It's a brand new month, and a brand new month means a whole new ladder climb. In the new ranked system, everyone starts out at the bottom - though still matched against players of similar skill - so if you want to push back up the ranks quickly then these decks from HSReplay will be sure to help you out.
Tempo Demon Hunter (HSReplay)
Tempo Demon Hunter - 61% WR HSReplay
A Tempo Demon Hunter Deck created by
ShadowsOfSense. Last updated 4 years, 7 months ago
- 2x Battlefiend
- 2x Blazing Battlemage
- 2x Crimson Sigil Runner
- 2x Twin Slice
- 1x Acidic Swamp Ooze
- 2x Chaos Strike
- 1x Sightless Watcher
- 2x Umberwing
- 2x Eye Beam
- 2x Satyr Overseer
- 1x Altruis the Outcast
- 1x Kayn Sunfury
- 1x Metamorphosis
- 2x Raging Felscreamer
- 2x Glaivebound Adept
- 1x Warglaives of Azzinoth
- 2x Skull of Gul'dan
- 2x Priestess of Fury
Highlander Hunter (HSReplay)
Highlander Hunter - 60% WR HSReplay
A Highlander Hunter Deck created by
ShadowsOfSense. Last updated 4 years, 7 months ago
- 1x Blazing Battlemage
- 1x Dwarven Sharpshooter
- 1x Tracking
- 1x Acidic Swamp Ooze
- 1x Corrosive Breath
- 1x Faerie Dragon
- 1x Freezing Trap
- 1x Imprisoned Felmaw
- 1x Phase Stalker
- 1x Scavenger's Ingenuity
- 1x Snake Trap
- 1x Zephrys the Great
- 1x Animal Companion
- 1x Desert Spear
- 1x Diving Gryphon
- 1x Kill Command
- 1x Primordial Explorer
- 1x Stormhammer
- 1x Unleash the Hounds
- 1x Zixor, Apex Predator
- 1x Dragonbane
- 1x Evasive Feywing
- 1x Maiev Shadowsong
- 1x Big Ol' Whelp
- 1x Faceless Corruptor
- 1x Rotnest Drake
- 1x Veranus
- 1x Dinotamer Brann
- 1x Siamat
- 1x Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
Face Hunter (HSReplay)
Face Hunter - 59% WR HSReplay
A Face Hunter Deck created by
ShadowsOfSense. Last updated 4 years, 7 months ago
- 2x Arcane Shot
- 2x Blazing Battlemage
- 2x Dwarven Sharpshooter
- 2x Leper Gnome
- 2x Toxic Reinforcements
- 2x Tracking
- 2x Explosive Trap
- 2x Kobold Sandtrooper
- 1x Pack Tactics
- 2x Phase Stalker
- 2x Scavenger's Ingenuity
- 2x Animal Companion
- 2x Eaglehorn Bow
- 2x Kill Command
- 2x Unleash the Hounds
- 1x Dragonbane
Egg Warrior (HSReplay)
Egg Warrior - 59% WR HSReplay
A Unknown Warrior Deck created by
ShadowsOfSense. Last updated 4 years, 7 months ago
- 2x Inner Rage
- 2x Risky Skipper
- 2x Sky Raider
- 2x Armorsmith
- 2x Battle Rage
- 2x Corsair Cache
- 2x Rampage
- 2x Serpent Egg
- 1x Ancharrr
- 2x Bloodsworn Mercenary
- 2x Bomb Wrangler
- 2x Livewire Lance
- 1x Teron Gorefiend
- 2x Warmaul Challenger
- 1x Kor'kron Elite
- 2x Bloodboil Brute
- 1x Grommash Hellscream
Zoolock (HSReplay)
Zoolock - 58% WR HSReplay
A Zoolock Deck created by
ShadowsOfSense. Last updated 4 years, 7 months ago
- 2x Beaming Sidekick
- 2x Blazing Battlemage
- 2x Fiendish Servant
- 2x Flame Imp
- 2x Guardian Augmerchant
- 2x Soulfire
- 2x Voidwalker
- 2x Expired Merchant
- 2x Imprisoned Scrap Imp
- 1x Kanrethad Ebonlocke
- 2x Darkglare
- 1x Magic Carpet
- 2x Neferset Thrasher
- 2x Diseased Vulture
- 2x Nightshade Matron
- 2x Hand of Gul'dan
I gotta admit that the Warmaul Challenger is a bit of a crazy card. I dropped it against my opponent that had one and I had an Armorsmith on deck and the opponent conceded. It was pretty hilarious.
