Wailor's Avatar


Design Champion
Joined 05/28/2019 Achieve Points 640 Posts 707

Wailor's Comments

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    A card meant to give a final Midrange push for Zoo decks.

    Edit: Just remembered Embiggen exists. I'll try to come up with something more original tomorrow.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Such a shame this contest didn't take place before the Darkmoon expansion, since that goblin mime would've fit that expansion so much.

    On the other hand, it's a great art for custom cards, so I won't complain :)

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago



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    I still prefer your original card that summoned both minions if the condition was met, even if it was a bit OP. Dunno, Oasis Surger exists and, sure, you need to complete the Quest to make it work, but you don't need to criple your deck in order to do so.

    About the name of the tokens, what about Animal Guides? It's a pretty common trope that a mysticall animal guides you through the forest, which would mesh well with your flavor I think.


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    I like Light the Fuses a lot. I think it's fine both at three and at four bombs.

    Staff of Souls is also fine but not so much.


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    I think Harvest the Weak is your strongest card (pun intended). It seems useful and pretty flavorful as well.


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    Malicious Memories is a more interesting design, but I really like the artwork of Shattered Memory. I think you could get away with giving SM's name and artwork to MM and it would work just fine from a flavor perspective.


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    Your card has no effect if you have minions in your deck, which is a bit weird. I don't know if it can be fixed, since it's already crammed with text :/

    Besides that, it's a neat effect, but you're right the name is a bit eh. Also, the watermark shouldn't be AoO, since Demon Companions were introduced in Scholomance.


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    I'd reduce the Spell Damage to 2, since 3 is too much. You could also give it higher stats if you do that.


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    Flavor is fine, but it's a bit hard to pull off. I agree with Hordaki's solution: reduce the number of copies and the mana cost.


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    I don't quite get the card, to be honest. Like, the effect, the name and the fact that it is a weapon don't quite mesh together. Could be just me, though.

    From a balance perspective, I think the card is fine, although I think you could get away with making it a Discover effect instead of adding a random minion.


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    Pretty interesting combination of effects. Simple but very synergistic.


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    It's interesting, but it feels a bit too dangerous, especially when compared to MenacingBagel's idea (which has already been deemed as dangerous by many people).

    Also, I believe there's a minor mistake in your HP's format: the words "Passive Hero Power" should be on a separate line without the colon (like in Death's Shadow.


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    The fact "minions" is repeated doesn't bother me too much. However, there are a couple mistakes that you should fix, IMO:
    • Neither "minions" nor "type" should be capitalized, unless they're at the begining of a sentece.
    • The text "wherever they are" should be written in italics.
    • There shouldn't be a full stop between "instead" and "whenever". Instead, it should be at the end of the text. See Beckoner of Evil

    Apart from formatting, I belive your card is a bit too polarizing :/


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    I think the connection to Looming Presence is hard to get, but the card is quite fine otherwise.


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    It's a bit weird to have a minion which draws minions and is also intended to work in a non-minion deck, IMO.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From clawz161

    Won't change it because people on this site don't vote for my submissions because i was the one that submitted them anyway, and i made the card for my own enjoyment.

    I know it's easy to take things personally and think "they don't vote my cards because they don't like me" or something, but that's just in your head.

    Chances are your cards have some flaws or simply you have a different idea of what makes a good design (see how the cards that win on this site are very different from the ones that used to win in Hearthpwn)

    Of course, you can do as you please, since the ultimate goal of this is having fun, but submitting something you know will get disqualified is a bit lame IMO.

    If you still want to fix your card, I'd recommend making it a weapon, although it would loose part of its flavor.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    First idea, inspired by a real life phenomenon where fish in Lake Washington became a different species in just 50 years.

    This would go in a deck that allows you to generate a lot of Totems, so it'd work wonders with Demon's card :)

    I'd also like some help in the wording department. The comma before "(6) more" is correct, or should it be a semicolon? I know there are cards worded like this, but I coudn't remember them specifically.

    Feedback so far:


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    Not bad, but not mind-blowing either. Also, I'm not sure if it'd help Windshear Stormcaller all that much, considering that card is a minion xD


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    I like Nature's Channeling a lot. Just two minor nitpicks:
    • You should word it "If your deck has no minions, summon both" just to be more clear. At first, I thought the combined effect was to summon a single token with both Taunt and Rush.
    • The tokens should probably be Beasts. I know Spirit Wolf is not, but that minion is an actual spirit, while yours seem to be animals made of flesh.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Wow, two in a row :0


  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From linkblade91

    I've been dealing with a family Covid situation, on top of it being Christmas week, so while I've poked my head in on occasion I haven't made the time to sit down and provide feedback until now; sorry about that.

