Wailor's Avatar


Design Champion
Joined 05/28/2019 Achieve Points 640 Posts 707

Wailor's Comments

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From linkblade91
    Quote From Wailor

    Not sure if this has synergies that make it broken.

    Seems pretty neat, although it potentially does a lot more than Elise the Enlightened does for 1 less mana. Conversely, your deck would now have duplicates, disabling other Highlander cards like Zephrys the Great and kind of undermining the deck's "flavor".

    Ultimately not sure how to grade it. Love the art and the name, though.

    The main disadvantage I see over Elise the Enlightened is that Elise is pseudo-draw, giving you a card advantage of 5-4 if you use her properly. Meanwhile, Kon'na "doesn't do anything" right away.

    Maybe I overvalued card advantage, which might not be all that relevant in this case.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    She always has an ace under her sleeve... Or the whole deck sometimes.

    Not sure if this has synergies that make it broken.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Since Smart Investment was the card almost everybody seemed to prefer, here's a more balanced version. I know I'm very bad at balancing, but that's mostly because I don't play Hearthstone since Uldum (funnily enough, most of the feedback I gave this week regards balance, so take it with a grain of salt).



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    The main issue I see with it is its heavy win-more nature. If you already have tempo, you just go face, play this and guarantee going face again next turn, while your opponent can't do anything to improve his board, clear yours or play some Taunts.

    All in all, it's a very cool idea, but very dangerous for normal mode. I'd love it as a card Treasure for Dungeon Run, Duels or a similar game mode.


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    Copy Homework is a much more elegant card, since the first one had an overly complicated effect. The way your opponent can counterplay this card is very cool and original, so I'd give it extra points for interactive gameplay.


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    I like the effect and the flavor pretty much.

    I think it compares a bit too favorably to Gather Your Party. As I see it, your card has some upsides and downsides compared to the Warrior card:

    • Upsides: Divine Shield, the minion can't be attack until it is summoned.
    • Downsides: doesn't allow you to make use of End of Turn effects or Taunts as soon as you use it. It doesn't allow you to go face in the turn after using the card.

    All in all, I would say Gather Your Party has a stronger effect, but I don't know if this difference is worth 2 mana.


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    Nice card. I like how the fact you have to play it the same turn makes the card balanced, since you are capped to 7 Mana max.


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    As Chicky told you, Corruption exists :/


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    I think I prefer the Combo version, since Casts When Drawn is weird as a collectible card. I don't dislike the fact that it allows you to skip the wait one turn, but that might just be me.

    That said, the Combo version is quite underpowered. Summoning a 4/3 Stealth could be a card by itself without the combo requirement (see Jungle Panther or Druid of the Saber). I'd probably go with a 2 Mana summon a 3/3 Stealth.


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    Coming Storm is very cool. The fact that it synergizes with Overload, which is a keyword that also comes into play in your next turn is very well thought and elegant, IMO. That said, I think your card would benefit from zooming in the artwork.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Grats, anchor. Very well deserved first place.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I'll start by recycling an idea for a previous expansion. It might be a very obvious effect, however.

    Edit: Added Smart Investment. Stonks.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I added a second version of my card which has -1/-1 and Taunt.



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    Interesting effect, but not super mind blowing. I might put it under the Priest class, but Neutral also works.


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    I think the second version of No Pain No Gain has a cooler effect, but I prefer it as a Hero card. I would give this new effect to Gargok, Battlemaster and maybe reduce a Mana point or two.

    That said, both as a hero or as a spell, I'm a bit worried about the thematic similarity to Overlord Saurfang (you know, both summon Frenzy minions and trigger their effects).


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    Very cool card. One of my favorites so far.


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    Your Timid Adventurer is a much better implementation of my former Barking Wolf. That said, the effect could be understood as a weakness more than as a benefit, so I think it could use an slightly above vanilla statline. I'm thinking about something like 2/4 stats.


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    The 4/4 version is definetly more balanced. The idea of negating its own drawback is quite elegant, IMO.


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    I thought your original Momma Bear had a shot of winning, but you managed to improve it with the 2/2 Bear Cub is so good. The flavor is off the roof.

    That said, don't go with the 1/1 Bear Cub, please.


