Druid will be tier 1 if the Pride Seeker + Celestial Alignment interaaaction works like it should. It'll be nerfed within a week.
Outside of that I could see Beast Druid working out and possibly overshadow Taunt Aggro.
Token DH could very well work depending on what else is meta. Big Demons won't unless the deck gets bufs to key cards.
Big Spell Mage could work but looks very confusing to build and I have no idea how to properly do it.
Frost Shaman could unironically work, but the fact that only 2 of the Frost spells are reasonable inclusions makes Gla'shear a bit of a difficult win condition to activate (I'm personally convinced that as long as you can reasonably build around Multicaster any Shaman deck has a future).
Hunter is ...weird? Secret Hunter has all the shell but no core. Currently no point in running it over Face Hunter unless abusing Petting Zoo becomes consistent enough. Big Beasts is probably a meme but Ram enables mana cheating so I wouldn't rule it out entirely.
Don't know what Paladin is doing but I doubt Big Paladin will ever be a thing without a dedicated legendary.
Deathrattle Priest is probably too slow for now. Tempo Priest looks confusing but has potential. turn 2 6/6 is no joke.
Rogue does Rogue things. Burgle Rogue would be good if there was an actual win condition. I doubt you can fuse BUrgle with Quest but it would be an interesting idea because the payoff cards are actually strong.
Warlock will keep doing Quest things until Flesh Giant and Raise Dead rotate entirely. I guess it's one more year of this shit. I'm gonna try to do Big Demon Handlock because there'S technically enough support for it but I doubt it goes anywhere. Egg Zoolock should be a thing in some capacity. It sounds too good not to be.
Warrior will keep playing pirates and experimenting with Control. Depending on how board focussed the meta is Control Warrior can reasonably exist. Possibility for Galvangar OTK exists.
Honestly, the meta won't feel too different from what it is now (which is good because we have lots of different meta decks atm) but there's still possibilities for shakeups. I'm also pretty sure that if the present OTK decks persist they will be dealt with eventually (at least the ones that don't die post rotation such as Garotte Rogue and Celestial Druid)
I just want Big Spell Mage to work in some capacity although I doubt it (have you tried building that deck? Half of your deck doesn't become playable until turn 7).
I also want another round of buffs to some of the older archetypes that still won't work even with the new support (namely Big Demon DH. Just unnerf Priestess of Fury, you know you want to)
I would agree with you but in Rokara's book Dawngrasp is all "hell yeah, for the Horde." which kinda goes aagainst the whole "neutral party" idea. I wish that was a stronger part of their character, something that would have come up more during the books.
Hell, Scabbs is more outspoken about this when he says "the SI:7 told me to hate the Horde but these guys seem alright".
I'm not upset about them being rational, I just don'T buy that this flavorless cardboard cutout of a character would be the one to unite the tribes and save the world. I guess we'll see how it turns out.
So the problem here is that all the other mercs have gotten a lot of characterization even before their dedicated books. Cariel got a lot of character in Kurtrus' book, both Tavish and Scabbs, despite being relatively simple characters overall, have been quite well established in both Xyrella's and Kurtrus' book. Bru'kan is similarly established and Guff arguably received more characterization in all the other books rather than his own.
Meanwhile I barely know how I would describe Dawngrasp. I guess the best description would be the as an "academic" type, focussed on research and such? They come off as way more off a plot device than a character. They show up with Kazakus (for reasons not yet revealed) only to get captured by the Alliance and sent to Stormwind to kick off the Horde gang's journey there and then in Stormwind they're yet another plot device to help Scabbs break out of prison and later assist in the Deadmines.
Now it seems like they're going to be the big "uniter" against the greater evil and...I just don't buy it. From what we have so far Dawngrasp doesn't have the charisma to believably end the fucking race war. They're just...bland, which would be fine if they remained a supporting character with little personal agency (like Scabbs and Rokara to some extent) but when they are apparently the centerpiece of the grand finale...that just kinda worries me.
Magister is a humble title for one who united warring armies against the greatest threat to Azeroth.
Please tell me they're not gonna make Dawngrasp "the most bestest and important character evarrrrr UWU" after 6 books of barely any characterization and general lack of contribution to the overall story.
