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  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From BingoNoEyes

    The problem with these wildcards, is I have pretty low tier champion, and want to save my wildcards for high tier champions. But I keep getting wildcards instead of champion

    That literally makes no sense. You want to get more random champions in order to have a higher chance to get the one(s) you want, instead of getting Wild Cards that let you pick the one(s) you want? Im confused. You are already getting the best possible reward there is. You can get more rewards, but it never is better to get a random champion instead of Wild Card. Never. At worse, its the same, it can never be better.

    In reply to How to Get Champions
  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From linkblade91
    Quote From DescentOfDragonsOp

    I didn't know that some people took grammar seriously in the competition, but thanks everyone for critiquing me on grammar. so from now on I will put grammar to the utmost importance in my card designs

    Grammar and formatting mistakes fall under the same wheel-house as the watermark, for me at least. It all comes down to how "real" your card appears to be: could/would Blizzard print something like this? Blizzard cares about their watermark continuity and making sure their cards are 100% perfect, so you should too. It's the sign of a polished product, and I personally do take it seriously.

    Pretty much what Linky said.

    I can totally understand just wanting to make a fun card and thats it. Or if English isnt someone's first language, it can be challenging to come up with proper wording or not make grammar mistakes. Dont be affraid to ask for proofread in the discussion thread, folks will gladly help you or suggest a better wording based on existing cards.

    We are making cards that could pass as real cards, at least as WCDC is concerned, so having wrong watermark, bad grammar or phrasing of the effect, even just having used "health" instead of "Health" takes away from the quality of the card and it is often reflected in the votes. I hope these things will not deter you from submitting again but rather push you to make your cards even better, as we all strive to do :) Good luck next time!

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Champion Wild Card is better than a random Champion, because you can choose the Champion yourself :) So go agead and use them to craft what you want.

    In reply to How to Get Champions
  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    In reply to How to Get Champions
  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Technically, there is a way to do that already, but it is just not preferable. First, we do not have an easy tool to do it, but more importantly, it would just make the text look awkward and it would take away your attention from the content. Iv seen few ppl do it in their deck guides in the past and it did exactly that.

    Let me give you an example:

    Sludge Slurper is a very strong card, but if you aren't a fan or want some more bulk, Surging Tempest can fill that role instead. Moreover, if you don't have Tunnel Trogg, Surging Tempest is an easy substitution.


    Sludge Slurper is a very strong card, but if you aren't a fan or want some more bulk, Surging Tempest can fill that role instead. Moreover, if you don't have Tunnel Trogg, Surging Tempest is an easy substitution.

    It is way more fluent to not have the set icons in the text themselves. I can understand having difficulties with recognizing the watermark on the card behind the card text, but i would think that majority of ppl will know to which set the card belongs to and if there is a card they are unsure of, they can just inspect the watermark on the card; or click on the card and check out the card page. I dont believe you would need to do this for every other card and if you did, you might want to head to card search or to Expansion pages and look over the cards from individual expansions to better familiarize yourself with them.

    Having it laid out for every single card would be over the top imho. And if the argument would be that it would be easier for new players, they dont know the set images anyways and it is better to get an idea via other sources listed above.

    Or maybe you are asking about something completely different? Just an overview page where there would be watermarks listed and the name of the expansion they belong to, so you can quickly identify which image belongs to which expansion?

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Nirast

    Yeah, sharing that info could be a problem. The best I can come up with are a pop-up when building the deck, and a list somewhere on the main screen where those bans are... well, listed. 

    Then again, MtG and Yu-Gi-Oh have been using nothing but a list on a site somewhere, and they're doing fine!

    Those games are not the best comparison for LOR, nor HS. Like i said, HS and now LOR are trying to cater to the broad casual audience to get a huge playerbase and with that comes "dumbing down" of the mechanics, so they are easy to pick up and understand. Which is fine, but then stuff like what you suggest does not fit into that philosophy. MTG can afford this, because it has built its playerbase over literally decades and id argue that the majority of the playerbase is anything but casual :) (or rather the now-casuals are old hardcore players who know the mechanics or can easilly get back to them without being confused by them)

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From anchorm4n

    Props to whoever submitted the Sylvanas Prime card. Looks like there was no need to worry about lots of Sylvanas submissions but the one that did come around eventually is far better than mine. Good luck!

    Honestly, the one thing i have the issue with this card is that in the time when Ashes of Outland take place, Sylvanas was already a banshee, so making her as her original self doesnt make much sense to me.

    I know that not everyone knows the lore, i know i dont very well myself, but when it comes to big lore characters like this, it feels weird. I would have much rather saw a completely new, custom form for her, like Ice Alar or Mecha KT, than to try and fit her original form into the game when there is no proper setting to do so. Maybe when Toki finally takes us back to the past to repair the timeline, then we might find ourselves in a proper setting :)

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Im not sure if it is needed in this case per se, but i do like your line of thinking, that could be a pretty cool way to negate the problem without destroying the individual cards.

