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sinti's Comments

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    press X to doubt

    Why not just go full Murloc? You're basically running a deck that risks bricking early and drawing garbage late just to run highlander support, which just isn't worth it.

    I would imagine most wins might be from likes of Bloodlust, so maybe it is :)

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    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Yeah, im looking forward to that combo :)

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    While i certainly understand the sentiment, it does take away some tactical aspect of the game, until now you had to be mindful of not locking up your board, or you had to use your own removals to free it up. It made for an interesting gameplay. But this change will bring a faster pace to the game, which i suppose is one of the many things that will do that.

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    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Geralt became a champion in Gwent, so now he looks for challenges elsewhere :)

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    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I dont agree with that. While it might seem lazy, small chips of spell mana gain is really nice, you dont have to skip a turn to play a minion to save up that "what-if" spare mana or to prepare for a combo. And most Attune minions will end up being really cost efficient, if you add that up. I think it will see a lot of play.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    WOW, holy smokes! That is quite a feat. Congratulations!

    No weapons Warrior did that well, eh? I guess all the Rush minions make up for that?:)

    In reply to GG Arena Rewards
  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Im really liking the implementation of all the League champions into LOR. They are doing a pretty good job with their flavor and their abilities flavor wise and even mechanic wise most of the time.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Seems so, also it only triggers 3 times, so you will always get all 3 options, if you can play 3 cards. Not clear from the video, but i doubt you can get 3 Reds for example, probably coded like this on purpose.

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    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    No way they can go without MF!

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Neoguli

    Imprison used to destroy a minion and resummon it once you have no minions, but the current version makes more sense thematically and mechanically. Prison is to keep people locked, not to kill them - so triggering Deathrattles wouldn't make sense. Also makes sense to keep it dormant for easier tracking of when it will break free.

    I get that, my issue is that Dormant was not a mechanic when the game launched, so it makes no sense it would be on a Classic card. I guess with set changes nowadays, one could overlook this, but it still doesnt feel like it should be there.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From HyperOrange

    I really like your changes. They do a good job at bringing some of the cards in line with the current design philosophy of the game while keeping things simple enough for basic and classic. That said, the wording on some of the cards should be updated.

    Heroes Never Die should read: Shuffle a copy of the three highest cost friendly minions that have died this game into your deck.

    Imprison should read: Choose a minion. It goes Dormant. When you have no minions, it awakens.

    I personally would like all of these to be added into the game. Hopefully next year blizzard does something similar.

    Yup, those are my only issues with this as well. Except for i dont like Imprison in the Classic set at all, but other than that seems fair i think.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From OldManSanns

    In light of the new Plunder mechanic, I'm updating my rating from 2:5 to 4:5.

    Yeah, this card was a bit of a sleeper without knowing the rest of the set, but a continuous "free" trigger for a lot of synergy will probably see play. Unless Vulnerable decks are prevalent which could then just pull this into play and destroy it :o

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From anchorm4n

    I agree, most of the Rogue secrets don't appeal to me either. My favorites are Counter Shot, Saving Grace and Maternal Instinct in that order, they all got 5 stars from me. 

    I'm not sure what to do about the "go dormant for 2 turns" issue. I will definitely give them all the same rating since I don't know if one of them knew of the others and I don't see any major differences between them (no spelling mistakes, art looks good on all of them, ...). I would initially have given 4 stars, maybe even 5, but that doesn't feel right anymore with three identical entries. I reduced my votes to 3 stars for the moment but I will think some more about it till the deadline tonight. It's a hard decision for me. Is someone willing to discuss how they are rating these cards and why?

    Honestly, i think in cases like "Go Dormant for 2 turns", you should be evaluating each card in a vacuum. More so in our weighted system, where we show cards "randomly", so each has roughly the same amount of view time. You can notice which card was submitted first, if you vote continuously, but if it is the first time you came to a voting screen, you dont know which of these were made 1st. Which is kinda the point tho.

    Personally, i rated those cards based on their execution, some of them have a pretty great flavor to them, while some are not as good, i gave them scores based on that, not the "copied" mechanic itself (it was an obvious one to do, so cant fault anyone for that), which i think is fair.

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    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    At first i thought it was kinda awkward, the Chum the Waters ... but it does no have Fleeting, that makes it so much better!

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    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    My thoughts exactly :)

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From OldManSanns
    Quote From CursedParrot

    This seems far too inconsistent. Also, because of the plunder requirement this unit can’t really be played on turn 1, which makes it a lot worse.

    I generally agree with all this.  The one upside is he could potentially juice a Heart of the Fluft so this might push Bilgewater into the preferred second region for Poro decks, but realistically all Poros are just not meant to be played.

    While i agree, all you really need for Fluft is Overwhelm. So this is just "extra memes", but with some hand/deck buffing, it could work, it is a Poro after all.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Feuerrabe

    Oh, this sucks but I guess even if I did not make an sucessful entry I have still learned quite something, so it has not been in vain.

    Thats the spirit! Looking forward to your next weeks card :)

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Hey, thats a cute treasure hunt on the picture :)

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Khaostheory1980

    I have tried all the above and whenever I click the link I get a new tab open up with just:-

    {"detail":"Not found."}

    Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

    Try this.