So just to be clear on this: Posting in the card discussion is not the same as posting on the card page, right?
Also, does it make any difference whether I do all the voting when all cards have been revealed? Because I like to do those when i have the entire picture
it might just work out. I mean, King Phaoris is a thing people play.
With Seance you basically have a triple threat (even though you'll have to wait and press the button inbetween) and we now have more than enough Control tools to last until that.
they're once again consistent in their inconsistency.
Apparently Keywords are expansion specific, as we've seen with Echo (unless of course you're Sn1p-Sn4p then the rules don't apply to you)
That being said, apparently Hunter is the only class to get Hero Power specific support cards and it would be weird to reintroduce a keyword that's just a used by one out of nine classes
except, you know, Hearthstone has been around for multiple years and no longer wears the "heroes of Warcraft" title since it'S pretty much it's own universe with originall characters and such
"we couldn't make Reno work soo we ditched him alltogether"
excuse me what? What is it with with game devs these days going "we couuldn't find an easy solution so we just bounced." Do these people not get paid enough to be bothered to actually do their job?
How come a side project tie-in card game manages to put more effort into balance and consistency during its Beta than Hearthstone has throughout its entire lifespan?
yeah I just can't really get into this mode (which is weird, because I absolutely loved TFT). Maybe it has to do with the recycled assets that just
Wow, you actually put a great amount of creativity into these, I'm impressed.
Brawl seems overpowered though. It basically means that you're completely free to pursue lategame strategies because you usually won't take lots of damage from losses.
If anything, this should be an active HP that has a cost, so you'll have to decide when you want to save HP vs spending gold on building your board
I find it hilarious how the sudden meta shake up just ended up making the meta feel even more boring, because the ladder is now mostly Shamans and Priests.
I really hope that, if nothing else, the sudden powercreep from Dragons will at least make it so every class is equally broken. At this point it's very clear that aiming for a "balanced" meta just doesn't work.
Necroing this thread just to gloat and feel vindicated:
"I think with Shaman currently, there's some gameplay patterns that we aren't the most happy with, I think when you do have an eight-Mana minion that you evolved [from] a Mogu Fleshshaper on turn four, that's not a healthy gameplay pattern. I think that's going to be a card going into Descent of Dragons that we're definitely going to keep an eye on.
I think when it comes to some of these effects that cheat Mana and do things like that early on, that's something that we're looking at as a team and we're making sure that these effects aren't ruining your gameplay experience. So, we are definitely aware of it, and we're definitely going to be keeping our eye on a few cards going into the next expansion to see how their power level shakes out." - Alec Dawson
Even if they end up not nerfing Mogu, it's just mighty ironic to hear game devs echo the kinds arguments that get you dismissed as a whiny loser by a certain section of the community.
I mean, that's the nature of an argument, some people will disagree until proven wrong. And since that happened now...I guess I win?
Well to be fair we all lost, since we had to endure this situation until now and we will have to see Mogu Fleshshaper + Mutate for another 1 month and a half
yeah, but honestly it doesn't really matter that much now because Hare + Evolve is even worse. Really this whole "blast from the past" was kind of stupid idea from the start. At least given the cards they ended up choosing.
I'm honestly less angry about losing to Shaman right now, because the highrolling BS is more consistent so it doesn't feel like I got cheesed by RNG everytime
So just to be clear on this: Posting in the card discussion is not the same as posting on the card page, right?
Also, does it make any difference whether I do all the voting when all cards have been revealed? Because I like to do those when i have the entire picture
wow this is probably the worst brawl since Bananas
It's literally pure RNG. You basically win or lose during the first 3 turns based on how many cheap minions and how many good deathrattles you got.
2-drop gets Mechano Egg? Whelp, game's over
it might just work out. I mean, King Phaoris is a thing people play.
With Seance you basically have a triple threat (even though you'll have to wait and press the button inbetween) and we now have more than enough Control tools to last until that.
they're once again consistent in their inconsistency.
Apparently Keywords are expansion specific, as we've seen with Echo (unless of course you're Sn1p-Sn4p then the rules don't apply to you)
That being said, apparently Hunter is the only class to get Hero Power specific support cards and it would be weird to reintroduce a keyword that's just a used by one out of nine classes
except, you know, Hearthstone has been around for multiple years and no longer wears the "heroes of Warcraft" title since it'S pretty much it's own universe with originall characters and such
I guess that would be it. They still worded it poorly
"we couldn't make Reno work soo we ditched him alltogether"
excuse me what? What is it with with game devs these days going "we couuldn't find an easy solution so we just bounced." Do these people not get paid enough to be bothered to actually do their job?
How come a side project tie-in card game manages to put more effort into balance and consistency during its Beta than Hearthstone has throughout its entire lifespan?
and now I have been automatically retired despite having only lost once.....and no, I didn't get a ticket refund or anything.
Oh well, I'll take my 5 wins, at least they didn't give me useless extra 5 gold
and now it's down completely
does anyone else have a broken Brawl screen?
it doesn't show my wins or losses and there'S no retire button.
Also I get progress on my 3 wins, which I don't remember being the case usually
It's like ladder for the impatient.
Everyone just plays Shaman, but you cut out all the 26 unimportant cards and just play the ones that win
oh I thought this was going to be a different format
I guess it's just Standard ladder after all
why the hell would you make this a Brawliseum?
yeah I just can't really get into this mode (which is weird, because I absolutely loved TFT). Maybe it has to do with the recycled assets that just
totally forgot Kun was one of the Wildcards....
either way, the deck is playable right now and will technically still be after the rotation because Kun doesn't seem to be essential
Wow, you actually put a great amount of creativity into these, I'm impressed.
Brawl seems overpowered though. It basically means that you're completely free to pursue lategame strategies because you usually won't take lots of damage from losses.
If anything, this should be an active HP that has a cost, so you'll have to decide when you want to save HP vs spending gold on building your board
I find it hilarious how the sudden meta shake up just ended up making the meta feel even more boring, because the ladder is now mostly Shamans and Priests.
I really hope that, if nothing else, the sudden powercreep from Dragons will at least make it so every class is equally broken. At this point it's very clear that aiming for a "balanced" meta just doesn't work.
a) no he doesn't, only next year
b) Sarthrovarr is available now anyways
yeah, but honestly it doesn't really matter that much now because Hare + Evolve is even worse. Really this whole "blast from the past" was kind of stupid idea from the start. At least given the cards they ended up choosing.
I'm honestly less angry about losing to Shaman right now, because the highrolling BS is more consistent so it doesn't feel like I got cheesed by RNG everytime