In a game where spells are so high costed and so valuable, having the ability to just completely waste your opponent's entire turn for just 3-mana is ridiculous.
Fiora also seems kind of busted so maybe they're gonna nerf her stats to make it harder to upgrade her.
Doing pretty well with Galakrond Warrior. It doesn't really seem to have any strictly bad matchups, but every game is a test of skill (to an extent at least) since playing Galakrond is slow, but also essential.
Occasionally I switch to Paladin Paladin just to punish Face Hunters, because fuck those guys.
alright, so I'm the first to say it here: If Face Hunter doesn'T get completely gutted with the next patch I'm quitting the game. That deck is pretty much retarded. Even dedicated defensive decks struggle with the constant damage output. It doesn't even matter that there'S counters ouut there, it basically shuts down half of the playable classes because they don't have access to excessive healing.
Pure Paladin with a small healing package works as well (or just Heal Paladin in general). getting a King's Blessing onto Kangor just wins the game by itself and Amber Watcher is a beast as well.
Galakrond Warrior does quite decently as well although it sometimes end up being rushed down.
Well there is a mini expansion next month (35 new card) maybe there will be another talanji like card that can make use oof random priest cards.. Or maybe just a win condition..
honestly I'd prefer some non-NOrthshire Draw engine, because right now the real problem is that I can't run all the cool stuff that Fate Weaver enables because I need to make space for a package that actually gets me there.
On the other hand that would enable some degenerate I don't think it'S really an option (You can currently do some pretty crazy stuff with Grave Rune and Wretched Reclaimer.
Hopefully the mini expansions gives them something to do with that doesn't result in a brainded cycle deck once again.
maybe, but also, since they won't work over the holidays we'd be stuck with yet another week of Shamanstone, which people are already tired of, so they just decided to throw out what they could.
Without Amalgam as a flex pick you basically have to committ to your chosen strategy from the start because otherwise you're gonna get outscaled.
It also makes demons so much more powerful since you won't have convenient ways to take down the big ones without going Murlocs for Poisonous (or rushing Maexxna)
"nerf the obvious and keep monitoring so we can nerf again if necessary"
Personally I'm really concerned with how Face Hunter is turning out so far...there doesn't really seem to be a good enough defensive counter so all you can really do is race them, at which point it all comes down to the luck of the draw.
First off, powerful effects are fun. Second, people only started talking about this change after Shaman had gotten its time in the sun (Desert Hare Evolve stuff) when the mechanic had been around forever. And lastly this makes evolve effects and their ilk less friendly to new players by making the effects less obvious on the cards.
It just seems like a needless change all the way down.
this mechanic has been hated whenever it came into the meta. The only time when it wasn't broken was the first time Evolve was released because Nerubian Prophet and Thing from Below just weren't that op in combination with Evolve. When the Doppelgangster combo became meta it was equally hated (and that thing wasn't even due to cost reduction)
Conjurer's Calling Meta was godawful (and is just an offshoot of the same issue) and many people hated the Mogu mutate combo even before Tombs of Doom.
Lastly, it's not confusing to new players if they just update the UI to show that a card maintains the cost it was played as long as its on board. It's actually more consistent with any other mechanic this way (at least according to the zone law they explained a year ago, where cards will maintain their changes when moving forwards in zones and lose them when moving backwards)
maybe, just maybe they're using the brawl to playtest this thing
Or it was just a precaution to avoid evolve Shaman taking over the brawl meta as well.
Either way, it at least proves that the change is easily implemented, so maybe it'll go live for the rest of the game as well. Would kinda make the MOgu nerf pointless (although the card was still overpowered as just a 0-mana 3/4 anyways)
I wonder if they'd unnerf Conjurer's Calling if they really went through with this.
i don't get why people would think it's a buff. The whole point of it was that Mogu could come down as early as turn 3 and just win the game instantly, now that's delayed to at least turn 4 or 5 while at the same time mostly giving out vanilla results which are at the very least easier to deal with than something like Al'Akir or Walking Fountain.
I don't even think it's worth inluding Mutate now, because it's just not as game-winning anymore. Corrupt Elementalist also got worse by evolving into a 7-drop, which are much weaker on average.
Fleshshaper will still see play, but the way it was meant to: as efficient removal against token decks.
all the nerfs are good, but I'm not sure they hit the right spots.
Corrupt Elementalist was more than needed, but it still doesn't beat the real problem in the Galakrond deck which is Dragon's Pack and because of how Shaman includes all INvokers that thing will still come down at 5 most of the time and win the game by itself.
