The weekend has arrived so it's time for another Wild post! As accustomed, this selection of decks comes from our creative community members.

Odd Guardian Hunter

Yes, the green border on the left side of the card does mean that you can play Guardian Animals in Hunter. MrRhapsody's Beast choices (especially Tundra Rhino) suggest that he isn't planning to make trades.

Plot Twist Warlock

Nope, no Quest included. SunburstWolfgang is just using Plot Twist to cheat out minions with Dollmaster Dorian or Fel Lord Betrug. He has also shared a cheaper version in case the dust requirement is too high.

Overload Shaman

ForScience is locking up Mana Crystals and casting spells as fast as humanly possible to get out early Snowfury and Arcane Giants. Your Tunnel Trogg might also get similar in size if you're opponent can't deal with it.

Spell Damage Tempo Mage

Despite sharing some similarities with Standard's Tempo Mage, there are no Mana Giants or Cyclones in shaveyou's list, as he aims to win the games by battling for the board.

Dinomancer Warlock

Remember the infinite Cruel Dinomancer combo? Rhys21 has shared a Scholomance-updated version of the deck, complete with an extensive guide.

Looking to learn more of the Wild side of Hearthstone? Take a look at these decks.

Want to publish your own results? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to educate others with a guide!