The weekend is here and so is the end of May. Whether you're looking for something for a last minute climb or just some fun decks to relax with, our community members got you covered!

Malygos Warlock

Irini channeled the powers of the Dragon aspects to reach the heights of top 100 Legend this season. Nether Breath and Crazed Netherwing sure have had a huge impact on the viability of Dragons in Warlock.

Quest Druid

No, not that new Quest, it's the old Un'Goro Quest! The goal of SunburstWolfgang's deck is simple: Ramp and go big.

This wasn't the only deck he has been tinkering with, as he's also posted a Plot Twist Warlock with equally big minions. No Quest needed!

Quest Pirate Warrior

More Quests! Dorkpork's intention of steamrolling the opponent is quite clear, as he's pumping out Pirates with cannons blazing left and right.

Cannon Rogue

Speaking about cannons and Pirates, economicaooc went with some next level memes with that theme. Fill your deck with copies of Patches, play another Pirate to summon them and rip that Cannon Barrage for maximum damage.

Discard Warlock

Another Warlock list that made it to Legend. RavenSunHS teched in some Freezing minions to get an edge against Pirates, Demon Hunters, and mirror matches with good results.

Looking to enter the Wild world of Outland? Take a look at these decks.

Came up with something Outlandish yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to write a guide!