Wailor's Avatar


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Joined 05/28/2019 Achieve Points 640 Posts 707

Wailor's Comments

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Feedback time:


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    I personally prefer Acolyte of Frost, even if it should probably be a Legendary, given it introduces of a new mechanic.

    Shadowed Reaper is also cool, but it's pretty hard to tell what's going on in the artwork. I'd either zoom in the tauren or use a different art altogether.

    Medivh is probably my least favorite of the three.


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    Nice pun, hehe. Besides that, the first version is much better. The second one is too complex and it's hard to activate, since Mage doesn't have much Armor gain.


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    I apreciate that all three forms make a lot of sense flavor-wise, but I don't know if a card with so many tokens will be well received.


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    The concept is fine, but the lack of Fire spells for Warrior might hurt it a little bit.


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    Lord Ragnaros is cool, but might be too OP. Combat Dominie, on the other hand, is quite awesome in its simplicity.


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    I know Druid also has Arcane spells, but split damage effects are usually Mage, so I'd probably change its class to Mage.

    Besides that, the artwork and the watermark could cost you points.


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    I think this card isn't allowed.
    • We're looking for specific Schools here - "If all spells in your deck are Fire", for example

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years ago
    Quote From TheHoax91
    Quote From Wailor

    Wow, anchorm4n, I swear I didn't see your cards before making mines, but they both go the same route (even if the execution isn't exactly the same).

    The Legendary is never going to activate because it's not a Shadow Spell itself. Not sure if you can make a 30 Shadow Spell deck anyway...

    It's a wording issue. I intended it to work if all your spells belong to the Shadow school.

    I see now that the wording I picked is not the most clear, but it makes grammatical sense (in the same way that "if your house only has brown chairs" allows your house to have, I don't know, red tables).

    In any case, I edited my original post to use a less confusing wording.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Wow, anchorm4n, I swear I didn't see your cards before making mines, but they both go the same route (even if the execution isn't exactly the same).

    EDIT: Changed the cards because previous wording was confusing.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    More feedback.

    Thalnos the Soulrender has a nice effect, even if it's a bit too unrelated to the original card for my taste. Besides that, nice card.

    I feel like all your cards are a bit too crazy, but I'd say I prefer Millhouse, Surge Protector. Most people liked Greenskin, but giving your weapon +6/+6 feels like way too much, even if it is susceptible to weapon removal.

    Banshee Queen, feel the beat of the living's scream!

    Ahem, in all seriousness, I really like your neutral version of The Banshee Queen. I prefer the second wording, since it's more clear.

    Also, I think the name is great, even if it doesn't contain the word "Sylvanas". She is a pretty recognisable character, so I doubt people would downvote you for that.

    As many people pointed out, it's way better than the original King Krush. How about giving it Rush instead of Charge? This way, it would be a two minion removal + a big body, which isn't bad for 8. But even then, the no 8-cost being too easy to fulfill would still be there.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Second iteration of the old man. I only picked 5 mana so that it can maintain Archmage Antonidas' attack, but you're right that no 5-cost card is barely a limitation. So, here are 3 and 4 mana versions:

    The 3-cost version doesn't allow him to be comboed with Secrets or other 3-cost spells (which are quite numerous), while the second doesn't allow to combine him with Fireball itself (which admitedly might not be a big deal). Also, neither of them can't be played with two Fireballs in one turn.

    Big thanks to R, who edited the spark in place of the card of the original artwork.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Feedback time

    Both ideas have some issues. Loreseeker Cho has the problem that it Discovers after you press the End Turn button, which is a bit weird. Professor Jones, on the other hand, is too similar to Arch-Thief Rafaam, at least for my taste.

    Pretty nice idea, but I'd buff it to a 4/7 statline, since right now you're losing a lot of tempo to play it, considering his effect isn't immediate.

    I think this card has a serious chance of winning the competition. Its effect is simple and elegant, while still tied to its original one.

    My main issue is the name, which is basically a watered down version of the original card's name. I'd try something like Overspark, Overdrived or something like that.

    I'm not a big fan of using Illidan for this effect, since it has very little to do with him besides being a DH card.

    Neither of them have bad effects, but their names are a bit eh. I prefer Indiana Ford's effect, but I'd definetly change his name.

    The flavor is definetly there and the effect itself is interesting. Very nice.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Not sure if this would be too dangerous.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    I've already submited my card with a 3/5 statline. Thanks to everyone, especially to anchorm4n for the ortography tip (I've been writing Harbringer my whole life, hopefully I'll remember the correct spelling from now on).

    Anyways, more feedback.

