We're getting a new round of Classic cards and with that a couple of cards are also being sent to the Hall of Fame and being replaced.
If you want to learn more about class identity and why Blizzard decided to move Vanish and Mind Blast to the Hall of Fame, check out this post from them.
- All the cards have dedicated discussion threads - find links to them below!
- If you want to build new theorycraft decks with the new cards, they're all in our deckbuilder.
Hall of Fame
Two [Hearthstone Card (Basic) Not Found] cards are being sent to the Hall of Fame.
- Vanish is being moved to the Hall of Fame. It is being replaced by a new minion named Plaguebringer.
- Mind Blast is being moved to the Hall of Fame. It is being replaced by a new spell named Radiance.
New Classic Cards
Eight new cards are being added to the Classic set. They will be available for crafting and through card packs.
I can't get enough of the little angery weeaboos shrieking about the less sexualized card art. Same sad bois that screamed and threw a fit over Jaina wearing a tank top.
Sorry that cards no one plays got art that shows less of those cartoonish breasts.
Best part? These are called "nerfs," because even if these cards were devoid of art they'd still do the same things, I guess?
Things go fast this year for Hearthstone. We are not prepare.
Does this mean we can DE our golden Mind Blasts and Vanishes?
It would require a rarity change, so I would imagine no.
So... Here's my personal takes on these cards. I'm a relatively casual but long-term, so these are more like impressions instead of "this is how to implement these cards in Rank 1/Legend decks".
1) Plaguebringer
It's cool that Poisonous has been cemented as part of the Rogue identity this way, but the body feels a bit too weak for the card to see much play. As a 3/4 for 4 (instead of a 3/3) it might actually get good, since you'd pay 1 mana for a pretty good effect that way, but with its current statline you sacrifice a bit too much, plus it's a terrible four-drop on its own.
2) Radiance
It's a cheap but inflexible heal... Honestly it's decent if it gets generated by other cards, but it will likely not see any play on its own merit.
3) Siegebreaker
I think a good point of comparison is Amani War Bear. Siegebreaker has the very valuable Demon tag and one more Health point, but it lacks rush... But if you have a large and demon-filled board, you still get the extra attack power the bear provides. However it's ultimately a "win more" card and not a comeback card like the bear, so this big guy is a bit worse.
4) Gift of the Wild
Decent in token decks, since it's also a classic "win more" card, but the fact that it gives taunt, too, might make it actually good since it will help with survivability. Also it's a common, so it'll be useful for budget players.
5) Righteousness
You need trades, you get trades. It's Hand of Protection on a bigger scale. As long as you hit three or more minions, you should be happy.
6) Brightwing
Adorable card art and card generation... Plus it's a low-cost dragon. I can totally see this little guy becoming popular, especially in Dragon decks. There'll also be some fun compilations made around this guy.
7) High Inquisitor Whitemane
Kel'Thuzad as a battlecry is gonna be good! Especially potent when you've traded away Rush or Charge minions, or with cool Deathrattle minions. Also likely a good contender in Big Priest and Big Shaman.
8) Barrens Stablehand
Likely the worst card of the bunch. There are so many tiny Beasts in the game, so it's a pretty unreliable Battlecry. It can summon King Krush though, so you can expect at least one segment in a highlight reel dedicated to this Orcish hunk.
9) SI:7 Infiltrator
Neutral secret removal is nice and the basic statline is decent. It's a reliable tech card, but as a four-drop it might not be flexible enough to see widespread play, plus its importance will always depend on the amount of secrets you'll encounter in the current metagame.
10) Arcane Devourer
This elemental will clearly work best if you can drop it on turn 9 or 10 with one or two low-cost spells, because dropping it on its own makes it vulnerable. Then again the snowball potential gives it quasi-taunt, plus Elemental synergy is always welcome.
So, in summary... I'll very likely craft the two legendaries because they both look fun and useful, and wait to get the others from Tavern Brawl rewards, since I don't think that any of the others are worth crafting unless you've got 850 dust extra to burn.
Gonna really suck when you throw down Brightwing and he gives you Loremaster Cho.
I will play Siegebreaker in my wild Control Turtle Warlock and I will have fun
The two legendaries look promising. Brightwing should of had a silence / or polymorph effect though.
SI7 infiltrator isn't an awful stat line for a tech card.
Only other one that might see play is gift of the wild in token Druid.
Barrens Stablehand's best outcomes
Oondasta , Akali , Gonk , Ironhide defender, Savannah Highmane, Kingcrush, Shirvallah, King Mukla, Witchwood Grizzly, Loose Specieman, The Beast , Core hound & Amani Warbear..
But you'll most likely get a 1/1 ..
Still super happy they're doing this before the next expansion. looks like they've learned from their mistakes.
Im glad that i have left a few Classic packs unopened.
Wow, did not expect that!
Some of those cards are realy nice!
This is incredible! I certainly did not expect this. This kind of approach can solve the Classic set issue of being evergreen. Rotate and print new cards. So that the Classic set itself feels fresh! Awesome!
I can understand removing Mind Blast, I do. It restricts design space because Priest (especially with Prophet Velen or Malygos) could OTK quite easily if it gets any support or the ability to get duplicates of it.
My only worry is, where does this leave Priest? Is Rez/Big Priest really going to be the only way to play?
Boringly removing everything until you can make your big board?
Silence Priest can be fun but is too unreliable to really get going.
Mind Blast was the card that acted as a finisher for more regular Control Priest decks like Dragon Control Priest last year. With Mind Blast gone, how exactly is Priest supposed to kill their opponent? Priest has plenty of Control tools but nothing to actually pressure the opponent except resurrection mechanics.
Maybe I'm wrong but I do worry what Priest is supposed to play now other than Rez Priest.
I have no particular opinion on the cards themselves and the moving of Vanish and Mind Blast (I play mostly Arena) but I like that Blizzard keeps making changes, shaking things up not only when it comes to expansions.
<3<3<3<3 I just love them all!
Absolutely meta-defining, all of them...now that's going to rock HS and rebalance some classes!
MMhh now Whitemane or Catrina? Both!
Why?Why do blizzard wants to erase Rogues completely?
Not enough yet? And the class identity is just for laughs. Rogues HAD combos, now prep is useless, and vanish was a BASIC card, since release...
I'm very disappointed
Somebody can tell me which playable Board Clears remains on Rogue's pool card if Vanish is HoFed??
Blade Flurry, Fan of Knives. S'bout it.
Rogue: Rogues hide in the shadows, planning for the perfect time to strike. They may be sneaky and nimble, but they lack strong defenses and regeneration, forcing them to act quickly to incapacitate an opponent. Their innate ability to generate, draw, and burgle cards allows them to build up and execute on many synergies.
Tell me again where do combo cards and draw enter after the nerf to prep. And the act quickly, how will that be?
Some cards are HoFamed, because they are against class identity (Vanish). Some, because they are broken good (Preparation)