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    Pretty interesting cards, but Barrens Black Drake is definetly my favorite
    • Misterious Wildkin: I like the idea of choosing Deathrattle or Frenzy, but the current effect won't lead to interesting mindgames. Also, the Deathrattle option seems much better, especially with the low Health this minion has.
    • Barrens Black Drake: The fact that it encourages your opponent to trigger the Frenzy is something we haven't seen yet and could lead to very interesting gameplay situations.
    • Hungry Crocolisk: Nice flavor, but the use of Frenzy doesn't seem very justified. Plus, the wording kinda assumes the Croc will get damaged during its Battlecry, but there might be situations when it doesn't (no minions on board or attacking 0-Attack minions) and it isn't super intuitive what would happen when the Frenzy effect triggers outside the Battlecry.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Sorry for the lack of feedback. I'll give some tomorrow.

    Super sticky minion, kinda like a double divine shield. I'm thinking about using a 4/5 statline.

    It's a bit similar to the card I used for the spellburst comp, but I guess that's not a big deal.

    EDIT: Added the Taunt version.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    His bark is worse than his bite.

    The effect is probably a bit too boring, so I'll try something else tomorrow.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    This is a bit of a lame topic, but I made a bunch of cards based around adages from where I live. Appart from commenting my cards, I would really love it if you shared cards based around adages from your home country/region, so that we can learn a bit from each other's cultures and expand our worldview a little bit :)

    I picked three adages in Spanish and two in Catalan, since both of this languages are spoken in my home region.

    Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda.

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    Language: Spanish

    Literal translation: Even if the monkey dresses with silk, she stays a monkey.

    Meaning: Your looks don't define who you are deep down.

    Effect: Since the adage has a meaning of staying true to yourself even if external factors change, I thought this effect was quite appropriate for it.


    A qui es burla, el dimoni li furga.

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    Language: Catalan

    Literal translation: Those who mock will be nipped by the devil.

    Meaning: Mocking someone calls bad, ironic fortune. For instance: Person A falls down. Person B laughs of them. Person B falls down too.

    Effect: Since there's a keyword which is a synomym of mocking, I made the card a tech against them revolving around dealing small amounts of damage (nipping). Because the card needed to be a Demon and DH already has anti-Taunt cards (like Kayn Sunfury), I thought this was the best class.

    Al que madruga, Dios le ayuda.

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    Language: Spanish

    Literal translation: Those who get up early will be helped by God.

    Meaning: Being an early bird is good. Or something like that lol

    Effect: The adage has a religious theme, so I thought Paladin was the best class for it. The first minion thing is supposed to represent getting up early.

    Li diu el mort al degollat: qui t'ha fer eixe forat?

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    Language: Catalan

    Literal translation: The dead one tells the beheaded one: who made that hole into you? (referring to the hole where the head used to be lol)

    Meaning: Someone makes a (usually negative) comment about someone else, but said comment also applies to them. 

    Effect: The adage has a very strong death theme, so I figured out Deathrattle and destroy were good fits for it. The dead one is supposed to be the minion that kills Forat, so it dies as well.

    En abril, aguas mil.

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    Language: Spanish

    Literal translation: In April, there are a thousand waters.

    Meaning: It rains a lot in the month April. This one isn't very deep.

    Effect: This is probably the most loosely related to the adage, but split damage screams rain to me. Since the adage is about storms and natural elements, Shaman was the most appropriate class.

    I hope you enjoyed this small selection of cards and the explanations of their flavor. As I said early, I'm looking forward to see similar cards from adages in other languages :)

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    I just entered there and holy shit. There are pretty hateful comments with 12 upvotes and stuff like that :0

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks everyone for your feedback. I'll probably go with Miss Fortune with the wording change Demon suggested, since she received better feedback than the little guy, in general.

    Anyways, feedback time:


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    Both cards are cool, but I'd say I like LeBlanc a little bit more, since her effect seems more cohesive.

    I feel bad to give you such a scarce feedback after you gave feedback to everyone, but I don't know what else to say :_D


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    I'm a big fan of Teemo, but I'd make always cast the Secret regardless, since the "Trap" thing seems a bit arbitrary. I'd also bump his cost to 3 if you go with this change.

    Both versions of Heimerdinger seem too complicated for my taste.


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    Teemo, has the issue of having heavy Bomb synergy outside of the Year of the Dragon, which I'm not a big fan of.

    The Warlock version of Nautilus has a nice idea behind it, but I'd make him summon the minions instead of adding them to their hand (and make it cost a little more, perhaps). Right now, he doesn't seem worthy of the Legendary status (see Soulwarden).

    The Neutral version of Nautilus is very, very cool. It's definetly my favorite of your cards and I think it has a shot of winning the comp (at least in my eyes, which might not be the best since I'm not familiar with Runaterra).