Sludge Slurper was kind of surprising and I wish I had had the foresight to keep my extra copies. That being said this nerf was well deserved (and needed). If Shaman dropped this on turn one it was basically impossible to develop any relevant 1-drop...and even if you got a 1/3 there's still a 3/7 chance they just got a lacky that either kills that or at least turn Slurper into a 2/3.
I wish they made Faceless Corruptor a 5/3 (or 5/2) instead to maintain its status as pseudo removal for token decks
Mogu Fleshshaper is probably the best of the bunch. It completely eliminates the Mutate package for two reasons: It delays it to at least turn 5 and also really limits the pool of available outs in a pinch (only 1 taunt and most of the results are just vanillas except for Colossus)
Overall it should put Shaman down a little, but I feel like it's not going to be enough. Dragon's Pack will need to be adressed sooner or later.
The Battlegrounds stuff is pretty neat. No more Amalgam radically changes how synergies are approached, makes Ligthfang builds much more complicated....but it does mean that Demons and mechs will probably be the top tier contenders. Murlocs are basically done now that you can't rely on Amalgam for a big stat stick and with Seer at 3 we can't even snowball ahead fast enough.
At the same time only Murlocs can now get poisonous (outside of Maexxna) meaning that whoever can build a big beefy boi the fastest will most likely win (aka Demons and/or Mechs)
aggro hasn't even been a thing for the last few expansions. Sure, we got some tempo decks that tried to outpace you and shut you down before you got going, but true aggro? no.
Right now we actually have a resurgence with Face Hunter, which is an actual old school aggro deck that avoids trading as much as possible and just punches you in the face repeatedly.
Control has actually been pretty damn good in the last year. Control Warrior dominated an entire meta and stuff like Highlander Mage and Quest Druid (which is at least a slow deck) were also present.
In fact, I'd say the past meta was way too slow and is only now picking up the pace (as seen by the fact that Quest Druid is almost unplayable now).
I haven't even found it on HSreplay? What name do they run it under? Mech Hunter?
Either way, you could try plaaying around with Necromechanic since you're already running a number of deathrattles that your opponent probably doesn't even want to kill.
They'll have to nerf Deny eventually.
In a game where spells are so high costed and so valuable, having the ability to just completely waste your opponent's entire turn for just 3-mana is ridiculous.
Fiora also seems kind of busted so maybe they're gonna nerf her stats to make it harder to upgrade her.
Doing pretty well with Galakrond Warrior. It doesn't really seem to have any strictly bad matchups, but every game is a test of skill (to an extent at least) since playing Galakrond is slow, but also essential.
Occasionally I switch to Paladin Paladin just to punish Face Hunters, because fuck those guys.
alright, so I'm the first to say it here: If Face Hunter doesn'T get completely gutted with the next patch I'm quitting the game. That deck is pretty much retarded. Even dedicated defensive decks struggle with the constant damage output. It doesn't even matter that there'S counters ouut there, it basically shuts down half of the playable classes because they don't have access to excessive healing.
Pure Paladin with a small healing package works as well (or just Heal Paladin in general). getting a King's Blessing onto Kangor just wins the game by itself and Amber Watcher is a beast as well.
Galakrond Warrior does quite decently as well although it sometimes end up being rushed down.
honestly I'd prefer some non-NOrthshire Draw engine, because right now the real problem is that I can't run all the cool stuff that Fate Weaver enables because I need to make space for a package that actually gets me there.
On the other hand that would enable some degenerate I don't think it'S really an option (You can currently do some pretty crazy stuff with Grave Rune and Wretched Reclaimer.
Hopefully the mini expansions gives them something to do with that doesn't result in a brainded cycle deck once again.
because we know how fun it is when an infinite value generator is consistent (See Deathstalker Rexxar and Boom, Mad Genius)
Soggy Cracker
Handlock is a dragon deck at its core and it's very playable (although difficult and very easily blown out)
Embiggen Druid is playable as well, as is Highlander Mage.
god, I would sacrifice an orphan to get another chance to get this one.
maybe, but also, since they won't work over the holidays we'd be stuck with yet another week of Shamanstone, which people are already tired of, so they just decided to throw out what they could.
I like this, but I also fear this.
Without Amalgam as a flex pick you basically have to committ to your chosen strategy from the start because otherwise you're gonna get outscaled.