    One problem i see with this is, both HS and LOR are trying to appeal to a broad casual audience and i dont see a good way to telegraph in the game that this card cannot be in the same deck as that card, let alone explain why. Genn and Baku are kinda examples of this, or highlander cards, but all of them have their restriction listed on them, so it is clear as to why is that.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I crafted the deck and am having fun with it, thanks :)

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Neoguli

    I think it's actually perfectly balanced. 8 Armor equals roughly 3 mana, and the Attack reduction effect is worth 1 mana (see that Warlock Echo card, which has that effect for 2 mana because of Echo, and Echo cards usually have effects that cost 1 less than the cards themselves). 

    I would agree had that card been judged in a vacuum, you need to take into consideration this card is in a Classic set and all the other Armor gain cards for Warrior in the game. Just because it is balanced on its own does not mean it wouldnt be oppressive in the class when mixed in with all the other cards.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    It might seem weird getting 4 of the same "random" card in one game, but it really isnt. The card pool it draws from isnt that big so this is bound to happen. Yes, the chance is small, but not impossible. I wouldnt look for anything rigged here.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    The changes seem fair and interesting. Great art on the new cards, especially Clefthoof Rider! Amazing, iv found the artist on Artstation, too bad i couldnt find any more work from them :(

    One thing tho, Exhausting Howl giving 8 Armor is maybe a bit too much, id say 6 would be about right.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Yeah, Idols are horrible, the games take forever.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    We will definitely add this feature eventually, dont have an eta just yet. You can bookmark the decks in your browser for now.

    In reply to Bookmarking Decks
  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    As others have said, this has always been the case, not only in Runeterra. There isnt really an easy "fix" for this, for example you cant base it on the game length, then you would promote roping, which no one wants.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Gwavana

    Hey out of cards,

    I created this thread :

    People asked questions and I wanted to reply but I never managed to reply to the people I wanted. For example, if I click reply under Marega's post (1st one) my comment will appear (at least on my screen) as a reply to Bersak's post (last comment when I replied).

    I tried to deleted and repost many times until I just gave up.

    I use Firefox on windows 10.

    Hi, Gwavana,

    "Reply" is a bit misleading as to what it does, or rather what it does in Forums. Forums have a different structure than Comments (articles, decks etc.). When you reply in a Forum Thread, that post will always be last (=newest) no matter what and there are no nested conversations, that wouldnt work and it wouldnt make sense for that anyway.

    If you want to reply to a specific comment use Quote button, that way the comment will be added to your post and the reader and everyone else will know which post are you replying to ;-)

    As Xarkkal said, for Forums, it is better to use Quote instead of Reply, so everyone who reads your post knows what is going on.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From shaveyou

    I've pretty much settled on revamping Sergeant Sally, (although I've gone through enough different ideas to pretty much fill a whole set), but some of the feedback has made me want to make it closer to the original. So, two different ideas. I feel Rush is essential to making it playable (like the original would have been somewhat usable if it had had Rush), but otherwise they're very different cards. The first links in to a theme I'm adding to Paladin in my own custom set (which will be posted soonish) creating a kind of anti-tempo feel, slowing the opponent down. The second links a lot more closely to the original (same cost/statline), but with potential for a re-usable board clear. Thoughts?


    I like the first version, not the second. The second also already has problem with fitting the text in, clearly you shrunk it to fit it there and it shows. I also dont think that copying the original Legendary'sability, but making it slightly different is a good way to go about it this week, but maybe someone will do it right.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From BlueSpark
    Quote From sinti

    You wont waste the token, they stack. You can keep it for whenever you have time to play and use them up later, granted only max 3 per week.

    Oh, I understand that, but once they start piling up, it's going to take that much more time to use them all. So what I meant is I feel I 'need' to use one per week to get my value from the free tokens instead of simply amassing them.

    Oh, i get that. It is also easier to spread the time spent over a longer duration than to do it in bulk, i just meant that if you ever wanted to do that, it is an option. But you already know what, so all good :)

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From BlueSpark
    Quote From sinti
    This is only a problem for ppl who wanted to main Expeditions and progress their Champion collection in the same time, which i can understand and i was one of those ppl, but have since moved to the "dont have time to play these", so im glad i get the Champion from the Vault.

    Same here. I used to play 3 expeditions per week in order to fill my champion collection, but over time, I realized that I enjoy the constructed format more, and going through 3 full expeditions every week barely left me with any time to play constructed. So at this point, I'm glad I only 'have to' play 1 expedition per week (in order not to waste the free entry token).

    You wont waste the token, they stack. You can keep it for whenever you have time to play and use them up later, granted only max 3 per week.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Ok, here is some feedback for everybody. I tried to "make edits" when i saw you changed your card, so i hope i got it all :) GL everyone!


    @Linky: good card.

    @Demon: good, while a bit dangerous with the right RNG, but i guess that is the point.
    Alar - kinda liking it :)

    @DescentOfDragonsOp: as Demon already said, way too polarized, if you have board, this is basically a finisher, if you dont have board, you just dont play it, cause otherwise you would kill yourself. Not a great design. Maybe downscale it and the effect, if you want to do this?