    I'm very sorry to hear that. I hope everything turns out to be alright.

    I'd also like to point out that you have no obligation to give feedback, so no need to say sorry in any case.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I've just discovered there's another expansion with the same theme as this one called Gunslingers of Westfall, which was published 10 months ago on this site.

    Besides the setting (which is basically the same), there are many other similarities like the name of my keyword appearing on the title or the fact they also have a 2/6 minion that summons a Harvest Golem via Deathrattle.

    I guess I'll keep working on my version and try to look at theirs as little as possible just to avoid being influenced.


    (I've just posted a bunch of cards, in case you wanna check them out. I also added a version log in my first post under the OP).

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    New version which tries to correct the main issues the previous iteration had: bad art and being weak.

    I gave it a 3/2 statline because it's what raptors tend to have (Bloodfen Raptor, Crackling Razormaw, Mark of the Loa), but it might be a bit over the top right now.

    I would've like to use the puns Hordaki sugested, but again, given the artwork depicts a Raptor, neither of them fit :C



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    Very simple yet cool idea.

    Just a small nitpick: I know this competition kinda breaks watermark limits and whatnot, but given your card combines keywords from the Year of the Dragon, I think it should really have a Galakrond's Awakening watermark.


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    Cool card. People really liked that keyword (even if it sucked in terms of viability), so that'll give you points I think.


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    I prefer Doctor Magnetron, both in terms of effect and flavor, even if it has the potential to be a bit broken.

    Grim Work's effect isn't bad, but I don't get its flavor.


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    Solid effect and flavor. I don't have much to add, since I think the execution of the idea is as good as it can get.

    About your feedback, I didn't give the Beast tag to my previous iteration because it's a ghost (see Spectral Spider or how they changed Witchwood Grizzly's artwork just to be consistent). The current art definetly needs a Beast tag, however.


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    I think my favorite card is the Sand Shark, but it seems a bit too strong at 4/3 (we got a 3/3/3 Rush minion which wasn't super good, but was fair). I think it'd be better at 4/4/4. Besides that, Adapt is related to dinos, not sharks, but the artwork you used is so pretty I might give that a pass.


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    Zevrad is quite alright, even if it collides a bit with Pit Commander like you said.


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    Both are really cool., but I'd say I like Pupil of the Moon a little bit better. The fact that it gains the Spellburst again once it Reborns really gives it an interesting twist.


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    I'm not sure if Razorpetal can be considered a mechanic, to be honest. Besides that, it has good flavor (all three things you get make sense for a lab), even if the artwork is a bit bad.


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    Not bad, but it's a bit lacking in the flavor department. I don't think it's hard to correct, since just making it some sort of robot dinosaur or robot ghost or whatever would improve that aspect substantially.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From linkblade91

    Dormant appears in four sets beyond Ashes of Outland:

    1. Journey to Un'Goro, with Sherazin, Corpse Flower;
    2. Kobolds & Catacombs, with The Darkness;
    3. Rise of Shadows, with Lucentbark;
    4. Scholomance Academy, with a specific Transfer Student outcome.

    In my opinion, that's too many sets to be considered a one-off mechanic or keyword, and more than the two we're loosely allowing with callback cards. It didn't rise to prominence until Ashes of Outland, and we might not even see much of it again, but I would argue Dormant has become an evergreen keyword. Edit: Apparently, Magic the Gathering has a term for this situation, "deciduous". Not truly evergreen, but not a one-off either. Regardless, it is not acceptable for the prompt.

    The issue here is that the line between what a "mechanic" is and is not can get kinda blurry. For instance, I would've said "Dormant for 2 turns" or "Stealth for 1 turn" are expansion-specific mechanics, even if both Dormant and Stealth are not. If it's not an unreasonable amount of work to do, I'd probably suggest making an extensive list of what is considered a mechanic. But again, it might be too much work.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    My card was supposed to be a joke, but it received relatively good feedback, so I dunno... I think I'll just repost it along my two variations of my more serious card.

    I'm not sure if the parenthesised part of the Rogue one (pun not intended) is worded correctly.



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    Not sure if I'm a fan of the idea of giving your opponent a 0 Attack minion with a detrimental effect, since it's too dependant on the type of deck your opponent might have. I'd make it 1 Attack with tons of Health, so that it is at least possible to get rid of it in any scenario (as long as you play minions, of course).

    Also, it suffers a bit from being forced (because of the three prompts thingy), but it could definetily be worse in this aspect.


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    That card was my personal favorite the week you presented it, so it's a good candidate for this comp as well.


