It's the perfect definition of a rock, paper, scissors deck. It can beat down almost any deck that doesn't have heals and relies on later spike turns (as well as absolutely ruining Zoolock because of Explosive Trap on demand)
It seems to really benefit the lack of a true control deck in the meta. Guess we'll see how strong it is if Warrior returns after the Shaman nerfs.
way too slow. Useless before the quest and in most cases a slightly annoying minion afterwards. You can't guarantee that yoour oppponent doesn't have the means to kill it twice in a turn, and even if they didn't, what do you even gain? Just play the regular list and kill your opponent instead of trying to outvalue them.
fair enough. I guess it's a matter of what matchup it's supposed to be good against. 4 4/4s is weaker against control, but stronger against midrange, 8/8s are the other way round.
to be fair, Galakrond Warlock is not nearly as bad as you make it out to be. The Invokers, while not that strong, are good enough to be played and Veiled Worshipper carries the deck to the point where even a Galakrond Handlock has been created (that performs slightly better than the regular version) just because of how storng that card is.
Galakrond itself isn't even weak ,because by the time you play him you usually want to finish off the opponent, whiich is what the Claw is for. The Demons are just an added bonus and you usually get at least one minion that's a 5/5 or above, which is good enough for the final pressure. He's not a real powerplay as he is just your final tool to close out the game (especially with the follow-up Kronx).
I'd argue that Warlock is the second best class to use Galakrond right now, even if only for the amazing synergy with Grim Rally and Sea Giant.
2) probably also fair, but I'd rather Frost was just a straight-up 2-mana card so it's not just a free removal against pretty much any 1-drop in the game.
3) not sure if that wouldn't make it even more powerful, given that it would end up with the same amount of stats except more flexible distributio
4) that wouldn't change much because in most cases that's when you play it anyways (right after Elementalist...unless they actually add Overload there, which would somewhat balance it out). I'd rather the downsize the wolves to 4/5s (aka +2/+2) since most decks in the meta don't have accesss to 6 damage removal.
5) that or applying to friendlies only (and maybe going down to 6-mana so it can still be played for 0 in a best case scenario + the benefit of it not being as broken of a Mutate target)
6) I'd rather they jsut nerf the health down to 2 or 3. Thee problem with Corruptor is the amount of stats in puts in play that need to be dealt with (after they most likely cleared your board). By reducing the Health they'd still be a decent comeback mechanic for token heavy decks, but much less effective as an actual aggressive play.
oh and for you Bonuns....don't. So far Galakrond Priest seems weak, but it could become amazing in any meta where outressourcing your opponent is important, and I don't want another Rexxar/Dr. Boom situation. Delivery Drone has proven that having the choice out of 3 minions will usually give you an outcome to swing the current situation in your favour and Priest has a fairly szeable collection if decently sized minions. Wouldn't want them to throw those out every turn while you struggle to even stay on the board.
I just remembered that one meme from the Old Gods days where it explained several Hearthstone related terms and one of them was "card advantage: Shaman has better cards than you, therefore they win"
Yeah I agree rush isn't even shaman's theme it's warrior and hunter all the sudden shaman gets a full set of rushing elementals.. Why? It had a sub theme of spark 1/1s on booms day but that's OK I guess since it was different from the big rushes from warrior and beast rushers in hunter.
But spamming 2/1 rush guys for low cost... That's a bit too much I think.
Remove rush or make them 1/1s also consider nerfing the battlecry of galakrond cause it's too easy on shaman due to quest and having the only double invoke.
to be fair, rush is at this point just being shoved into every class that plays for tempo, since it's just a great mechanic in general (and they have to make up for all those years that minion based removal was only available through Charge, which was too OP in aggressive decks to ever be printed again)
Yeah, I just gave it a test run as just doesn't feel fun to play. There's very little decision making involved. You basically just curve out as best as you can and win due to having better cards most of the time.
The most ironic part about it is that...the deck isn't actually that overpowered if broken down into its components. Galakrond by himself isn't all that powerful, neither is Shudderwock or Dragon's Pack...but combined into a single deck you basically have a non stop onslaught of powerplays that are just above (if ever so slightly) what your opponent can do at any given time.
I can't even pinpoint what they would end up nerfing. Just small things like the 2/1 elemental with rush are already way better than what most decks have access to.
Then of course you have the older broken stuff like Mogu and MCT. Galakrond just fits way too well into any existing deck, be it Quest or Overload. The Invokers just don'T carry a cost with them. Corrupted Elementalist would literally be a playable 5-drop without the Invoke effect...and the double invokery just makes it broken since it allows Shaman to fully upgrade with much more consistency than any other Galakrond deck. It's basically impossible to not have Galakrond fully stacked by the time you draw him.
Then ofc there is Kronx, which Shaman also makes great use of thanks to Shudderwock.
