Jury Duty could easily cost 2-mana and still be balanced, but they just had to make it 3-mana while synergizing with nothing but the most worthless archetype right now.
Clear Conscience seems like a gimmick. We've done this before with the Unicorn and it wasn't worth the trouble. Spell based removal is also not really all that common these days.
Psychic just seems overbalanced. Could have been a 3-mana 2/4.
Theft accusation sounds fun, but also impractical. Why play it when The LIght, it Burns does effectively the same job.
Arson Accusation is actually pretty good and makes me wonder if we might get to a point where Questlock makes some sort of return (perhaps as an Imp hybrid with the Jailer on top just for the memes?)
Habeas corpses could be neat but there'S no such thing as a Deathrattle Warlock so I don't see how that would work.
Imposter feels kind of pointless unless you're insisting on going for Dark Alley Pact, Other than that, there's not really any Imp that you'd want to transform into because they all cost 3 or less. The only exception being a Library buffed Imp of course, but I'M not sure that'S enough reason to justify running it.
It's actually good but Rogue doesn't need it. Quest Rogue has better removal options, and Thief Rogue doesn't really hurt in terms of removal either, so there's no real point to this, especially since it's useless if your opponent only has a single big minion in play.
It replaces the awful Kidnap as the third Secret in the build, which should be enough for the Secret shell to be a consideration, although whether that's enough to make it playable is another story.
Isn't Stenographer just Frostwolf Warmaster...but worse? Like...it's a strictly more expensive version of a neutral card from 2 expansions ago that didn't even see play when Rogue had a deck whose entire gameplan was to play like 20 cards a turn and all it gets as an upgrade is Rush. It's basically just Umbral Owl except trash and Gnoll is better anyways
I'm not sure how to evaluate this one, but I don't feel like she is great. The bigger the hand the more impact it has, theoretically, but if they can "chain" the left-most or right-most like you can chain regular Outcast, then really all you're doing is messing up the order they play stuff in. As in, if they play the left-most card and now can play the new left-most card, you haven't locked them out of playing XYZ; they'll just play it ZXY or however it falls in their hand. Could be important against Combos, sure, but if they're just tempo-ing or dumping their hand it might not mean much.
Edit: Okay, thinking about it more, my real concern is the lack of a middle-ground. Either you lock them out like Brandon suggested above me, or you more-or-less whiff on it and they play their cards. Either-way, I'm not happy with this taking up a Legendary slot.
*shrugs* More disruption is more disruption, but did it need to exist and take up a Legendary?
On the contrary, if this is actually good, would you want it to be played twice per game?
People really seem to be underrating this. It's basically Okani except you can't really play around it and if it connects well you basically lose an entire turn.
Would be a complete meme if it wasn't for the fact that Relic DH is actually a legit deck these days. That deck wants nothing more than to stall enemy power turns and this does just that (unless you get unlucky)
I just wish it had more aggressive stats, like a 3/5, because right now it doesn#t really contest the board all that well
This looks too gimmicky to be a real thing. It hardcounters a few decks, but most of the time you're basically paying 5-mana to get one of your opponent's 4-drops or something.
Hell, even against decks that run a dedicated Big package like hunter it probably only pulls something valuable about 50% of the time while the other time you just waste your mana.
Also they have a chance to do the same to you so unless your deck only runs trash minions this miight just backfire in the long run.
Jury Duty could easily cost 2-mana and still be balanced, but they just had to make it 3-mana while synergizing with nothing but the most worthless archetype right now.
Just seems way too clunky. Even in Rat Hunter this probably won't be consistent enough to run and Rat Hunter is an unplayable deck.
I don't know why they would limit the Infuse to Beasts on this one specifically
Probably not worth running in your deck, but will be amazing from Beaststalker Tavish if you're trying to close out the game.
Sounds pretty strong.
Combos with azsharan Saber and Mountain Bear for a reasonable cost. just more stuff for Beast Hunter, which is already just a pile of stats
Clear Conscience seems like a gimmick. We've done this before with the Unicorn and it wasn't worth the trouble. Spell based removal is also not really all that common these days.
Psychic just seems overbalanced. Could have been a 3-mana 2/4.
Theft accusation sounds fun, but also impractical. Why play it when The LIght, it Burns does effectively the same job.
This looks exceptionally bad unless it just perfectly fits into your big spam turn.
Also, why do we keep pushing a Rogue deck that does nothing for 5 turns and then just wins out of nowhere? What happened to interactive gameplay?
ACtually a good secret. It's guaranteed to stick for a turn so you can curve it into the 3-drop and it gives you way more options for trickery
My brother in christ you literally said it looks pretty weak. How else am I going to interpret that sentence?
How does something that's basically Assassinate + card draw look weak to you?
Arson Accusation is actually pretty good and makes me wonder if we might get to a point where Questlock makes some sort of return (perhaps as an Imp hybrid with the Jailer on top just for the memes?)
Habeas corpses could be neat but there'S no such thing as a Deathrattle Warlock so I don't see how that would work.
Imposter feels kind of pointless unless you're insisting on going for Dark Alley Pact, Other than that, there's not really any Imp that you'd want to transform into because they all cost 3 or less. The only exception being a Library buffed Imp of course, but I'M not sure that'S enough reason to justify running it.
It's actually good but Rogue doesn't need it. Quest Rogue has better removal options, and Thief Rogue doesn't really hurt in terms of removal either, so there's no real point to this, especially since it's useless if your opponent only has a single big minion in play.
It replaces the awful Kidnap as the third Secret in the build, which should be enough for the Secret shell to be a consideration, although whether that's enough to make it playable is another story.
"They have no idea what this is and neither do I"
Isn't Stenographer just Frostwolf Warmaster...but worse? Like...it's a strictly more expensive version of a neutral card from 2 expansions ago that didn't even see play when Rogue had a deck whose entire gameplan was to play like 20 cards a turn and all it gets as an upgrade is Rush. It's basically just Umbral Owl except trash and Gnoll is better anyways
On the contrary, if this is actually good, would you want it to be played twice per game?
People really seem to be underrating this. It's basically Okani except you can't really play around it and if it connects well you basically lose an entire turn.
Would be a complete meme if it wasn't for the fact that Relic DH is actually a legit deck these days. That deck wants nothing more than to stall enemy power turns and this does just that (unless you get unlucky)
I just wish it had more aggressive stats, like a 3/5, because right now it doesn#t really contest the board all that well
This looks too gimmicky to be a real thing. It hardcounters a few decks, but most of the time you're basically paying 5-mana to get one of your opponent's 4-drops or something.
Hell, even against decks that run a dedicated Big package like hunter it probably only pulls something valuable about 50% of the time while the other time you just waste your mana.
Also they have a chance to do the same to you so unless your deck only runs trash minions this miight just backfire in the long run.
NEat big Priest tech though I suppose
THis might not be terrible but it's hard to evaluate currently.
The concept of being able to basically infuse your entire deck in one turn is pretty massve if you think about it.
Just imagine Hunter being able to just drop Altimor from a topdeck...or Warlock doing it with Rafaam.
At the same time, when do you have time to play this without losing tempo?