I mean...I absolutely love this, but it's also another 1-mana 1/3 and those are just always a problem.
If you're playing a deck that wants to leverage early board presence and Hunter drops this on turn 1 you're basically fucked. Oh you mulligan for Flame Imp and went second? Guess you're gonna play the rest of the game trying to kill a 1-drop so you can actually develop a board.
Although I am glad that there is now a 1-drop that challenges Northshire Cleric.
As a Hearthstone player, I have to ask why we're still printing 1-mana 1/3s that need to be dealt with instantly in order to not get snowballed out of existence.
I mean...I absolutely love this, but it's also another 1-mana 1/3 and those are just always a problem.
If you're playing a deck that wants to leverage early board presence and Hunter drops this on turn 1 you're basically fucked. Oh you mulligan for Flame Imp and went second? Guess you're gonna play the rest of the game trying to kill a 1-drop so you can actually develop a board.
Although I am glad that there is now a 1-drop that challenges Northshire Cleric.
so I'm just gonna assume sidequest means you can play it alongside a regular quest and it doesn't start in your opening hand.
Kinda comparable to Rat Trap at this point, but seems like a pretty bad topdeck.
rest in pieces Warlock, doomed to play bad Zoo decks until the end of time
I smell combo shenanigans...
At the very least we're slowly getting card draw back into Rogue without having to nuke our entire deck.
the keyword is random. Feels like a less consistent thunderhead
wow, they actually made it, they created a 3-drop that's even worse than Magma Rager
if that Hero Power isn't amazing than this might already be the worst card of the expansion
and we're back to Priest murdering the board over and over again.
*laughs in Auctioneer*
slow, inconsistent and in a class which currently is having so much lategame that they can't even fit all of it into a single deck.
I feel like old Ysera would be a better pick for Dragon Druid.
Yeah sure, let's give Shaman a 3-mana Flamestrike. Somehow this'll end up in Quest Shaman, and the world will be a worse place because of it.
Galakrond Rogue will have to be pretty nuts if this is a card you#re going to be forced to run.
Smells like Arena
Rogue likes 1-mana stuff. Rogue likes lackeys. This'll do
Ah yes, the classic: let's reprint a nerfed card even stronger but glue it to a specific archetype.
I mean if it worked once....
As a Hunter player, this excites me
As a Hearthstone player, I have to ask why we're still printing 1-mana 1/3s that need to be dealt with instantly in order to not get snowballed out of existence.
6-mana 4/8 is a great statline and there are few truly bad dragons (meaning the lack of a class bonus won't matter too much)
Unironically the most useful Invoker so far and it's a neutral....this is not a good sign
looks good, but I have doubts about Galakrond Warlock
Good for Highlander Hunter, but is it even necessary at this point?