This makes or breaks Secret Mage (and possibly Rogue). All the awkward synergies are now so much easier to pull off, now all we need is to build a deck around that.
Anything that has the potential to cost 0 is good. Lifesteal is also good as a defensive tool. I could see this in some slower decks and of course traditional murloc aggro (and other token builds)
Yeah this is good. It's burn for Warrior which is great because they can buff it in several ways and have a location to back it up. Don't underestimate burn damage can easily discount Big Totem and NAga Giant and make a fat board with this...but would that even be enough these days? 8-mana is a lot and SHaman doesn't have mana cheating for spells (outside of Far Sight)
Why is this a class card? Yeah sure, you combo it with Muck Pools and get happy or you do some Bolner stuff, but overall this is just lame and a waste of a card slot for Shaman.
Seems like a really weak card unless there'S something specific you want to cheat out without playing it from hand.
What an utterly random card to print. I guess being a permanent buff
Maybe if there'S some Beast deck with only limited Beasts it could have some use.
This makes or breaks Secret Mage (and possibly Rogue). All the awkward synergies are now so much easier to pull off, now all we need is to build a deck around that.
Anything that has the potential to cost 0 is good. Lifesteal is also good as a defensive tool. I could see this in some slower decks and of course traditional murloc aggro (and other token builds)
What's the point exactly? Did they just run out of cards to print and so they added filler? Could have at least made it a 6-mana 6/7 for the memes.
What exactly do we do with this? Put it into DR Druid and hopes it highrolls? Feels to inconsistent for me.
Massive boost for Druid and other Big decks.
They really do be giving card draw to face decks, aren't they?
Sounds too gimmicky. What would you even want to copy with this? Can't even run it with The Countess for obvious reasons.
10/10 card, go fuck yourself Kazakusan and Prestor, go be degenerates somewhere else.
100% putting this into every deck just out of spite (also kills Quest Priest lmao)
Trash, most classes have better options to do just this but more reliable.
This could be ridiculous on curve. It's basically Armor Smith but instead of healing you it just scales your threats, that has to count for something.
Yeah this is good. It's burn for Warrior which is great because they can buff it in several ways and have a location to back it up. Don't underestimate burn damage
If you can reliably infuse this it's actually nuts.
What if we ran the Quest just to tutor this to infuse it and then play a more classic tempo approach that doesn't entirely rely on the Quest to win?
Either way, with any other weapon tutor this is still a consideration. We're talking +6/+6 stats total and you can get two procs for no cost.
Lmao, Joust.
Still terrible, don't even bother. We have Forged in Flames, we don't need this at all.
Not even Pirate Warrior would run this because they just have no use for the weapon. What's the point of this?
Isn't this kind of bonkers? Just two mana for omni-rush with built-in protection. That's a big swing if you can set it up properly.
Really hoping for some actual discard support next expanions. This is underwhelming otherwise. Deadly Shot for free is still just Deadly shot. can easily discount Big Totem and NAga Giant and make a fat board with this...but would that even be enough these days? 8-mana is a lot and SHaman doesn't have mana cheating for spells (outside of Far Sight)
Why is this a class card? Yeah sure, you combo it with Muck Pools and get happy or you do some Bolner stuff, but overall this is just lame and a waste of a card slot for Shaman.