Well, I got Kanrethad Ebonlocke from a pack and I thought it was garbage, but it seems I was wrong, I'm definitely going to test that Zoolock build!
So you feel like playing against Demon Hunter or Demon Hunter?
Okay, I really disagree with this emphasis on HS replays stats WHICH HAVE ALWAYS BEEN MISLEADING AND BIASED.
Never ever HSreplay put a control as the top meta deck, even when control groups where the best decks. HS replay will always overrate aggro decks because they are the easiest to play and more players manage to reach the minimum skills to have decent results with them.
HS replays stats shouldn't be used to analyse the meta, it's just wrong. If you listen to HSreplay, totem shaman and murloc pal are actual decks.
Look at this thread : just disgruntled people saying "OMG DH is so imba" "Meta sucks" and such kind of BS, simply because they are presented biased stats and it makes them feel oppressed.
Truth is full aggro decks like zoo warlock and face hunter are not in top 5 decks, not even remotely. Truth is when you get to a rank were people know how to play egg warrior, DH is much weaker. Truth is galakrond priest, galakrond rogue and highlander mage are better decks than some presented in this list.
I'm sorry but this kind of news is not on par with this site's usual standards.
The average player has average skill and thus hsreplay is entirely valid for them.
This thread is about what to ladder with. The audience for laddering is players with average skill.
Discussion of the meta at top ranks is clearly marked in other posts and has not claimed to include totem/murloc decks.
Hsreplay is a basis for argument. Just displaying stats is also a basis for argument. To say that hsreplay is always misleading is just reading the titles. Go a little deeper and you will see why stats are showing the high values as they are. Also analysis requires actual quantitative or qualitative data, and there's nothing wrong using hsreplay stats to justify your reasoning. The content creators are assuredly not idiots enough to just copy paste data, and we as readers are surely not idiots ourselves to blindly believe it.
Hsreplay tends to show the aggregate of all the matchups, which includes favorable matchups like spell druid and poor decks like quest shaman, hence the high aggregate win rate. Totem shaman isnt trash, its just really bad against the current top tier decks like tempo dhunters and rogue.
Also, if you need an illustration of how good tempo dhunters are, just review the innivitational they had last month where the last round featured all classes against dhunters. The participants were all aware of this and built all their decks to counter tempo dhunters. The result was 6-4 if Im not mistaken. And these are decks specifically designed to beat them.
I mean, this data represents games played from Diamond to Legend over the last week, from players enfranchised enough to have HSReplay installed.
Are there decks which can likely counter some of these strong decks? Of course! Can the average player pilot these decks effectively enough to have a better winrate with them? Not always. It's not wrong to tell someone that if they want to ladder as quickly as possible, here's the easy decks to do so.
Zoo and Face Hunter are strong laddering decks because of how quick the games tend to be anyway, not because they're necessarily exceptional in the overall meta. The next level up is looking at HSReplay stats and thinking 'okay, now that I know what the majority are playing what deck can counter that?'.
I see were you're coming from, nevertheless, this article lets people believe that face hunter is a 60% winrate deck and gives a poor image of the meta and the game as a whole.
I'm not making anything up here, just read the comments and you'll see how people to interpret this kind of article. At the very least you should have added a warning comment about how these stats are to be taken with caution.
You also say it's stats from people "enfranchised enough to have HSReplay installed" which actually would be another huge bias in the data : not every game is taken into account, it's just people on a comp try-harding the last days of the season.
And this also induce the major bias in these stats imho : people that played these fast deck in the last week of the season were actually the ones trying to get legend of get higher ranks at the last minute and they needed fast decks. What did other people do? They were playing Libram Paladin or whatever meme deck of their choice and they were not try-harding at all.
