D-A-M-A-G-E! That's the Shaman/Mage theme this time around, y'see?

This is the last of our dual class reviews - we'll be moving on to the actual class cards next. Our reviews are simply the best, better than all the rest, yadda yadda you know the drill by now. Bonus round for the reviews this time, they were all taken by the same staff member!

Primordial Studies Card Image

There's a reference to be made here, but I haven't got the Aang of 'em yet.

Quote From sinti

Probably going to end up being even more powerful than it already seems at first glance. Due to the simple fact that the Discover pool will be very limited, 13 minions for Mage and 12 for Shaman, you will be able to relatively consistently get the two powerhouses in the mix for their respective classes - Astromancer Solarian and Lady Vashj. Thanks to nature of Discover, you will be able to dodge the worst outcomes and those between the extremes will feel like an ok pick in the end given the fact that they will get discounted. Not to mention a 1-Cost Spellburst trigger is going to be nice, among other synergies.

Trick Totem Card Image

Knowing some simple spells hasn't gone to its head, it's still very grounded.

Quote From sinti

The range on this is very big, so you cannot consistently predict its outcome. Thought there are a lot of Secrets in the mix, which are safe casts at least. People will definitely experiment with this card, mostly in Totem Shaman, when the expansion hits. Will it find its place? Only time will tell. Should be definitely an interesting T2 play, the bigger the board the more RNG-heavy the outcome, I would think.

Devolving Missiles Card Image

"I just can't seem to get this one right, the Target Dummy hasn't changed at all!"

Quote From sinti

This card will be hated by many :) It really doesn't have to do much, since it costs only 1 Mana. It is a cheap Spellburst activator, it gets rid of annoying Deathrattles and hits through Elusive. I really can't imagine why you wouldn't run two of these in most decks. It will backfire from time to time, you can bet on that (Trolden, here we go!), but those situations should be rare enough that the good times vastly outnumber the bad.

Ras Frostwhisper Card Image

His ASMR channel will give you chills.

Quote From sinti

It is hard to say in which class will Ras end up performing better; Shaman does have the Wrath of Air Totem at his disposal, but Mage has access to better minions who have or can gain Spell Damage and will, or already did, see ton of play even without Ras in the deck, namely Lab Partner, Astromancer Solarian, Azure Explorer and Mozaki, Master Duelist. I wouldn't expect to deal high amounts of damage with Ras' ability too often, but even the base 1 dmg is good enough, remember Despicable Dreadlord? You can probably bump it to 2 or 3 on average with one or two additional Spell Damage minions, in rare cases, probably involving Mozaki or Malygos, it can become your win condition.