It's an unholy amalgamation of overstatted (or undercosted) cards that just blend into the perfect ix of value, pressure and comeback-ability. It doesn't even matter whether it ends up being the strongest deck or's just the opposite of what a balanced deck should be.
And you know other quests that summon minions on board? Just checked with "Learn Draconic" with and it work in the same way , if you have no board space dragon dissapears, can't check "Toxic Reinforcements" as i don't have them, but i suspect they work the same way too.
that's not the same, because the the quest completes after the spell has finished (because the mana only counts as spent after the spell resolves)
the actual Hunter Quest works this way to the point where it will interrupt an ongoing Unleash the HOunds to give you the hero power upgrade and only resolving afterwards. There is absolutely no reason why a different quest with essentially the same requirement doesn't.
Well, just checked and it worked as intended. Swarm completed the sidequest and wasted it because there's no place on board for 4/4. Don't know what you are talking about.
except that is literally not how any other quest in the game works. All quests (so far) interrupt the current action on completion to ive their reward, which means that so should Clear the way...but for no reason at all it doesn't...because the game devs probably can't even write their own name consistently.
if Faceless Corruptor is not on that list I'm going to scream.
Also, the really dropped the ball on Shaman this time. Galakrond is so op that he improves the winrate of any deck you put him in by 5%...and Galakrond Shaman sits at over 60% winrate.
Let that sink in: a completely new deck (well, sort of) immediately rises to 60% winrate without even having been refined. The last time that happened was Even Paladin with Call to Arms at 4.
Not sure why everyone has such a hateboner for Warrior. I've played the matchup a bunch of times and while it's strong it doesn't really seem overpowered unless you're playing a real greedy deck with lack of defense.
If anything Parachute Brigand needs to be a 2/1 or something because it's just not fair when that thing drops twice on turn 1 and you have no realistic chance of getting rid of it.
Running Weapon removal is key at this point. If you can shut down Ancharr early and they don't have Hoard Pillager in their opening hand then you're good (although they might need to nerf the Pillager to 5 to make the weapon removal not pointless)
So after playing around with Treant Druid and being ultimately a bit disappointed (that game has some fantastic plays, but if you get pushed off the board early you're never getting it back and will most likely lose) I was still very much impressed by the power of [Hearthstone Card (Goru the Mighttree) Not Found], especially in combination with The Forest's Aid, which can make for gamewinning plays, especially when combined with Savage Roar and the like.
So I figured why not cut the entire Treant stuff and just go straight for the core....and so I put Goru and The Forest in Quest Druid.
The plan is simple: Instead of relying on Chef Nomi and Elise the Enlightened which need more set up and require us to draw through our deck before we can pressure, we play the tree (preferably as soon as we draw him) and then use the Treants to pressure. We have 4 reloads (and could even get more through Elise) which should run most decks out of removal. Additionally, we also have King Phaoris which benefits a lot from having an 8-mana spell in hand. Cenarius acts as our substitute Savage Roar.
Unfortunately, Quest Druid isn't really all that well positioned against the current "meta" since most decks snowball pretty hard and take the lead early. Something like Pirate Warrior is pretty hard to beat, especially if you don't get your Quest done on curve.
Still, I believe that the Tree package could actually help the deck out a lot against the slower decks which you now can simply outpressure instead of having to rely on outvaluing them (which you can't anyways, because decks have gotten so much more nutty)
yeah, Control Galakrond seems to be pretty decent.
My only problem so far is the lack of draw. Just Town Crier and Shield Block doesn't cut it and I'M tempted to try Acolyte despite the lack of activators....or maybe just Slam
Either way, Warrior'S Hero power is super underrated, especially if you can double up on it later on for huge burst.
sometimes I think Blizzard secretly loves nerfing Shaman so they just completely overbuff them from time to time.
Or maybe they have PTSD from the time when Shaman was a complete meme class and had no direction.
Either way, I'M genuinely shocked that Warlock Galakrond is performing that well. I was sure that it was going to be a complete mess.
Priest is also surprising, because from my experience it works fine as a grindy control deck. Maybe people are memeing too hard with combos or haven'T found the most consistent build yet (I think Grave Rune combos with Wretched Reclaimer or Shadowy Figure are the way to go, with Talanji as a lategame powerplay)
Warrior plays great with a control build. You can stall the game until you get Galakrond and then use the hero power and the buffed minions to close out the game.
I tried smaller combos in Galakrond Priest, but it just doesn't have the draw capacity.
If you want a combo, take something with 3 pieces or less, aka some value stuff like Wretched Reclaimer + Grave Rune + Khartut Defender (or any other value target)....or the same combo with Shadowy Figure instead of Reclaimer.
Galakrond Priest is incredibly slow and you basically need to just remove and stay alive until you can push your opponent of the board with the combo and then outvalue them.