We're basically comparing people that really wanted a lot of win in a short time to people that were just enjoying meme decks or testing things, building their own list and such.
Moreover, you say you wanted to emphasis the speed of the climb, but in this case, why not putting the average game time, which HSReplays also provides afaik, instead of win rate alone? This is misleading.
As for the seeing what are the most played decks, I think the best thing would be to recommend people to adapt to what they see instead of what HSReplays says : I've played 50 games in the new season, I'm currently at D5, and I've only met 3 warlocks, why would I care about this class? The sensible choice is to always adapt to what you actually see, instead of to some theorical situation a web site gave you. It teaches you how to tune your decklists and become a better player.
But it's just my opinion, feel free to discard it.
it would be interesting to see this for the wild
Honesly, it took me 1 day to get to diamond 6 with a zoo warlock (my own list) and a x8 multiplier. The way to beat DH is to drown him in scrap imps and shadow council demons. Getting a 7/12 hulking overfiend helps as well!
I tried Standard after AoO, but honestly I'm done with it, again.
I just don't see the point, it's just a Wild with restricted card pool, but the powerlevel of topdecks is possibly even more oppressive, especially that of the obnoxious DH.
DH is actually even more hateful now, because it's a meta tyrant in the face of the nerfs, it feels like we're being trolled...
Dhunters are at the point very similar to odd paladin where nearly every deck must somehow stuff a few 2 damage removal somewhere inside and if you don't draw it you're just dead. Even if you do, its kinda like odd paladin, they just repopulate the board and you're stuck trying to somehow regain tempo and remove the minions on board. And like odd paladin it sometimes just squeezes a win even when you're doing everything right.
But to be honest I don't really think dhunters is broken or needs a nerf. But tempo dhunter decks skew the meter so drastically that you cant build decks that can take down dhunters and still be decently equipped against the other meta decks like rogue or priest. Its just depressing when trying out deck building something different.
Either tweak the design for dhunters, or introduce some proper hate cards at the same level as Dragonmaw Poacher. Bringing back Glacial Shard would be a start
Im still at bronze, and added stars or not, its just going to be a boring grind getting back to diamond.
How to fix Demon Hunter:
Twin Slice: Nerf to 1 mana while keeping Second Slice at 0 mana. It's not a twinspell!
Chaos Strike: Nerf to 3 mana.
Skull of Gul'dan: Nerf mana discount to 2 mana.
Priestess of Fury: Nerf health to 5.
Altruis the Outcast: Nerf ability to only damage minions.
Priestess of Fury, Altruis the Outcast and Skull of Gul'dan are still broken.
The much feared Kayn Sunfury looks like a petty minion in comparison.
Nerf those 3 and DH stays strong, but fair.
As you said, right now it feels like an Odd Paladin. But in Standard.
This is not how you keep or lure old players back to Standard.
Kayn Sunfury is a fun little card, but honestly it is the weakest link in the deck. I replaced him with Illidari Felblade and didn't see a down count in my win rate.
This is exactly my point. In comparison with the other cards I mentioned Kayn is perfectly fair.
@Hydrafrog that may be because other people are running Kayn enough that your opponents are relying less on taunts. If Kayn disappears too much, taunts will come back and he will be more relevant.
Yeah no, I'm done with Hearthstone for now. I'm gonna wait this one out until the next round of nerfs.
If I wanted to play games where I lose on the spot if I don't have an instant answer to every threat multiple turns in a row I would play LoR
There is actually no class outside of Priest that has a reliable and efficient answer to Priestess of Fury (especially not on turn 5) and Bomb Wrangler is just the pinnacle of garbage design. The main reason people hated Boom back in the day was because of how the Boombot RNG could just ruin you even if you played perfectly...and they just put it into a 3-drop that's even harder to deal with.
At the vey least I can rest easy knkowing that another nerf patch is basically inevitable. See you in 2 weeks or so
I feel like Bomb Wrangler is the most awkward card in the deck. It is an ok 3-drop but I rather have other cards.
Yeah Warrior and Demon Hunter will have to get nerfed sometime soon or we'll have a two class meta.