Mike Donais did a stream with his daughter Melodyserafina this weekend and answered some questions from the chat!
When asked 'Are the replacements for the Hall of Fame cards still on track?' he replied 'Yeah very soon, couple weeks maybe'.
There were several other intriguing responses during this 3.5h long stream that gave us some new info (in no particular order with clips):
- The boss Haro Setting-Sun from Dalaran Heist got a nerf last week, and will be getting another this week. (source)
- They would love to do at least one Heist hero as a playable character. (source)
- They actively look at win rates of bosses and adjust them accordingly. (source)
- They tried an 'infinite' mode for Dalaran Heist, but decided to leave people wanting to play more runs rather than getting bored with one. (source)
- Boomsday buffs went really well, but they like to mix things up so they want try some different approaches. (source)
- Mike tells us the trailer for the next expansion is his favourite so far and hint's it's related to his 'favourite type of stuff' (LoE). (source)
- Each expansion will have it's own 'awesome greatness' and loosely follow the story of Rafaam. (source)
- They want to go light on Hero Cards for a while, but 'maybe one'. (source)
- A couple Classic legendary entrance animations could be 'spiced up'. (source)
- We could see more 'no duplicates' build-around cards for other classes in the future. (source)
- Mike thinks a random hero option is a good idea. (source)
- They are still keeping an eye on Big Priest in Wild. (source)
- His favourite sets are Journey to Un'Goro and League of Explorers. (source)
- They are working on more cosmetics and open to fresh ideas. (source)
- They want to improve deck sharing and make it more social. (source)
- Ben Brode was a professional rock-paper-scissors player. (source)
- Heroic Kara Stamper will also be nerfed, removing DOOM!. (source)
- They are Canadian. (source)
You can find the full VOD here.
What sort of new Classic cards are you hoping to see?
Rogue only has Valeera and Majev
I hope they'll shift Whizbang to the evergreen set
I hope the introduction of Sn1p-sn4p means that Whizbang get put in the classic set
Keeping eye on big priest.. what a joke..
Gathering more data...HAHAHAHAHA...
I'm keeping an eye on how many strokes my wanking motion keeps making at their statement on that.
My Mill Rogue loves them.