My only issue with this is that quest mage can slot this in as an auxiliary win condition. There's nothing preventing it from being used in any and every mage deck...
When will Blizzard learn to stop printing more mana cheat for mage? Especially for spells. If this reduced the cost of minions only, they sure it would incentivize minion builds for mage again. But nope, more support for Quest Mage/No minion mage, so yay...
Agreed. In fact I think a "minion mage" deck where you can't include any spells, and have to try and make do with discovered/generated spells would be fairly interesting..
I'm embarrassed to say I was unaware it was due to a silicon shortage. I had heard that it was due to production issues with facilities closing down...
Well that and a combination of digital currency miners snapping up GPU's and therefore driving the price up. In short I thought it was a perfect storm of production issues, digital currency mining, and then scalpers on top of everything else.
Feel free to elaborate or clear it up, I'd be interested to hear more in detail! (in a PM if you don't want to make another tangent thread or discuss it publicly!)
As for XCOM2, I actually stopped playing because when I came back I tried to play but one of my mods was broken, and when I went to update my mods, I found that a few of my favorite mods were no longer supported. It kind of put a damper on my ability to pick the game up. Don't get me wrong, the game on a baseline level is still very fun, but I can't really play it "base" anymore and the fact that my favorite mods weren't working put me in a sour mood. So at this point I'm just praying for XCOM3 by 2023. (considering that Civ6 seems to be coming to the end of it's lifecycle, I expect that we may see XCOM3 as the new focus of development work by Firaxis in the future...)
Its not bad, but its not good neither. The fact is that you'll have to have secret on 2, and then this card will only act on turn 4. What's the essential difference in just playing Imprisoned Felmaw, that at very least guarantees an attack, and doesn't come with conditions.
Still, if you're playing secrets, this card will be in it. Its just a decent card, but unamazing, and unlikely to ever be the real reason for running secrets in your deck.
I agree that it isn't bad, but it takes up the same role as Felmaw, which as you stated already attacks for free on it's own when it awakens. And it has the downside of being a slower felmaw that can potentially be interacted with (aoes, non-targeted minion manipulation (like devolving missiles, etc)). Where as the dormant version can't be interacted with at all
The power creep is real. Witching Hour and Eternal Servitude crying in the corner. Need to see more valuable beasts that would warrant resurrection for this spell to be good.
I feel like this is Hearthstone's mantra: "Remember this card? We powercrept it now! lul, have fun surviving until turn 10!
I remember an interview a while ago where a dev (I think it was the weekly AMA guy, don't remember his name) said that their design philosophy regarding big mana cards changing from essentialy being big mana cards to big mana win conditions. Lightforged Cariel is such a card. Not only because of the soft AoE (which can be set-up with Equality or Libram of Justice the turn before to be much more impactful), but because the Hero Power makes it so it's much harder to remove their minions (and everyone should know how dangerous it is to leave a minion on board against a Paladin) combined with an anti-combo weapon that also works as a makeshift free Hunter hero power.
This is the Control wet dream and yet somehow feels balanced, because unlike other win conditions the game has introduced over these last expansions, Lightforged Cariel can actually be countered by somthing other than finishing the game before she's played.
Care to elaborate? She is definitely a win condition in and of itself
So basically you need weapon destruction or The Immovable Object gets out of hand...well defensively. Cariel's HP is not bad either, but the weapon is what makes the hero card insane. Also bare in mind, Suckerhook could transform your 6 mana weapon into The Immovable Object as Shaman, so nice buff to that card
Do shaman even have a 6 mana weapon or are we talking about a situation where suckerhook evolves multiple times without you using all the charges on a weapon? I think Cariel is an excellent card, and the weapon is great defensively though
At this point they're just slapping Rush onto everything to turn it from a meme into a competitive card.
I'm worried that we might end up with a bit too much handbuffing synergy in paladin to the point where there's just not enough silence in the game to deal with it all.
I'm worried that with too many things having rush, and too much card draw in the game, it limits design choices because of the age old player whine "If It DoEsN'T hAvE aN iMmEdIaTe EfFeCt, It's NoT wOrTh PlAyInG"
I fear that, that mindset has caused HS to be what it is now. By reacting to players and metas that refuse to use "slow" cards, it's gotten to the point where if a card doesn't have value, rush, immediate impact, etc it's not worth playing.
Looking at this card makes me regrett being Horde player. I've already knew that Vanndar will be better of the two but went with red flag. Should've gone blue this one time.
Tsk tsk. Shoulda gone with the sweeter card. :) Anything that enables control is definitely the 'more fun' of the two
I think this is a sleeper powerful card and people are vastly underestimating it.
