board. You cant afford to waste a card and then play suboptimally. And again, the reward is not that great. How many choose one cards do you actually draft on average? And even then, i think most of the time you would rather have the "ping".
So with that said, i really cant see Blizzard make these draftable cause no one would pick em (or no one who would want to get a decent number of wins). What im more interested about is minions/cards that interact with Quests, like Questing Explorer, these might get the Cthun followers treatment.
It is how we've always rated the cards in Arena Impact threads for years now. I suppose it might be confusing in regard to voting on cards, where 5 starts is the max, but we do write the scoring (1=excellent etc.) in few places to make ppl aware and if you followed us in at least one thread in the past, you should be familiar with how we score cards. So i hope it wont be a big problem overall for most :
Hello and welcome to our Saviors of Uldum Arena Impact thread guys :) Feel free to share your thoughts!
Also, how do you feel about change in targeting with Multi-Shot, Dark Bargain, Cleave and Forked Lightning? I feel like this is important for arena more than any other play mode. You could play around these cards to an extent before or know that these were not a danger, if you had a single minion. Not anymore. Which also mean that they gained in value, since they can now be a poor Holy Smite or Darkbomb or a really really bad Assassinate, but bad is better then nothing and can save your life.
This card is gonna win games in arena, it will probably not happen often, but you just know you are gonna get that one game where you wont be able to remove it and your opponent will just get 10 card advantage from lackeys and roflstomp you with evolves and generated spells. You know im right :D