There's a difference between even a full face hunter deck, and a mindless SMOrc deck. A lot of the people on ladder play the deck like the latter, certainly, but the only reason to build towards that path is if you simply don't have the cards to build a stronger list.
- Spellzerker is for Rapid Fire first and foremost, as AliRadicali suggests above. It also has a little more relevance in the later stages of the game because these hunter decks expect to lose the board at some point - and any juggles hitting minions are worthless to you at that point (and arguably even earlier given your game-plan).
- Animal Companion wins out over Wolfrider because while the deck expects to lose the board at some point, there's no reason to just throw away all board pressure on turn 3 without really being pushed to do so. Note that with Dwarven Sharpshooter and Phase Stalker in these decks you have strong early-game board potential, and remember that controlling the board adds up to more damage over time than just throwing everything at face from turn 1.
- I may be wrong (I haven't spent a lot of time on Hunter stats lately), but my assumption is that Timber Wolf is a two-of because Unleash is often your win condition. You want to be able to reliably burst out after losing board. Specifically in that circumstance, it's doubling your Unleash damage for only 1 additional mana outlay. There may be other benefits I'm not seeing because I don't have the deck in front of me right now.
- EDIT: Didn't see the Bomb Toss question. My answer is I have no idea, other than maybe an alternate late-game plan trying to set up a big Spellzerker turn. It's absolutely not something I'd run, personally, unless I was teching against Mage specifically.
- It's important to recognise that this deck is not a mindless SMOrc deck - and in fact, such decks don't really exist outside of budget ladder-grind decks. Your early game should absolutely be about early board, and getting out Dwarven Sharpshooter and Phase Hunter. Midgame is about minimizing what you have to let through on board while pushing more damage. Late game - which for this deck means around turn 7 or 8 - is where you accept the board is lost and make a push to set up lethal. Accept the loss of board to activate a big Wolf-Unleash and push through everything you can. Knowing when to trade and when to push is a fundamental skill of any aggro deck, and in spite of what memes will tell you, 'always face' is not an acceptable answer.
no offense, but stop circlejerking over how face HUnter is "not as braindead as the plebs would have you believe)
The deck is simple and to the point. You push as much face damage as fast as you can. Board only matters if it threatens your life or can heal your opponent. Dwarven Sharpshooter is only ever used against minions to stop your opponent from value trading so you get more face damage in.
Every deck needs piloting to some extent, you're not special. the deck is literally 80% direct damage, it's as straight aggro as it gets.
If you're playing Face Hunter for the board then you're probably losing more games than you have to. You don#t win by having the board, you win by your opponent not having enough to kill you before you finish him off.
to be fair, Micro Mummy already polluted the pool and the only thing you want from Kangor'S is Mechano Egg or Whelp anyways, so it probably won't matter.
Maybe we just use it to replace Micro Mummy, which really isn't that great to begin with
Honestly, this is actually pretty good. Paladin doesn'T have a ton of solid 2-drops at the moment. This helps most Paladin lists right now.
Micro Mummy is already one of the better cards in Paladin's arsenals just for its sticky quality and this is much better (even if it doesn't beenfit from staying alive)
Honestly, this might get Quest Paladin back onto the menu. The deck has always suffered from not having access to enough good Reborn minions. this accelerates the Quest which allows you to get your value train rolling much faster.
Quest Paladin is also notably powerful against Res Priest because you can outressource them easily while not being bothered by their taunts or heals.
Kangor's + double Mechano Egg + Undatakah is enough even against double Plague of Death (and Shrink Ray's a great tool to just counter their big boards).
It's cool and playable but it also feels like Bad Luck Albatross.
Is there really a point of putting this into a deck...and if yes, which deck would it be. Zoo doesn't need it unless you're so bitter that you need to highroll your opponent into submission by hitting some combo piece or just a tech card.
Maybe Handlock runs it for the memes, they do love stalling after all.
So I assume all the explorer's now get Hero cards to to complement the Galakronds?
Also, Priest gets shafted once again. Cute card, except it doesn't further any gameplay other than hopefully rolling Millhouse for meme value.
I am curious about Paladin though. We actually got another Reborn minion, which could take the Quest Paladin deck into a different direction (currently it has to run too many bad cards
Oh yeah, and Warlock finally gets a's whatever, it's just for fun probably
Crafting hype on day one between friends. Is this really a thing?