Have been fiddling around with Quest Hunter by now.
Diving Gryphon is extremely valuable (as expected) and Veranus puts in some decent work as well (even if she is a bit clunky to get value from consistently)
so that's the one I keep running into.
It's the perfect definition of a rock, paper, scissors deck. It can beat down almost any deck that doesn't have heals and relies on later spike turns (as well as absolutely ruining Zoolock because of Explosive Trap on demand)
It seems to really benefit the lack of a true control deck in the meta. Guess we'll see how strong it is if Warrior returns after the Shaman nerfs.
way too slow. Useless before the quest and in most cases a slightly annoying minion afterwards. You can't guarantee that yoour oppponent doesn't have the means to kill it twice in a turn, and even if they didn't, what do you even gain? Just play the regular list and kill your opponent instead of trying to outvalue them.
fair enough. I guess it's a matter of what matchup it's supposed to be good against. 4 4/4s is weaker against control, but stronger against midrange, 8/8s are the other way round.
to be fair, Galakrond Warlock is not nearly as bad as you make it out to be. The Invokers, while not that strong, are good enough to be played and Veiled Worshipper carries the deck to the point where even a Galakrond Handlock has been created (that performs slightly better than the regular version) just because of how storng that card is.
Galakrond itself isn't even weak ,because by the time you play him you usually want to finish off the opponent, whiich is what the Claw is for. The Demons are just an added bonus and you usually get at least one minion that's a 5/5 or above, which is good enough for the final pressure. He's not a real powerplay as he is just your final tool to close out the game (especially with the follow-up Kronx).
I'd argue that Warlock is the second best class to use Galakrond right now, even if only for the amazing synergy with Grim Rally and Sea Giant.
1) fair
2) probably also fair, but I'd rather Frost was just a straight-up 2-mana card so it's not just a free removal against pretty much any 1-drop in the game.
3) not sure if that wouldn't make it even more powerful, given that it would end up with the same amount of stats except more flexible distributio
4) that wouldn't change much because in most cases that's when you play it anyways (right after Elementalist...unless they actually add Overload there, which would somewhat balance it out). I'd rather the downsize the wolves to 4/5s (aka +2/+2) since most decks in the meta don't have accesss to 6 damage removal.
5) that or applying to friendlies only (and maybe going down to 6-mana so it can still be played for 0 in a best case scenario + the benefit of it not being as broken of a Mutate target)
6) I'd rather they jsut nerf the health down to 2 or 3. Thee problem with Corruptor is the amount of stats in puts in play that need to be dealt with (after they most likely cleared your board). By reducing the Health they'd still be a decent comeback mechanic for token heavy decks, but much less effective as an actual aggressive play.
oh and for you Bonuns....don't. So far Galakrond Priest seems weak, but it could become amazing in any meta where outressourcing your opponent is important, and I don't want another Rexxar/Dr. Boom situation. Delivery Drone has proven that having the choice out of 3 minions will usually give you an outcome to swing the current situation in your favour and Priest has a fairly szeable collection if decently sized minions. Wouldn't want them to throw those out every turn while you struggle to even stay on the board.
I just remembered that one meme from the Old Gods days where it explained several Hearthstone related terms and one of them was "card advantage: Shaman has better cards than you, therefore they win"
if it wasn't true then, it's certainly true now.
to be fair, rush is at this point just being shoved into every class that plays for tempo, since it's just a great mechanic in general (and they have to make up for all those years that minion based removal was only available through Charge, which was too OP in aggressive decks to ever be printed again)
two Shamans, trying to figure out who's the noob for playing Shaman.
Yeah, I just gave it a test run as just doesn't feel fun to play. There's very little decision making involved. You basically just curve out as best as you can and win due to having better cards most of the time.
The most ironic part about it is that...the deck isn't actually that overpowered if broken down into its components. Galakrond by himself isn't all that powerful, neither is Shudderwock or Dragon's Pack...but combined into a single deck you basically have a non stop onslaught of powerplays that are just above (if ever so slightly) what your opponent can do at any given time.
I can't even pinpoint what they would end up nerfing. Just small things like the 2/1 elemental with rush are already way better than what most decks have access to.
Then of course you have the older broken stuff like Mogu and MCT. Galakrond just fits way too well into any existing deck, be it Quest or Overload. The Invokers just don'T carry a cost with them. Corrupted Elementalist would literally be a playable 5-drop without the Invoke effect...and the double invokery just makes it broken since it allows Shaman to fully upgrade with much more consistency than any other Galakrond deck. It's basically impossible to not have Galakrond fully stacked by the time you draw him.
Then ofc there is Kronx, which Shaman also makes great use of thanks to Shudderwock.