    I know I already gave you feedback, but I think Exponential Explosion would be cool if you change it to target all enemy minions. Would fit Warrior and wouldn't have a dangerous OTK potential. Not sure about the cost, though.

    Both are fine, if their effect is considered scaling. I think I'd go with Nathanos Blighcaller, purely because Shadow Illusions feels a bit too dangerous (even if it really fits both Priest and Rogue very well).

    Nice effect and flavor, indeed. Besides the orphan line thing, I think I'd change the name to just Counterintelligence, IMO.

    I'd probably go with the rare version. The epic one is more interesting, but it's so hard to tell if it's balanced that it might end costing you some points.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Still deciding which stat line should I go with my cards. I was thinking about 4/4/4 for the Stitched Monstrosity, to make it more combinable with other cards and make a slight callback to Abomination. Not sure about the Maelstrom Harbringer (which I'll probably go with), however. 3/5 maybe? 3/6 seems too much.

    Anyway, early feedback while I decide what to do.

    I think I prefer Get Ready for the Boom!, purely because Exponential Explosion seems too dangerous. You should definetly change the artwork, though.

    I agree with Demonxz95, Pyrotechnician is awesome. If anything, it seems too strong compared to Meteorologist, but I don't think that card is probably overcosted.

    The effect is quite original and the flavor is pretty appropriate, which isn't easy considering how abstract it is. I think it lacks simplicity, however, but that might just be me.

    It's not that Japanese folklore would feel out of place in Hearthstone, it's the anime artstyle. Even art which is pretty close to Hearthstone like MTG tends to do worse in comps. If you want to go with this route, check out the Pandaren race (they have ninjas)

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    First couple of ideas. Not sure if they're balanced, since it's pretty hard to tell with exponential effects.

    BTW is Spell Damage still a thing in Shaman? I know they removed Wrath of Air Totem from the Hero Power, so I'm not sure if the first card is fine in terms of class identity.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years ago


    I Take Flight. It may be simple, but it's very flavorful.

    In any case, both cards could use some improvement in the artwork department (not that they are bad arts, but the style doesn't fit Hearthstone)

    Be careful, because the two versions you made later have three lines of text and would be diqualified.

    I think the text should probably read: "Restore X Health. Gain an empty Mana Crystal." This will hopefully fit in two lines.

    So, it's a 4 mana spell + a 2 mana minion for 5 mana. I don't think it's too OP, especially Hunter tends to receive very OP control cards and it ends up never using them lol.

    I prefer the shorter version, purely because it looks cleaner. Blizzard has been pretty inconsistent with the wording of this kinds of effects, so it's "correct" either way.

    I don't think the unorthodox wording is too much of a problem. I'd still submit the card as it is.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years ago
    Quote From Arkasaur

    @Wailor A neat idea, and I'm not too concerned about reusing designs from other sites. I would like to this this card with more warlock flavour - I'm not really sure at the moment why it's a warlock card over say a Mage card that has historical "Time magic" effects - An infinite dragonflight art/name could fix that of course.  

    I used the Hourglass watermark to simulate that it belongs to an expansion where all classes have time-based cards (just like all classes got Demons in Outlands). The card also has a bit of Warlock flavor in that it is suposed to make the minion die of old age (Tempus Fugit means one day you're young and before you realise, you're old AF).

    I understand this can be a bit of a stretch (basing the flavor on an expansion that doesn't exist lol), so I made a Priest version. Warlock tends to have more removal with drawbacks than Priest and the gameplay of a Zoo class is more interesting with this effect, but maybe the extra flavor makes up for it.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Some early feedback.

    I like it!

    My main issue is that you chose a slightly weird wording to make the text fit in two lines, but most people won't care/notice. I would still rate the card 5 stars besides this.

    The effect is alright and the flavor is on point, but the artwork is pretty bad IMO.

    Maybe the art I used two weeks ago would be better, dunno.

    Very cool card, my favorite so far.

    I agree with Longshadow that it is probably a bit weak. I think it should be fine at 7 mana, though.

    The execution is as good as it gets (especially the artwork), but I find the concept itself a bit boring. Still, solid card.

    I know you used Grimstone in the past, but I think it's more interesting than the Draining Imp.

    That said, he is busted AF. Having vanilla stats on a cycle is very strong, but considering you're pulling off Legendaries, I'd honestly reduce him to a 3/3 or even a 3/2.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I'm gonna be upfront. I used this card to win a comp with the same prompt in Hearthpwn post split. Not sure if reusing it is alright, but I also doubt I'll be able to come up with something better 😂

    It's relatively cheap removal that can be suboptimal in certain scenarios, like against Taunts or Deathrattles that spawn tokens.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Wow, this thread kinda exploded. I wanted to give some feedback yesterday at this time, but only four-ish people posted, so I decided to wait. Now I have a ton of work haha.

