Probably too much of a gimmick. It's a 10-mana 10/10 that does nothing the turn it's played unless you already have minions in play. Then you put yourself on a clock and try to just facerace your opponent with minions.
Aggressive decks can't run it because it's too slow.
That being said, this is probably why they nerfed Kael'thas over Denathrius, because holy fuck would this be toxic if you could drop it on 6.
I actually wonder if you could put this in Ramp Druid, drop it with Naga Giants and just rely ony bumrushing your opponents with minions that can't be removed easily. Maybe Quest Priest stock rises once again.
Should be amazing in Shaman and decent in other classes as well even though you will probably play the un-infused version more often than not.
Even as a 6-mana Assassinate it still gives a lot of classes hard removal that they otherwise have no real access too while occasionally being an even better removal tool.
Looks like a good inclusion for a variety of currently popular decks, but my god will it be disgusting in Shaman with Bolner. I guess they might have to nerf Macaw after all.
Theotar is just too cheap. You don't make a sacrifice by playing him, you just toss him out whenever you think you can get value out of him and you're not just dead on board.
It's not even just a anti-win condition, he can just straight up ruin your curve and tempo just by being played on curve.
For what he is able to do he should probably cost 5-mana. Right now there just isn't any downside to playing him, even if your opponent isn't playing a lategame strategy.
Yeah but Wild Spirits is just a good card to play. It doesn't win you the game by itself, it's just gives you the tempo you need to compete with other decks.
Wildseeds already got a pretty brutal nerf with the Stag (which carried you against Mage and Druid harder than anything else in the deck).
We don't nerf good cards for being good, we nerf them for being too good or somehow warping the meta around them. Wild Spirits does neither.
Why would they nerf Hunter and more importantly why Wild Spirits of all things? The class is already close to dead and only Quest Hunter is a thing and Wild Spirits is certainly not what breaks that deck
See I never get this criticism. Just because they have reptilian features doesn't mean they need to function fully like reptiles. Mammary glands are there to nurse offspring, nothings says that a species of reptile-humanoid hybrids can't lay eggs and then nurse the hatchlings.
If a Platypus can lay eggs while being a mammal I don't see why we can't have lizards with tits.
Some products, like Pre-Purchase Bundles, the Hearthstone Tavern Pass, and Packs (purchasing more than one at a time) will be able to be purchased with money or Runestones. A few other select products, like individual packs and cosmetics crafted in the Collection, will remain purchasable with only Gold.
Doesn't appear to be the case for now. Right now they're mostly targetted at BG, but maybe they're gonna be used for main game cosmetics as well, but the essential purchases like Tavern pass and pre-orders will still be available for money directly.
Yaaaay, in-game currency, totally what this game needed.
Fucking hell, one of the better parts of Hearthstone's monetization was that you would always know what you were paying for, but now you're gonna go ahead and add an unnecessary middleman so you can discreetly fuck with the pricing.
Wouldn't be surprised if this Runestone shit makes it into regular Hearthstone as well.
Thank fuck I don't actually care about BGs but my heart goes out to anyone that does.
I did Flower Power in Wild with the Uldum Quest (also there's more 10-mana spells there). Was pretty easy there but it's understandable if most people don't have access to that.
If you have Guff you can try to combo with Fandral though.
So, I've been playing Face Hunter quite comfortably and never actually pulled off the double Collateral because I just never needed it so I feel like it's safe to say the deck didn't rely on cheese to win. The Stag nerf will hurt it, but that is probably good because quite frankly, it's not all that interactive of a deck. Might even make the deck slow down enought to include Tavish or something.
I heavily disagree that the Stag nerf was unnecessary. Getting 8-damage for as little as 2-mana is kind of nuts and makes Hunter way more dangerous.
Face Hunter is carried hard by Stag at the moment and even the other Hunter decks still appreciate extra reach (or just removal). Sure, it's not gonna make Quest Hunter balanced all of a sudden, but it'll have an effect.
Now I wonder...will the Wildseed nerf gives us refunds for all of the Wildseed cards? Because that would be ultra-sweet
Snowfall Guardian nerf I don't like entirely. I wish they would have made it a 5-mana 4/4 instead so you can more easily combo it with Cheaty Snobold. I really want proper Freeze Shaman back and now that the guardian itself isn't a win condition anymore, it should at least be a better utility tool. It already sucks compared to Varden.
Library nerf is good I guess.
Alignment nerf is 100% feels based because the card is almost unplayable at the moment, but it's also 100% deserved because fuck that thing (also I want my 800 dust back)
Orion's not even good and they're already printing hate cards lmao
Though it makes me wonder, is there a deck that benefits from their own secrets not triggering for a while?
Probably too much of a gimmick. It's a 10-mana 10/10 that does nothing the turn it's played unless you already have minions in play. Then you put yourself on a clock and try to just facerace your opponent with minions.
