Mike Donais did a stream with his daughter Melodyserafina this weekend and answered some questions from the chat!
When asked 'Are the replacements for the Hall of Fame cards still on track?' he replied 'Yeah very soon, couple weeks maybe'.
There were several other intriguing responses during this 3.5h long stream that gave us some new info (in no particular order with clips):
- The boss Haro Setting-Sun from Dalaran Heist got a nerf last week, and will be getting another this week. (source)
- They would love to do at least one Heist hero as a playable character. (source)
- They actively look at win rates of bosses and adjust them accordingly. (source)
- They tried an 'infinite' mode for Dalaran Heist, but decided to leave people wanting to play more runs rather than getting bored with one. (source)
- Boomsday buffs went really well, but they like to mix things up so they want try some different approaches. (source)
- Mike tells us the trailer for the next expansion is his favourite so far and hint's it's related to his 'favourite type of stuff' (LoE). (source)
- Each expansion will have it's own 'awesome greatness' and loosely follow the story of Rafaam. (source)
- They want to go light on Hero Cards for a while, but 'maybe one'. (source)
- A couple Classic legendary entrance animations could be 'spiced up'. (source)
- We could see more 'no duplicates' build-around cards for other classes in the future. (source)
- Mike thinks a random hero option is a good idea. (source)
- They are still keeping an eye on Big Priest in Wild. (source)
- His favourite sets are Journey to Un'Goro and League of Explorers. (source)
- They are working on more cosmetics and open to fresh ideas. (source)
- They want to improve deck sharing and make it more social. (source)
- Ben Brode was a professional rock-paper-scissors player. (source)
- Heroic Kara Stamper will also be nerfed, removing DOOM!. (source)
- They are Canadian. (source)
You can find the full VOD here.
What sort of new Classic cards are you hoping to see?
Kara Stamper is really easy unless she just keeps discarding jeklik which happened to me in the last 3 times I faced her but not before if she doesn't draw jeklik she runs out of steam quickly.. is the slight nerf a removal of jeklik?
He did mention that it was the heroic ersion he was speaking of.
Mike mentioned removing DOOM! (so no 10-drop on turn 3 with her hero power). Not sure if any other adjustments will be made, at least he didn't mention anything else.
Would love an infinite mode. The "4 extra bosses" already felt epic, due to the enormous deck size/amount of treasure.
It would be awesome to get an infinite mode where the modifier swaps between the ones from the chapters 1-4 every x bosses.
They should have put it in as an Anomaly, would give us an option to do such a run from time to time while keeping their original vision for the Heist :)
Here is everything I gathered from that stream. I think a few other things you didn´t mention are quite interesting. :-)
- New classic cards are going to be announced in few weeks.
- We will see more in-game shop skins for real money in the future.
- They are working on cosmetics and they are open to fresh ideas.
- Big Priest is "still" being watched closely but nothing new.
- In the future we wil see more cards which are working like reno and even maybe for other classes than Mage, Warlock, Priest.
- RoS was about the bad guys, new expansions should be about other things? (LoE quite possible)
- Mike Donais´s favorite sets are Ungoro and LoE.
- Angry Chicken and Chicken arts aren´t going to be updated ever because it would be distracting for the players.
- There are plans about changing animations for classic cards in the future. (Not every of course.)
- Giant Wasp doesn´t look like really stealth minion with her pink "tentacles", that´s because they had her art first and then they decided to give her a poisonous and stealth because she was the only meaningful card in the set that could have poisonous.
- We will see a better deck copying feature and maybe even better deck sharing with your in-game friends.
- Mike said that special legendary cardback with it´s expansion logo for every expansion would be a nice idea.
- Haro Setting Sun is going to be nerfed next week. (Dalaran Heist)
- Mike is responsible for nerfing cards like Rockbiter.
- We will see more buffs in the future, but they want to try something different than buffs and nerfs in the future too. (We don´t know what or when.)
- In the upcoming sets we will see a card that could make your Pogohopper a 45/45 easily.
- It would be cool to allow golden cards in the adventure and Mike agreed.
- With the next expansion we will see also a new adventure but It´s playstyle might be different.
