from what I understand there are 5 different versions (for the league of Evil) that all share the Invoke upgrade but have different effects. Rogue is Sprint on Steroids, and the others will probably be something other class related
why do I get the feeling that this the expansion where I'm going to have to craft those Cathedral Gargoyle's only for them to rotate the next expansion
Either way, at this point I'm mostly interested in how the story plays out and whether they can top Tombs of Terror in terms of fun and replayability.
Not having much hope for the meta at this best we're gonna get a KnC sequel where Warlock jumps from garbage to tier 1 because of a busted set
so the RNG of drawing both Mogu Fleshshaper and Mutate within the first 3 turns resulting in an almost guaranteed win against anything safe of Priest doesn't factor in?
Or Evolve giving you a rush/charge/taunt minion to remove any chance for your opponent to get back
Or rolling the exact lackey you need to take out a value minion/protect your own?
Or MCT taking the one minion your opponent needed to win
Yeah no, Shaman is certainly overpowered, and the RNG just makes it so much worse because aside from being beaten by unfair bullshit you're also being beaten by autopilot highrolls.
this is probably the most boring brawl I've ever played. The rotation gimmick adds nothing to the gameplay. It's just Randomonium, except the carousel annoys the hell out of you.
If we couuld at least have built a deck for this..
To me the biggest selling factor is the Region system.
The fact that some very basic effects can be executed in different ways and therefore shape how certain builds are played just sounds a lot more fun than having a Neutral card pool out of which the best cards appear in all decks.
It also allows for much better balancing options. If a specific deck is overpowered you can basically nerf the offending card without affecting other decks too much.
it's probably just becoming apparent that HS is pretty bare bones as an actual card game outside of the art department. If you took a liking to the gameplay in LoR then the very basic and at times uninteractive gameplay of HS just won't measure up
Well, I guess that confirms Dragon Paladin to be a thing. We got 2 dragons with taunt, which means the Dragonspeaker value will be astronomical.
Also, they finally reprinted Steamwheedle Sniper as a playable card, my prayers have been answered.
he's gonna need some hydration from creaming his pants non-stop.
from what I understand there are 5 different versions (for the league of Evil) that all share the Invoke upgrade but have different effects. Rogue is Sprint on Steroids, and the others will probably be something other class related
Hero card or Hero portrait?
oh okay, that makes way more sense then.
Here's hoping the Warlock version gives Gul'dan an actual win condition for a change
Well, there's the dragon expansion I guess.
Also I'm confused as to how Galakrond works? He's a class card, but he gets specific neutrals to support him?
the outrage mob tends to be shortlived.
Someone should show them the South Park Episode about BP
I'm honestly surprised they were smart enough to do that. I expected them to just try and sweep it under the rug.
to be fair, human sacrifice would be an acceptable apology. Nothing says "we're sorry" like disemboweling your employees on stage
very cynical, I like it
can't wait for the circus to commence
I don't know what any of this is. Why does the vegetable have boobies? someone explain
why do I get the feeling that this the expansion where I'm going to have to craft those Cathedral Gargoyle's only for them to rotate the next expansion
Either way, at this point I'm mostly interested in how the story plays out and whether they can top Tombs of Terror in terms of fun and replayability.
Not having much hope for the meta at this best we're gonna get a KnC sequel where Warlock jumps from garbage to tier 1 because of a busted set
so the RNG of drawing both Mogu Fleshshaper and Mutate within the first 3 turns resulting in an almost guaranteed win against anything safe of Priest doesn't factor in?
Or Evolve giving you a rush/charge/taunt minion to remove any chance for your opponent to get back
Or rolling the exact lackey you need to take out a value minion/protect your own?
Or MCT taking the one minion your opponent needed to win
Yeah no, Shaman is certainly overpowered, and the RNG just makes it so much worse because aside from being beaten by unfair bullshit you're also being beaten by autopilot highrolls.
The entire class is a dumpsterfire right now
So Shaman is basically just RNG incarnate at this point: Draw your broken combos in time, highroll a few lackeys and you win.
But hey, at least they made sure Warlock isn't allowed to do anything until the next expansion
at least we could have toyed with the idea of giving stuff to our opponent....y'know Unlicensed Apothecary or Generous Mummy
this is probably the most boring brawl I've ever played. The rotation gimmick adds nothing to the gameplay. It's just Randomonium, except the carousel annoys the hell out of you.
If we couuld at least have built a deck for this..
I'm not the passive aggressive one here, lmao. You're the one who can't handle having his game criticized
Can someone help me, I can't seem to find the giant statue of Mao tse tung anywhere on the map. Surely this must be a mistake.
To me the biggest selling factor is the Region system.
The fact that some very basic effects can be executed in different ways and therefore shape how certain builds are played just sounds a lot more fun than having a Neutral card pool out of which the best cards appear in all decks.
It also allows for much better balancing options. If a specific deck is overpowered you can basically nerf the offending card without affecting other decks too much.
it's probably just becoming apparent that HS is pretty bare bones as an actual card game outside of the art department. If you took a liking to the gameplay in LoR then the very basic and at times uninteractive gameplay of HS just won't measure up