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Santa Braum
Joined 03/30/2019 Achieve Points 635 Posts 738

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  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I'm unconvinced that deckhand is worth it. There are only 3 weapons in the deck, and deckhand does NOT get charge just from your hero being able to attack (so Invoke will not give deckhand charge). I think Frothing Berserker is better than Deckhand, especially with Awaken!.

    In reply to Galakrond Turbo~!
  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Awaken! can actually be good in an agressive warrior strategy. The current version of aggro warrior WANTS to damage its own minions. Frothing Berserker, Redband Wasp, Temple Berserker, Bloodsworn Mercenary. I think Awaken! is still quite good in an aggressive strategy.

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    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Yes, these were very significant changes. But my initial opinion is that the game has benefited pretty greatly from the changes. The meta is insanely diverse right now.

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From JackJimson

    I just noticed it doesn't have the "on your turn" text like the Floating Watcher.

    So this spawns minions on your opponents turn.

    Assuming you survive to turn 8, might be relevant against flooding decks. The minion acts as a soft taunt since tokens won't be able to hit face unless they want to fill the board with 6/6 minions.

    I noticed this immediately. This is any damage. So, either the opponent deals 12 damage to this, hard removes it somehow, or MUST have lethal when they go in for the kill. Otherwise, they die on the crackback from all the 6/6 they just created

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    This is a very weird card. Apparently dragon-murlocs is supposed to be a thing you can do. Seems super strange to me, but that probably means it will be the new meta. Murloc-Dragon-Paladin! Or something ...

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    It's almost like a pre-nerf fiery war axe, but with a bigger front end, and a much smaller back end.

    There is probably a joke in there somewhere.

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    The card is honestly not very good. However, it IS an effective way to counter bombs and Hakkar. So, if bomb warrior somehow makes a comeback or something, this could be useful. Shrug. Bombs haven't been a thing for a while, so I doubt they come back now all of a sudden. This card was needed like a year ago.

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From Rockinmaine

    well, its basically a continuous aoe with priest quest completed, am i correct?

    This is a very interesting point. Very interesting indeed. If it can be healed and/or get extra health,  it doesn't go away like doomsayer does. 

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    This is just a bonkers, off the charts, good card in a set that is full of bonkers cards. But even in the context of the other bonkers cards, this one is still the most bonkers. 

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From Fishtank

    Insane. We've seen plenty of "holding a dragon" cards do great things in the past. That limitation is easily played around.

    Assuming Dragon Mage is otherwise viable, this will be incredible.

    Yeah, this sounds just about right. If Dragon mage is a thing (and the 1-cost spell makes that seem likely) this will definitely be played in that deck

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From vprr

    More fuel for Chenvaala and Mana Cyclone.

    Luckily this can only target minions, but as we all know Mage loves these 1 mana discover spell effects so I would be very surprised if this doesn't see play. Seems like another very powerful card, even without the discover its still 'fine' just to act as a cheap spell activator for your other cards such as the ones mentioned above.

    Yeah, this card seems almost deceptively awesome. It's so cheap and so simple, but some of the very best cards in the game fit that description (Town Crier anyone?). So yeah, I see no world in which this fails to have a deck that wants it

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Very un-impressed with this legendary. Given the sheer power level of the expansion overall, this is probably the worst legendary in the entire expac. I'd rate it even lower than the legendary warrior pirate weapon.

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I have to admit with some degree of shame that I did not immediately think of Pogo Hoppers when I saw this. My immediate thought was Faldorei Strider and Academic Espionage, neither of which is exactly relevant to Standard. But yeah, with Pogos, this is preeeeettty good.

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From RubinoCE

    This Battlecry stuff for Shaman is now getting out of hand.  With CTW this will summon 4 eggs. Not going to bother with Shudder because he will be gone in April. 

    This is a very interesting point right here. With the quest completed, it's 4 eggs, not 2. It's a lot harder for the opponent to clear 4 eggs. I could see this working in Battlecry Shaman quite well

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Agreed that this minion basically only has value as a 3/4 beast, which is not actually bad, don't get me wrong. Just not very good either. The ability will usually be irrelevant.

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Yeah, agreed with other players that this is a really good early board clear. I most likely is only really played in some kind of control priest, who may or may not even care about the conditional aspect of it. Definitely a solid card; if people played Volcanic Potion, people will play this.

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    This is a totally bizarre nod to the wild meta. Maybe they were afraid that giving Warriors a good standard card would make them too powerful for this expac, so they threw a bone to the wild warrior players?

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    This is a very solid card. It basically functions like a Wing Blast that draws you another rush minion. Also, the side quest just got some help!

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Yeah, it's probably better to just draw the cards you have in your deck on purpose, rather than converting them to random legendaries. Still could create some super silly moments.

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    2-mana 2/3 body is great, and the copy effect is fantastic. This will be an easy auto-include in any dragon deck.