- We will probably see the most popular Dalaran Heist playable characters as a class skins. (At least one would be great Mike said.)
- Splitting expansions into 2 smaller expansions has been discussed, it would be good as things would change quickly.
- They have 2 lines fixed between bosses from Dalaran Heist (powerlevel-vise) and if any is above or below the lines, they are establishing them accordingly.
- We might see one hero card this year, just maybe.
- Random hero option is a good idea as random cardback option already exists and it wouldn´t be hard to implement that into the game.
- Sometimes they release a 4 mana 7/7 just for the memes.
- They tried to do an "infinity" mode for adventures like if your deck is that good and you want to go more and more, but It ended up being boring. (12+ bosses will probably never happen.)
- A lot of HS devs are playing MtG and they are maybe getting some ideas from it.
- They already did a few cards like "Shadowform" and we might see some more of them in the next expansion. (Dynomancy, Jarraxus, Hero Cards, etc.)
- Mike thinks that the trailer and the theme for the next expansion is awesome and probably everyone will love it. (It´s going to be something from Loe indeed - https://clips.twitch.tv/DelightfulCrunchyCormorantGOWSkull)
- The story of Rafaam will continue with new expansions this year but It´s not being done just about him.
- It´s quite possible that we will see Classic Cards buffs in the future. (It isn´t that high on their list of necassity.)
Nice, thanks for sharing!
Np, I love creating interesting hearthstone content for everyone. :-) I´m glad It´s helpful or interesting.
Classic card buffs are a weird thing.. I mean many classic cards are garbage forever but buffing classic cards lower the impact of new expansions.. that being said I think only synergistic classic cards need to be buffed.. or those whose archtypes have been always weak.. I could see the -1 mana cost +1 attack or +1 hp being implemented in some classic cards.. I will theoricraft about it latter..
will try and do one from each class for basic
and 2 from each class in classic + 2 neutrals.
"Keeping an eye on Big Priest" is officially a meme. A bad one.
Please make Haro Setting-Sun the new Priest Hero!
Haro indeed is one of the more frustrating bosses to face, unless you can ruin his ress pool somehow (and they did indeed add a few cards he play to ruin his ress pool)
you were a gonner, it was a big priest list with no way to really react since your minions were much weaker due to a -2 attack aura.. now the other boss that is too insane is vasno.. depending on how many snowfury giants are in his hand.. sometimes even the best runs fall against him...
I would like it if they communicate that some encounteres were tweaked.. we don't need to get this information from a stream. communication is still lacking I see..
I think infinite would be boring.. I would rather start a new run.. infinite rogue likes are boring after a loop, and with the system in place instead of refining the deck you would get a garbage deck unless you can somehow put a lot of impactful cards in the opening hand. (since you can't skip card selections)
I hope next rogue like adventure have a "skip card selection" option sometimes.. the rewards just make your deck much worse...
What does a random hero means? queuing a random deck out of your 18? cause otherwise there's zayle and whizbang.
I hate no duplicate decks they are full of legendaries and are not fun to play or play against cause you relay on drawing certain cards on certain situations.. makes deck building annoying.
why not make all the lackeys as gif heroes? I mean they are already implemented have voice acting just need golden animations and unlocking methods..
I guess that maybe they don't want to spend extra time to make golden animations for all the lackeys only to basically hand them out for free.
Random hero means random hero portrait (from the ones you own, within the class you play, I'd assume), just like the random card back picks a random one for you each game.
Mr. Chu for playable hero 2019!
No, Squeamlish!
Squeemlish or Captain Eudora
Honestly, I hope it's either Mr. Chu, Squeemlish, or Ol' Barkeye. Any class that only has a single non-basic hero option. Though, frankly, because of how bad Alleria is, Hunter really needs this one. Rexxar is the only original hero I still use at this point.
Alleria is awesome tho
Agreed. Ol' Barkeye would be the one for me. Loving the Gnoll love =)
Similar here. There is just something that doesn't feel right about Alleria running around with an axe and setting up explosive traps. Hunter seems like a brutal class that doesn't get represented correctly with an elf. Ol' Barkeye would be soo much better!
But if we were to get a Warrior hero I think I would rather want Dazzik. He is just great.