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    I think I prefer the summon version. Overall, cool card :)

    (Having tokens named Thrall is a bit weird, but I guess that's what happens when you mix two different franchises xD)


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    Gaining random keywords feels a bit weird to me, but I guess that's what makes the card worth of the Legendary status.

    Also, the effect feels more like a Rogue card than like a Neutral one, but I don't know if the character would fit the class.


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    Ashe and the Jarvan IV that has the Prime thingy are both good. I'd say I prefer the latter, since Ashe's effect doesn't feel as Legendary.
    • If you go with Jarvan IV with the Prime thingy, make sure to put the effect in the same line as the rest of the text to make it less small (same format as Fishy Flyer, for instance).
    • If you decide to go with Ashe, I'd zoom in her artwork, so that the mountain doesn't appear. The current zooming doesn't give enough emphasis to the character.


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    Nice card, especially for a newcommer. I'd probably change the condition to "if all other minions are damaged". Sure, it loses a bit of flavor, but the wording feels more natural for Hearthstone. That said, the card could go as is.


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    I really like the effect, it's quite original. My main issue is that it is not clear if the attacking minion regains its former attack after attacking Taric. If it doesn't, I'd change its text to "Whenever a minion attacks this, set its Attack to 1". Finally, I feel it's a bit busted right now, so I'd change his stats to 3/5.


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    Having an eye-pleasing card is very important, so I think I'd go with the first version. I like the second one a bit more, to be honest, but its text is too crowded :/


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    Yup, it's a bit too much. The main issue is that people who aren't familiar with Runaterra (like myself) won't know what the Emperor's deck is, so we won't be able to judge properly. I'd change the final condition to something else. What about summoning the Legendaries you used to upgrade both forms? Dunno.

    About formatting, the upgrade text should be in italics (see Lesser Emerald Spellstone) and the Sand Charger shouldn't have the word Charge bolded (not sure how to fix this).

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    I'm happy to see only positive reactions in this comment section. Out of Cards is truly an oasis in the gaming community :)

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    I've never played Runaterra (and very few of LoL), so I picked the cards with effects that translated well into Hearthstone.

    • By herself, Miss Fortune is a combination of Rabid Worgen and Ravaging Ghoul, but she can perform incredible board clears with other Rush minions and weapons.
    • Heimerdinger is kind of an exponential Magic Dart Frog. If you cast a spell, he deals no damage, but if you cast 5, he'll deal a total of 10. This one is harder to balance, since I feel his effect is a bit underwhelming right now (he has premium stats, so it's no big deal).
  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    I was pretty sure I would make it this time :(

    Good luck to everyone who arrived to the finals anyway.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    More feeds:


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    I personally prefer Ghoulraiser, but it  might be a bit too complex. Saint of Order is fine, but giving Divine Shiled to a hero is something we haven't seen yet, so I'd probably make it a Rare or an Epic. Not sure if this makes it worth it to re-do the card, however.


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    The new version of Chaotic Notetaker seems much better. I'd say it's good to go.


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    I liked the previous flavor and art better than the new one, even if this is more connected to the expansion (especially considering many Scholomance spells had a very vanilla flavor, so it wouldn't feel out of place).

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    I was not satisfied with any of my cards, so I came up with a new one.

    Not sure if the wording is correct or if she has too much Health for such an effect.

    About the plagiarism thingy, it's hard to tell if it's actual plagiarism or it's just two people coming up with a similar idea.

    That said, in my experience, having two very similar cards doesn't necessarily hurt them. I remember that sea-themed comp where arkasaur and I finished in first and second place respectively with two shark cards which had to do with attacking damaged minions.

    However, if we see that this stuff happens too often, it would be good to take mesures.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Feedback time.


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    I like the basic idea behind it (using your opponent's unused Mana Crystals), but the way it's implemented is a bit strange. I'd probably tie it to a Legendary minion and just word it as "Battlecry: For the rest of the game, both players can use their opponent's unused Mana Crystals" or something like that.


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    Dusclops used Pain Split!

    I like the effect because of its originality, but it's hard to tell if it's balanced. I'd probably give it 5 stars because I don't care too much about balance, but people might not like it.


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    Eagle Eyes is definetly the best flavor for the card. The effect is quite cool, too.


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    I like Shadow Conjurer, but the thing that I really like about her is that she can be used in both friendly and enemy minions. Pretty flexible, IMO.

    Cincaria, however, doesn't seem much of an upgrade over Star Student Stelina. Sure, she can be used to help Outcast cards, but in the end, you're losing a card. Also, she gives one less option for screwing your opponent.