It's an unholy amalgamation of overstatted (or undercosted) cards that just blend into the perfect ix of value, pressure and comeback-ability. It doesn't even matter whether it ends up being the strongest deck or's just the opposite of what a balanced deck should be.
that's not the same, because the the quest completes after the spell has finished (because the mana only counts as spent after the spell resolves)
the actual Hunter Quest works this way to the point where it will interrupt an ongoing Unleash the HOunds to give you the hero power upgrade and only resolving afterwards. There is absolutely no reason why a different quest with essentially the same requirement doesn't.
except that is literally not how any other quest in the game works. All quests (so far) interrupt the current action on completion to ive their reward, which means that so should Clear the way...but for no reason at all it doesn't...because the game devs probably can't even write their own name consistently.
because this game is designed by idiots
if Faceless Corruptor is not on that list I'm going to scream.
Also, the really dropped the ball on Shaman this time. Galakrond is so op that he improves the winrate of any deck you put him in by 5%...and Galakrond Shaman sits at over 60% winrate.
Let that sink in: a completely new deck (well, sort of) immediately rises to 60% winrate without even having been refined. The last time that happened was Even Paladin with Call to Arms at 4.
Not sure why everyone has such a hateboner for Warrior. I've played the matchup a bunch of times and while it's strong it doesn't really seem overpowered unless you're playing a real greedy deck with lack of defense.
If anything Parachute Brigand needs to be a 2/1 or something because it's just not fair when that thing drops twice on turn 1 and you have no realistic chance of getting rid of it.
Running Weapon removal is key at this point. If you can shut down Ancharr early and they don't have Hoard Pillager in their opening hand then you're good (although they might need to nerf the Pillager to 5 to make the weapon removal not pointless)
So after playing around with Treant Druid and being ultimately a bit disappointed (that game has some fantastic plays, but if you get pushed off the board early you're never getting it back and will most likely lose) I was still very much impressed by the power of [Hearthstone Card (Goru the Mighttree) Not Found], especially in combination with The Forest's Aid, which can make for gamewinning plays, especially when combined with Savage Roar and the like.
So I figured why not cut the entire Treant stuff and just go straight for the core....and so I put Goru and The Forest in Quest Druid.
The plan is simple: Instead of relying on Chef Nomi and Elise the Enlightened which need more set up and require us to draw through our deck before we can pressure, we play the tree (preferably as soon as we draw him) and then use the Treants to pressure. We have 4 reloads (and could even get more through Elise) which should run most decks out of removal. Additionally, we also have King Phaoris which benefits a lot from having an 8-mana spell in hand. Cenarius acts as our substitute Savage Roar.
Unfortunately, Quest Druid isn't really all that well positioned against the current "meta" since most decks snowball pretty hard and take the lead early. Something like Pirate Warrior is pretty hard to beat, especially if you don't get your Quest done on curve.
Still, I believe that the Tree package could actually help the deck out a lot against the slower decks which you now can simply outpressure instead of having to rely on outvaluing them (which you can't anyways, because decks have gotten so much more nutty)
yeah, Control Galakrond seems to be pretty decent.
My only problem so far is the lack of draw. Just Town Crier and Shield Block doesn't cut it and I'M tempted to try Acolyte despite the lack of activators....or maybe just Slam
Either way, Warrior'S Hero power is super underrated, especially if you can double up on it later on for huge burst.
sometimes I think Blizzard secretly loves nerfing Shaman so they just completely overbuff them from time to time.
Or maybe they have PTSD from the time when Shaman was a complete meme class and had no direction.
Either way, I'M genuinely shocked that Warlock Galakrond is performing that well. I was sure that it was going to be a complete mess.
Priest is also surprising, because from my experience it works fine as a grindy control deck. Maybe people are memeing too hard with combos or haven'T found the most consistent build yet (I think Grave Rune combos with Wretched Reclaimer or Shadowy Figure are the way to go, with Talanji as a lategame powerplay)
Warrior plays great with a control build. You can stall the game until you get Galakrond and then use the hero power and the buffed minions to close out the game.
I tried smaller combos in Galakrond Priest, but it just doesn't have the draw capacity.
If you want a combo, take something with 3 pieces or less, aka some value stuff like Wretched Reclaimer + Grave Rune + Khartut Defender (or any other value target)....or the same combo with Shadowy Figure instead of Reclaimer.
Galakrond Priest is incredibly slow and you basically need to just remove and stay alive until you can push your opponent of the board with the combo and then outvalue them.
the Virgin Treant vs the Chad Ancient
It's simple. Treants (in Hearthstone at least) are 2/2s (that may or may not carry an additional keyword) much like Silver Hand Recruits.
Ancients, while similar, are not the same, and in terms of gameplay mechanics don't count as Treant tokens.
Have been fiddling around with Quest Hunter by now.
Diving Gryphon is extremely valuable (as expected) and Veranus puts in some decent work as well (even if she is a bit clunky to get value from consistently)