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    I'm not sure about giving access to Secrets to all classes, but it's kind of a sloppy effect, so it won't be easy to abuse. In fact, its biggest abuser would probably be Paladin, which is already a Secret class, so…

    EDIT: I see you thought the same and made a Paladin version. It definetly fits the class more than Neutral, but it loses a ton of flavor, which was its greatest strength, so I don't know what to tell you…


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    Pretty good flavor. I like the second version better, since the first one is too complex. Also, combining swarm with Freeze effects is a very good way of distinguishing Freeze Shaman from Freeze Mage.


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    My main issue is that the artwork screams Druid to me, but that isn't a Secret class. I don't see a good way to fix this, unfortunatelly.

    Between the two versions, I'd say I prefer the Epic one, even if it should probably drop the statline to 2/4 (plus "Secrets" should go bolded and capitalized, I believe).


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    Even if it's too disruptive, I like it because of its good flavor, but it needs some serious balancing.


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    I like Nixxue more but it's too uninteractive right now. I'd make it so that characters take one extra turn to unfreeze, instead of being for ever.

    neither "heroes" nor "unfreeze" should be capitalized. I'd also use thaw instead of unfreeze.


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    A very simple but nice card. Not much to add here, since it seems quite balanced.


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    The effects don't quite mesh together :C I'd stick to just one or two prompts.


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    The effect is a bit too similar to Arcane Keysmith, to my taste. A bit hypocritical, given my card is bascially a Spellslingerwith extra stuff, but whatevs.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I mean, it is about the same power level as the actual Freeze Shaman cards, so 🤷🏼‍♂️

    (Even if they're from different sets, this card is actually a decent follow up for Living Dragonbreath)

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    My first idea. It's kinda lame and hard to balance, so I'll probably try with something else.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From linkblade91

    Wailor - The Boogeymonster is garbage, so anything better than that is alright in my book lel. "(T)he Kidnapper" is a weird direction to take him, and Priest is especially weird flavor-wise, but mechanically it makes sense...I think? There are no Priest minions with Rush, IIRC, unless you count that one Lackey. I like the effect well enough, but the package as a whole is a hard sell.

    I was a bit afraid the flavor wouldn't be understood, but it was my main focus actually :/ In fact, I thought of the flavor first and the effect last.

    Okay, so the Boogey Man and similar folklore characters do either one of these two things: eat children or kidnap them. Since the previous incarnation of The Boogeymonster was focused on eating, I decided to make a new one based on kidnapping.

    I agree that it is a bit weird in Priest flavor-wise, but I don't think it comes close to Micro Mummy being a Paladin card levels of weird xD

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Rebump + Feedback



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    I agree with DestroyerR in that Whizbang the Whimsical would make more sense as a Random Deck button.

    Captain Patches is a bit bland, but ultimately quite alright and definetly more balanced than his first incarnation.


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    Very interesting twist on Lynessa Sunsorrow, both flavor and gameplay-wise.


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    Very solid card, especially considering it's your first competition. This is a very minor suggestion, but I'd recommend using a different watermark, so that it doesn't coexist with her previous incarnation (although it would make sense in Toki's case).


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    Kun, the Jade King is a bit weird, since as it is, it would be replacing himself as the MSG Druid legendary. I know this is technically allowed, but it goes against the point of the comp.

    Shudderwock, the "Dragon is cool, although it is missing a " in his name. I've always wondered why this thing looks like a dragon so much, yet isn't one. That said, it's a very dangerous design, which is very diffcult to balance and thus people might not like it (this issue affects the original Shudderwock as well, however)


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    Baku, the Eldritch's effect is too dangerous IMO :(

    Flark, Expert Bombmaker, on the other hand, has a very flavorful effect and requires very strategic gameplay. I like it quite a lot.


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    First of all, the artwork of all your cards doesn't fit Hearthstone style, so I'd try to find better ones.

    I'm not sure how is Puppeter Dorian (should be Puppeteer) is supposed to work, but right now it would summon a full-sized minion with no effects, since the Silence would nullify the 1/1 enchantment.

    The Face Collector is definetly your coolest idea, but his name is too similar to his first incarnation (Face Collector). My best idea is Face Swapper, but it isn't great either.

    Finally, Queen Ashmore would be a bit better if her tokens had Rush, Lifesteal or a Deathrattle, since those are the keywords the original Countess Ashmore had synergy with. That said, I'd still prefer The Face Collector even with this change.


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    I get that she induces Dormant to callback her original version, but if the flavor is that she eats her target, the effect Moat Lurker has but with the bonus stats would make more sense.


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    Very interesting twist on Baku the Mooneater's original effect. I see a couple things to improve: her name (the current one is a bit lame for my taste) and her lack of watermark.


