Mike Donais did a stream with his daughter Melodyserafina this weekend and answered some questions from the chat!
When asked 'Are the replacements for the Hall of Fame cards still on track?' he replied 'Yeah very soon, couple weeks maybe'.
There were several other intriguing responses during this 3.5h long stream that gave us some new info (in no particular order with clips):
- The boss Haro Setting-Sun from Dalaran Heist got a nerf last week, and will be getting another this week. (source)
- They would love to do at least one Heist hero as a playable character. (source)
- They actively look at win rates of bosses and adjust them accordingly. (source)
- They tried an 'infinite' mode for Dalaran Heist, but decided to leave people wanting to play more runs rather than getting bored with one. (source)
- Boomsday buffs went really well, but they like to mix things up so they want try some different approaches. (source)
- Mike tells us the trailer for the next expansion is his favourite so far and hint's it's related to his 'favourite type of stuff' (LoE). (source)
- Each expansion will have it's own 'awesome greatness' and loosely follow the story of Rafaam. (source)
- They want to go light on Hero Cards for a while, but 'maybe one'. (source)
- A couple Classic legendary entrance animations could be 'spiced up'. (source)
- We could see more 'no duplicates' build-around cards for other classes in the future. (source)
- Mike thinks a random hero option is a good idea. (source)
- They are still keeping an eye on Big Priest in Wild. (source)
- His favourite sets are Journey to Un'Goro and League of Explorers. (source)
- They are working on more cosmetics and open to fresh ideas. (source)
- They want to improve deck sharing and make it more social. (source)
- Ben Brode was a professional rock-paper-scissors player. (source)
- Heroic Kara Stamper will also be nerfed, removing DOOM!. (source)
- They are Canadian. (source)
You can find the full VOD here.
What sort of new Classic cards are you hoping to see?
Are the replaces for witchwood & classic or what?Am I correct to assume He did not elaborate on this at all ?
If they're gonna buff classic cards , then Illidan , and Tinkmaster should just be un nerfed.
They really shouldn't be playing it safe since they changed the professional forma .
They would replace classic cards that went to the hall of fame, like Divine Favor, Doomguard and [Hearthstone Card (, Naturalize most recently.
So basically they won't replace coldlight, molten giant, azure drake , ragnaros , Slyvanas only the class specific cards.
I'm sure this time they're gonna replace the neutral ones as well, including the legendaries. The new legendaries will be High Inquisitor Whitemane (one of the infamous leaders of the Scarlet Crusade, a true zealot) and Brightwing (a cheerful faerie dragon), at least that's what I've heard.
Source ?
Aside from also being in HotS , I absolutely love this idea. Especially if they have some sort of neutral polymorph/ silence / healing effect.
Just a theory from a reddit member but I thought it's a good one. Check Mike Donais' comment as well.
Wow, the vocal fry is strong in these two...
"They would love to do at least one Heist hero as a playable character"– Exactly what I had in mind. IMO the real reward for completing the heist should've been all nine Heist Heroes as playable character skins (given the condition to aquire them would've been to complete all progression marks in both normal and heroic), though that might be too much for a reward.
Hoping Squeamlish gets the playable treatement, though. Also looking forward to the replacements for the HoF.
‘Next expansion will have a card that could make your Pogo-Hopper 45/45 easily’
Oh God, please no..
"They would love to do at least one Heist hero as a playable character."
I would love to see Tekahn as a playable hero. After all, out of all the Heist heroes, he's the only character that exists in the Warcraft lore. And I'd love to see King Phaoris in HS one day as well. More Tol'vir plz!
isnt captain eudora in wow aswell
Oh right, she's one of the new characters in WoW. A minor one though...
Bold prediction: This cards are coming around 2 months after next expansion. Just like snip snap and buffs came couple of weeks ago to spice up the meta.
But he literally said a couple of weeks
I want to know about cardbacks when they gonna bring the old ones back. :/
Maybe they could add an option similar to Conquest mode banning, where you choose a class that either gets banned from your matchups (for that game only) or does not quite get banned, but gets the probability of a matchup lowered by some significant percentage, say 25%, and the choices are a random three classes (so you cant ALWAYs choose priest). They could also make it so you can never ban the mirror class (maybe the percentage decrease applied to the chosen class is added to the mirror class to avoid queue issues (let Big Priests play other Big Priests more often... get a taste of their own medicine, lol, though I am not sure that it would really even cause queue issues). I realize this is a pretty fundamental change, so maybe its not active except in Casual, or in a mode of its own?
Strikes me that this could be a way that would not only reduce the impact of runaway archetypes like Big Priest in Wild, but would do so without card nerfing, and would open up design space overall somewhat, as it could be applied against other problem matchups by people who enjoy playing decks which lack various answers to other bad matchups. I think this would allow a broader range of deck types to be played across classes.
This sort of approach could be the type of change (in general, not specifically) he refers to when they mention doing something other than nerfs and buffs to deal with issues/refresh the meta.
I would love new "Reno-syle" cards in future expansion set, hoping they'll be neutral like Kazakus and not class-restricred.
Keeping on eye on Big Priest? Bah. The polarizing aspect of Big Priest is its problem, not its win rate. If they really wanted to adress it they could have done it long ago.
More than buffs on Classic, I would hope a complete rework of Basic for all classes: some of them are good, some are very good, some are just awful. A more well rounded Basic set for everyone will probably make it easier for the Devs to print class specific cards on each new expansion set, instead of having to always keep up with the flaws of each one that have to be addressed each time.
After all this time, and considering how swiftly they can and have nerfed archetypes when they want to, the only plausible reasons for not doing something about Big Priest by now are they don't want to do anything about it or they don't know how.
At this point, because they've allowed it to go too far, no one or two cards getting nerfed (not even Barnes) is gonna cut it, it needs to be nuked from orbit.
What I'd personally like to see in situations where card nerfs aren't the answer (Baku, Patches etc.) is a ban system where certain cards cannot be played in (either) Ranked modes but are still available to use un-nerfed in other modes. Rework the Hall of Fame as a home for banned cards.
Some other stuff that we didn't clip (at least not yet):