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    In terms of flavor, your card needs an own name. Something in the lines Lucia, Spiritlink Warden or whatever. Also, the effect text should end with a full stop.


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    Both Personality Thief and Balance Keeper are fine. I'd say I like the later a little bit more.


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    The effect seems a bit too extreme IMO. I'd probably change it to an aura effect that only lasts while the minion is alive.

    Flavor-wise is a bit weird, too. I mean, it's a chamaleon, which are known for hiding, and it reveals information. I'd go with a tracking dog or something like that.


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    The effect is simple, yet very effective. I like it a lot.

    That said, I think you can get away with a 3/4 statline, since it also hinders you.


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    I'd probably nerf it to 2 mana, taking Research Project as a reference. That said, I quite like the effect.


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    Brightspark Engineer is a bit weird. The whole "if you don't have a one" is a kinda strange, even if I understand it's necessary to avoid being too polarized depending on whether your opponent has Mechs or not.

    I like Chaotic Notetaker a bit better, but it has a very disruptive effect for its low cost. I'd rise its Mana to at least 4. It's stats should remain on the weak side (for 4, I'd go with a 4/3 statline).


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    Resurrection Project seems very weak compared to other resurrect effects. For instance, the original Resurrect only costs 1 more, but it summons the minion and is not symetric.

    Ultimate Redemption, on the other hand, is incredibly cool. I'd definetly go with it.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Kinda surprised no one went with Projects.

    I think my favorite one is Double Agent purely because of flavor. That said, I don't like that it's too random, and limiting it to Rogue Secrets is a bit meh since Rogue doesn't have that many.

    I'll give feedback later.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From Alfi
    Quote From Wailor


    If it was completely defenseless against melee targets it should have zero attac

    That's true, but I felt having a pair of buff dudes have 0 Attack made little sense in the context of Hearthstone. I guess Hearthstone and Warcraft have different ways to translate the fantasy of a particular character via its mechanics.

    More feedback:

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    linkblade91 I like Enrique more than the Wardrove, both flavor-wise and the end of turn instead of start.

    Karmin The effect is kinda cool, but the artwork isn't good. I'd also put it in Rise Of Shadows, since it makes sense both flavor-wise and because of its similarity with the Twinspell keyword.

    shatterstar1998 I prefer the Temple, Velen is a bit uninteractive. If you go with the temple, I think the wording should be "Discover a Corrupt card and Corrupt it".

    Pokeniner I'd just make it damage all other minion instead of non-Watch Post ones. I don't know, I feel it's a weird way of pushing Watch Post synergy.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Okay, I did an even more nerfed version of my card, since it's true it was a bit busted even as a 4/3/3.

    I'm also going to give a bit of context for it, as anchorm4n suggested.

    The Mortar Team was the siege unit for the Alliance in Warcraft III, fulfilling a the same role as Demolisher did for the Horde or Meat Wagon for the Undead. This kind of units used long ranged, AoE attacks which excelled at damaging buildings, but had a hard time hitting moving targets and were completely helpless against melee units, since they couldn't shot too close to themselves. That's why they fit so well for this "Can't attack" thingy, IMO.

    What made Mortar Team a fan favorite (at least, among my group of friends lol) was their wacky personality and funny dialogs, which often played as mini conversations.

    Alright, feedback time.

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    Demonxz95. I like your Sheep Cannon the best, mainly because of its funny flavor (altough it also has interesting synergies). It might be a bit too similar to Magic Dart Frog, but the things that set them appart are probably enough.

    grumpymonk. Both are fine, even if a bit dull. If you go with Dreadmist Watch Post, I think the word "Armor" should be written with capital A.

    linkblade91. Very fun Legendary card. The art is a bit off, but not excesively. Otherwise, I think it's fine.

    DestroyerR. While this effect has been done a lot of times, I think it fits this comp really well. I like it.

    anchorm4n. I think I prefer Ragnaros, Felfirelord, but it might be a bit too weak right now. So much that I think it would be more balanced without the "Can't attack" thing (just like Ragnaros, Lightlord). Thus, I would go with Frost Watch Post, which isn't bad either.

    Nirast. Headmaster's Arcane Focus has a very interesting effect, but the flavor is very weird. I'd try to find a different flavor, but the card is otherwise pretty interesting.

    cydonianknight. Both are very cool cards, but I think I prefer Explorer's Blimp, since Hushing Librarian has a very similar flavor to Dalaran Librarian, and flavor is the best selling point of your card.

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