Yes, your opponent can play around it in various ways since it's a deathrattle, but honestly the fact it has taunt and aoe damage alone and that it scales with buffs is insane.
Flavor is excellent. But it remains to be seen if this is going to be a great tempo card for mages, or just a dumpster fire of a card (no pun intended).
Anyone already tired of mages jumping around and casting Arcane Explosion? :D
I assume you are referring to TBC Classic/WoW Classic. In which case yes, I was always tired of the skill-less mages who ran around spamming arcane explosion then ice block
Unfortunately for this card, even a 5 mana 8/8 windfury that require you to have less than half your health gone may not reach far enough to swing the board for you. In most cases whenever you drop this low, you're either going to die the following turn, or you need to clear board to even stand a chance at survival, and this card having no taunt will not prevent your face from getting dead.
As a tempo option, its only fitting place is in a Vanndar deck, or zoolock, where half health is not impossible by turn 5.
If only this had lifesteal instead of windfury. Oh well, we can all dream cant we?
Paladin and Priest can easily give this lifesteal if below 15 health, and swing back to near full (the new paladin card and the priest apotheosis card.
My only issue with this is that quest mage can slot this in as an auxiliary win condition. There's nothing preventing it from being used in any and every mage deck...
Great for arena, but I don't know if player standard decks will be able to squeeze this in anywhere.
Agreed. In fact I think a "minion mage" deck where you can't include any spells, and have to try and make do with discovered/generated spells would be fairly interesting..
I'm embarrassed to say I was unaware it was due to a silicon shortage. I had heard that it was due to production issues with facilities closing down...
Well that and a combination of digital currency miners snapping up GPU's and therefore driving the price up. In short I thought it was a perfect storm of production issues, digital currency mining, and then scalpers on top of everything else.
Feel free to elaborate or clear it up, I'd be interested to hear more in detail! (in a PM if you don't want to make another tangent thread or discuss it publicly!)
As for XCOM2, I actually stopped playing because when I came back I tried to play but one of my mods was broken, and when I went to update my mods, I found that a few of my favorite mods were no longer supported. It kind of put a damper on my ability to pick the game up. Don't get me wrong, the game on a baseline level is still very fun, but I can't really play it "base" anymore and the fact that my favorite mods weren't working put me in a sour mood. So at this point I'm just praying for XCOM3 by 2023. (considering that Civ6 seems to be coming to the end of it's lifecycle, I expect that we may see XCOM3 as the new focus of development work by Firaxis in the future...)
I agree that it isn't bad, but it takes up the same role as Felmaw, which as you stated already attacks for free on it's own when it awakens. And it has the downside of being a slower felmaw that can potentially be interacted with (aoes, non-targeted minion manipulation (like devolving missiles, etc)). Where as the dormant version can't be interacted with at all
Great synergy with other armor combos, and a decent stalling tool.
Unless 1/1 tokens become meta (dude paladin maybe?) I don't forsee this being very popular.
What about A'lar? :)
I feel like this is Hearthstone's mantra: "Remember this card? We powercrept it now! lul, have fun surviving until turn 10!
No more secret synergy! Gaaah I hate hunter secrets with a passion.
Care to elaborate? She is definitely a win condition in and of itself
Do shaman even have a 6 mana weapon or are we talking about a situation where suckerhook evolves multiple times without you using all the charges on a weapon? I think Cariel is an excellent card, and the weapon is great defensively though
I'm worried that with too many things having rush, and too much card draw in the game, it limits design choices because of the age old player whine "If It DoEsN'T hAvE aN iMmEdIaTe EfFeCt, It's NoT wOrTh PlAyInG"
I fear that, that mindset has caused HS to be what it is now. By reacting to players and metas that refuse to use "slow" cards, it's gotten to the point where if a card doesn't have value, rush, immediate impact, etc it's not worth playing.
Tsk tsk. Shoulda gone with the sweeter card. :) Anything that enables control is definitely the 'more fun' of the two
I think this is a sleeper powerful card and people are vastly underestimating it.
Yes, your opponent can play around it in various ways since it's a deathrattle, but honestly the fact it has taunt and aoe damage alone and that it scales with buffs is insane.
Hah. I laughed out loud.
Flavor is excellent. But it remains to be seen if this is going to be a great tempo card for mages, or just a dumpster fire of a card (no pun intended).
I assume you are referring to TBC Classic/WoW Classic. In which case yes, I was always tired of the skill-less mages who ran around spamming arcane explosion then ice block
Paladin and Priest can easily give this lifesteal if below 15 health, and swing back to near full (the new paladin card and the priest apotheosis card.
Decent in arena, but otherwise filler.