Would be a staple in today'S meta because of how much decks rely on playing on curve. NO idea if that still applies a month from now, but I'd keep an eye on this, it's strong. At the very least it improves Quest Priest
See ya when this gets nerfed to 7-mana and (1)-mana reduction after a week.. Why would they ever do this when they had to re-nerf the original after it instnatly broke Wild.
In Standard this is garbage because even if we got more Discard support it would never justify dumping your entire hand to hope for a better apyoff later.
In Wild however this makes Quest Discolock so much more fun, it's unreal.
Sounds too gimmicky to work but the empty-headed gremlins that still insist that the paint by numbers experience of Quest Priest counts as fun will probably slot this in for no reason whatsoever and somehow ruin your day with it.
Sounds really fucking strong, although I hate the variance. You always want Stag and whenever your opponent gets the 1/3 you're gonna be really pissed about it.
I think of this as Millhouse without a drawback (-1 in hand probably won't matter in the super aggro archetype). This can't be dealt with on curve so it's great tempo. I would absolutely play this.
Now with all the Relics revealed this could actually be nuts. Drawing two cards that get reduced by like 2 or 3-mana. And then doing it once more with an even ebtter discount is kinda crazy.
But it's still gonna be a slow plan so it might just fall apart in the first 5 turns.
This is just an insane card. Ignore the discard, this is a 4-mana 7/7 that draws 3 cards and can easily be tutored via Tuskpiercer. Play Vomit DH, fill your deck with aggressive low cost stuff that isn't essential and just drop this guy on 4 every time. He'll completely dumpster slow decks who will have to tech SPECIFICALLY to deal with him on curve (which will still refill your hand and keep you going).
Don't care about the Quilboar meme though, that's too inconsistent. Just play your hand in the first 3 turns and it's virtually the same.
Would be a staple in today'S meta because of how much decks rely on playing on curve. NO idea if that still applies a month from now, but I'd keep an eye on this, it's strong. At the very least it improves Quest Priest
Could be useful in Druid and Hunter but it's a bit awkward.
stuff that has to die to kill something is inherently anti-tempo.
Naxx out?
This is just a juiced up Sludgebelcher that comes down a turn too late. No idea what deck would want this.
probably too weak for constructed, but pretty decent in Arena.
Could act as a pseudo Multicaster in token decks, but it'S awfully slow.
See ya when this gets nerfed to 7-mana and (1)-mana reduction after a week.. Why would they ever do this when they had to re-nerf the original after it instnatly broke Wild.
It's not terrible or hard to activate, but I question whether a wall of medium taunts really justifies a deckslot.
In Standard this is garbage because even if we got more Discard support it would never justify dumping your entire hand to hope for a better apyoff later.
In Wild however this makes Quest Discolock so much more fun, it's unreal.
Sounds too gimmicky to work but the empty-headed gremlins that still insist that the paint by numbers experience of Quest Priest counts as fun will probably slot this in for no reason whatsoever and somehow ruin your day with it.
I feel like this is bad. You don't want to give your opponent a free spell for no reason.
Decent but worthless without a true payoff. Can't run it in Big Beasts because it dilutes the rez pool and small beasts aren't a thing yet.
Can't play it on curve unless you get insanely lucky so I doubt it's that good.
Sounds really fucking strong, although I hate the variance. You always want Stag and whenever your opponent gets the 1/3 you're gonna be really pissed about it.
Pretty solid tempo play for Druid. It's like that one pirate except unconditional.
Voracious reader on a stick. Absolutely cracked.
BUt why do you insist on making hand vomit a playstyle, it's so boring...
I think of this as Millhouse without a drawback (-1 in hand probably won't matter in the super aggro archetype). This can't be dealt with on curve so it's great tempo. I would absolutely play this.
Now with all the Relics revealed this could actually be nuts. Drawing two cards that get reduced by like 2 or 3-mana. And then doing it once more with an even ebtter discount is kinda crazy.
But it's still gonna be a slow plan so it might just fall apart in the first 5 turns.
This is just an insane card. Ignore the discard, this is a 4-mana 7/7 that draws 3 cards and can easily be tutored via Tuskpiercer. Play Vomit DH, fill your deck with aggressive low cost stuff that isn't essential and just drop this guy on 4 every time. He'll completely dumpster slow decks who will have to tech SPECIFICALLY to deal with him on curve (which will still refill your hand and keep you going).
Don't care about the Quilboar meme though, that's too inconsistent. Just play your hand in the first 3 turns and it's virtually the same.
I was going to write this off as janky garbage but then I remembered Druid has a Deathrattle thing going on.
That's a big difference.
Now we only need to worry about finding some degenerate combo to abuse with this.
Looks good. BAsically a discover with a -1 discount as long as you cast instantly, but even without that it's still just a good flex card to have.
Not as good as NAture studies though.
Very bizarre Arcane tag, but it's a good spell. Should be a useful migame bomb for token Druids