    @anchorm4n: i expect many a Sylvanas this time around :) As Shadows said, you should adjust the wording, even then, it would be pretty unfun legendary as it would provide a lot of face damage with Toxic Reinforcements and [Hearthstone Card (Leper Gnomes) Not Found] in general.

    @Conduit: Goya - as Linky said, having a Jade generator in a deck is always going to be better than having this, and there are generally enough Jade generators that you would want something else in the deck too, so this would just be a waste of a deck slot. I think you should try and come up with a different ability for Jades, if you want to do this. Also, missing a point (full stop) at the end of a sentence, i feel like you had this problem with your previous cards as well, iirc.
    Grull - just a big body that might one-shot big dragons, not something you are looking for as a tech imho.
    Manastorm - probably the most interesting of the three, not that i particularly like it, but i dont not-like it either :)

    @CursedParrot: seems uninteresting and too close to the original, mechanic wise.

    @MenacingBagel: i actually kinda like this, but it needs to be adjusted in stats probably and text, the timer on it is largely irrelevant as well, only clutters the card text, tho i guess the 1/5 statline is like this on purpose, so it is harder to kill the tokens off so the minions return to their originals? I think you need to simplify the design.

    @Inconspicuosaurus: personally not fan of these "forced attack" mechanics, vs a non-dragon deck this will just be a 7 mana 8/8, dont think DH would run this regardless. Good flavor tho.

    @shaveyou: loving both :) tho Sally is the winner here.

    @Pokeniner: this card has beyond broken potential, you can already keep the enemy board frozen leading to turn 10 and then you can just discount your spells for up to 7 mana … you dont see a problem?:)

    @TheHoax91: i love that you went for an unconventional character, but i personally hate these type of mechanics, because i dont believe those would even work in a first place. When ur dead ur dead, deathrattle wont trigger no more. If you want to do it, it needs to be worded according to Ice Block.

    @KANSAS: proper wording is "randomly split among all enemies", the card is just too strong for its cost, very imbalanced. Not to mention Rag is not allowed, as said already.
    Mukla - probably too strong no matter what, it will just provide way too much stats. Maybe limit it to two summons and you can specify a cost to make them better.

    @MrRhapsody: Patches - Attack; probably way too strong, since it can easilly become a 5/3 or more and you get a 3/2 pirate as well. This should cost at least 6 or 7 mana and even then it would be a pretty nasty finisher for such a deck.
    Medivh - i like the card in a vacuum, but thats it.
    Loatheb - i actually like this one a lot!
    Yogg - nope.

    @grumpymonk: Maiev - if opponent cant remove this, your Stealth minions are immortal, i guess it has low enough health, but it also comes to play pretty early. Might be ok, but very strong.
    Kaelhas - just no. Any permanent Spell Damage for Mage is a bad idea, not to mention you can duplicate this card and give yourself even more.

    @Xarkkal: Blackhand - very unfun card, pretty easy requirement to just nuke your opponents win condition.
    Subject 9 - looks ok, not that i like it … cause Secrets :p … but seems ok.

    @Feuerrabe: cute, but not the cleanest design, you can tell by simply not even being able to fit the text properly on the card, Charge should be on its on line, but obviously, that would break the unspoken rule of max 4 lines of text. If you want to pay homage to Leeroy, maybe try something else.
    I like the second version, but you have typo on the token, it should be "+1/+1".

    @SDhn2a: Moroes - i like the idea of Moroes and cool art, but the effect is just too strong for the cost.
    Cthun - i guess its ok, but i dont like it too much.
    Yshaarj - cute, tho not sure if too weak, if you can believe it :) But lowering the cost isnt really an option, so i guess its ok.

    @RenoLord: Leeroy - not very interesting.
    Kelthuzad - change the wording to "Battlecry: The first time your hero would take fatal damage this game, return as a Lich.", otherwise it seems fine. There is for sure some way to abuse it, but it is one of the better "if your hero dies return as X" cards iv seen, which is saying something.

    @HyperOrange: super unfun, if your opponent does not have removal, you can keep the board frozen forever and keep destroying it for free. Very imbalanced.
    Leeroy - i get the meme, but this is a really bad card :D
    Bribe - you need to pay 3 mana to give your opponent ability to store 3 mana for the future and not only that, split among 3 coins, so they can use it as they see fit and probably further some other synergies (hand, spell, whatever). The denied draw actually turns into a pretty decent advantage. So the card is very bad.

    @Thez: insanely broken card that fixes all the wholes in Rogue (lack of taunt and healing and aoes=rush), not only it is thematically and mechanically wrong for the class, it is just way too strong as a standalone card.

    @Wailor: Manastorm - i like it, tho anything like this in mage will get abused, but still decent card.
    Harrison - i like it.
    Xavius - i like it.
    All good ideas all-round :)

    @meisterz39: Maiev - in Standard probably fine, in WIld could be pretty nasty with a big Kingsbane.
    Curator - i like it.
    Sally - love the art, can be insanely strong, a single rush/charge minion can clear entire enemy board for example, so like Sally+Boar for 10 mana can clear :D but i guess in the end it is not that much different from Kelthuzad outside of this scenario, so it seems ok.