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    The card itself isn't bad, but I don't like the usage of the Jade Golem mechanic outside of MSG. The other alternative would be to have this card replace the original Aya Blackpaw, but I don't like that either… I would personally save this effect for another competition (which would make a lot of sense as a Druid legendary for MSG) and try something else.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Okay, I've found an idea I'm quite satisfied with, but I'm not sure if the execution is right.

    Same stats as The Boogeymonster, but has now Rush to make use of his effect right away. Since it has a Steal/Silence effect, I gave it to Priest.

    I'll try to give feedback later.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Not really convinced by any of these but whatevs.

    AF Kay's effect is basically a custom card I made years ago based on one friend who is always late btw 🙂

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From Demonxz95
    Quote From Wailor

    Finally, I'd like to ask how to create a custom watermark, like the Sun mark Demonxz95 used for their space expansion.


    Check out this link. Click on a card to get its code.

    If you see a watermark you want, then you type that watermark's code into your card's textbox to get that one onto the card. It is important that you don't add line breaks or spaces for the code.

    Some of them appear to have been deleted from the set page, but their codes will still work. For the sun watermark in Liftoff!, I typed the code {{EMBLEM=custom35}} into the textbox of each card I made.

    Thanks a lot ^^

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Disclaimer: This expansion is still in a very early stage. Some artworks are awfully bad and certain cards might not be balanced or present a faulty concept in the first place. Feedback is very welcome, no matter if it's about balance, grammar or artwork.

    One of my main focuses was flavor, so if you don't understand some of them, I'd also like to know in order to make it more clear :)

    Finally, I'd like to ask how to create a custom watermark, like the Sun mark Demonxz95 used for their space expansion.

    Version Log


    Show Spoiler
    • Demon Hunter: Shivarron Duelist has been added.
    • Druid: Cactoid Dancer has been added.
    • Hunter: Quick Draw has been added.
    • Mage: Whisky Elemental and Happy Hour have been added.
    • Paladin: Saved by a Book and Sheriff McCree have been added.
    • Priest: Pumpkin Season has been added.
    • Rogue: Goldigger's Pickaxe and Dead or Alive have been added.
    • Shaman: Thunderbolt has been added.
    • Warlock: Decaying Outlaw has been added.
    • Warrior: Dentsmith has been added.
    • Neutral: Westfall Gunslinger, Huge Tumbleweed, Lawful Deputy, Harvest Engine and Traveling Stagecoach have been added.


    Show Spoiler
    • Demon Hunter:
      • Bulletstorm, Weynn's Disciple, Death Sentence and Duelmaster Weynn have been added.
      • Shivarron Duelist has been removed. He used to be a 4/4/5 Demon which read "Your hero has Gunslinger".
    • Druid: Sudden Rebirth has been added.
    • Hunter: Skydive Hawk and Rancher's Lasso have been added.
    • Paladin: Lordaeron Cavalry has been added.
    • Priest: Mounted Drake and Train Wrecker have been added.
    • Rogue: Gold Rush, Defias Renegade and Bluff Queen Clover have been added.
    • Shaman:
      •  Dust Rager, Coyote Familiar and Dustlord Al'akant have been added.
      • Thunderbolt now costs 2 (down from 3) and deals 6 damage (down from 10).
    • Warlock: Death and Famine, Witch of Hunger and The Phantom Ranger have been added.
    • Warrior:
      • Dwarven Shotgun and Johan Fort have been added.
      • Dentsmith now gives your weapon +1/+1 (down from +2/+2).
    • Neutral: Moonbrook Stinger, Territorial BisonCactoid Assassin and Horatio Laine, P.I. have been added.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    The once decaying region of Westfall is now flooded with people of all sorts and a large stream of stagecoaches that travels busily around the land. The reason? Gold, of course!

    This sudden gold rush has attracted a lot of greedy visitors, including some gun-wielding outlaws. This is something the authorities of Stormwind cannot tolerate, so they have sent their fastest gunslingers to serve as sheriffs and deputies. Introducing the new keyword...

    This keyword is a combination of MtG's First Strike and Ranged, which I translated into Hearthstone the best I could. The expansion itself is largely inspired by the board game Bang!, combined with Mean Streets of Gatgetzan's motto of taking a WoW location and combining it with a theme that wouldn't fit Azeroth at first glance.

    Demon Hunter (4/10)

    Druid (2/10)

    Hunter (3/10)

    Mage (2/10)

    Paladin (3/10)


    Priest (3/10)


    Rogue (5/10)

    Alternate versions

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    I might move her to Neutral if I finally go for this effect.

    Shaman (4/10)

    Warlock (4/10)


    Warrior (3/10)

    Neutral (9/?)

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