It also makes demons so much more powerful since you won't have convenient ways to take down the big ones without going Murlocs for Poisonous (or rushing Maexxna)
I really like their approach this time
"nerf the obvious and keep monitoring so we can nerf again if necessary"
Personally I'm really concerned with how Face Hunter is turning out so far...there doesn't really seem to be a good enough defensive counter so all you can really do is race them, at which point it all comes down to the luck of the draw.
this mechanic has been hated whenever it came into the meta. The only time when it wasn't broken was the first time Evolve was released because Nerubian Prophet and Thing from Below just weren't that op in combination with Evolve. When the Doppelgangster combo became meta it was equally hated (and that thing wasn't even due to cost reduction)
Conjurer's Calling Meta was godawful (and is just an offshoot of the same issue) and many people hated the Mogu mutate combo even before Tombs of Doom.
Lastly, it's not confusing to new players if they just update the UI to show that a card maintains the cost it was played as long as its on board. It's actually more consistent with any other mechanic this way (at least according to the zone law they explained a year ago, where cards will maintain their changes when moving forwards in zones and lose them when moving backwards)
maybe, just maybe they're using the brawl to playtest this thing
Or it was just a precaution to avoid evolve Shaman taking over the brawl meta as well.
Either way, it at least proves that the change is easily implemented, so maybe it'll go live for the rest of the game as well. Would kinda make the MOgu nerf pointless (although the card was still overpowered as just a 0-mana 3/4 anyways)
I wonder if they'd unnerf Conjurer's Calling if they really went through with this.
now it's basically Crystal Stag with a lesser requirement.
I don't get why they wouldn't just nerf it to 6 instead, but maybe they just really want it to exist.
i don't get why people would think it's a buff. The whole point of it was that Mogu could come down as early as turn 3 and just win the game instantly, now that's delayed to at least turn 4 or 5 while at the same time mostly giving out vanilla results which are at the very least easier to deal with than something like Al'Akir or Walking Fountain.
I don't even think it's worth inluding Mutate now, because it's just not as game-winning anymore. Corrupt Elementalist also got worse by evolving into a 7-drop, which are much weaker on average.
Fleshshaper will still see play, but the way it was meant to: as efficient removal against token decks. I'm torn.
all the nerfs are good, but I'm not sure they hit the right spots.
Corrupt Elementalist was more than needed, but it still doesn't beat the real problem in the Galakrond deck which is Dragon's Pack and because of how Shaman includes all INvokers that thing will still come down at 5 most of the time and win the game by itself.
Sludge Slurper was kind of surprising and I wish I had had the foresight to keep my extra copies. That being said this nerf was well deserved (and needed). If Shaman dropped this on turn one it was basically impossible to develop any relevant 1-drop...and even if you got a 1/3 there's still a 3/7 chance they just got a lacky that either kills that or at least turn Slurper into a 2/3.
I wish they made Faceless Corruptor a 5/3 (or 5/2) instead to maintain its status as pseudo removal for token decks
Mogu Fleshshaper is probably the best of the bunch. It completely eliminates the Mutate package for two reasons: It delays it to at least turn 5 and also really limits the pool of available outs in a pinch (only 1 taunt and most of the results are just vanillas except for Colossus)
Overall it should put Shaman down a little, but I feel like it's not going to be enough. Dragon's Pack will need to be adressed sooner or later.
The Battlegrounds stuff is pretty neat. No more Amalgam radically changes how synergies are approached, makes Ligthfang builds much more complicated....but it does mean that Demons and mechs will probably be the top tier contenders. Murlocs are basically done now that you can't rely on Amalgam for a big stat stick and with Seer at 3 we can't even snowball ahead fast enough.
At the same time only Murlocs can now get poisonous (outside of Maexxna) meaning that whoever can build a big beefy boi the fastest will most likely win (aka Demons and/or Mechs)
aggro hasn't even been a thing for the last few expansions. Sure, we got some tempo decks that tried to outpace you and shut you down before you got going, but true aggro? no.
Right now we actually have a resurgence with Face Hunter, which is an actual old school aggro deck that avoids trading as much as possible and just punches you in the face repeatedly.
Control has actually been pretty damn good in the last year. Control Warrior dominated an entire meta and stuff like Highlander Mage and Quest Druid (which is at least a slow deck) were also present.
In fact, I'd say the past meta was way too slow and is only now picking up the pace (as seen by the fact that Quest Druid is almost unplayable now).
I haven't even found it on HSreplay? What name do they run it under? Mech Hunter?
Either way, you could try plaaying around with Necromechanic since you're already running a number of deathrattles that your opponent probably doesn't even want to kill.