Whales gonna buy no matter what, so they don't count.
not so much friends, but rather community going "this is a safe craft, this is great fun, etc., etc."
sometimes it's really hard to wait 2 weeks to see which decks turn out worth crafting, especially when there's some cards that look incredibly fun to build around (I crafted Zzeraku pretty much on release for this reason, since I had no intention of waiting forever until someone maybe figured out the best Handlock build)
Once again, I have enough dust for it to not matter and I don't buy packs for money, but some people think differently.
bad business model though, a lot of "revenue" comes through impulsive crafts. If you had access to all cards and decks you could easily figure out which ones are the best/most fun and therefore reduce your dust spending to a minimum which means you need less packs overall.
Not that I don't like the idea, but from a business standpoint this is unfeasible unless they start doubling down on selling cosmetics....which would probably come with other problems (such as balancing around classes to sell skins or something. I've seen League of Legends rot and decay, I don't want Hearthstone to go down the same way)
ironically enough, I actually just played 3 games in a row where Zentimo just completely blew out the opponent, so maybe he's not going to be as dead as I thought. Maybe the Frog plan is strong enough to warrant running a random 1-mana spell like Blazing Invocation just to justify the build.
Zentimo was kind of a rushed craft, don't you think? In the end, it would have stayed in Standard for just 3 months and it's a meme in Wild.
But yeah, it's easy talking afterwards.
I mean, I'm not short on dust and I really like Spirit of the Frog and I figured there'S no way they'd gut Shaman again now that it's just one of many tier 1 decks. I'm not upset about the dust used, but rather that I feel like I won't be able to use him in anything.
Now the Frog build is essentially pointless because there's no good 1-mana spell to replace this to fuel the train, meaning without the draw power it all goes back to running Mana Tide Totem and hoping to draw into your powerplays in time before your opponent'S snowball you to death.
Except Earth Shock, which was already being played at 1, and is at 2 in some decks.
of course but you don't usually play Earthshock at your leisure to cycle Frog. It's there to counter Rogue mostly and to serve as redundancy.
Just double Earthshock will not be enough for the deck to work and LIghtning Bolt has no synergy with the rest of the deck (neither has any other 1-mana spell except maybe Blazing Invocation)
pretty much what everyone expected. It's fair, it does the job and it keeps the card alive for future shenanigans while removing it as the mandatory buildaround for all Rogue decks.
Now excuse me while I forcibly insert Gral into every Rogue deck until the game throws me out of Rank 5 as punishment.
It's just too much at this point. Galakrond Shaman has pretty much been shot from every angle. It was too strong, that much is true, but the Dragon's Pack change should have been enough.
Now the Frog build is essentially pointless because there's no good 1-mana spell to replace this to fuel the train, meaning without the draw power it all goes back to running Mana Tide Totem and hoping to draw into your powerplays in time before your opponent'S snowball you to death.
I'm saying this, because this is the only expansion where Shaman still has most of its powerful legendaries like Shudderwock and Electra Stormsurge. Without those Galakrond Shaman basically turns upside down, from a deck that was too good at everything at any time, to a deck that accomplishes almost nothing most of the time.
Either way, Frog Galakrond was fun while it lasted, now I guess we go back to boring midrange builds.
no offense, but stop circlejerking over how face HUnter is "not as braindead as the plebs would have you believe)
The deck is simple and to the point. You push as much face damage as fast as you can. Board only matters if it threatens your life or can heal your opponent. Dwarven Sharpshooter is only ever used against minions to stop your opponent from value trading so you get more face damage in.
Every deck needs piloting to some extent, you're not special. the deck is literally 80% direct damage, it's as straight aggro as it gets.
If you're playing Face Hunter for the board then you're probably losing more games than you have to. You don#t win by having the board, you win by your opponent not having enough to kill you before you finish him off.
to be fair, Micro Mummy already polluted the pool and the only thing you want from Kangor'S is Mechano Egg or Whelp anyways, so it probably won't matter.
Maybe we just use it to replace Micro Mummy, which really isn't that great to begin with
once again proving that they are unable to do anything viable with Priest that isn't absolute cancer.
What deck would even run this unironically?
Why is it so hard to just print acceptable midrange cards for Priests and try for a buff theme that doesn't involve OTKing your opponents.
Oh well, guess 3 more months of AFK Priest it is.
Honestly, this is actually pretty good. Paladin doesn'T have a ton of solid 2-drops at the moment. This helps most Paladin lists right now.
Micro Mummy is already one of the better cards in Paladin's arsenals just for its sticky quality and this is much better (even if it doesn't beenfit from staying alive)
Honestly, this might get Quest Paladin back onto the menu. The deck has always suffered from not having access to enough good Reborn minions. this accelerates the Quest which allows you to get your value train rolling much faster.