Aggressive decks can't run it because it's too slow.
That being said, this is probably why they nerfed Kael'thas over Denathrius, because holy fuck would this be toxic if you could drop it on 6.
I actually wonder if you could put this in Ramp Druid, drop it with Naga Giants and just rely ony bumrushing your opponents with minions that can't be removed easily. Maybe Quest Priest stock rises once again.
Should be amazing in Shaman and decent in other classes as well even though you will probably play the un-infused version more often than not.
Even as a 6-mana Assassinate it still gives a lot of classes hard removal that they otherwise have no real access too while occasionally being an even better removal tool.
Looks like a good inclusion for a variety of currently popular decks, but my god will it be disgusting in Shaman with Bolner. I guess they might have to nerf Macaw after all.
Hell yeah, finally black people can use Mind Control as well
Boo you coward, you edited it and now I look insane
Look...I don't really care that much for puns but I have to respect them for their commitment.
Does the Tyrande skin looke low resolution to anyone else? It's really awkward
I love that their idea of "legendary skins" for Battlegrounds is just what reegular skins are in traditional Hearthstone.
Theotar is just too cheap. You don't make a sacrifice by playing him, you just toss him out whenever you think you can get value out of him and you're not just dead on board.
It's not even just a anti-win condition, he can just straight up ruin your curve and tempo just by being played on curve.
For what he is able to do he should probably cost 5-mana. Right now there just isn't any downside to playing him, even if your opponent isn't playing a lategame strategy.
Yeah but Wild Spirits is just a good card to play. It doesn't win you the game by itself, it's just gives you the tempo you need to compete with other decks.
Wildseeds already got a pretty brutal nerf with the Stag (which carried you against Mage and Druid harder than anything else in the deck).
We don't nerf good cards for being good, we nerf them for being too good or somehow warping the meta around them. Wild Spirits does neither.
Why would they nerf Hunter and more importantly why Wild Spirits of all things? The class is already close to dead and only Quest Hunter is a thing and Wild Spirits is certainly not what breaks that deck
See I never get this criticism. Just because they have reptilian features doesn't mean they need to function fully like reptiles. Mammary glands are there to nurse offspring, nothings says that a species of reptile-humanoid hybrids can't lay eggs and then nurse the hatchlings.
If a Platypus can lay eggs while being a mammal I don't see why we can't have lizards with tits.
The tumbnail made me realize that Hedra has a great rack but a terrible case of butterface.
That's it, that's my contribution for today.
Doesn't appear to be the case for now. Right now they're mostly targetted at BG, but maybe they're gonna be used for main game cosmetics as well, but the essential purchases like Tavern pass and pre-orders will still be available for money directly.
Yaaaay, in-game currency, totally what this game needed.
Fucking hell, one of the better parts of Hearthstone's monetization was that you would always know what you were paying for, but now you're gonna go ahead and add an unnecessary middleman so you can discreetly fuck with the pricing.
Wouldn't be surprised if this Runestone shit makes it into regular Hearthstone as well.
Thank fuck I don't actually care about BGs but my heart goes out to anyone that does.
Boy I sure hope they playtested that Abyssal Depths buff. There was a reason they shipped it at 4 and I'm worried we might regret this down the line.
I did Flower Power in Wild with the Uldum Quest (also there's more 10-mana spells there). Was pretty easy there but it's understandable if most people don't have access to that.
If you have Guff you can try to combo with Fandral though.
So, I've been playing Face Hunter quite comfortably and never actually pulled off the double Collateral because I just never needed it so I feel like it's safe to say the deck didn't rely on cheese to win. The Stag nerf will hurt it, but that is probably good because quite frankly, it's not all that interactive of a deck. Might even make the deck slow down enought to include Tavish or something.
I heavily disagree that the Stag nerf was unnecessary. Getting 8-damage for as little as 2-mana is kind of nuts and makes Hunter way more dangerous.
Face Hunter is carried hard by Stag at the moment and even the other Hunter decks still appreciate extra reach (or just removal). Sure, it's not gonna make Quest Hunter balanced all of a sudden, but it'll have an effect.
Now I wonder...will the Wildseed nerf gives us refunds for all of the Wildseed cards? Because that would be ultra-sweet
Snowfall Guardian nerf I don't like entirely. I wish they would have made it a 5-mana 4/4 instead so you can more easily combo it with Cheaty Snobold. I really want proper Freeze Shaman back and now that the guardian itself isn't a win condition anymore, it should at least be a better utility tool. It already sucks compared to Varden.
Library nerf is good I guess.
Alignment nerf is 100% feels based because the card is almost unplayable at the moment, but it's also 100% deserved because fuck that thing (also I want my 800 dust back)