    But before that, I'll leave here a non-Secret version of Hibernate, that avoids most of the negatives people found about it. Still not sure which of my cards I should go with, though.

    And now, feedback:


    Very thematically appropriate, both for the tag and for the expansion. The whole minions losing Divine Shield is kinda niche, but it was the main Paladin mechanic in KFT, so it's fine. All in all, pretty well rounded card IMO.

    I prefer the 2 Mana version, btw.


    I like Shield of Souls' effect well enough, giving Taunt to heroes is an effect that I enjoy a lot, even if it comes up in custom comps every now and then.

    My main issue with it is that the effect hasn't a very tight connection with the flavor and, hence, with the tag, but it isn't too jarring.


    Felocity doesn't feel like a Mage card, neither in terms of flavor nor in effect (which is more Warlock). In order to mitigate this a little bit, I'd try using Medivh as the character depicted in the card, since he was a Mage that became a Warlock.

    Magnifincient could be an interesting finisher for Aggro Murloc Shaman, but the artwork does seem more Nature (with its lightnings and stuff) than it does Arcane.


    I like the little pun you pulled out with Shaking the Snowglobe, but the effect seems overly complicated and disconnected.

    I initially found Brothers in Arms too DemonHunter-y, but the expansion, the reference to the Stormrage brothers and the fact Druid can also gain Attack kinda changed my mind.


    Pretty fine card. I think the balance is on point and the flavor as well.


    I think I prefer Forged in Frost, since it uses the Freeze keyword in a way that seems more appropriate for Warrior. Frostbite seems more like a Mage or Shaman card, even if it has a Whirlwind-like effect.

    It might be a bit weak compared to Upgrade!, so I'd probably buff it to +2/+2.


    Very cool concept, fitting for both Mage and Shadow. The execution is very good, too.


    I like the concept a lot, but I'm not sure if it would be too disruptive in case it existed. Then again, Mojomaster Zihi exists, so I don't think it would be too big of a problem.


    My main issue with it is that KFT didn't have spell tags, so a card that synergizes with this feature couldn't have existed. Also, I'd change "spell from other schools" for "Shadow spells" or "Shadow and Frost spells", which would be more thematically appropriate.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    First batch of cards. Decided to go for flavor on this one.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago


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    I like the "may attack again" version, but potentially being able to attack 8 times seems like too much. The "your spells cast twice version" is also nice, but not so original given that Electra Stormsurge exists.


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    I prefer Stringslayer Riffy, but The Kingslayers are also cool.

    The thing I enjoy the most about them is that, yes, they allow you to run a dreaded 29-card deck, but since you have to go Highlander, you don't get the efficiency this kinds of decks usually allow you.

    Between both versions, I'd say the one that costs 1 mana is the most balanced. If you go with that version, I think either 1/2 or 1/3 would be ideal.


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    I wouldn't say your card needs more Overload. If anything, it doesn't seem so much better than Gather Your Party, considering you need a Highlander deck to run it.


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    I see it as a potential winner. I don't think the opponent's turn thingy that link and anchor pointed out is too big of a deal, since already Discover can trigger during your opponent's turn (and it just picks a random card)

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I really enjoyed your expansion, even if most references flew over my head.

    Spectacular job!

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago



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    Regarding balance, I think I agree with grumpymonk, but that's not hard to fix. My main issue with the card is that it isn't particularly interesting effect or flavor-wise, beyond its slight connection with Galakrond, the Tempest. Not a bad card, but it doesn't stand out, at least for me.


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    Both cards are very cool, but I think I prefer Caria Felsoul. Anduin Lothar's slight connection with Varian Wrynn is cool, though (not sure if it was intended)


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    I don't think its similarity with grumpymonk is too bad, so go ahead IMO.

    That said, the card right now is a bit weak, I believe. I'd either give her an aura effect (likeFrost Lich Jaina's) or give her vanilla stats.


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    I like when cards use forgotten and/or goofy mechanics, so I think it's quite cool. I was a bit worried about his power level, seems balanced compared to Elise the Enlightened.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From R

    Prolonged Growth is just pre-nerfed 2-mana Wild Growth with extra steps. There is no difference, isn't it?

    Edit: I write it before the results.

    It's more similar to the current version, since you get the usable crystal on turn 4. The difference is when you use the card.

    Congrats, MathU! Very creative effect and a very flavorful one too.

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