Quest Paladin is also notably powerful against Res Priest because you can outressource them easily while not being bothered by their taunts or heals.
Kangor's + double Mechano Egg + Undatakah is enough even against double Plague of Death (and Shrink Ray's a great tool to just counter their big boards).
EMP Operative at your service
at turn 5
with no silence
It's cool and playable but it also feels like Bad Luck Albatross.
Is there really a point of putting this into a deck...and if yes, which deck would it be. Zoo doesn't need it unless you're so bitter that you need to highroll your opponent into submission by hitting some combo piece or just a tech card.
Maybe Handlock runs it for the memes, they do love stalling after all.
I don't get it, but it sounds like obliterating removal, aka remove from the game entirely, even the graveyard.
Or maybe it's just a meme version of Plague of Death, who knows.
no need to apologize, I was just wondering if it didn't feel like a bit of a wasted effort to you
So I assume all the explorer's now get Hero cards to to complement the Galakronds?
Also, Priest gets shafted once again. Cute card, except it doesn't further any gameplay other than hopefully rolling Millhouse for meme value.
I am curious about Paladin though. We actually got another Reborn minion, which could take the Quest Paladin deck into a different direction (currently it has to run too many bad cards
Oh yeah, and Warlock finally gets a's whatever, it's just for fun probably
talking more about the wasted effort, but I guess you have a point.
no offense, but does it not seem like poor timing to release a meta breaker article when the meta is about to change drastically thanks to nerfs?
not so much friends, but rather community going "this is a safe craft, this is great fun, etc., etc."
sometimes it's really hard to wait 2 weeks to see which decks turn out worth crafting, especially when there's some cards that look incredibly fun to build around (I crafted Zzeraku pretty much on release for this reason, since I had no intention of waiting forever until someone maybe figured out the best Handlock build)
Once again, I have enough dust for it to not matter and I don't buy packs for money, but some people think differently.
you underestimate the power of peer pressure
also whales
bad business model though, a lot of "revenue" comes through impulsive crafts. If you had access to all cards and decks you could easily figure out which ones are the best/most fun and therefore reduce your dust spending to a minimum which means you need less packs overall.
Not that I don't like the idea, but from a business standpoint this is unfeasible unless they start doubling down on selling cosmetics....which would probably come with other problems (such as balancing around classes to sell skins or something. I've seen League of Legends rot and decay, I don't want Hearthstone to go down the same way)
ironically enough, I actually just played 3 games in a row where Zentimo just completely blew out the opponent, so maybe he's not going to be as dead as I thought. Maybe the Frog plan is strong enough to warrant running a random 1-mana spell like Blazing Invocation just to justify the build.
I mean, I'm not short on dust and I really like Spirit of the Frog and I figured there'S no way they'd gut Shaman again now that it's just one of many tier 1 decks. I'm not upset about the dust used, but rather that I feel like I won't be able to use him in anything.
of course but you don't usually play Earthshock at your leisure to cycle Frog. It's there to counter Rogue mostly and to serve as redundancy.
Just double Earthshock will not be enough for the deck to work and LIghtning Bolt has no synergy with the rest of the deck (neither has any other 1-mana spell except maybe Blazing Invocation)
pretty much what everyone expected. It's fair, it does the job and it keeps the card alive for future shenanigans while removing it as the mandatory buildaround for all Rogue decks.
Now excuse me while I forcibly insert Gral into every Rogue deck until the game throws me out of Rank 5 as punishment.
Too much.
It's just too much at this point. Galakrond Shaman has pretty much been shot from every angle. It was too strong, that much is true, but the Dragon's Pack change should have been enough.
Now the Frog build is essentially pointless because there's no good 1-mana spell to replace this to fuel the train, meaning without the draw power it all goes back to running Mana Tide Totem and hoping to draw into your powerplays in time before your opponent'S snowball you to death.
I'm saying this, because this is the only expansion where Shaman still has most of its powerful legendaries like Shudderwock and Electra Stormsurge. Without those Galakrond Shaman basically turns upside down, from a deck that was too good at everything at any time, to a deck that accomplishes almost nothing most of the time.
Either way, Frog Galakrond was fun while it lasted, now I guess we go back to boring midrange builds.
Solid nerf, much needed, should have happened in the first round.
Still a great play on curve and insane with Electra, but at the very least it doesn't completely outclass Oasis Surger anymore for half the effort.