Eat shit Quest Mage, guess you needed Minions after all, huh?
(IN any other matchup this is just awful unless your opponent literally has no way to just take it out with a 1-drop)
Wouldn't quest mage not care about this though? You either leave it stealthed (where it does no pressure against them) or you go face, and then use Runed Orb to kill it off. Or I missing some thought process here?
Point is that they can't clear it with a minion so you're basically getting a 2-mana 4/2 with stealth that's almost guaranteed to go face.
Boy this really demonstrates just how OP Apotheosis used to be (and technically still is). I guess Samuro gets a new gimmick in Paladin although I'm uncertain whether this is good enough outside of specific combos.
This wouldn't work with Sammy boy. Divine shield would prevent his frenzy effect from proccing
Oh wow I completely blanked on that. What the hell is this for then? Paladin doesn't even need that kind of healing.
This looks shockingly powerful for a random neutral. I mean, I don't know what kind of deck I would put this in right now but if you manage to get more than 2 procs off it's kind of nutty.
reminds me too much of Belligerent Gnome. That card looked great but most of the time you just don't want to wait until your opponent has a board to respond to it. Also, 1-damage isn't a lot.
I have no idea what this is supposed to enable but I am vaguely scared of it. Also, waht happens if it swaps a minion with 0-attack? Does the card die in hand or only when it hits the field?
Neutral Frost tutor, what a world. Unfortunately I think at 4-mana it's just too expensive. Mage doesn't need it and Shaman probably has better options as well.
I guess it opens up certain combos if you are looking for a specific Frost spell in other classes.
This might unironically be a threat. It's an elemental so it gets can get its cost reduced and if you combine it with a single Frost spell it already gets great stats for its cost. Could easily snowball (heh) hard in a dedicated frost deck. +2/+2 per frost spell is nothing to laugh at.
This almost makes me hope for a Vanessa skin on the Tavern Pass (for regular Hearthstone I mean) but I doubt they'll do it so soon after Edwin.
How about..like...a new zone insteaad of just tagging stuff onto Blackrock?
Druid will be tier 1 if the Pride Seeker + Celestial Alignment interaaaction works like it should. It'll be nerfed within a week.
Outside of that I could see Beast Druid working out and possibly overshadow Taunt Aggro.
Token DH could very well work depending on what else is meta. Big Demons won't unless the deck gets bufs to key cards.
Big Spell Mage could work but looks very confusing to build and I have no idea how to properly do it.
Frost Shaman could unironically work, but the fact that only 2 of the Frost spells are reasonable inclusions makes Gla'shear a bit of a difficult win condition to activate (I'm personally convinced that as long as you can reasonably build around Multicaster any Shaman deck has a future).
Hunter is ...weird? Secret Hunter has all the shell but no core. Currently no point in running it over Face Hunter unless abusing Petting Zoo becomes consistent enough. Big Beasts is probably a meme but Ram enables mana cheating so I wouldn't rule it out entirely.
Don't know what Paladin is doing but I doubt Big Paladin will ever be a thing without a dedicated legendary.
Deathrattle Priest is probably too slow for now. Tempo Priest looks confusing but has potential. turn 2 6/6 is no joke.
Rogue does Rogue things. Burgle Rogue would be good if there was an actual win condition. I doubt you can fuse BUrgle with Quest but it would be an interesting idea because the payoff cards are actually strong.
Warlock will keep doing Quest things until Flesh Giant and Raise Dead rotate entirely. I guess it's one more year of this shit. I'm gonna try to do Big Demon Handlock because there'S technically enough support for it but I doubt it goes anywhere. Egg Zoolock should be a thing in some capacity. It sounds too good not to be.
Warrior will keep playing pirates and experimenting with Control. Depending on how board focussed the meta is Control Warrior can reasonably exist. Possibility for Galvangar OTK exists.
Honestly, the meta won't feel too different from what it is now (which is good because we have lots of different meta decks atm) but there's still possibilities for shakeups. I'm also pretty sure that if the present OTK decks persist they will be dealt with eventually (at least the ones that don't die post rotation such as Garotte Rogue and Celestial Druid)
I just want Big Spell Mage to work in some capacity although I doubt it (have you tried building that deck? Half of your deck doesn't become playable until turn 7).
I also want another round of buffs to some of the older archetypes that still won't work even with the new support (namely Big Demon DH. Just unnerf Priestess of Fury, you know you want to)
I would agree with you but in Rokara's book Dawngrasp is all "hell yeah, for the Horde." which kinda goes aagainst the whole "neutral party" idea. I wish that was a stronger part of their character, something that would have come up more during the books.
Hell, Scabbs is more outspoken about this when he says "the SI:7 told me to hate the Horde but these guys seem alright".
I'm not upset about them being rational, I just don'T buy that this flavorless cardboard cutout of a character would be the one to unite the tribes and save the world. I guess we'll see how it turns out.
So the problem here is that all the other mercs have gotten a lot of characterization even before their dedicated books. Cariel got a lot of character in Kurtrus' book, both Tavish and Scabbs, despite being relatively simple characters overall, have been quite well established in both Xyrella's and Kurtrus' book. Bru'kan is similarly established and Guff arguably received more characterization in all the other books rather than his own.
Meanwhile I barely know how I would describe Dawngrasp. I guess the best description would be the as an "academic" type, focussed on research and such? They come off as way more off a plot device than a character. They show up with Kazakus (for reasons not yet revealed) only to get captured by the Alliance and sent to Stormwind to kick off the Horde gang's journey there and then in Stormwind they're yet another plot device to help Scabbs break out of prison and later assist in the Deadmines.
Now it seems like they're going to be the big "uniter" against the greater evil and...I just don't buy it. From what we have so far Dawngrasp doesn't have the charisma to believably end the fucking race war. They're just...bland, which would be fine if they remained a supporting character with little personal agency (like Scabbs and Rokara to some extent) but when they are apparently the centerpiece of the grand finale...that just kinda worries me.
Please tell me they're not gonna make Dawngrasp "the most bestest and important character evarrrrr UWU" after 6 books of barely any characterization and general lack of contribution to the overall story.
Point is that they can't clear it with a minion so you're basically getting a 2-mana 4/2 with stealth that's almost guaranteed to go face.
They're actually just shitposting with Deathrattle Rogue at this point.
"Lmao, just play somebody else's deathrattles you dumb cuck"
Oh well, next expansion then.
Oh wow I completely blanked on that. What the hell is this for then? Paladin doesn't even need that kind of healing.
This looks shockingly powerful for a random neutral. I mean, I don't know what kind of deck I would put this in right now but if you manage to get more than 2 procs off it's kind of nutty.
That'S some neat Redundancy for Rush Warrior and some pretty alright support for other token or beast decks.
Hell, I'd put it on a similar level as Wandmaker because it gives you free removal for future turns which can't be bad.
Eat shit Quest Mage, guess you needed Minions after all, huh?
(IN any other matchup this is just awful unless your opponent literally has no way to just take it out with a 1-drop)
Arena filler but at least it has a useful effect.
reminds me too much of Belligerent Gnome. That card looked great but most of the time you just don't want to wait until your opponent has a board to respond to it. Also, 1-damage isn't a lot.
Strong in Arena, unreliable in Constructed. Could be decent as redundancy in Phylactery Warlock, but Nerubian Egg is probably the better choice.
I have no idea what this is supposed to enable but I am vaguely scared of it. Also, waht happens if it swaps a minion with 0-attack? Does the card die in hand or only when it hits the field?
Sounds a bit too weak. 4-mana 6/6 is great in Arena but in constructed you can do way more proactive stuff for that mana cost.
Neutral Frost tutor, what a world. Unfortunately I think at 4-mana it's just too expensive. Mage doesn't need it and Shaman probably has better options as well.
I guess it opens up certain combos if you are looking for a specific Frost spell in other classes.
This might unironically be a threat. It's an elemental so it gets can get its cost reduced and if you combine it with a single Frost spell it already gets great stats for its cost. Could easily snowball (heh) hard in a dedicated frost deck. +2/+2 per frost spell is nothing to laugh at.